Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for February, 2025

Genevive Chamblee: Open Your Heart
Friday, February 14th, 2025

Happy Valentine’s Day! This post is a different take on the hearts holiday that people seem to either love or detest. There isn’t much gray area toward it. I’ll begin with a question. Who is your favorite romance author? Second question: why?

Of course, there’s no right or wrong answer to those questions. So, why would I pose the question? Oddly enough, a commercial and shopping for the Super Bowl. Let me set the scene.

It had been a while since I hosted a Super Bowl party, and this felt like the year to do it. After commandeering my best gal pals, we headed to a craft store for decorations. Now, we knew this particular store (which I won’t name because I don’t have much positive to say about it) would have slim pickings, and we had prepared to let our creative juices flow once we saw what we had to work with. The instant we stepped in front of the automatic doors we were overwhelmed with the commercialism of Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t a shock because this store had begun stocking its shelves with chocolate hearts and lovey-dovey knickknacks a week before Christmas when they felt people wouldn’t purchase any more ornaments or tinsel. So much for after-Christmas sales, and heaven bless anyone who buys Valentine’s chocolates that early.

As we made our way down the aisle, I asked a friend to visit Instagram or Pinterest for decorating ideas. When she opened one of the apps, an ad immediately opened. It was a Hallmark Channel commercial for a V-day rom-com based on a best-selling novel. It sparked my friend to ask if we could remember a time before Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, Sandra Brown, and Nicholas Sparks. These authors are heavy hitters who are staples in the romance genre. But at one point, they had been unknowns.

The writing world has changed substantially since those writers’ beginnings. Then, agents and traditional publishing dominated, and breaking onto the writing scene was practically impossible without going that route. However, most big publishing houses did not accept unsolicited manuscripts, and many agents didn’t take on new/unknown writers. Now, some may argue this wasn’t the case, but all that is needed to give credit is a scrutiny of the increased popularity of self-publishing.

Self-publishing has been around a lot longer than most people may think. In its infancy, however, it was mostly viewed as “second-rate” or an avenue for “unworthy” books to get published. At one point, the Romance Writers of America (RWA) would not consider indie books for many of their awards. The “system” at that time prevented many good writers and good books from being published. It is no industry secret that many manuscripts sat in what was termed “slush piles” for months without being read but the authors sent a formed rejection letter as if they had been. Authors grew weary of waiting and rejection and more and more began self-publishing (which is no easy feat.) But as eBooks grew in popularity, self-publishing methods became easier—still not easy but easier.

With it being easier to publish, one may assume it’s overall easier for new authors. Not really, unless that author has a massive social media presence or is a celebrity. The reason: there are more books out there than ever. This is wonderful for readers—choice, choice, choice. But it makes it more difficult for new authors to be noticed. Well-established authors still have big publishing houses to pour lots of effort, resources, and money into marketing. Many newer and lesser-established authors are not afforded that luxury.

But what about social media? Well, back in the day (yes, dating myself), there used to be social media groups that would push out (by posting) release announcements and advertisements for free. However, most of these groups were shut down for “spamming.” Most writers recognize that as a red herring dismissal so these social media sites could charge for ads. And let me just tell you about paid ads. It was my experience with one site (and no, I again won’t name names) that my ad was sent to bot accounts. Basically, wasted money. How do I know they were bot accounts? Well, I can’t be 100% certain, but when I went to the majority of these accounts, they had no profile picture, no personalized user name, no or few posts, and no followers. I did not see an increase in generated sales. All I could see was how many times the ad was allegedly viewed—again, bots.

The point is, even paid advertisements do not guarantee a growth in exposure. That is why authors are so very appreciative when readers who do run across their pages, posts, and/or ads share them. It is why leaving a review can be so helpful to authors. It’s not only the words left but the engagement that helps. So, on this Valentine’s Day, it’s a heartfelt please to open your heart and spread the love by leaving a like, comment, post, or review for those new and upcoming romance authors. Even if their books aren’t your personal cup of tea, maybe you know someone who it is. Besides, authors love hearing from readers. It’s a way for them to learn what readers want.

This isn’t a call to abandon mainstream authors. The writing space is infinite, and there is more than enough room for everyone. It’s just that lesser-established authors often need a little more help to get themselves out there.

