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Archive for the 'About books…' Category
Saturday, June 1st, 2013
The winner of the download, by random number generator is, Charlene!
Charlene, congrats and be sure to email me to arrange delivery of your story!
* * * * *

Have to be quick! My satellite’s been mostly out last night and this morning due to storm activity. No, we haven’t seen a twister, but there’s cloud cover and we just had a hellacious thunderstorm. So no time to chat!
Enjoy the excerpt, then follow the links to the other Snippeteers’ websites for more!
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this short story!

A little peek deserves a little punishment…
Afraid to spoil their friendship, Emily is reluctant to act on her attraction to the two sexy men next door. However, when she’s caught spying on them, the men decide a little punishment is in order…
Beads of condensation, glittering jewel-like in the sputtering candlelight, ran in rivulets down the sides of Jason’s ice-cold beer.
Detail I shouldn’t have been able to note, given the fact I was thirty feet away.
As I lowered my nephew’s toy binoculars, I reflected that I had indeed sunk to a new low. You see, my bedroom window conveniently overlooked Jason and Robert’s backyard. A fact that probably never registered with the previous tenants, but one that proved too delicious to ignore after the arrival of the handsome duo. Privacy fencing, which ran down to the pier that jutted into the lake, separated the row of houses where we lived. It was high enough the neighbors on either side of ours couldn’t see into their yard, but lucky me—I had the perfect view.
Upon discovering this, I had began a furtive surveillance. One that had me cringing in embarrassment each time I greeted them in passing and feeling even more ashamed when we struck up a friendship.
We’d shared meals, drinks, late afternoon swims, watched football games together on their wide-screen TV. And still, I peeked into their backyard, waiting for those moments when they popped outside to mow the lawn or catch a few summer rays. Their bodies gleamed with sweat while raw lust warred inside me, along with the fear that I’d mess up our relationship if I let the guys know how I really felt.
My convenient perch on the windowsill afforded me a window into their private lives, and from the very beginning, I was hooked. They’d become an obsession, one frustrated by the fact they treated me like a kid sister, rather than a woman one of them might desire.
And therein lay another problem. I’d resisted the urge to seek a deeper relationship because then I’d have to choose. My libido was completely fickle, lusting after Jason’s muscled physique, then sighing over the possibilities of what Robert’s tall, bony frame and large feet hinted at. That their personalities were perfect bookends, fierce and funny, confused my heart as well.
Lucky, lucky me. I licked the sweat gathering on my upper lip while this night one of the handsome men living next door tilted his bottle and took several long sips. The look of pure bliss that softened his otherwise stern features made my chest ache.
I watched the movement of Jason’s throat as he worked it down, imagining him sipping at my overheated flesh. My skin began to tingle. My nipples beaded, crowding uncomfortably against my lace bra. My thighs clenched as a delicious wash of arousal seeped to wet the crotch of my plain panties.
The sigh he emitted as he set the bottle on the table was echoed by my own painful groan. Watching either of them had never caused my heart to skip a beat like that hint of a moan sliding on the tail of Jason’s long exhalation.
Sure, it was hotter than hell out there. I too felt the effects of the enervating heat. Record temperatures had strained the region’s resources and planned service interruptions began that night. But something about that sigh felt…un-subtle, exaggerated, maybe even dramatic. And Jason was too straightforward a man for that.
I blotted sweat from my forehead, asking myself again, What am I doing?
Only this time, my peeping hadn’t been deliberate. I’d rushed home from work and showered quickly to beat the scheduled brown-out. Then I’d stripped to my underwear, pulled back the curtains, and opened the window, hoping for a breeze to cool my skin. Sitting limply on the sill, I waited for the world to flicker into life again.
That’s when I’d noticed him, sitting in a lounge chair alone in the dark.
He wore his usual work “uniform”—khaki trousers, white shirt and a tie. Tonight, the tie hung loosened and askew, his collar opened beneath it.
Despite the lack of electricity, I could see it all. Moonlight silvered his dark hair and reflected bright as a beacon against the white shirt. The golden light from the large Citronella candle leant warmth to his skin and the amber bottle he held between his hands.
As always, he was lovely to watch, but tonight, his expression drew my attention more than his breath-stealing features. A sullen slanting of his brows, a bit of pout plumping his masculine lips, an edgy energy to his slight movements—he was either irritated or aroused.
