Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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A Romantic Times Magazine "Best" Nominee!
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

Did you hear me screaming?!

Seduced by Darkness, Book 2 in the Dark Realm series, was nominated for “Best Paranormal/Fantasy/Sci-fi Erotic Romance Novel for 2008!” Winners won’t be announced until the convention in April, but I’m so stoked! The field was huge this year and I’m thrilled to be among the nominees.

If you haven’t already checked out the book, you can read the full first chapter here: Chapter One

Rhapsody sighting!
Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Squeeee! Okay, so I never really squeal. But I do pump the air with my fists when I’m really, really excited. So, imagine me doing that right this second.

When I found out Down in Texas would be featured in the Rhapsody Book Club, I joined so that I could receive the mailing with my book in it—and so that I could get a hardcover edition to my story. The mailing arrived today, and while I would have been content just to see it offered like most of them with a tiny little picture, it looked so much more impressive than that! I’m thrilled and hoping the attention actually translates into sales, because, man, would I ever love to write more of these books.

Take a peek at the page in December’s Rhapsody catalog:

An Excerpt from "Viper's Bite"
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

This book’s been out a for a few months, but I don’t remember ever sharing an excerpt from my story in the anthology. So, I thought I’d correct that oversight today. The story is called “Viper’s Bite” and features a character from the My Immortal Knight series. Viper appeared in All Hallows Heartbreaker as a very bad dude, and then we saw an inkling of what was really going on with him in Navarro. I hope you enjoy! ~DD


“You know, they have a dress code here,” she murmured, eyeing his black leather jacket and T-shirt, and then letting her glance slide quickly down his legs before rising again. A faint blush tinged her pale cheeks.

Viper’s eyelids dipped. “I’m not planning on going inside. I was waiting…for someone.”

“Lucky girl,” she said softly, then shook her head again. “It’s not like I have reservations or anything, and I’m not dressed for it either. I’m not really sure why I stopped…”

His glance panned the line of people waiting patiently for their numbers to be called by the restaurant hostess who roamed outside, taking names on a clipboard. “Would you like to go somewhere else?” he said, quickly, not wanting to let her go just yet, needing to work the moment in order to build her trust.

Time stretched between them. Her gaze flitted down the row of well-lit shops, still open with people walking leisurely along the covered walkway. A soft evening mist muted the glare of the streetlamps and the sounds of the people passing them by as they stood at the bottom of the steps leading into the trendy restaurant.

“I promise I don’t bite,” he said, fighting the urgency building in his body to keep his words light and casual. “We can just take a walk. Find a cup of coffee, if you like.”

He wanted her to say yes, without any extra “persuasion” from him. Wanted her to choose him of her own free will.

A long indrawn breath lifted her chest, and she gave him a small, tentative smile. “There’s a Starbucks at the end of the strip.”

Warmth seeped into his chest. And although he knew tomorrow he’d pay a heavy price, he needed to spend tonight…with her.
Read the rest of this entry »

Hot reviews for the Allure ladies
Saturday, November 8th, 2008

Not much in the way of news today. And it’s O-dark-thirty (that’s Army speak) in the morning, and I’m feeling a little lazy about posting, so I thought I’d share the first couple of reviews the Allure Authors have gotten for our new release, Alluring Tales: Hot Holiday Nights.

5 Blue Ribbons from Chrissy Dionne at Romance Junkies!
“…Once again the Allure Authors deliver an anthology that promises to hold your attention through each and every one of the stories. Each story delivers a delightful array of erotic ventures along with memorable characters and storylines that speak to the romantics in each of us…the perfect book to heat up those cold winter nights.”

5/5 and Top Pick from Night Owl Romance!
“Alluring Tales 2: Hot Holiday Nights is a compilation of wicked fantasy tales written by seven brilliant authors. Each little story is in and of its own an exciting and enchanting journey into the life of two people that have their own fantasy to work out, each colliding at just the right moment, or just the right way for the sparks to fly…”

Thursday's Tease
Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Just so y’all don’t think I’ve been resting on my laurels, here’s a peek at the book I finished last week for Ellora’s Cave. Lockdown is the sequel to my dark paranormal, Sin’s Gift.

What happens when demons take over a cellblock?

Around nine o’clock when prisoners were beginning to settle in front of the television or into little groups to chat quietly, Gillian’s mike squawked. “Priest, got a new ten-fifteen. Needs an escort.”

She hadn’t been briefed about their procedures for bringing in new prisoners, but she had read the manual. Didn’t seem any different from Bentonville’s SOP. She headed out of the housing unit to West Gate’s “Sally Port.” A white van was pulled up close to the port. A sheriff’s deputy was outside the vehicle chatting to with the officer manning the gate when she walked up to them.

“Got fresh meat,” the officer said.

Gillian wasn’t entirely sure whether he was talking about the prisoner being led up in leg irons toward the gate or her. And a glance at his twisted lips told her the ambiguity had been deliberate. She lifted her chin and held out her hand for the clipboard with the papers describing their requisition of a new prisoner, named Gabriel Vlahos.

Inmate number 140849 now. Chains rattled, feet shuffled as the prisoner rounded the end of the van.

Gillian’s eyes widened a fraction and she quickly looked at the clipboard again to gather her scattered wits. She’d only lost them a second.

It didn’t matter how beautiful the man was. The papers said he’d killed. But no matter the crime or the length of his sentence, the white jumpsuit rendered him forever off limits to her.
Read the rest of this entry »

Last Day–30 days of giveaways!
Friday, October 31st, 2008

See details about how to win at the end of this message!

Remember this? To celebrate the November 4th release of Alluring Tales: Hot Holiday Nights the Allure Authors set out to give away a book a day for the whole month of October!

You’ve taken a trip through every author’s website and enjoyed being introduced to all the wonderful and talented Allure Authors. It’s been a blast for us as well, because we got to host a friend on each of our blogs and tell readers about their stories.

😥 Sadly, today’s the last day of our trip and your last chance to win! I’ll tell you how at the end of this message!! First, I’m going to remind you why we’re so excited!


Isn’t this cover one of the most elegant and beautiful erotica covers you’ve ever seen?


Read the rest of this entry »

Down in Texas releases today!!
Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Today, my book starts shipping from the online bookstores, and I’m hoping the brick & mortar stores already have them ready to stock on the shelves.

I can’t wait to hear from all of you once you’ve had a chance to read it. Let me know what you like, what I could have done better, and most importantly, what you’d like me to do with the series in the future!

In the meantime, I still have one last prize to give away, so be sure to post today! I’ll name the winner late tonight! Now that the day is here, I’m hoping my excitement will die down so I can write some serious pages. I still have Lockdown to wrap up and more of the next Dark Realm story to create. Y’all take care! *smooches* ~DD