Happy Saturday, y’all! We’re one day into Spring, and we can sure feel the difference in Arkansas. Looking at the forecast, we’ll have temperatures rising into the seventies and nearing eighty in the next couple of weeks. Whew! I’m getting geared up for surgery on the 1st, so I’m trying to get some things done ahead of time and close out some editing gigs I have to get back to authors before I go under the knife. I’m feeling a little squeezed for time. But, one bite of the elephant at a time… I keep telling myself that. Now, if I could just keep the distractions to a minimum. That’s going to be hard to do with the kids being on Spring Break. LOL
Anyway, it’s Saturday, so it’s puzzle time! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle (it’s so pretty!), then tell me about any plans you have to enjoy the Spring!
No real plans specifically for spring, but I’m going to Tropicon in Branson with my DIL in May which happens to be mother’s day weekend, we’ve never been to Branson so we’re excited to see everything
I’m going to try to keep my spring allergies under control!
No plans for now. Perhaps a trip to visit family but nothing for certain
I’m sketching out my garden.
Spring season this year holds no plans other than spending 4 weeks with Gram in FL and 4 weeks home then back again.
I do a lot of work to my garden in spring.
I’m going to Disneyworld next Friday – last time was in 1990 and last time I flew anywhere was 2002 – I think a lot has changed! Then when I come home will continue to clear out things from my house so I can sell & move closer to family. Best wishes on your surgery – we’ll look for an update.
Mostly just hoping to spend a little more time outdoors and enjoying walking with friends. Hugs, Delilah!
My grandsons’ birthdays are coming. that should be fun. Good luck on your surgery.
We have started planting our vegetable garden! I am so excited! This year we are trying to grow early spring vegetables.