Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Flashback: Cowboy
Monday, January 25th, 2010

Tonight I’ll be chatting live at Writerspace—at 8 PM ET with the Ellora’s Cave Authors, then at 9 PM ET with the After Midnight Authors! Join me if you can!

If you post a comment today, you’ll be in the running
for a free download of this book!

This excerpt is from the first short story I wrote for publication. Something short, sassy and in first person. It was released by the Wild Rose Press in 2007.


Caught in a sudden thunderstorm on a lonely stretch of Texas highway, I pull into a dingy little diner to wait out the rain, never dreaming the cowboy of my dreams would follow me inside. Now I have a couple of choices, play it coy and safe? Or go for the big brass buckle…


Lightning clawed the dark like a crow’s foot, illuminating thick thunderheads that glowed yellow-green and ominous. The color of the sky before a tornado twisted its nasty tail.

Glad to be out of the rain and safe from the jagged, streaking light, I shivered against the cool vinyl booth as another flash lashed out like the end of a whip, lighting the horizon so intensely that for a moment the darkened parking lot was bright as high noon.

That was when I saw the large pickup roll in, pulling a horse trailer. It ground to a halt beside the diner’s plateglass window. The driver wasn’t going to bother trying to park it in the flooded lot.

I heard the muffled slam of the truck door, but the end of the lightning strike flickered out, plunging the parking lot back into darkness. The driver would be soaked before he even hit the door. Only twelve feet, but the rain was coming down in sheets. I’d been lucky, arriving before the worst of the storm struck. Mostly dry, I’d peered through the window at the deepening night, waiting for a lull. I’d read the clouds as well as any West Texas native and headed to the nearest shelter. The tiny diner with its 70’s style brick façade, split vinyl bench seats, and peeling, laminated counter tops was a welcome haven. The attached string of motel rooms was part of Plan B if the storm didn’t wane before midnight.

My arrival had been nearly forty minutes ago. Except for a bored waitress smoking a cigarette at a far table, I was the only occupant. Until now.

The door squeaked open, and a cowboy strode inside. He pulled off his cream-colored hat and shook dark brown hair like a dog, sending droplets of water lashing against the glass door. His white T-shirt, soaked almost to transparency, clung to the hills and hollows of sharply defined muscles along his chest and abdomen.

Setting his cowboy hat on the table, he sank into a booth near the door, his expression a study in irritation. Dark brows drawn in a fierce frown, his lips crimped in a thin line.

The man needed a reason to smile.
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Ari Thatcher: While the Cat's Away
Monday, January 18th, 2010

I’ll be back tomorrow! In the meantime, welcome Ari Thatcher… ~DD

Delilah was kind enough to let a few of us come play here while she’s away. I have to admit I’m so busy drooling over her covers I can’t concentrate on what I wanted to say!

Dontcha hate that? Have you met a guy in real life that was just so perfect to look at, you couldn’t speak? Or worse, you do speak and something just awful comes out of your mouth?

In high school I injured my knee and had to go to the ER to have it looked at. The doctor was to die for—young and yummy! He asked what the problem is and I told him, “I hurt my knee and Mom called the doctor and he said to come in and have it x-rated.”

Dear universe, swallow me now.

I’m not usually so eloquent around good-looking men. My normal response is, “Huh?” It’s truly why I keep my hair blonde. A quick smile, hair toss and giggle and I’m good again. They give me a knowing nod and go on their way.

I have no trouble putting these guys down on paper. The saying goes “write what you love”. And oh, I love to look! Living in Southern California I meet enough in a day to keep me writing for years.

Which must be why I have to write. There I can be as bold and brassy as I like. Flirt, tease, and walk away. All those things I wish I’d said come back and live on the page, where my hero has to convince the heroine she needs him desperately.

Thank heavens for sexy romance, where love is the way we wish it could be and men are the way we want them to be. Thank heavens for romance covers, even the ones we only read at home for fear of being seen.

Now, I know I came here for a reason. I’m sure I had something really intelligent to say. While I try and remember you can enjoy my latest cover hero, Kyle, and read about the woman who has him begging for mercy.

Kyle’s Redemption
By Ari Thatcher
Available at Ellora’s Cave

Six years ago, Lily Astor looked forward to establishing herself in the Los Angeles art world. In one painfully public moment, those dreams were shattered. Now she has the chance to try again, but the invitation to exhibit comes from a gallery owned by Kyle Ventura. The man who should have cleared her name.

After a night of eyebrow-singeing sex, Kyle realizes who Lily is, and his role in her downfall. Now, as his heart falls deeper for Lily, he needs to make amends. But Lily doesn’t want his help, just his body.

For the first time in his life, sex isn’t enough for Kyle. He wants to show Lily he’s not the man he was six years ago. But first, he has to prove it to himself.

Ann Cory: Is Three a Crowd?
Sunday, January 17th, 2010

While I’m away, I let my friends come out to play. Welcome Ann Cory… ~DD

A few months back, I couldn’t wait to show hubby my new covers. Three gorgeous covers that had one very common theme: they all depicted two men with one woman. I didn’t actually think about it at the time, I just always feel like a kid at Christmas when I get new cover art. He also likes being the first to see them. Or at least he always did before. This time he had a different expression. His brow went up and then he crossed his arms.