And that’s all I got for today. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. Let me know your thoughts below in the comment section. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. And if you like this post, consider clicking the like button and sharing.

Demon Rodeo

If Brokeback Mountain, 8 Seconds, Poltergeist, and Supernatural had an orgy, Demon Rodeo would be the lovechild.

Demon Rodeo is available now on Amazon. For video book trailers, visit my TikTok page. The full blurb is on my Instagram and Amazon.

Demon Rodeo is the first book in the Chasing the Buckle series but can be read as a standalone. It’s a friends-to-lovers romance set in the rodeo world. These are not your typical cowboys. It’s a widely diverse cast of characters and a mashup of genres that aren’t always seen together. If you’re looking for a palate cleanser, this may be a book for you.

⇨ Amazon:
⇨ All Stores:

*Note: All of my books can be purchased from brick-and-mortar bookstores (e.g., Barnes & Noble, Book-A-Million, etc.) as well if requested at the checkout counter.)

Locker Room Love

 Locker Room Love Series

Are you searching for a sexy book boyfriend? You’ve come to the right place.

  • Out of the Penalty Box (book #1) One minute in the box or a lifetime out.
  • Defending the Net (book #2) Crossing the line could cost the game.
  • Ice Gladiators (book #3) When the gloves come off, the games begin.
  • Penalty Kill (book #4) Let the pucker begin.
  • Future Goals (book #5) The future lies between a puck and a net.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Genevive, and I am a contemporary sports romance author. My home is in South Louisiana. If you like snark and giggles with a touch of steamy Cajun and Creole on the side, I may have your poison in my stash of books. Drop by the bayou and have a look around. The pirogues are always waiting for new visitors.

Until next time, happy reading and much romance. Laissez le bon temps rouler.

If you’re not following my blog, Creole Bayou, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click here and sign up today.

Want to chat about writing, mental health, Cajun cuisine, Creole culture, or just spill some tea? If yes, let’s get connected. Follow me on one of my social links. There’s plenty to choose from.

N.J. Walters: Love is in the Air
Thursday, February 13th, 2025

Love is in the air and Valentine’s Day is almost here. February is traditionally a month for lovers, a time to celebrate relationships both new and old. Flowers, candy, and dinner out are traditionally the way many couples celebrate. Others may opt for quiet time away from everyday life to and rekindle the fires of passion. There will be engagements and weddings, celebrations both simple and elaborate.

It can be a lonely time of year if you’re not in a relationship or if you’ve lost your partner through death or divorce. If you’re single—whether by choice or not—it’s a great time to celebrate yourself and all you’ve accomplished in your life. I’m not talking about having a particular job or making a specific amount of money. I’m referring to the friends you’ve made, the challenges you’ve met, the hard times you’ve gotten through. So, take yourself out for dinner, treat yourself to a decadent dessert or your favorite chocolates, maybe take yourself to a movie or concert. You’re worth it.

However you celebrate, or don’t celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful February.

And if you’re looking for a steamy romance read, you might check out my Lone Wolf Legacy werewolf series.

Lone Wolf Legacy Series

Who are the lone wolves?

Since the rise of the werewolf, there has always existed a single lone wolf—with pure white, gray, or black fur and eyes that match—who answers to no alpha, belongs to no pack. Merciless and deadly, he wanders the world, both judge and executioner of rogue wolves who senselessly kill, endangering all their kind.

When one dies, another takes its place, awakening to his purpose the first time he shifts to his wolf form. Known by the sign of the lone wolf—a sickle over the heart—the short-handled, circular blade remains as a tattoo on the man and as a mark on the wolf. A lethal combination of intelligence, brutal strength, and keen instinct, he walks a lonely path, shunned by pack, always alone.

For the first time, there are three in the world—white, gray, and black—who all bear the mark on their chests. No one knows why, least of all them…

Series Link:

About the Author

N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, assassins, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

Visit her at:
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Gabbi Grey/Gabbi Black: Why I own the Queen of Instalove title (Contest)
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Terra Oenning!

