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Archive for February, 2025

Do you subscribe to my blog? (Contest)
Friday, February 21st, 2025

Do you see “Follow My Blog” at the top of the left-hand column of this blog page? If you enter your email address there, you’ll get my blog sent directly to your email inbox every time I post. Why should you subscribe? For the fun posts, right? If you subscribe, you won’t miss a single contest, puzzle, or giveaway! Plus, you won’t miss meeting guest authors you might otherwise never meet!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, let me know if you’re already a subscriber or not. Everyone who comments will be entered even if you don’t want my mail to come to you. I just thought today would be a great day to remind you that you can do this. ~DD

Krysten Lindsay Hager: Nancy Drew and the Perfect Date Night (FREE in KU!)
Thursday, February 20th, 2025

It’s no secret I’m a big Nancy Drew fan, but did you know that Nancy Drew can help you plan the perfect date night? I’ve read a lot of the newer books as my way to relax, watched the movies and shows (my favorite is the 90’s series), and I LOVE the Nancy Drew computer games. I started playing them when I spotted them at a Toys ‘R Us years ago. That store was a gift, right? Well, years later, I started dating the guy I would end up marrying and early on in our relationship, I shared that I liked playing the games. He told me he’d play one of the games with me the next time we had a date night. I picked Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon as I had gotten it as a Christmas present and it also featured the Hardy Boys.

So, we started the game and he was completely hooked. He was already a fan of video games and loved the fact you helped solve the mystery as it’s so interactive. We’d get snacks, a special notebook to record the clues, sodas, and settle in for some crime fighting/mystery solving time. In fact, playing these games became our thing and we went on to play—excuse me—solve several more mysteries. We’ve played nearly twenty and still haven more to go.

In fact, we have had so much fun playing these that I decided to put playing the games on a date night in my YA contemporary romance, When Stars Collide in the City, where Olivia Macomb mentions to indie pop star, Walker Vinton, how she and her friends used to play Nancy Drew computer games when they were growing up. She tells him how her friend had a sleepover with a Nancy Drew theme where they got special notebooks with, “Let’s Drew It,” on it for writing down clues. I always say that line, so I wanted to put it in the story. Anyway, Walker gets a game for the two of them to play for their next date night. How can you not love a guy like that?

Have you played Nancy Drew games before? Let me know if you have or decide to try it for a date night—or a night of fun with friends or by yourself!

Check out the blurb for When Stars Collide in the City…

From the outside, Olivia Macomb looks like she leads a charmed life. She’s an up-and-coming influencer who is an heir to the Macomb family fortune, and about to start a lifestyle brand with her childhood sweetheart, Jeff. Then her world gets blown apart by her longtime boyfriend leaving her the morning of their website launch. Not only has he left, but the business she created is all in his name and she’s been left with nothing to show for all her hard work. Now she has to pick up the pieces and find out who she is on her own.

Enter Walker Vinton, the indie pop star who used to date Olivia’s close friend, Paige. When their school throws a big event, Paige asks Walker to be Olivia’s date to give to the gossip bloggers something else to talk about other than Olivia’s broken dreams.

Walker ends up coming to Olivia’s rescue in more ways than one at the party, and a twist of events leads to the two embarking on a fake relationship. Walker and Olivia wind up becoming best friends and she realizes he’s the boyfriend of her dreams.

He helps her build both her brand and her self-esteem back up. Walker even helps her start a new business. However, the lines begin to blur as Olivia’s feelings for Walker are very real. The two share intimate conversations and dreams, but what’s real and what’s fake in this starry world?

Pick up the book here. It’s free in Kindle Unlimited:
Amazon US:
Amazon CAN:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AUS:

About the Author

Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of YA and contemporary romance. She writes romance because she loves bringing people swoony moments and hope-filled happily ever afters. She writes about falling in love, fame, fitting in, frenemies, first loves, and finding your way in the world. She loves reading, watching movies, and lipstick.


Memory Game: Night Fall Stories (Contest)
Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!

Another day, another game! Woot! Since yesterday’s flashback post, I thought matching the covers of some of the Night Fall stories would be fun!

A little home news—we have heat! And just in time since, today, the kids didn’t go to school due to icy roads. We’ll be lazing around for the day. Or they will. I have edits to work on and canvases to gesso for a fun paint-together class with the local art guild.