Wanting an answer to the “either-or,” I watched. My forte is observation; my people-radar exquisitely tuned to body language and a voice’s tonal cues. My curiosity and my lust were caught. No way could I back away from my window now.
The bottle tapped the table as he set it aside. A long-fingered hand tugged the knot of his tie, dragging it from his neck.
When he began to undo the row of buttons down the front of his shirt, I settled deeper on the sill, leaning closer, but taking care to keep my pale body hidden behind the sheer curtain.
The edges of the shirt parted over a broad, nicely muscled chest. My gaze zeroed in on taut lean abs dusted with dense fur the same color as his close-cropped black hair that stretched nipple to nipple then ran along a thin dark line to slip beneath his zipper.
His hand stroked his chest, scratching through the hair, the faint crinkling sound causing my own chest to tighten, my nipples to surge.
A light sheen of sweat glimmered on his chest and belly. Again, my tongue swept my lips, tasting salt, and I imagined I lapped the dew right off his skin.
When a lazily roaming hand slid over his belly, I tensed, fascinated as he swept the flat plane. Would he be hard or desk-soft? His stomach looked firm. So, I enjoyed fantasizing that he was and touched my own stomach, following his path.
His hand slid down to the knot bulging behind his fly, and he cupped it. Squeezed.
My own hands itched to replace his and grew still, clenching against the fantasy of holding his burgeoning cock as it roused. My cheeks heated and my breaths shortened. No need to tease my own body into arousal, moisture already soaked my panties.
The buckle clanked open, and the belt slid sinuously from the loops as he lifted his hips and pulled it free. A flick of his thumb and the button at the waistband of his trousers opened. His zipper rasped as it slid down.
Dark fabric formed a vee-like shadow as his hand rooted beneath his waist, and then he slipped the long, gleaming column of his semi-aroused sex from the flap at the front of his boxers and wrapped his fingers around it.
I swallowed the liquid pooling in my mouth. I blinked to moisten eyes that had grown dry and scratchy as I stared, wide-eyed. My breaths grew ragged, a little choked, and I must have made a noise, because suddenly his head swung my way.
His gaze narrowed on my bedroom window.
Holding my breath, I froze, hoping his gaze couldn’t penetrate the darkness.
But a crooked smile slowly stretched his lips, and his hand tightened around himself and began to pump up and down the thickening rod. All the while, he stared at me.
Jason knew I watched but didn’t seem to mind. I let out a deep, trembling breath and continued to stare, my own body heating, growing increasingly aroused in tandem with his hardening cock.
His head turned away, and his hand dropped from his engorged cock. It fell against his belly with a soft, muffled thud. Heavy, hot, thick—I knew its girth would stretch my mouth.
Another sound intruded. The chime of my doorbell. I bit back a curse and drew away from the window, slung on my robe, then headed downstairs to the front door.
Robert stood on the stoop, a lazy grin on his face, a sweep of lank blonde hair covering one eye and two beers dangling from his fingers. He was shirtless. Low-riding, blue knee-length shorts encased slender hips and revealed long legs. His large feet were bare. “Thought you might like to join us.”
“Us?” A pinch grabbed my belly and I repeated stupidly, dragging my glance upward again to lock with his.
“Jason and I?” His head tilted, and his pale blue eyes studied me.
Did he know what Jason was up to? He hadn’t been in the back yard. Maybe he didn’t know and the invitation was issued without a carnal subtext.
Not like I hadn’t enjoyed a beer or dinner at their place before, but those times had always been a “friend thing.”
“Are you okay? You look a little flushed.” The teasing glint in his eyes, and more, the narrowed focus of his stare, told me he knew exactly what I’d seen. His gaze slid beyond my shoulder into my darkened living room. “Keep us company until the lights come on?”
Tagged: excerpt, Kindle Posted in About books..., Contests! | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Charlene - Sandy Pennese - Angila Davis-Smith - Amber H - Delilah -
Saturday, May 18th, 2013
We have a winner (chosen by random number generator)! Our winner today
is Diane Smith! Diane, congrats! Email me to let me know which email
address you want your free book sent to!
* * * * *

Ooops! I’m late getting this up. Had dogs to walk, cats to feed, a litter box to clean, and an 8-year-old to feed. It’s my last day of house-sitting and I can’t wait to get back to my writer’s cave! I can’t write as well or fast anywhere else. I want to sit in my padded leather executive chair—the one shaped to the contours of my butt. TMI? Probably, but I’ve been thinking about that chair all week!