I looked to the screen and then back to him and asked, “Don’t you like them?”

He cleared his throat and grumbled, “What’s up with the extra guy on each of the covers?”

I felt my cheeks redden, and then I chuckled lightly. “Well, they’re ménage stories.”

He clicked on the “upcoming books” part of my website where he proceeded to read the blurbs. When he finished, he gave me a quizzical look. “How come it takes two guys to satisfy these women? Are they high maintenance or something?”

“They’re fantasy,” I said, and watched his lips curl into a smirk.

“I see. So, is that your fantasy?”

Wow. I felt put on the spot.

I explained that it’s all fiction. That if he remembered correctly, I wrote horror and erotic horror before I ever wrote erotic romance. I wrote about a lot of things that weren’t my fantasies. They were stories in my head. In fact some were based on nightmares and irrational fears. Some of them scared me. When I started to write erotic romance some stories did incorporate a bit of my fantasies. And sure, most stories there are pieces of me within one or more of the characters. Traits and quirks of mine. Insecurities and flaws.

I gave him one hell of a spiel, all the while knowing he was only half listening.

When I finished, he asked again if it was my fantasy. I said I was quite content and that he was all the man I needed. Which is true. Far as I’m concerned, one guy is more than enough work, and I wouldn’t know what to do with another one. But of course I didn’t go into that. I’d said what he wanted to hear.

He then turned his attention back to the covers and said they were cool, gave me a hug, and told me he was proud of me.

Writing ménage is somewhat new for me, and I have to admit I’m enjoying it more than I probably should. Is it fantasy? Yes. Is it my fantasy? No. Well, okay, the thought does come to mind when we get into an argument. Instead of the hunky knight to come rescue me and whisk me off to a fabulous castle where I get to wear glamorous clothes and be waited on, I did consider two alpha hotties stealing me away and spoiling me beyond belief. But then I look into my hubby’s blue eyes and am reminded of the incredible thing we have, and how he truly is all the man I need.

Though, I might be tempted by a shifter. *wink*

~Ann Cory

Michelle Polaris: Bound Odyssey
Friday, January 15th, 2010

While I’m away, I let my friends come out to play. Welcome Michelle Polaris…~DD

First off, I want to thank Delilah for allowing me to kidnap her blog while she’s away and so help pursue my plan for total world domination. Oops, did I say that out loud? Sorry Delilah-faithful, I’ll have to get back to you on the particulars of my plan, as its details are still quite fuzzy. I’m such a tease. Instead, I’m here today thankful for having a chance to pimp my book, Bound Odyssey, released by Ellora’s Cave this past fall.

But before I jump into shameless self-promotion, I wanted to share a few thoughts I had about why I love erotic romance. One thing fiction does stupendously is allow readers to a place to explore or connect to emotions or ideas in a less overwhelming way. Sexuality and all its flavors is a basic component of our species, but for many it’s difficult to acknowledge. Especially its less mainstream expression. Having a place to connect to our feelings about the varieties of expression is crucial if we’re to avoid crushing our own complex identities. A story that explicitly touches on emotion, relationship and sexuality is a mother load for doing this. As a writer of BDSM romance this strikes me as particularly true.

I am also a fantasy and science fiction reader by nature. I love world building. I adore speculative fiction. They provide the chance, just like erotic romance does for issues of sexuality, to explore a lot of provocative topics without triggering our human tendency to shut down about unpleasant realities. For instance, the threat to the environment. How sexy is it to tune into the news and listen to the debate about global warming, the melting polar icecaps and rising sea levels? Not too sexy. Or to issues about bigotry and violence in our world? I don’t see Cosmo covering these topics in their features about increasing sexual satisfaction in relationships. Not sexy.

Now is about the time I circle back around to my erotic romance novel, Bound Odyssey. It is a futuristic, post-apocalyptic, Femdom, m/m/f ménage which also includes male domination elements. Okay, maybe not for everyone, although it’s getting kick-ass reviews. But what I wanted to build for my readers was a way to reflect on current issues of environmental threat and the politics of hate, while allowing them the eternal hopefulness that comes out of lovers healing each others’ emotional wounds and finding their happily ever after. Life can be painful, but painting a picture of hope alongside dark reality is what keeps folks going. I better shut up now and let you read the blurb.
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Shayla Kersten: Angel Moon
Thursday, January 14th, 2010

While I’m away, I let my friends come out to play. Welcome Shayla Kersten… ~DD

Imagination is such a quirky thing. Where would we be without it? Probably extinct. *cackle* Human imagination has given us inventions from rudimentary weapons of survival to spaceflight. And in the process, unleashed the written word on a world curious to know everything from vampires to alternate realities to aliens.

