Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Sunday Report Card
Sunday, June 20th, 2010

This has been a crazy busy year, and it’s only half over. Following is a list of upcoming releases with dates where I have them. Mark your calendars.

6/18/10 – UN, DEUX, TROIS, MÉNAGE! anthology (Ellora’s Cave)
07/01/10 – THE OBEDIENT WIFE, Fairy Tale Lust anthology (Cleis Press)
07/??/10 – PLEASING SIR (Me!)
08/01/10 – THE WEEKEND, Lesbian Lust anthology (Cleis Press)
Summer?/10 – VEILED ALLIANCE anthology (Ellora’s Cave)
09/??/10 – FOUR SWORN (Samhain)
09/21/10 – DARKNESS CAPTURED (Avon Red)
11/1/10 – COWBOY FEVER anthology (Samhain)
11/01/10 – THE MORNING RIDE, Passion: Erotic Romance for Women (Cleis Press)
01/??/11 – RAVISHED BY A VIKING (Berkley Heat)
Spring?/2011 – HOT OUT HERE, The Mammoth Book of Hot Romance anthology (Running Press)

Since there’s still time to finish novellas for Ellora’s Cave and Samhain, I might be adding a few more.

So, on to the report!

1) This week I had two new releases, both from Ellora’s Cave. The first was the reissue on Monday of Warlord’s Destiny as a single novella rather than as a part of an anthology. Nice! The second was a surprise release of the print book, Un, Deux, Trois, Menage! on Friday. I hope everyone got their copies!

2) Not a whole lot of writing this week, although I did manage to add to the quickie I’m writing for Ellora’s Cave. It’s a shapeshifter story, BTW.

3) I finally hit on the idea I want to work on for Cleis’s Dream Lover anthology. It’s quasi-plotted, or at least I know who the hero and heroine are and that’s enough for me to start writing.

4) The Plotting Bootcamp is rolling along. Authors are applying themselves to their homework. Sis and I are reviewing it and making suggestions for improvements to help them pummel their WIPs into shape.

5) The really big news of the week was that my Berkley editor approved the synopsis for the second Viking story. So now I can start working on the thing. Since I spoke with her, I’ve been studiously avoiding the book, and working on anything but, telling myself that I have to clear my desk before I dive in, but that’s not true. I never need a clear desk, or even a clear mind, to start something new. I’m just dreading the 85,000 words. LOL

6) Lastly, and this is happy news, the first Viking book has been moved up on the calendar. Ravished by a Viking will be published in January 2010!

What do I plan to accomplish this week?
* Finish EC Quickie
* Write Dream Lover short story
* Work on characters and plot for Viking story
* Plot the next chapter of Bad Moon Rising (no, I didn’t forget all about it!)
* Place order for promo items for Lora Leigh’s Readers Appreciation Weekend

New Release: Un, Deux, Trois, Ménage!
Saturday, June 19th, 2010

I found out yesterday that this book is available in print, like now!

This is one book I think you’ll want to keep on your nightstand for those nights you need a little inspiration! The stories are fun, emotional, raw, hawt-as-hell—and among the sexiest stories I’ve ever written. And if you’ve read me, you know that means something.

If you’d like to read excerpts from all three of the sexy novellas included in this volume, here you go:
Excerpt from RAW SILK

What more can I say than click on the cover and BUY THE BOOK! :mrgreen:

Warlord’s Destiny is out!
Monday, June 14th, 2010

The winner of Saturday’s contest is listed at the bottom of this post!

Warlord’s Destiny is one of my personal favorites. First issued in 2005 as part of the Fated Mates anthology, this story is being re-released as a solo story today!

WD has everything. A drool-worthy warrior. A strong woman who decides she’ll fight for his heart. Magic and sacrifice. It’s a futuristic that has a medieval feel. And there’s more than a touch of humor.

“…In Delilah Devlin’s WARLORD’S DESTINY, a strong man is brought to his knees by an equally strong woman. Interesting, attractive personalities make this read especially powerful.”