So today, I’m posting an excerpt from my Lone Star Lovers series. There are 6 books in the series. If you haven’t read them, the books are all set around one town, but they are “2-fers”—every two books is closely connected. I did that purposely in case someone wanted to try a book, but didn’t want to read the entire series to understand how everyone interrelates. I’m thinking I need a closure for the series. Whether it’s one story or two, I’m not sure. Those of you who have read some of the stories, do you want to see more? Although, I do have an idea for a new series centered around a family of mixed-breed Comanches with a love for “sharing”…. You tell me which you want more!
I took a break from the Lone Star cowboys to write about the brothers on the Triple Horn Ranch. The last book in that three-part series will release sometime in July. And I’ll be writing some paranormal stories, too… So cowboys, demons, and witches—that’s what you can expect to see from my Samhain novellas in the coming months.
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this book!

“…Put into the mix three sexy brothers who happen to be cowboys and who are hot for one lucky female? You have a sexual, erotic masterpiece!” ~5 Stars and Top Pick!, The Romance Reviews
“…Delilah Devlin just makes this type of story such an adventure as well as a hot ride… You will never go wrong with a Delilah Devlin story and you will never be disappointed.” ~5 Cherries, Whipped Cream Reviews
“Cleverly written, Breaking Leather breaks the mold when it comes to ménage stories… Highly recommend.” ~Sizzling, 4 1/2 Stars, Sensual Reads
“…The characters themselves are fantastic. All three men are alike and yet very unique. Chrissi is a strong woman and her character is flawless. Add in some wonderful support characters and you’ve got one robust set of characters and one outstanding story that shouldn’t be missed.” ~5 Hearts, The Romance Studio
One for remembrance…one for healing…and one to seal her heart forever.
Chrissi Page has tried to find one man who heats her bed the way the Kinzie brothers did one shameful night years ago. She’s failed miserably, leaving her with no choice but to bank that inner fire—and keep a lid on her inner bad girl.
She’d been weak, unable to choose between three men who appealed to her in different ways. And when they’d confronted her as a tease, anger had boiled over into a passion so wild, she’s still trying to live it down.
Since that night, Ezra, Cade and Joshua have individually sown their wild oats with pretty much the entire available female population of Two Mule, Texas. Yet nothing erases the attraction they still feel for Chrissi. And when she ends up stranded on the road near their ranch, it’s their last chance to turn their mutual obsession into an unusual proposition.
One weekend, three on one. If she can’t stand the heat, they’ll let her go on with her life. And try to find a way to live with the hole she’ll leave behind in theirs.
Warning: A girl who thinks she can’t have it all, and three brothers who set out to prove otherwise. One on one, two on one, and three on one; bondage in the wild; a bit of riding crop action. And a pickup truck load of emotion.
Chrissi Page raised her cell phone in the air, staring at the screen. No bars. Not even a hint of one skinny, green nub. “Oh, come on,” she moaned as her radiator hissed behind her. “Damn, damn, damn.”
She’d been tempted to ignore the check engine light when it first appeared, wanting to take the chance she could limp back into Two Mule. However, the steam seeping from under the hood had pretty much killed that hope.
Today was not the day for her car to break down. Not so far from town. Not so close to their ranch. Any minute now one of the Kinzie brothers might happen by.
They’d stop because they’d never leave a woman stranded.
They might not let her go because of their shared past. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt, Lone Star Lovers Posted in About books..., Contests! | 20 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jane - Laura Mae Le Capelain - ronnie cornett - Amber H - Melissa Porter -
Tuesday, May 14th, 2013
I’m still not recovered from the RT Convention in Kansas City. Can’t seem to make myself sit and write. Maybe moving immediately to another house to house sit while my dd is in DC has something to do with it. I like my writer’s cave. Like the fact I don’t have interruptions. Who knew 4 dogs and 4 cats would be so needy?! 😕
In the meantime, there are some things I thought you all might like to know about. First, for you readers…
Two scintillating full-length volumes of erotica are currently on sale for just $.99 each! So what if you don’t read lesbian erotica! Readers have loved taking the walk on the wild side for these stories. If you thought you knew everything there was to know about vampires or shapeshifters, think again! These are very original, very unique, award-winning stories. And for such a great price, don’t you think you owe it to yourself to see what all the fuss is about? Click on the covers to head straight to Amazon!