Did I mention that the 11-year-old has been watching too many glam influencers on TikTok? Yeah, she used her mother’s bikini shaver to “fix” her eyebrows the other night. We had to make an emergency trip into town to find one of those draw-your-own-eyebrows wands at Walmart. The crisis was avoided since my dd is fabulous with makeup. However, we’re adding ten minutes to the morning routine so she doesn’t leave the house with butchered brows.

Kinda reminds me of when I decided to cut my own bangs. Uh-huh. I had one-inch bangs forever!

So, let’s have some fun. Solve the puzzle, then tell me if you ever had a self-made “glam disaster” when you were a kid for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Flashback: Truly, Madly…Deadly (Contest–3 Winners, Plus Excerpt!)
Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

UPDATE: The winners are commenters 1 – 6!

Before I wrote bounty hunters, I wrote about vampires…


Answer me this for a chance to win your choice from among my many Night Fall titles!
Bounty Hunters or Vamps and Werewolves?

Truly, Madly…Deadly

Truly, Madly ... Deadly

Just this once…

On the trail of a serial killer, vampire Quentin Albermarle is mistaken for the killer by a police special task force. Once the smoke clears, Quentin finds himself in a delicious position—atop one of the unit’s crack officers, Darcy Henry. In need of Quentin’s access to the vampire sub-culture, the task force leadership invites Quentin to join the crime unit as a special advisor, much to the chagrin of the men in the unit, and especially, of Darcy.

Caught between opposing forces, vampire and hunter…

A no-nonsense cop with no time for romance, Darcy suddenly finds herself embroiled in a steamy love triangle between her mortal partner, Joe, and the handsome vampire. Going from abstinence to wantonness, she is unable to resist the two men’s relentless seduction or her own sensual curiosity about a vampire’s special “kiss”.

A hunger like no other…

When the real killer threatens the life of someone close to her, Darcy makes a choice that forever binds the three of them together.

Get your copies here!
Night Fall Series

“He’s coming in. Get ready.”

Joe’s voice jerked Darcy Henry to wakefulness. Berating herself for dozing off during a stakeout, she fumbled for the switch on her night vision goggles. Instantly, the landscape before her was awash in shades of luminescent green. She scanned the water’s edge. The crests of the ebbing tides rolled onto the beach, unbroken by any sign of “Bat-boy.” Had she already missed her opportunity?

“Where do you see him?” she whispered into her headset, glad the roar of the incoming surf masked their voices.

“Ten o’clock. Get cocked.”

She reached for her crossbow, drew back the linen cord with both hands, and latched it in the spring clip. Then she slid a steel-tipped arrow onto the track. Sighting down the shaft, she braced the bow in her left palm and dug her elbow into the sand. With the stock snug against her shoulder, she slid her right forefinger around the trigger and turned her sights back to the water’s edge—just in time to see a tall figure stride out of the surf.

He fit the description she’d purchased from the barman at the “blood bank” of the new vamp in town. Only, the barman hadn’t filled in all the details. Darcy stiffened against her body’s sudden surge of attraction and firmly reminded herself the vamp’s body was like any other man’s. Yeah, right.

Her gaze flickered over him, inventorying his characteristics—for my After Action Report, of course. Broad-shouldered, leanly muscled, just over six feet tall. Blond, she could tell, despite the fact his hair was plastered to his head. Handsome, too, with broad, prominent cheekbones, a longish straight nose, and lips that appeared permanently curved in a smirk.

Unable to resist the temptation, she adjusted the lenses of her goggles to zoom, and her gaze slipped lower. His package was as fine arriving as his ass had been going into the water. His long, uncircumcised cock dangled between his legs. Something else not mentioned in the barman’s description—and definitely not something that would make it into her AAR.

“Hold up!” Impatience clipped Joe’s words. “A civilian’s in your line of sight.”

Darcy lowered the bow, cursing under her breath. “Where? And how the hell did we miss that?” she whispered angrily.

“She had to have been here when we arrived,” Joe replied. “If I hadn’t seen her hand rise above the dune…”

Nothing was ever as simple as it seemed. A vampire spotted on Vero Beach just happened to meet the description of a suspected killer they’d circulated that day.

