Hello, Delilah! Thank you for welcoming me here to share my new release! Rayne’s Return is the fourth book in my Love in Mission City world.
In publishing, whenever possible, wisdom says that you give the reader somewhere to go when they finish your book. You might ask them to leave a review (always greatly appreciated). You might offer them the chance to sign up for your newsletter, so they never miss what you’re up to (and when I welcome them, I offer a free book as a thank you). Or you might direct them to the next book in the series.
That’s what I try to do. Did you enjoy this book? I have great news! And then you share the next project.
Now, this only works if you’ve got the next story on preorder. Many authors don’t have the next book ready. Or the publication date is too far out (Amazon limits to one year). In some cases, they don’t even know what’s coming next.
Most authors have a list of their previous books (if they have any) in the backmatter, so they can offer those up in case readers haven’t read them. In series, though, you work off the assumption that most people are moving forward within it. If not, they’ve got your list of what came before.
Sleigh Bells and Second Chances was my third big book in my Mission City series. But it came more than two years after book 2, Stanley’s Christmas Redemption. So, for years, Stanley’s final call to action was to either a boxset or a novella within the world. For readers who preferred big books, this wasn’t a great offering. When I was finally ready to write Sleigh Bells, I had a plot. One I thought was good. Plot Whisperer helped me refine it, and I was ready to go. I wrote the blurb, secured a cover from a wonderful designer, and put the book up for preorder. I wrote the book and (barely) had it ready to go on time. I even had the audio done simultaneously.
Except I wanted to direct readers to the next big book!
I had believed I knew which book was coming up in the series, but as I wrote Sleigh Bells, another secondary character came to the fore. Everett was mentioned in one short story and had appeared in both The Beauty of the Beast and Sleigh Bells. After his appearance in Beauty, fans were wondering if he might get a book. I decided he would.
He’s a lawyer. I wanted a good foil, so I chose a private investigator. But I had neither a name for the PI nor a plot.
In the meantime, I was asked to write a short story with a group of authors. Something new that might introduce readers to my world. I realized I wanted Everett to have a one-night stand with the mysterious PI and that PI would disappear.
Okay, I was ready to write that short story — sort of as a prequel to the next big book. Except…the PI still didn’t have a name. I also needed a cover, so I meandered over to my favorite cover designer’s premade covers. I found Rayne Check and wow, HOT. I knew two things: that was my cover and my PI’s name was Rayne. Heck even the made-up title worked, so I kept it.
So, Rayne and Everett were going to have a half-a-one-night-stand, Rayne was going to disappear, and he was going to return in rough shape and needing Everett’s help. With a little finessing with Plot Whisperer, I had a story ready to be told. I wrote the blurb, got it up for pre-order. Now both Rayne Check and Sleigh Bells would direct people to Rayne’s Return. I gave myself six months to write the book and then I moved on to the other two books I had committed to writing first.
In the end, I got all three books finished and it’s been a hell of a ride, but Rayne’s Return is not out in the world. I hope readers enjoy the improbable love story between Everett and Rayne.
What’s up next? The book I initially thought would be book 4 is still being written, and I didn’t want to guess on a release date. BUT…I’ve got a prequel short story for that book as well. Another super-HOT short story. Another shirtless guy on the cover. In fact, I have four big books planned and have four short stories that are prequels (although if readers don’t read them, it’s okay). Archer’s Awakening is up for preorder now, and man, I can’t wait to share that story with the world.
So that’s the story of how I’ve managed to keep my series going and how I try to offer readers a place to go next. I want to deliver a great reading experience while always leaving them a little more. I give a glimpse of Archer in Rayne’s Return. The next big book is Gideon’s Gratitude. A character appears in that story will have his own book. And so on. I have no idea how long this will continue. Readers do get fatigued unless each book is compelling and leaves them wanting more. A tall order for any author.
Okay, thanks for hanging on! Rayne Check is free with all retailers, so I encourage you to grab a copy. 7k words of super gay romance hotness. Steamy is an understatement. https://books2read.com/RayneCheck
I would also love to give away copies of The Beauty of the Beast as well as Sleigh Bells and Second Chances to one commenter. So you’ll understand why I felt compelled to give Everett his own story. Let me know — is there something that makes you want a secondary character to get a book of their own? A moment when you connect? Or are you happy to trust the author to know what they’re doing (spoiler alert: we don’t always know…) Random will pick a winner. Good luck!
Rayne’s Return
After my infamous half-a-night stand with the mysterious Rayne, I moved on with my life. Success as a lawyer demands long hours and giving a hundred and ten percent to the job. I do carve out enough time to hang out with friends some weekends, but it’s depressing to watch them pairing up while I’m relentlessly single. Then, one morning, the man I can’t forget shows up bruised and bedraggled at my office door. Rayne has a whopper of a story to go with the bruises, and seeing him again strikes wild sparks I can’t deny, but can I trust a man who ditched me without a word? Or will he be gone again by morning light?
As a private investigator, I’ve done some dubious jobs for some very questionable people. The assignment that brought me into Everett’s world was one of the worst. Now, someone’s trying to kill me, and until I figure out who and why, I need a safe place to hide. All I can think of is Everett. The hot, by-the-book lawyer I hooked up with once doesn’t owe me a thing, but he’s the only person I trust. I’ll do my damnedest to keep danger from reaching him, and hope like hell I can walk away with my heart intact.
Rayne’s Return is a gay romantic suspense novel with an uptight, by-the-book lawyer and a PI who never manages to stay out of trouble. This age-gap, opposites attract novel is the fourth in the Love in Mission City series.
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Raynes-Return-Love-Mission-City-ebook/dp/B0DKB6HRKG
Universal Book Link: https://books2read.com/Rayne
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/220553081-rayne-s-return
About Gabbi
USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Personal links:
Website: https://gabbigrey.com/
Newsletter sign-up: https://sendfox.com/gabbigrey
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorgabbigrey/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/gabbi-grey
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15456297.Gabbi_Grey
Amazon Author Central: https://www.amazon.com/Gabbi-Grey/e/B07SJVFX1M
Audible Profile: https://www.audible.com/author/Gabbi-Grey/B07SJVFX1M
Facebook (page): https://www.facebook.com/AuthorGabbiGrey
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