And then there are the June books up for pre-order now!

Crescent Moon begins releasing June 4th! What do I mean by that? It’s a serialized full-length book. Montlake, an arm of Amazon, will release a new installment every two weeks. You pay one price, $1.99, and get the new installments shipped automatically to your Kindle every time they release! Fun, right? And the story? Well, think mummies and demons and cops…
Twice the Bang? It releases June 18th! You know what to expect there if you’ve been reading the Delta Heat books. It’s book #4 in the series. I plan 5 stories total for my horny Memphis cops!
Lost Souls is the sequel to Shattered Souls, the next Caitlyn O’Connell PI story, and there are more spooky happenings in Memphis! It releases June 25th!
I promised something for you writers… How about a big ol’ nag! I need stories for Hot Highlanders and Wild Knights! If you’ve ever thought you’d like to give writing a medieval romance a go, now’s the time! The stories are due to me by June 1st, so there’s still time. You can write a short story in a weekend, promise! See the details regarding the call here: Hot Highlanders and Wild Knights
Posted in About books..., General | Comments Off on Notes for Readers & Writers | Link
Saturday, May 11th, 2013
The winner of the free download is Amber H! Amber, congrats, and send me
an email to let me know which if the prequel books you want! ~DD
* * * * *

Okay, so my choice of excerpts isn’t a perfect fit for today’s topic. I’m at my dd’s house and I don’t have access to files not stored in “the cloud.” But I did want to tell you about the next book in the Delta Heat series that’s coming your way June 18th. I know you like smutty fantasy. What’s sexier than a cop or a firefighter? How about both? Yeah, simple premise. But you know the fun’s in the execution. And BTW, Twice the Bang is ready for pre-order. 
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of one of the prequel Delta Heat books!

Who says it’s better to share your toys?
Delta Heat, Book 4
Beau McIntyre has had his eye on Pansy Patton for a while. But after their friends’ coming out party—where Pansy wears nothing but a sexy smile—Beau isn’t the only one jockeying for the best view of her pretty backside. Realizing it was a mistake to opt for a drawn-out seduction, Beau plans on staking his claim.
Billy Sorenson knows he’s out of his league with a submissive like Pansy, but it was lust at first sight. Now he’ll do whatever it takes to have her, even if he has to be penciled into her schedule for equal time.
A smoking-hot firefighter with ice-blue eyes, or a mysterious cop…what’s a girl to do? Pansy has the answer: refuse to choose and savor the consequences of both men pursuing her.
Doe she expect her lovers to play fair? Oh, no. She’s hoping they’ll play dirty. Real dirty…
As they drove to the Italian restaurant where Billy had made reservations, Pansy watched the handsome firefighter from the corner of her eye. He was all wrong for her. A vanilla guy who didn’t understand the first thing about what a girl like her needed.
And yet she couldn’t do the right thing. Couldn’t tell him take her home and forget about seeing her again. There was something about him she really liked.
Didn’t hurt he was easy to look at. Tall and thickly muscled everywhere, he looked like a Viking come to life. Only with short, bristly blond hair. And with pale, penetrating eyes that were completely swoon worthy.
The first time she’d felt that arctic-blue gaze settle on her naked body at the party, she’d felt an electric spark sizzle across her skin. She’d been so excited her nipples had tightened as though pinched by naughty fingers.
Or maybe it was the added bonus that Beau’s whole body had stiffened beside hers as Billy had approached. She’d been trying to get Beau’s attention for the longest while, every time he entered the club. At last, that night, he’d given a hint of jealous possessiveness regarding her.
Billy’s expression was open for anyone to read. Predatory, stark, his gaze raking her nude body and snagging for long moments on her breasts and bare mound. His chest beneath his orange University of Tennessee T-shirt had expanded. His arms had tensed, both displaying impressive bulges, but not a show he’d purposely given. He’d just been in a rush to reach her. Like a heat-seeking missile homing in on a hot target like the ones she’d watched on the news.
She’d never gotten that reaction from a man before. She’d been nude in many settings—at the club, at private meet ’n’ greets, at BDSM conventions—but she was used to polite interest, not the hungry intensity she’d felt all the way to her bare toes.
