Do you see “Follow My Blog” at the top of the left-hand column of this blog page? If you enter your email address there, you’ll get my blog sent directly to your email inbox every time I post. Why should you subscribe? For the fun posts, right? If you subscribe, you won’t miss a single contest, puzzle, or giveaway! Plus, you won’t miss meeting guest authors you might otherwise never meet!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, let me know if you’re already a subscriber or not. Everyone who comments will be entered even if you don’t want my mail to come to you. I just thought today would be a great day to remind you that you can do this. ~DD
Already a subscriber. Thank you for the chance ❤️
I follow
already subscribed
Long time stalker here!
Been a subscriber for a loooooong time. Out of curiosity I just did a search of my email folders (one is specifically titled Delilah Devlin and holds a lot of now useless stuff from the old Yahoo group which I apparently joined in Dec. 2009). I found the email confirming my subscription for here. It’s dated 12/19/2014.
I follow the blog. I’ve been a follower for a number of years. I found your books on Eloras Cave website a long time ago before the Kindle was a thing. I started reading your books on a PDA with Mobi docs.
I love getting the email notices of the blog posts – tho sometimes I get there first thru a fb post.
Already subscribed. 🙂
Already follow. Love hearing from you.
I already follow you! Look forward to your blog daily even your guest bloggers.
Yes, a subscriber.