This night’s stakeout might be a bust, after all. They’d have to track him to his lair and try to take him out while he slept. Dusting a sleeping vampire never sat well with Darcy. Too unsportsmanlike. Asleep, even a probable serial killer like this one who wore an innocent face.

She burrowed deeper into the wet sand at the bottom of her shallow foxhole, prepared to wait it out. This time she wouldn’t doze, no matter how balmy the November night grew. Too many late nights and too little sleep were taking their toll on the whole team. Instead, she concentrated on how uncomfortable she was with damp sand working its way into her clothing and the smell of rotting seaweed all around her.

Having a target to observe helped. Hopefully, the vamp wouldn’t make a meal of his host and force Darcy to intervene. Hand-to-hand with a vamp was a last resort. Humans almost always lost to their superior strength, no matter how many degrees of black belt one had earned.

Joe let out a low whistle. “Damn! How’d a ghoul like that get such a fine piece of ass?”

A woman sat up near the top of a dune, her arms outstretched, revealing a slender back, rounded hips and a cascade of long, dark hair.

The vamp went down on his knees and leaned over her.

Darcy tensed, ready to spring to the woman’s rescue at the first sign of fangs.

Instead, the woman’s back arched to offer her breasts to her lover. His mouth closed over a beaded tip, and the woman’s loud groan of approval was discernible over the rumble of the incoming tide.

Joe’s soft laughter sounded in Darcy’s ear. “Better take notes, Darse. See what you’re missing?”

Darcy knew better than to answer her partner. Any response would only add fodder to the ribbing she’d receive at the Special Unit’s morning briefing. Her lack of social life was already a favorite topic. As it was, she was glad the guys weren’t wired in to her goggles.

Joe’s fed the monitor in the van parked farther down the beach.

Maybe she’d get even luckier and the vamp would move his tryst indoors.

Instead, he released the woman’s breast. With his hands braced on either side of her, the tops of his shoulders rippling as he “walked” down her body, he circled his head as he kissed a path across her belly. Then he moved lower.

Darcy squirmed. When was the last time a man had buried his face in her pussy? God, had it really been three years since Manny transferred to Miami-Dade?

The woman’s hips lifted, and her hands dug into the sand. His face reached the juncture of her thighs, and she shouted and thrashed her head from side to side.

Darcy wished she could roll to her back and give the couple their moments of privacy—and herself a reprieve from an unwanted rush of desire. Tight as a spring, the yearning wound inside her belly. She was helpless to stop the flush of heat that swept from her face to her breasts, and thankful for the darkness so no one on her team would see her blushing.

When she saw the suspected vampire rise to kneel between the woman’s legs, Darcy’s heart thudded dully in her chest and increased in tempo. His cock fell onto the woman’s belly, engorged and enormous, just before he hooked his arms beneath her knees and lifted her buttocks off the sand.

The woman reached for his cock and guided it to her pussy.

Then his hips slammed forward, hard.

The woman arched into the sand and shouted again.

No man had ever made Darcy shout, a thought that niggled her feminine pride while it aroused her curiosity—although, with his super-sized hardware, the shout might not have been one of ecstasy. The thought cheered her for the moment, until she noted the woman slamming her hips upward to meet the vamp’s thrusts.

From Darcy’s angle, she had a perfect view of the long, gliding action of his hips as he pumped into the woman’s body. Darcy’s legs widened, and she dug her knees into the sand, shifting her hips to relieve the itch between her legs.

“I’ll bet you twenty she comes before he does,” Max’s voice broke in.

“You’re on,” said Joe. “What man wouldn’t come all over a woman like that?”

“Ahem. Just a little reminder, guys,” Darcy said, hoping to cut off this particular line of conversation. “Captain will be reviewing this feed, too. Joe, you better not have on your zoom.”

Soft chuckles sounded from the guys, but they soon quieted and hunkered down to wait—and watch.

Darcy’s attention returned to the couple farther down the beach.

The woman’s legs straightened, her toes pointing toward the moon, and her long moans indicated she was fast approaching the big O. The vampire ground his hips into hers, and the woman screeched.

Joe groaned.

“You owe me twenty,” Max said.

