UPDATE: The winner is…Sarah Ulfers!
It’s Friday! If I lived alone and didn’t have young ones still in school, I could see how Friday might just be another day. However, the kids were chomping at the bit this morning to get to school and get the day over with so they could start their weekend. I love that charged feeling in the air. We don’t even need to have any big plans; it’s just nice to have the kids underfoot. And I say that and have to laugh because my mother really, really liked it when kids were in school. She had the house to herself. The quiet had to feel like a daily vacation to her. My three siblings and I were a rambunctious bunch.
I don’t feel that way. I love and like the three girls—all of them so different from each other. They get on each other’s nerves, but there’s nothing better than seeing them when they get along. Karoake night in the living room is a true celebration. Even meal times are a celebration with them around. The 16-year-old always leads the conversations once we’re all sitting around that table. “So, Mom, how was your day? Nina?” That’s the start and sometimes we pull out conversation game cards and ask questions, like “If you could meet anyone in history, who would you choose?” The answers are always fun and never the same. Anyway, TGIF! I can’t wait for the weekend to begin!
For a chance to win a download of your choice of stories from my backlist, tell me whether “Friday” is still a day you celebrate.