UPDATE: The winner is…Brenda Southard!
I’ve had several guests this week on this blog, so I’m happy to have a day to pop in and say hi again. I’m trudging along, editing, thinking about writing, and trying not to watch the news (impossible!). I have an appointment with my cardiologist today. Boy does he have a lot to catch up on with me—I haven’t seen him since early last year. I know at the end he’ll give me marching orders—lose weight, walk more, blah-blah.
Anyway, it’ll be a busy day. Gotta get started!
As a way to solve my book-hoarding problem and make room in my bookshelves, I’m continuing my Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway! I have a ton of my books, collected over my 20 years of publishing. So, rather than consign them to the burn barrel I thought maybe a bunch of giveaways would be fun. As the first giveaways last summer seemed to garner a lot of interest, I’m happy to offer more opportunities for readers to win a signed copy of one of my old books! I bet if I ask pretty-please, my daughter will be on board with making a trip to the post office for me. She loves it when I volunteer her for stuff. 🙂
For a chance to win a randomly chosen by me (I might say, do you want a western, an erotic novel, or a paranormal?) book, which I will of course sign and fill with a bookmark painted by me, tell me how the new year is treating you so far!
Not that great so far but then again not so bad. I am upset that the post office sent my fancy crochet hooks to the wrong place.
Any western would be nice. Glad you’ve received good news on your health. Keep doing what the docs say we need to read your old and new books
What a fun question for an even more fun contest! I love books, especially the signed ones! So far the new year is me treating well. My daughter took me to a stage play in Chicago the end of last month. Awesome. Good play and time with my daughter. A two-fer!
I love western romance novels. There’s nothing like a sexy cowboy to get you going.
So far, I’m cautiously optimistic about 2025 personally. I’m slowly recovering from knee replacement surgery and incredibly grateful for some warm weather here in Florida!
So far on a personal level it has been good! I turned 60, my boys turned 30 so it has been party after party after party! Woo Hoo!
So far this year. I had the Tribeca of illnesses. Flu, pneumonia and RSV. Then i had an allergic reaction, Steven Johnson Syndrome, to the 2nd round of antibiotics that I was placed on. My car got stuck in a ditch bc of ice and when it was pulled out somehow the the bent the frame causing my hood not to latch. And these are just the better parts of my year so far. Already over 2025, lol. But life goes on and thing will get better. Thank you for the opportunity. I am definitely an equal opportunity book lover.
I would love erotica or paranormal. I love your books.. they helped when I was with my mom in the hospital
So far, 2025 has had its quirks. Politics aside, I had an eye doctor appt and I changed appointments twice. I use a walker, so weather is a crapshoot. I cancelled the December appointment because of rain. I rescheduled it for January only to have the frigid front move in. I decided to avoid using the walker so I told them I’d call back only to find that Jan day the front broke and it was in the upper 30’s. I don’t drive and the place is only a few blocks from my house, but… Let’s hope things improve. Let’s go with an erotic novel.
So far, so good. Daughter and her family are doing great and she is starting a new job. Our son just moved from VA to Alaska for a new job – ER Nurse. Hubs and I are well!
This is year is going quickly. My oldest is in college and my youngest just started middle school. I have read your books for many years. I used to read your books when I sat with my mom in the hospital. I would like a erotica or a paranormal book. Thank you so much
You should never burn a book. I love that you are doing this. These are paperbacks of yours I have not acquired yet: Dial B for Bondage, Sex Objects: Erotic Romance for Women and Red Stilettos.
If you have books from other authors I’m looking for Colleen’s Desire & Ella’s Desire by Brandi Maxwell.
As far as I know I’m only missing those 3 books that were published with your name on it from my Delilah Devlin book shelves. You take up 3 of them.
I would love anyone! Surprise me
I would love any one of your books since I have none of them in print and thanks for the chance 🙂
Happy New Year to you & yours, The new year’s been treating me pretty good so far. All 5 kittens are officially mine, spayed neutered & vaccinated Finally! And now we’re waiting for spring 😸
So far so good. I hope your new year is starting off well.
I have been ill… slowly feeling better.
A western would be great thank you.
Well it not treating me so well just had to have surgery, but looking forward to it getting better. Any book will work
So far, this year has not treated me too good. It started in December with a scam to my bank account which I am still dealing with the fallout from that. Then charges on a credit card that lead to a fraudulent claim still dealing with the fallout from that. Stared off helping my brother deal with his daughter’s death and dealing with her possessions which we had to drive 5 states away to do that. Then we dealt with her funeral. That was not easy since she had been murdered. So, I am still dealing with a lot of fallout from these things. Hope things get better.
I am alive…I have had some days that were not sunshine and love. I am so glad you are doing well.
Is Lost Souls the second book in Shattered Souls? If so, I would like a copy of that one please.
Not enjoying the cold & gloomy days, watching less news to avoid the crazy so reading a lot. A western would be fun.
I am thankful for this year, January is always difficult because we lost my dad so every year I have to fight the depression and darkness but I will always be grateful to still be here and Daddy is still with me through my sons. As far as what kind of book I have not found a book that you’ve written that I didn’t love!
So far so good.
The new year was doing great until yesterday when I broke a crown while eating a donut hole. Of all things to cause me to break a tooth, I never thought it would be something so soft. At least I had a root canal when the crown was done, so no pain.
I just got home from vacation to California, it’s been almost 20 years since I’ve been back there, I was born and raised there and have family still, things have changed but not if that makes sense, I drove to San Diego to see my niece who’s stationed there, I have 2 appointments in the morning with my weight loss NP and dietitian and I know I’ve put on some weight over the holidays and vacation but I will be getting back to work, this year has been going well so far, good luck with your cardiologist, and thank you for the opportunity
I forgot to tell you erotic please and thank you
It’s OK so far. I’m recovering from thyroid removal and trying to get the hormone regulated is a real adventure. Hopefully it will settle itself soon.
An erotica bin would be much appreciated.
I love that you give us a chance at one of your books in order to help you clear off your shelves. I am most happy to receive a signed book & especially one of your painted bookmarks. The year so far has had some twists thrown our way. I went on vacation to see my Dad in Florida early in January & was told they just discovered he’s got bladder cancer. They’re doing tests & we’re optimistic they caught it soon enough. It’s been so very cold that I’m really looking forward to spring.
Slowly healing from an ankle surgery. Hopefully more movements by spring.
It hasn’t been completely horrible. But I can’t say that I am mentally together either. I think events from the end of last year are just taking more of a toll than I had hoped for. And I already wasn’t doing great to begin with. On top of that, I have been sick for like 2 weeks and it has spiked my vertigo…so it’s just been everything. I hope you are doing better!
So far the shingles have quieted down and I have plans for cataract surgery soon
Well 2024 was hard we are trying to recoupe from that. So much lose so much illness. Just this week 6 of my 7 grands was sick. And they hadn’t been around each other. But we are still blessed we are a family that stick together for each other threw the good and bad.
The New Year has been a cold one. I had surgery on my knee to fix a tear but otherwise trying to heal from my sinus surgery that I had in November. Planning for summer and trying to stay healthy. 😁
Western or paranormal