“Damn,” Phil whispered. “Wonder if the wifey will be up for a little tickle in the morning.”

“I’m telling Bets you called her that.” Darcy’s mouth was so dry the words almost cracked.

The woman’s legs jerked up and down.

The vamp flung back his head and thrust faster. Suddenly, he stopped, his nose lifting into the breeze.

Realizing the wind had shifted, Darcy hugged the sand and held her breath.

The vamp turned his head and stared straight at her.

Darcy froze, hoping he hadn’t really seen her. But a grin stretched across his face.

“Fuck, Darcy!” Joe shouted into her headset. “You’re made. Get out.”

Darcy couldn’t risk a shot with the woman downrange. She ditched her crossbow, ripped off her goggles, and sprang from the foxhole. Running straight for the road a hundred yards in front of her, Darcy felt the world slow. Her feet mired in the sand. Her heart drummed loudly in her ears.

Then she heard bare feet pounding in the sand and knew he was gaining.

“I’ll try to get off a shot,” Joe said, his breaths coming short and fast, “but he’s moving in on you. Pick up your feet. You’re running like a damn girl.”

Anger and a spurt of adrenaline increased her pace. She leapt over a hummock of tall sawgrass and hoped it scraped his balls. The road was fifty yards away. The headlights of the approaching van swept the beach in front of her.

“He’s too close. I can’t get off a shot,” Joe said. “Hold him off. I’m coming.”

Twenty-five yards and uphill now, she strained, her boots sinking ankle-deep as she climbed a dune. She reached the top, and then her feet left the ground as a heavy weight knocked her through the air.

They rolled to the bottom of the dune in a jumble of twisting limbs. When they stopped, his long, hard body stretched over hers, anchoring her to the ground.

Darcy opened her eyes, expecting a vampire’s mask and a row of jagged teeth. Instead, the vamp’s handsome face hovered only inches from her own. She drew a deep, shuddering breath.

“Well, well, well,” he said, his voice a low, rumbling purr. “A she-cop. A dangerous species, indeed.”

“You’re English,” she blurted. Something else not in the report. Was he even a vampire? Despite the layer of clothing separating their skins, Darcy burned from his heat. She struggled against his restraint.

He stretched and hooked his ankles around hers, and his hands held hers easily to the ground above her head.

Finally defeated, she let her head fall back in the sand. “So, how’d you know I was there?” she asked, already knowing the truth, but needing to distract him. His teeth were too close for comfort.

His face lowered, and he sniffed along her neck and the collar of her shirt. “My dear, I could smell your arousal. Delicious.”


Click an image to get your copy!

Silent is the Knight Sm(b)itten Truly, Madly ... Deadly
Knight in Transition Wolf in Plain Sight Knight Edition
Night Fall On Dark Mountain Frannie and the Private Dick Sweet Succubus
Truly, Madly...Werely (Night Fall Book 9) Bad to the Bone Long Howl Good Night
 Big Bad Wolf

Kathryn J. Wright: Courting Risk (FREE Book!)
Monday, February 17th, 2025

Thank you, Delilah, for giving me space today! It’s a pleasure to be here.

For over 27 years I worked for a lawyer who did estate and trust litigation. I consistently joked that if I ever wrote a book, I’d title it, “50 Ways to Screw Your Brother” because I saw at least that many ways to cheat someone out of an inheritance.

During my paralegal years I took a plotting bootcamp course with Delilah and her sister, Elle James, as my drill instructors. But life (and work) kept me from using the knowledge they drilled into me.

Until Covid hit.

Without a daily commute, a creative outlet, or social interaction I finally wrote that book that lives inside all of us. It was about a call girl and a cop, and I titled it Courting Risk. Go figure. (My kids talked me out of calling it The Call Girl and The Cop, but I still think that has a nice ring to it.)

Courting Risk wasn’t about screwing someone out of an inheritance, but there was certainly some steamy screwing included. I loved everything about the writing process. I relished learning about writing, publishing, not so much marketing. But researching the characters was heaven and so much fun.

By the time I finished researching and sat down to write, the book fell out of my head. It was such a relief to get those people on paper after all the running around they did in my imagination. And yes, all those plotting drills Delilah and Elle taught, I put them to good use.