Hello, Delilah!  Thank you for inviting me here today to discuss my new project.  Well…projects?  Could go either way.  Another anthology! Another charity anthology!  Another opportunity for me to stretch my writing muscles!

We’ll start with Tempest’s Teacup.  I had a short story plotted — a good one — but I couldn’t get into it.  It just wasn’t calling to me.  As the time drew near for the stories to be submitted, I worried I’d let the organizers down.  They’re lovely ladies who would understand (I was also under some serious pressure with a novel looming — when isn’t a novel looming, though?).  Then I remembered a short story I’d written for you, Delilah.  It hadn’t struck the right chord, but that was fine. Not everything does.  I loved the story, however, and dug it out for a second look.

Never let it be said that anything I write goes to waste.

I liked the story.  It had elements of instalove, but was too short — not just for the anthology, but for my liking.  The story had been entirely from Mistress Tempest’s point of view, but I realized I needed Romeo’s as well.  I tore the story apart, rewrote parts of it, put it back together, and, I believed, had a much stronger story. My editor, God bless her, raced through it in record time, and I got the short story submitted.  A day or two late, if I recall.  That didn’t make me happy — I really prefer to be on time or early — but I was confident I had a good story.  And, of course, I tied it in with both my In Their Eyes BDSM world (Gabbi Black) and my Vancouver Film World (Gabbi Grey).

Except the anthology’s editor came back and said the ending wasn’t satisfying enough (I did what I felt was a solid HFN — Happy For Now).  In my head, I knew Tempest and Romeo were a permanent couple. But I didn’t want to give too much away about their future as I plan — loosely plan — to include them in a future story.  That meant not telling the readers everything.  The editor disagreed and asked me to write an epilogue.  I did, she was thrilled, and I plan to remove it when the rights revert.

I had my story.

Before that, though, I’d submitted my Gabbi Grey short story.  Now, if Anything’s Pawsible didn’t have swearing and sex, I would call it a sweet romance.  This is a very simple book based on my own experience. See, I have two rescue pooches whom I adore.  They are beloved by quite a few of my generous and kind neighbors.  Just like I know quite a few of their dogs, and I’m always liberal with my praise and affection.

One day, I recounted a story to some of my close friends.  My shy girl, Ally, was slowly coming to trust a young man from down the hall.  Usually he was walking his dog — chaos incarnate — and so getting quality time wasn’t possible.  That day?  He was alone and had all the time in the world for her.  Slowly, he started with allowing her to sniff.  She did, and then licked.  She let him pet her gently on the head.  Then she permitted scritches down her torso.  By the end of the five minutes, she was leaning against him, absorbing the affection and attention. If she’d been a cat, she would’ve been purring.

Finnegan, my other rescue, seemed to sense this was a big moment and hung back, not being at all jealous or wanting the attention for himself.

This was truly a special moment, and I almost cried.  Ally used to be far more outgoing, but the pandemic took her back to her early days when she didn’t have stability and a good home.  I’ve worked nine years to earn and keep her trust.  She doesn’t give it easily to strangers.  Well, the young man isn’t a stranger anymore.  Now when she sees him, she strains her leash to get to him.  She demands many scritches.  She adores him.

I told this story to a number of friends, including Plot Whisperer.  She said, well, you have to write a story.  A curmudgeonly older man who’s given up on love and just has his two rescue dogs.  A younger man who loves the dogs instantly and quickly comes to love the older guy as well (not at all implying that I was the older single man jaded by love in this scenario).  I’d tucked the idea away but when the instalove anthology came up, I seized the opportunity.  I bought a second spot in the anthology so I could tell the story in its entirety.  I created Byron and Carter — then Rosebud and Sheffield.  I had my story.  I love that story. I mean, I love all my stories, but that one is extra special.

So I had my two submissions to this charity anthology. I can’t wait to share the anthology with the world and raise money for a good cause as well.

That’s the tale! Thank you for allowing me to visit, Delilah!  I’d love to give away a copy of one of my Gabbi Black BDSM books (there are several to choose from).  Just comment and let me know — do you prefer spicy or sweet?  Because I’d say my stories are polar opposites and I’m curious what you prefer.  Random will choose one lucky commenter. Good luck!