Nominee for Best Paranormal Erotic Novel by RT BOOKreviews Magazine
TOP PICK! 4 1/2 Stars, RT BOOKreviews

Promised in marriage for a decade, Mora has no illusions she is anything other than the sacrificial lamb to ensure peace between her peace-loving planet and the warlike world that demands her union with one of their own. No great beauty, she resigns herself to a loveless marriage with a man who will only do his duty by her. However, when she meets the rugged warlord who will be her husband, Mora feels an immediate stirring of lust. She decides in that moment to win his heart—she’ll settle for nothing less!

Lord Tetrik finds his bride more than the scrawny handful he had expected. She has hips to breed him strong, sturdy sons, and intelligence that is a gift worth more than a pretty face. When he suspects his wife harbors tender feelings for him, he wonders if he can be the husband she desires. After all, love for a woman is a frivolous thing—and not a Warlord’s Destiny.

Read an excerpt
Click here to buy!

Saturday’s winner (by random number generator) is…Jody F! Jody, email me to let me know which email addy you want your book sent to!

Flashback: Making the Madam
Saturday, June 12th, 2010

If you post a comment today and tomorrow, you’ll be in the running
for a free download of this book!

I’ll be on the road today, taking Little Girl to Dallas to hand her off to her dad. 🙁

While I’m gone, I’ve left you a little something to read. Enjoy! I’ll be back online tomorrow.


“…Jewels of the Nile is definitely a keeper…Ms. Devlin’s MAKING THE MADAM was my favorite of the anthology, with a short fun story…The sex was written perfectly and was incredibly hot with some voyeurism thrown in…one of my favorite books this year…”
5 Stars, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

“…I could not get enough of this story and wished it went on forever…I was grinning from ear to ear…The erotic scenes in this story will make your body tingle and burn for more. What a wonderful way to spend on hour, reading away. You will crave more from Ms. Devlin.”
5 Fairies, Becky, Dark Angel Reviews

“…Ms. Devlin will take the readers on a ride on the wild side of the west. Merry and Nathan will have the readers in stitches as the story unfolds. The intense passion will have the readers screaming for more and grabbing lots of ice…”
5 Angels, Fallen Angels Reviews

Widow Merry Winslow heads west to claim an inheritance from an aunt she never really knew. She expects to take over the reins of her aunt’s emporium, but discovers the true nature of the business when she arrives — she’s inherited a saloon with a brothel above stairs! Rather than being dismayed, Merry’s intrigued and finds it the perfect way to shed the shackles of propriety that have hidden her true wild and impulsive nature. Only problem is, she needs someone to make her into a madam…


Merry Winslow balled her hands into fists and stomped down the dusty planked sidewalk, forgetting every lesson in decorum she’d ever learned at Miss Peabody’s Finishing School or in Homer Winslow’s parlor.

Her aunt’s attorney had taken one look at her black widow’s weeds and decided, without ever taking her true measure, she was completely unsuited to the rough life in Cranston, Colorado.

She’d noted his slow perusal of her beaded lace veil, the gold watch pinned to her bosom, the sheen of her fine bombazine dress and polished leather half boots—and the odious man immediately dismissed her as unworthy.

How could he have decided within two minutes of their meeting when her own husband hadn’t known until his mother pointed out all her faults?

Her posture was straight, her clothing immaculate. Had she somehow given him a clue of her unruly, impulsive nature?

When Mr. Regis’ gaze returned to her obscured face, a small obsequious smile curved beneath his thick reddish-brown moustache.

Before he even opened his mouth, Merry sucked in a deep breath, counting slowly, reaching into the verbal pit of venom Mother Winslow bequeathed her. However, she couldn’t think of a single caustic setdown to put the man in his place.
Read the rest of this entry »

Fave Scenes: Relentless
Saturday, June 5th, 2010

If you post a comment today and tomorrow, you’ll be in the running
for a free download of this book!