She’d creamed on the spot and then wondered how to hide the evidence, clamping together her thighs. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ronnie cornett - ELF - Laura Mae Le Capelain - Amber H - Delilah -
Saturday, April 27th, 2013

I have a couple of books in the works. Already written. One is Twice the Bang. It’s scheduled for release June 18th. Following is a tease and not completely edited, so if there’s a typo, it’s mine. And the blurb isn’t final either. I hate writing them. You can tell. Samhain’s copyeditor needs to work some magic on it.
I’m sharing this today so you’ll be inspired to get ready for the release. Meaning: Make sure you’ve read the other Delta Heat stories, Five Ways ‘Til Sunday, Fournicopia, and A Perfect Trifecta. Enjoy the sneak peek.
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of one of the Delta Heat books, winner’s choice!

It’s a tug-of-war for her heart—cop vs. firefighter…
Pansy Patton knows she’s playing with fire when she refuses to choose between two handsome men, both intent on collaring her. A rugged firefighter, a mysterious cop—how’s a girl to choose? Answer? She doesn’t!
Beau McIntyre knows he screwed up, opting for a drawn out seduction rather than claiming her long ago, when at a friend’s sexy gathering another man steps between him and Pansy. Now, he has to share her affections with another man. Pansy gives each man his own night of the week to pursue her, but Beau isn’t going to play fair. He’s studied Pansy too long and knows the key to her heart.
Billy Sorensen knows he’s out of his league with a submissive like Pansy, but it was lust at first sight, and now he’ll do whatever it takes, even sharing Pansy with another man.
The tension inside Billy’s Ford Raptor was thick enough to slice with a knife, but was it because of the confrontation with Beau at the bar, or because Billy was alone with her at last and didn’t want to proceed according to his plan? Was he wishing he’d cut straight to the fun and games?
Pansy hid a smile and glanced out the passenger-side window. She liked to play in public. Would he be appalled or into it? If this budding relationship was going to work, she needed to know.
The backlit sign for the restaurant appeared just ahead. She waited until he pulled into the parking lot and began to open his door before she turned in her seat and let the bottom edge of her dress ride up. Enough to give him a peak of her ass—if he needed reminding she’d gone commando.
Behind her, his breath caught, and she smiled, eager now to see just how far she could push him.
The concierge was a pretty teenager whose eyes widened as she gave Billy an up-and-down glance that ate him up like a sweet dessert. Since Pansy understood the reaction, she ignored the girl’s blatant infatuation and followed as the flirty twit and Billy chatted all the way to the quiet booth in a dark corner.
Pansy slid across the vinyl seat, her bare bottom cooling deliciously, and waited for Billy to slide in beside her. His thighs halted inches from hers, giving her polite space, but she wasn’t having any of that.
While the girl handed them menus and ignored Pansy altogether to gush over her handsome date, Pansy slid her hand between Billy’s legs and gave his impressive package a squeeze.
His chest billowed. His back stiffened.
The girl hovering over them glanced down and shock had her jaw dropping. “Um, I’ll bring you water.”
Her hasty retreat was followed by a long silence, and then Billy cupped his hand over hers.
Pansy ducked her head as heat bloomed in her cheeks.
“Seeing as you don’t seem to mind who sees us gettin’ friendly, keep your hand right there.” Then he slid his away and rearranged his thighs, widening them and slumping lower in his seat, as relaxed as he could be.
Pansy glanced at him from beneath her lashes. Her heart rate kicked up a notch, excitement skittering through her. The tone he’d used, smooth and deep—controlled—had her pussy clenching.
Drinks arrived, served by another girl, whose gaze went from Pansy to Billy, and then dropped surreptitiously to the hand between Billy’s legs.
So the first girl had mentioned it to the next. Did they have a little fan club going? Pansy gave Billy a blatant squeeze and tipped up her chin to give him a wide smile.
His eyes narrowed and his smile was tight, but he aimed a glance at the girl and placed an order for salads and spaghetti, not giving Pansy a choice.
When the girl hurried away, no doubt to titter in the back with her girlfriend, Billy leaned to the side, until his breath gusted warmly against her ear. “Eat fast,” he said, his tone deep and hard.
Pansy swallowed and slowly withdrew her hand, sitting up and squaring her shoulders. Her head dipped automatically, her responses driven by her training. If they’d been in a private setting, she’d have slid to the floor and knelt beside his knee. Billy might not be familiar with happened between a Dom and his sub, but he slid naturally into the dominant role.