Just Add Love

Dive into a world where love ignites in the blink of an eye with “Just Add Love,” a captivating collection of contemporary romance short stories. Each tale weaves the enchanting theme of instalove, exploring the magic that happens when two hearts collide unexpectedly.

From encounters in bustling city cafes to chance meetings at picturesque parks, these stories celebrate the exhilarating spark of immediate connection. Follow characters as they navigate their emotions, face their fears, and discover the transformative power of love at first sight.

Perfect for readers who believe in the beauty of spontaneous romance, “Just Add Love” invites you to experience heartwarming moments, laughter, and a few delightful surprises along the way.

All proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research.

Michelle Moncrieff
Linda G. Hill
Danielle Sibarium
Sharon Michalove
Gabbi Grey
CM Peters
J.M. Adele
Juliet Martini
Harper Michaels
Angela Kady
Sharon Wray
Emma Lynn Everly
Jeanine Lauren
Charlotte O’Shay
Trinity Wood
Gabbi Black

The anthology will only be available for a limited time.

Universal Link:
Amazon US:
Add it to Goodreads:

Inside Just For Love: “Anything’s Pawsible” by Gabbi Grey


On my first day in my new condo, I meet a sweet older guy with two adorable dogs. It’s love at first sight on my side—and not just for the dogs. My shy neighbor has given up on finding a partner, so it’s up to me to convince him to give to give love a second chance. Over joyful walks, shared dinners, and little intimacies, he’s warming up. But can I get him to let go of the past and embrace a future with me?


My dogs adore the cute, younger guy who’s moved in next door. In fact, they can’t get enough of his affection. I’m immune to his charms, of course. I had my heart broken once. I can’t go through that again. Still, the more time we spend together, the more I think that if I ever were to change my mind, Carter would be the man I’d choose.

Anything’s Pawsible is a 15k instalove age-gap, opposites-attract, grumpy/sunshine gay interracial romance short story with a curmudgeon accountant, a Gen Z writer, and two of the cutest dogs ever.

Inside Just For Love: “Tempest’s Teacup” by Gabbi Black

Mistress Tempest

The challenge of breaking a disobedient bottom begging for correction at Club Kink has me intrigued. Romeo asserts he’s done something wrong and needs to be punished. That he needs to atone. As we move through our intense scene, I become more and more invested. But if I succeed in breaking him, our interaction may end our connection forever.


My disrespectful and selfish behavior has landed me in a heap of trouble. I reach for a second chance in Vancouver after a co-star suggests I submit to a Domme at Club Kink to truly work through the regret threatening to destroy my life. Mistress Tempest offers me an opportunity at redemption. If I go all the way through with it, I might never see her again.

Tempest’s Teacup is an 10k erotic BDSM short story with a formidable Domme, a naïve submissive, and the ultimate redemptive scene.


About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

Even though Gabbi Black is a firm believer in happy endings, she makes her characters work for it in every romance she writes, no matter what the genre. From contemporary to BDSM, they are penned early in the morning in her home in beautiful British Columbia while her trusty ChinPoo dog keeps her company. She also writes gay romances as Gabbi Grey and small-town romances as Gabbi Powell.

Sliding Puzzle: Fairytale Castle and The Ferryman (Contest)
Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

I’m not trying to be cruel. Some folks did actually enjoy the last sliding puzzle. LOL!

For me, it was completely frustrating, trying to move the tiles around to see the image. This time, the image will be so worth the effort! Trust me.

Anyway, I love castles. I visited many in Europe while stationed in Germany for seven years. I loved standing on a castle wall, looking over a valley or waterway, and imagining what it was like when it was inhabited. Grim, I suppose, but I prefer the romantic images in my mind.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (if you can!), then tell me something about the image…a story you might tell…or elaborate on some aspect of the castle or the mysterious figure in the foreground. Have fun!

Krysten Lindsay Hager: Pick Up a YA Fake Dating/Pop Star Romance for 99 Cents for a Limited Time
Monday, February 10th, 2025

I’m so excited to offer my YA fake dating/pop star romance for sale for 99 cents in time for Valentine’s Day.