Max is one of my favorite heroes. He’s strong, surly, stubborn, and when he falls in love it knocks him sideways. Pia’s all wrong for him, and when he discovers her true nature he’s determined to put her behind him. However, Pia’s under his skin. I love this scene because, for me, it has everything—humor, action, and sacrifice. To save Pia, Max risks revealing a secret he’s kept from everyone. Joe is a vampire on Max’s team and knows well how much Max hates vampires.


“RELENTLESS has suspense, intrigue, and surprises that grab your attention and never let you go until the last page.”
5 Stars, Susan Holly, JERR

“A wickedly funny and passionate series, fans of paranormal erotic romance will enjoy RELENTLESS tremendously. Ms Devlin has done it again!”
Kathy Samuels, Romance Reviews Today on RELENTLESS

“Her realistic writing of well-packaged vampires and werewolves leaves the reader thirsting for the forbidden and a driving need to be possessed within her erotically charged worlds.”
5 Blue Ribbons, Lady Novelistic, Romance Junkies

To supercop Max Weir, the only good vampire is a dead one. Since his special police unit integrated with vampires, he’s had to suppress his natural hatred to work side-by-side with the undead to hunt down and terminate the deadliest killers. Now the unit is hot on the trail of a new menace in town, a pack of werewolves prowling for vampires, who don’t care whether humans get in their way.

When a stakeout goes awry, Max enters a bar looking for a fight or a woman to help him blow off a little steam. What he finds is a winsome siren who has sexual appetites to match his own.

Vampire Pia D’Amato is on a secret mission to take out Max — either by seduction or by turning him. He’s become a liability to the Masters’ Council setting up jurisdiction in southern Florida, and she isn’t leaving until she’s done the job. But Max is more man than she bargained for and has a deadly secret of his own.


Joe’s face was a mottled red. “Pia, get behind me.”

“So you know each other,” Max said quietly, feeling his stomach clench that his suspicions about Pia might be true.

“Just met today, partner.”

“I’m not in any danger, Joe,” Pia said.

“You don’t know Max, sweetheart. Get behind me.”

Feeling like a bear protecting his mate, Max stepped between Joe and Pia, clenching his fists. “I gave her my word I wouldn’t harm her here.”

“No, you didn’t,” Pia said.

Max leveled a narrow glance at her.

Pia shrugged. “I asked, but you never promised.”

Joe’s shoulders bunched like he was ready to take a swing. “We’re still on the fucking job.”

Max shrugged. “So we were blending in.”

“You went too far.”

Knowing Joe was right didn’t ease the ache in Max’s groin. He turned to Pia. Unfortunately, looking into her face didn’t help matters any either. Her lips were still dewy and reddened from his kisses, and her nipples poked at the fabric of her miniscule top. He forced his shoulders to relax. “I have to get back to the station.”

“Can I ride along?” she asked, leaning into him, her eyes wide and pleading. Her nipples scraped his side, and it was all he could do keep from sliding his palm over them again.

“No!” He almost shouted the word. “It’s probably best this way. This thing between us won’t work.”

“Because I’m a vampire?” she asked, her eyes glistening.

“That’s just the beginning of our problems.”

Her expression fell, but she nodded. “I understand.” Turning to Joe, she said, “I’ll just get a taxi.”

“We can drop you off on our way.” Joe gave Max a searing glance and then spun on his heels.

Pia followed him out of the bar with Max trailing them at a distance. Distance he needed to get himself back under control. Moonlight from a full moon in a cloudless sky drew his gaze, but he shrugged aside its allure. He’d had enough moonlit madness for one night.

At their sedan, Joe tossed Max the keys. “You drive. I want your hands occupied.”

Max twisted his mouth into a hard smile. “What’s your problem? Gone all righteous, have you?”

Joe opened the back door for Pia while Max climbed inside.

“Whoo!” she gasped as she settled on the seat. “The vinyl’s a little cold.”

Remembering she wore no underwear beneath her short skirt, Max closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Then he jammed the key into the ignition and cranked the engine into life. Before Joe could close his door, Max stomped on the gas and the car leaped forward.

