UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!
I’m not trying to be cruel. Some folks did actually enjoy the last sliding puzzle. LOL!
For me, it was completely frustrating, trying to move the tiles around to see the image. This time, the image will be so worth the effort! Trust me.
Anyway, I love castles. I visited many in Europe while stationed in Germany for seven years. I loved standing on a castle wall, looking over a valley or waterway, and imagining what it was like when it was inhabited. Grim, I suppose, but I prefer the romantic images in my mind.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (if you can!), then tell me something about the image…a story you might tell…or elaborate on some aspect of the castle or the mysterious figure in the foreground. Have fun!
The demon looked around as he paddled his way away from the castle. He was hoping to make it away from the masters home to venture out to find his one true love.
Wow! I actually got this one! Unusual for me. Like you, I generally just find them frustrating. But, I found the beautiful image. I can’t decide if this is supposed to be a picture of old or a more contemporary picture. The watch tower is a ruin and the castle itself looks ancient. But the figure in the boat, and the boat itself also look old. Or not. A lowly monk? Yep, I can see the imagination taking flight with this picture.
A Highland castle with a friar returning from visiting the castle or ruins across the Lach.
I always thought a castle should reach the sky and in this image it looks like it actually does! In fact, I have to admit that everything in the image took a backseat to that sky. It looks completely tumultuous which makes me wonder what is going to happen next.
This is a castle seen through the veil. This is the view into the evil version when looking through the veil from the good side.
The woman found the puzzle so discombobulating, she threw herself off the castle wall.
(I had to give up. Drove me nuts.)
The man finally escaped the dungeon and is running for his life.
knight saw a ghost in the moat
Everything is old here in the highlands. The tower, the castle, and the tree, The tree is a testament that despite troubles, life goes on. The specter in the boat has made this trip 1,000’s of times over the centuries.
I’m so awful at these sliding image puzzles, LOL!
This looks like it is beautiful–I wonder if the castle itself is a time traveler, and if so, what tales it could tell of the different times it has slipped into and out of exisitence!
Pieces wouldn’t move for me so I gave up and jumped off the tower:)
Thanks for playing, everyone!
The winner of the GC is…Pansy Petal!