How exciting. How completely delicious. Thoughts swirled in her mind. Possibilities mounted, one atop the other. Could she help him? Coax him into the being the Dom she needed?
They ate their meal, not speaking. Billy didn’t appear to pay her any attention at all, smiling politely at the girls who took turns filling their glasses and checking to see if they needed anything, but purposely ignoring Pansy beside him.
Not that she felt slighted. She understood. The tension in the thigh snuggled beside hers was unrelenting. He was as attuned to her as she was to him. Every breath, every slow chew, every nudge was noted. By the time the check arrived, her nipples were tight, hard beads and there was a wet spot beneath her where her pussy lips sucked at the vinyl.
As she rose, she dropped her napkin to hide the evidence, but not quickly enough that Billy didn’t notice.
His firm mouth curved.
That smile kept her hot all the way to his truck.
He opened the door for her and stood to the side.
She stepped up, her ass nudging his belly and slid inside before reaching for the safety belt.
But he was there first, leaning around her to snug it close to her waist and adjust the strap crossing her chest, and then he held still.
Her attention captured, she held her breath as he lowered his hands and slowly tugged up her skirt until it bunched under the belt at her hips.
“Good thing my seats are leather,” he whispered.
Pansy wet her bottom lip with a slow swipe of her tongue.
He drew nearer.
She knew he was going to kiss her by the quick downward flick of a glance he gave her mouth, and she tilted back her head. It was funny, but despite everything they’d already shared, despite the fact he’d seen her nude, they’d never shared a kiss.
When his mouth touched hers, her whole body vibrated. His mouth was hot and firm. His lips gave, rubbing against hers, parting slightly.
She opened beneath him, creeping her hands up his chest to grip his collar as he sank his tongue inside her.
Just as quickly as it had started, it ended. He drew away and backed out of the doorway. But not before she’d seen the tension tightening his jaw and causing the skin to stretch over his broad cheekbones. Although brief, the kiss was enough of a taste of things to come, and she was even more eager to be alone with him.
He walked briskly around the front of the Raptor. When he let himself inside, inserted the key and ignited the engine, she parted her thighs, liking the feel of the rumble beneath her, the low growling intensity of his vehicle, which now perfectly matched the bunched muscles of his arms and taut abdomen. No button-down dress shirt and dark pants could hide the trim, taut waist or thickly muscled thighs.
He changed gears with a controlled jerk and then rested his hand on her bare thigh. “I’m taking you home.”
* * * * *
Be sure to check out the snippets on these other authors’ blogs:
Caris Roane
Eliza Gayle
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lissa Matthews
Myla Jackson
Lauren Dane
Jody Wallace
Leah Braemel
Mandy M. Roth
Felicity Heaton
Mari Carr
Selena Blake
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 16 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Angel Shaw - Chris Bails - Sasha - sharon chalk - Rebecca Merz -
Saturday, April 20th, 2013
The winner (chosen by random number generator) of the free download is commenter
#2—Anne! Anne, congrats! Email me to arrange delivery of your prize!
* * * * *

Begging for It was one of those rare opportunities when I pulled experiences directly from my military past. I guess it’s odd I don’t write more military-related experiences because writers are supposed to write what they know, and after 21 years in the Army, I know a lot. Here, I used what I remembered of my own slight PTSD issues and what I observed from others around me to give as realistic a window inside my heroine’s journey as I could. When reading this tender passage (as tender as a BDSM passage can be :)), keep in mind that the safe word Cross has given TJ to use is Fallujah.
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this book!
Last week’s winner (see last Saturday’s Snippet for the prize) is…Tony Whitmire! Tony, congrats and email me to arrange delivery of your prize!

“…I absolutely loved this book… With these two dynamic characters, the emotional pull of this story was outstanding… Emotions ran the gamut and reached out to draw you in.”