“The sooner we get there the better,” Joe mumbled, slamming the door closed.

Pia clutched the back of their bench seat and leaned forward. “Do we have to go straight back?”

“Yes!” Max and Joe shouted.

“Just asking.”
Read the rest of this entry »

Girl Crush releases today!
Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

I love a challenge. I’ll try pretty much any flavor of erotica. And as a hetero girl, I loved the premise of a girl crush—taking a bite out of that forbidden fruit. Today is the official release date, but Amazon already shipped me my copy of the book. I completely love that cover!

This isn’t my first foray into lesbian shorts. I published “New Orientation” in Zane’s Purple Panties and “The Hired Hand” in Cleis’s Lesbian Cowboys.

From the back cover:

What if?

Even girls who prefer guys remember their first girl crush—that physical and emotional fascination with another woman. Who has wondered, What if I acted on my desire, what if I flirted, what if I treased? What if I provoked?

In the steamy stories of Girl Crush, women satisfy their curiosity about the erotic possibilities of their infatuations. Delilah Devlin’s “The Out-of-Towner” is a tale of attraction between total opposites. In Rachel Kramer Bussel’s “Great Lengths”, an unrequited crush on a fiery, flaming hot redhead finally evolves into something more. G.G. Royale’s “An Introduction” follows a nice Indian girl on the eve her arranged marriage as she wanders into a bondage bar. For some, a crush is a passing whim, for others it’s just the beginning. In Girl Crush what happens next may take you by surprise.

Read an excerpt

Flashback: Once Upon a Legend
Saturday, May 29th, 2010

Be sure to post a comment today to be in the running
for a free signed copy of this book!

Ignore the puke green cover! This book is funny and hot! And one of my favorite collaborations. Along with my sister, Myla Jackson, and our very good friend, Layla Chase, we dreamed up a trio of tales set in the Wild Wild West with heroines who had unusual occupations. This was the follow-up book to Wild, Wild Women of the West I. Enjoy the excerpt! My heroine writes dime novels about larger-than-life western heroes, but this is her first time out of Chicago and she’s just discovered that a story she wrote is coming true.


“…Sisters Devlin and Jackson team up with Chase to create sizzling stories of delicious, daring men and even wilder women. Make sure you’ve got time to kill, because once you start you’ll want to read this collection in one sitting.”

These women like their horses fast and their men hard. And they always know how to get what they want…

When Prudence Vogel finally meets Jake White Eagle, she discovers he really is the tall, handsome hero of her novel. And his dark sensuality and raw masculinity make her eager to explore every intimate inch of his beautiful body…


A quick darting glance around the edge of the window and Prudence spied her target. The gunslinger had his back to her and was talking to a large man who tucked his wrinkled shirt inside his pants and hitched up his yellow suspenders.

When they moved toward the door, she quickly drew back and straightened the hem of her neat, gray-striped jacket. She’d settled on a staid, professional outfit. No use in trying too hard to win an appreciative glance.

She’d only look desperate.

In her hand, she held a copy of her novel. Not the precious dog-eared copy that had been the first to roll off Beadle’s printing press.

This was a fresh copy. She intended to give it to him along with the warning that, however unlikely it sounded, the events within its pages were coming true.

She wouldn’t mention she was the novelist. That would be far too embarrassing. After reading it, he might guess correctly at her infatuation.

Oh, why had she extolled his beauty and gone on and on about the strength in his taut, leanly muscled body? He’d wonder how an innocent maiden lady would know about any fires that heated the loins of the heroine at just the sight of his manly physique.

Never mind he’d figure that out quickly if she couldn’t remember how to breathe. She was about to get her first clear view of that impressive body and handsome face, and her insides trembled like jelly.

The door opened and the burly man with the yellow suspenders stepped onto the planked walkway, wincing at the sunlight. “Dammit, Jake. A man could go blind this time a day.”
Read the rest of this entry »