And then I wrote another book, and another book. Until I’d written seven (yes, seven) books.  And didn’t publish a one of them. Elle graciously invited me out to her house last August and with her help she prodded me into hitting publish on that first book. Without her help or encouragement, I’d still be the author of eight (yes, now it’s eight) unpublished books. I’ve since tossed four of them out into the world for consumption and will publish book five in the series this March.

All of this has me wondering, am I alone? Do you have a book lurking inside you, scrambling to be free from your imagination to just fall out onto the page? What would you title it? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Courting Risk


What’s riskier than an ex-call girl working for a cop? Falling for the detective who hired her.

Eva Chastain’s greatest fear is being arrested. So she leaves her lucrative, illegal, profession to open an interpreting and translating business.

That fear turns into reality when her first big client is the Houston Police Department. But her fear becomes a nightmare when she’s targeted for abduction by human traffickers.

While Houston Detective, Jon Deluca, investigates the disappearance of area women, he stumbles upon a human trafficking ring. Forced to hire a civilian for translating crucial evidence, his focus turns from fighting crime to fighting his attraction for his translator and keeping her safe and unharmed.

Hounded by danger, Eva must hide her shadowy past while falling for the handsome detective.

When their past and present collide Jon is forced to weigh his need for justice, confronting her past, and his growing love for Eva.

A collision that places Eva’s life in the balance.

This book is part of a series, but stands alone with steam, strong-willed women, action, and a happily ever after. No cheating. No cliff hangers allowed.

Available on Amazon at or read free in Kindle Unlimited.

 About the Author

 Kate is an author of romantic suspense who loves books with engaging characters, steamy stories, and happy endings. Having been an avid reader since a child, her favorite day is a good book, hot tea, and endless music.

Growing up in central Arkansas, she went to college, served in the U.S. Army, married (and divorced), lived in Germany, and now spends her time slaving away at a day job, dog sitting a grandpup, and writing at night. She loves seeing her two grown children, their families, and their fur babies, all who live nearby.

She loves to hear from readers and fellow authors via email:

Follow her on social media or sign up for her newsletter to receive the latest news on her next release at subscribers receive a free novella, Little Lies, the Prequel to the Deer Crossing Series.


Report Card & Open Contests
Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Report Card

Last week…

  1. I continued work on one author’s edits. I’m nearing the end!
  2. I’ve started some light exercises I found on Pinterest for women of a certain age—mostly chair yoga and things I can do holding onto a countertop or pressing against a wall. Baby steps!

This next week…

  1. This week, I’ll be diving back into finishing up Ignition! Seriously, I don’t know why I’m avoiding it so hard. I need to finish it and put it up for pre-order.
  2. I have one author’s edits to wrap up and two more authors’ edits to work on this week.
  3. So far as personal goals—I’m still not ready to diet. However, I am going to continue to do those light exercises until I’m ready for some cardio.
  4. The #100daychallenge starts next Sunday. I’ll be gathering art books for examples and materials to get ready for the art spree! Can’t wait!

Open Contests

Be sure to check out these posts and enter to win the prizes that are still up for grabs:

  1. Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway — Last day to enter! Win a signed book!
  2. TGIF (Contest)Last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
  3. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Super Bowl Sunday! — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Sliding Puzzle: Fairytale Castle and The Ferryman (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Gabbi Grey/Gabbi Black: Why I own the Queen of Instalove title (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  6. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Another Rainy Day — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Another Rainy Day
Saturday, February 15th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Daphne Cochran!

Ugh. It’s true. When it rains, it pours. We’ve had heavy rains for a couple of days now, with a cold front moving in behind it, set to hit tomorrow night. So, of course, our heating system decided it was time to stop working. AND it happened late yesterday afternoon—AFTER every heat & air repair shop was closed for the day. We did manage to contact a company that told us the soonest they could come was Monday. Saturday night’s 25-degree forecast means we’ll have to put every space heater and electric blanket to use.

Anyway, we’ll be okay. I’ll use my space heater to keep the bunnies warm while I cuddle with my cats, Pumkin and Tessa, under a pile of blankets.

The rain came down in sheets for a while today. So, I chose a “rainy” photo for the puzzle. Hope you enjoy it!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what the weather’s like for you this weekend!