~5 Stars and Top Pick!, Night Owl Reviews
“This was the most gripping, emotionally charged sexy foray into BDSM (heavy on the S&M) I’ve ever read…in the end, you’ll be so gripped by the brilliance of Ms. Devlin’s storytelling abilities, that the final pages will twist your guts in knots… I couldn’t stop thinking about them.” ~A “10″ for Story, Seriously Reviewed
“…This story is an emotional rollercoaster that will make you laugh, cry, and overheat… Devlin weaves an enthralling tale… It’s a novella that’s impossible to put down, a definite gem worth reading again and again.” ~5 Hearts, The Romance Studio
“…Delilah Devlin is at her finest with BEGGING FOR IT!… It is heartbreaking but real. Yes this is a very hot erotic novella but the story really spoke to me… BEGGING FOR IT is outrageous and perfectly delicious!” ~ Joyfully Reviewed
A story in the 1-800-DOM-help series.
She needs punishment…before she deserves pleasure.
Tragedy scarred TJ Lipton. Now, the only way she can find pleasure is when its delivered with a heavy-handed dose of S&M. But finding a lover who can give her what she needs proves an elusive quest—until she finds the sex club Unfettered and a Dom named Cross McNally.
Cross understands all too well what drives TJ. He takes command of her body to give her everything she needs—restraint, the stinging kiss of a flogger, the thrill of a three-way—a sexual adventure that pulls her beyond her painful past and has her begging for more of his tender brand of domination.
The door handle depressed without the need of a passkey. She opened it, searching the room for Cross, but stiffened when instead she found Tanner.
He was dressed in a dark tee, leather pants and cowboy boots. Had she met him in The Shamrock before she’d been with Cross, she would have been tempted. But now Cross held her hopes and dreams in his hands. Tanner was just another handsome guy with a crooked, killer smile.
“Come in, TJ,” he said in his sexy drawl. “Cross’ll be along in a moment.”
Disappointment seeped through her bones, weighing her down. She’d hoped it would just be the two of them, her and Cross. That she’d meant more to him than just as a playmate, but he’d invited his buddy along again.
“Shall I prepare you?”
TJ shook her head. “I’d rather wait for Cross.”
“I want to show you something.” He invited her deeper into the room with a lazy wave of his hand.
She blew out a breath and approached, watching his expression. If he’d smirked even once, she’d have turned on her heel and run for the door. She couldn’t take mockery, not even a gentle tease today. She was too nervous about seeing Cross again and angry with herself that it meant so much.
The last thing she wanted right now was trust in someone else’s strength when she’d finally begun to believe in her own. But she needed Cross in ways she couldn’t explain, not even to herself.
However, she walked closer, halting when she saw the ropes arranged on the floor. There was a pattern to their placement, but not one she discerned, and the ends of two of them were drawn up to curve over the tops of two pulleys in the ceiling.
She cleared the knot of tension in her throat. “This for me?” Read the rest of this entry »
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Saturday, April 13th, 2013

I don’t usually repeat the same book two weeks in a row, but this week’s theme was sooooo hard for me to find something that “smelled” even a little like crawling. My characters tend to be too proud for that. They pick fights just so they have good excuses to lay hands (in a sexy way) on each other. This was the closest I could recall. Hope you enjoy.
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a free download of this book, or its sequel IN TOO DEEP!

“With amazing suspense, and hot, dominant lovin’ this cowboy and his high school sweetheart take the reader on an amazing emotional journey. Mixed with a bit of humor, sizzling bedroom scenes, and cowboys that steal your heart, Ms. Devlin has created a beyond 5 Book worthy start of an incredible new series.” ~ 5/5 Books, Reviews by Molly
Seeking sanctuary could be the hottest mistake she ever made.
The TripleHorn Brand, Book 1
A lifetime ago, Zuri Prescott kicked the dirt off her boots and ditched her small-time small town for the glam city life—and lived to regret it. When she’s framed for a bank job, she lights out for home, seeking refuge with her old high school sweetheart while she figures out her next steps. Only she discovers that the boy she left behind is the last man she should trust.
Sheriff Colt Triplehorn knows trouble when he sees it, especially when it comes in the form of a familiar trespasser, caught naked between an angry bull and her underwear. Sure she’s up to her usual no good, he grants her sanctuary at his ranch—the better to keep an eye on her, and purge her from his system once and for all.
Reconnection is sweet and hot, but the heat can’t hide the truth. When Colt inevitably finds out what Zuri’s running from, it’s too late to put the fire out, and he’s got a career-compromising choice on his hands. Follow the letter of the law, or follow his heart.
Product Warnings: When a sheriff captures the girl who got away, expect revenge so hot it leaves brands on two lonely hearts…
Colt heard her sobs as soon as he pushed through the front door. Moving quietly, he entered, noted the mess and guessed the cause of her sorrow. He’d have spared her this, but she’d given him the slip. Tommy had followed her to the apartment and called him to let him know where to find her.