Check out the blurb…

From the outside, Olivia Macomb looks like she leads a charmed life. She’s an up-and-coming influencer who is an heir to the Macomb family fortune, and about to start a lifestyle brand with her childhood sweetheart, Jeff. Then her world gets blown apart by her longtime boyfriend leaving her the morning of their website launch. Not only has he left, but the business she created is all in his name and she’s been left with nothing to show for all her hard work. Now she has to pick up the pieces and find out who she is on her own.

Enter Walker Vinton, the indie pop star who used to date Olivia’s close friend, Paige. When their school throws a big event, Paige asks Walker to be Olivia’s date to give to the gossip bloggers something else to talk about other than Olivia’s broken dreams.

Walker ends up coming to Olivia’s rescue in more ways than one at the party, and a twist of events leads to the two embarking on a fake relationship. Walker and Olivia wind up becoming best friends and she realizes he’s the boyfriend of her dreams.

He helps her build both her brand and her self-esteem back up. Walker even helps her start a new business. However, the lines begin to blur as Olivia’s feelings for Walker are very real. The two share intimate conversations and dreams, but what’s real and what’s fake in this starry world?

Get it here for $.99 cents for a limited time:
Amazon US:
Amazon CAN:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AUS:

About the Author

Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of YA and contemporary romance. She writes romance because she loves bringing people swoony moments and hope-filled happily ever afters. She writes about falling in love, fame, fitting in, frenemies, first loves, and finding your way in the world. She loves reading, watching movies, and lipstick.



Report Card & Open Contests
Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Report Card

Last week…

  1. I had an appointment with my heart doctor to catch him up on my cancer journey. I mentioned I might be going in for a hysterectomy soon, and he wants me to get a stress test before I do that. I don’t know whether I want to do that. He said my blood pressure and cholesterol are looking fine (I’m on meds for both). I’ll be meeting with my oncologist and the surgeon before I have that stress test, so I’ll feel them out about whether they think that’s necessary. I don’t like the idea of a chemical stress test, even though he says it’s pretty routine.
  2. I continued work on one author’s edits.
  3. If that looks like a pretty unproductive week, you’d be right, although I have been puttering around my space putting things away and doing some early spring cleaning. I have to get my writer-butt in gear!

This next week…

  1. This week, I’ll be diving back into finishing up Ignition! Okay, so I said this last week and the week before, but I mean it this time. Seriously, I want to finish it and put it up for pre-order.
  2. I have two authors’ edits to work on this week.
  3. So far as personal goals—I’m still not ready to diet. I’m still in celebrate mode. I also can’t find the drive to up my activity. I need some inspiration.

Open Contests

Be sure to check out these posts and enter to win the prizes that are still up for grabs:

  1. A Tale of Two Cats (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Flashback: Hook (Contest–3 Winners!) — Last day to enter! Win a FREE book! THREE winners!
  3. Memory Game: Happy Chinese New Year! (Contest) — This ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Tell me a story… (Contest) — This ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Gabbi Grey: I have a secret to share… (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  6. Liza Collins: Having the Heart for Medical Romance (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  7. January into February (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway — Win a signed book!
  9. TGIF (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  10. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Super Bowl Sunday! — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Super Bowl Sunday!
Saturday, February 8th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Flchen!

I’m not a huge football fan. I used to watch back in the day when my father was alive and huge Arkansas Razorbacks fan. The last time I followed pro ball was when Mike Ditka coached the Bears, and The Refrigerator and McMahon were the heroes of that game. Was that really forty years ago? I never so enjoyed a game, but that was it for me. Not sure why.

My family loves going to the high school and local college games. They love knowing the players and meeting up with friends to watch. The only time we gather for a pro ball game these days is for the Super Bowl. I’m embarrassed to say I’m there for the commercials. The girls love the half-time show, but we stay for the end—if the game is a nail-biter. We pick our sides and love ribbing each other when our favorite team makes a great play and scores.

However, if the power went out tomorrow night, we’d be okay. We’re not that invested. It’s just another chance to sit together and celebrate as a family and maybe eat some finger food (I’ll have to talk someone into hitting the grocery store for some goodies!).

How about you? Are you big fans? Who are you rooting for to win this time around? Are you gathering with friends and family or heading to a sports bar? Solve the puzzle then post your answers below for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!