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on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025 at 8:40 am in Contests!. You can feed this entry.
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As Ian walked in the door the mystery of what was happening began to sink in. Where I’m I he asked himself. What world has he been transported to. He has so many questions about how he became stuck in this realm. So mysterious yet interesting. I need to find out what happened to Arailia and get back home. To be continued. Lol
The night fog was so thick it floated on the narrow cobblestone walkways. Rumors of sightings of the mysterious specter sped through Whitechapel. Legend has it that every year on the anniversary of her murder Mary Jane Kelly roamed the streets and alleys searching for him–Jack the Ripper.–to exact revenge.
“Argh!” Of COURSE the Mists of the Unwashed Rags of Torment would show up today, just as she’d hit the very dregs of her closet and was wearing the wretched outfit she’d sworn would never see the light of day–not that this was going to be a very good one, given that the Mists were currently pouring into her parents’ den, the one they’d specifically reminded her not to unlock, not even when the weather looked so temptingly beautiful because she KNEW how fickle the skies were this season and how the most cloudless sky could suddenly change on a dime… well, she’d just have to worry about apologizing later, assuming she survived this confrontation and managed to restore the house to any semblance of livable space…
The angel materialized outside the door before entering to aid the distressed person inside.
As Ian walked in the door the mystery of what was happening began to sink in. Where I’m I he asked himself. What world has he been transported to. He has so many questions about how he became stuck in this realm. So mysterious yet interesting. I need to find out what happened to Arailia and get back home. To be continued. Lol
The mists of time enveloped me.
The night fog was so thick it floated on the narrow cobblestone walkways. Rumors of sightings of the mysterious specter sped through Whitechapel. Legend has it that every year on the anniversary of her murder Mary Jane Kelly roamed the streets and alleys searching for him–Jack the Ripper.–to exact revenge.
She stepped off a magic train portal
The fog is supernatural. She knows stepping into it will change her life forever. Something irresistible is calling to her though.
“Argh!” Of COURSE the Mists of the Unwashed Rags of Torment would show up today, just as she’d hit the very dregs of her closet and was wearing the wretched outfit she’d sworn would never see the light of day–not that this was going to be a very good one, given that the Mists were currently pouring into her parents’ den, the one they’d specifically reminded her not to unlock, not even when the weather looked so temptingly beautiful because she KNEW how fickle the skies were this season and how the most cloudless sky could suddenly change on a dime… well, she’d just have to worry about apologizing later, assuming she survived this confrontation and managed to restore the house to any semblance of livable space…