For whatever cockeyed reason, Zuri had begun to withdraw from him. Pulling away the moment she realized her problems were going to linger for a while. He suspected that she worried about hurting his reputation, that she’d be a burden, but they hadn’t had the privacy to talk about what was weighing on her mind.
Coming up behind her, he knelt and reached for her upper arms. He pulled her back against his chest then wrapped his arms around her. “It’s going to be okay, Zuri.”
She didn’t fight him, but also didn’t cling. She lay limply against his chest, her body shaking with her deep sobs. “You can’t know that. You’re a sheriff, you can’t want this.”
You can’t want me was what he heard. He tightened his fingers on her upper arms and gave her a gentle shake. “Don’t tell me what I want.” It came out more harshly than he intended, but it seemed to do the trick.
Zuri stiffened. Her sobs subsided. When she reached up to pry his fingers from her arm, he let her go. She crawled forward on her knees then turned to face him.
Her expression nearly killed him.
Her soft brown eyes were large in her face, her lashes wet and spiked. Her chin wobbled. Gone was any hint of stubborn pride.
At a loss for what to say next, he took off his cowboy hat and raked a hand through his hair. “Billy says I can take you home.”
“This is my home,” she said, her voice thick and raw.
He shook his head. “You’re not stayin’ here.”
“I have work to do. A mess to clean up.”
“I’ll hire a cleaning team. You don’t have to do this.”
“It’s my own damn mess.” Her chin firmed, lifted.
Now there was the hint of starch he’d hoped to find. “Then we’ve got ourselves a problem.”
“What’s that?”
“I have a job. One that requires I be in Caldera County to perform.”
“There’s nothin’ stoppin’ you here.”
“Sure there is. You see, Billy says you’re my responsibility.”
“They released me.”
“With promises from me to make sure you met your court dates. And he expects to contact you in the meantime at my home.”
“You’ll just have to tell him my plans changed.”
He almost smiled. Her eyes gleamed, not with tears, but with anger. Something he could work with.
Slipping his cuffs from his back pocket, he dangled them from a finger. “Now, we can do this the easy way…or…”
Her eyes narrowed to slits. “You wouldn’t.”
“I will if I have to.” He held out his other hand. “Gonna come peaceably?”
He read relief in the lowering of her shoulders, but not defeat.
Her glance cut to the side. “I’ll need to pack.”
“There’s not a thing you need. I have a suitcase in the truck. All those pretty things Tommy bought you.”
“I’m not some charity case.”
“Never wanted you to feel that way,” he said honestly. “Didn’t mean to ride roughshod over you these past few days, but I wanted this over. For us to be able to move on. Fact is, I need you, Zuri.”
“I’m not right for you. Not—”
“Don’t say you aren’t good enough.”
Her eyes filled. “You know what I came from, what I’ve been accused of. Folks can’t be that forgiving, not in Caldera.”
“Folks will learn to judge you by the company you keep, by the good things you do.”
A tear escaped her eye and trailed down her cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you, Colt. I couldn’t stand that.”
Colt reached out a finger and wiped the tear away. Then he cupped her face between his hands, locking her gaze with his. “The only way you’ll hurt me, Zuri-girl, is if you let me walk out that door alone.”
She drew in a breath, opened her mouth to speak, but then came up on her knees and flung her arms around his shoulders. “I’m so glad you said that. I wanted to give you an out, but it would have killed me to say goodbye. Guess I’m selfish.”
Colt held her close, smiling into her hair. “Guess I’m selfish too, because I wasn’t jokin’ about those cuffs.”
“We’re a pair, aren’t we?”
Tugging on the back of her hair, he forced her head back. “If you come home with me, you’re gonna live under my roof. My rules.”
Her lips curved. “Didn’t mind your rules so much the last time.”
“Glad you’re so eager. But I’ve got this ring that’s been burnin’ a hole in my pocket for twelve long years.”
“You kept it?”
“Belonged to my grandmother. I wasn’t gonna throw it away. It’s been waitin’ for the right girl to come home.”
“Your rules?” she said, arching a brow.
“You have to come home as my wife.”
* * * * *
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Tagged: excerpt, Triple Horn Brand Posted in About books..., Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
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