I’ve been in love with the idea of space since I was six years old watching the original Star Trek on an old black and white television. What an amazing thing for someone to dream of! And then there we were…humans…men from earth catapulting into space atop massive rockets, walking on the moon. I still get chills remembering that fateful July day and those words—“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. I just knew the future held the starship Enterprise, alien creatures and amazing explorations. I wanted so bad to be part of it, to explore space, to go where no man—or woman—had gone before. *le sigh*

Alas, being blind as a bat ruled out anything to do with flight. A lack of ability with real science limited my options. The closest I came to my dream was the military. I mean, the Federation was a military of sorts, although it espoused peace. After all, they used military ranks, right?

So instead of exploring outer space, I turned to the space between my ears. My head was full of ideas for all kinds of stories. I wrote stories of cops and vampires, of men loving men and happily ever after. But I hesitated when it came to scifi. I had some ideas but not a clear enough picture to explore a universe of my own creation. Until last year.

In a chat, our most adorable Delilah asked readers what stories they’d like to see from her or from me. Brandy W spoke up. She said she wanted to see something from me with vampires and angels. Hmmm… Okey dokie. My brain did a double take. I already have a vampire series—Eternity—and I still needed to finish the last book for it. But it was an interesting idea. Okay. I filed the prompt—vamps and angels—away for later. And went on with the stories I had in process.

A few months later a lot of buzz came around about space opera being big. You know the type of story, Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly… Cowboys in space kind of thing. Okay… My brain took a left turn. Vamps, angels, space… Vamps, angels, space… And the next thing you know, ANGEL MOON is born. The first in a trilogy of stories with more to possibly come. I’m already into book two and book three is nagging me for attention. Hopefully, the words will flow as fast as the ideas are now! *cackle*

By Shayla Kersten
Copyright © SHAYLA KERSTEN, 2010
Now available at Ellora’s Cave
For all of Shayla’s Ellora’s Cave’s book, check out her page
For more about Shayla check out her website

What the story’s all about:
Terra offers sanctuary to Angellum and Virkola. Unknown to the natives, a truce exists there. To Terrans, the two species exist as myths. One is a frail winged creature from religious texts. The other, a demon of the night, living off blood. Both are far from the truth…

Sorin thought sanctuary was the answer to their problems. Terra with its plentiful creatures, full of fresh blood and off limits to the millennia long war with the Angellum—who wouldn’t think it paradise? Except paradise comes at a high price. Claiming a bounty on a renegade angel hasn’t ended up the way he planned.

Teo loves his ship, his life in space, but he loves Sorin more. The plan seems sound but the bounty is a fraud and now the price is on him and Sorin. He’ll make the best of the rest of his life with Sorin, even if it were only a few weeks.

But when hope appears from an unexpected source, both men grab chance by the wings.


“You and your fucking bright ideas!” Teo dodged behind a stack of crates as heat sizzled past his leg. The acrid smell of ozone raised the hair on his neck. Popping out from behind his cover, he squeezed off a burst of return fire. Sweat matted his hair and kept trickling down his forehead and into his eyes. The thin atmosphere made every breath a chore. He rubbed his coat sleeve across his face but the water-resistant material just moved the sweat around and added grit to the mix.
Read the rest of this entry »

It's not a secret anymore!!
Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

I sold the first two books of a new series to the Berkley Books Heat line (they’re part of the Penguin group)!

My dream publisher!

They publish the likes of Angela Knight, Lora Leigh, Lauren Dane, Emma Holly, Jaci Burton, Maya Banks, and my BFF-cruise-buddy, Sasha White, to name a few of my favorites! And now me! Can’t say more about the stories just yet, but be thinking about Vikings on another world. The title of the first one is tentatively called Beloved Captor.

Can you tell I’m excited? It will take a day or two to come down off the high and realize that now I have to write the books. And they are long so—ouch! You know me. Economy of words. Novellas. Short stories. I haven’t written anything full-length since last year when I turned in the last of Dark Realm books, but I can do this. The world I’m creating is richly detailed, the hero to die for. Of course, the sex will rock!


UNFORGIVEN is out today!
Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

You won’t want to miss this one. Everything you love—a strong, stubborn alpha cowboy who learns the hard way he does have a heart—Texas—and a woman who could be anyone of us looking for a second chance. It’s out today. Get your copy!


How does a man get over a cheating woman? Sweet revenge…

For Cutter Standifer, the pretty little redhead who opened a café in Two Mule, Texas was “the one.” Until he caught her in a compromising position with the town’s worst womanizer. To further strain his rigid code, his little sister just married the same damn bastard who shattered his world and is living in sin with him and another man.

A year later, he still can’t forgive his ex-girlfriend. And forget? Forget, hell. He’s ready kick his code into the nearest manure pile and take what he never had from her—full satisfaction.

That fateful morning, all Katie Grissom meant to do was use the bad boy’s reputation to force Cutter to piss or get off the pot where their own relationship was concerned. But she went too far—deliciously too far—giving Cutter an eyeful she lived to regret.

When Cutter offers her a no-strings affair she jumps at the chance, hoping to either break through the rigid wall he’s built around his heart…or get him out of her system for good.

Warning: When a hard-as-nails cowboy finally lets loose on the only woman he’s ever loved expect the loving to get hot enough to melt a cold, cold, heart—toys, front and slammin’ backdoor sex are only the beginning…