Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'About books…' Category

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Today, my book starts shipping from the online bookstores, and I’m hoping the brick & mortar stores already have them ready to stock on the shelves.

I can’t wait to hear from all of you once you’ve had a chance to read it. Let me know what you like, what I could have done better, and most importantly, what you’d like me to do with the series in the future!

In the meantime, I’m blogging with Fresh Fiction today. I hope you’ll drop by and say hello! Now that the day is here, I’m hoping my excitement will die down so I can write some serious pages. I still have another chapter of MIK-7 to wrap up or certain readers will come looking for me!
*smooches* ~DD

Squee!! Just hours to go!!
Monday, February 25th, 2008

Can you tell I’m excited? Well, at long last, the countdown has reached its end. I do hope you will continue to pop in and check out my blog. I’ve really enjoyed the company.

What you really want to know about is who won the last prize, right? I had hoped to give away a signed copy of my book, but alas, I haven’t gotten my box of author copies from Avon. So instead, I’ll be sending the winner a $20.00 gift certificate and a .pdf file Advanced Reader’s Copy of SEDUCED BY DARKNESS. She won’t be able to caress it with her own hands, but she will get to read it before anybody else! But more about that later…

There are some other things happening in the coming week I think you will enjoy.

**Tomorrow, I’ll be blogging at Fresh Fiction. Be sure to stop by and say hello!

**Friday, February 29th, at 10:00 CST, I’ll be chatting live with Melissa Alvarez. So, if you have any burning questions or are just curious whether I sound anything like you imagined, please tune in. Here’s the URL so you can find me! BlogTalk Radio

**And lastly, I’m putting the finishing touches on the last pages of Chapter 5 of MIK-7:Knight Dreams and will be sending it out shortly along with my newsletter. Make sure you are signed up to get the lastest installment!

The winner of the gift certificate and the ARC of SEDUCED BY DARKNESS is…Karen H! Karen, send me the email addy where you would like your prizes shipped–congratulations!

1 day/1 reason to buy it now!
Sunday, February 24th, 2008

Okay, so it’s one day and some more hours to go, and it actually comes out on Tuesday, but we’re almost there! Maybe someone’s actually already found SEDUCED BY DARKNESS in their local bookstore. I’d love to see a picture of it on the shelf if you do find it!

I think I’ve made my case. It wasn’t a carefully constructed argument, but was a passionate one. Which of the reasons actually swayed you? If you’ve forgotten or didn’t read a few of them, go back through the days and look. It’s your time to tell me the most compelling reasons why you’re tempted to buy it!

In the meantime, I do have another prize to award–a $20.00 gift certificate from and the reader’s choice of INTO THE DARKNESS, WILD, WILD WOMEN OF THE WEST or two of my ebook titles, along with whatever cover flats, EC playing cards, and bookmarks I can find.

And the prize goes to…Phyllis Crabtree! Phyllis, send me an email to arrange delivery of your gifts.

We have one more day of the countdown left. Be sure to post to qualify for the last prize pack. This week I have several events planned to celebrate, but I’ll let you know about them tomorrow. Thanks again, for joining me! ~DD

2 days/2 reasons to buy it now!
Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

And 2 days/2 prizes to go! Keep posting!

A quick note before we get down to the serious business of “seducing”.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be hosting the Ellora’s Cave chatter’s loop from 8:00-12:00 CST. I’ll be posting sexy excerpts written by myself and many talented EC authors, running scavenger hunts, and at 11:00 CST, I’ll be hosting a live chat. So, if any of you are interested in joining me, just send me an email.


How about a level of eroticism you may never have experienced before?
I’ve fed you sexy excerpts the past few days, but I really didn’t even scratch the surface of the sensual delights you will find between the pages of my latest book. Reviewers know it too! Check this out:

From Paranormal Romance Reviews – “…Ms. Devlin’s Dark Realm series is devastatingly erotic and pushes the boundaries in both premise and sexual explicitness. Ms. Devlin pens in an uncharted territory that will leave the readers breathless and hungering for more…”

From Romancer Reader at Heart – “…Lordy, Lordy, but it’s hot in here! I’ve just finished SEDUCED BY DARKNESS by Delilah Devlin, and I tell you, that woman writes hot!…”

From Romantic Times – “…Highly charged sex scenes, including oral, anal, M/F/M, bondage and submission, will raise your temperature…”

And it’s not just the quantity or the variety of sexual encounters in this book that will make it such a satisfying read. You know me, when I lay down the steam between two irresistible characters, the pages fly by, and before you know it, you’ve completed two chapters of sex and you didn’t even notice the length–just the fact you wish it hadn’t ended because you were left emotionally stunned.

This is that kind of story. Is that a good enough reason now?

3 days/3 reasons to buy it now!
Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Thanks for hanging in there! I really appreciate the company. This book means a lot to me, and I’m as nervous as a cat passing a row of rocking chairs about the release. I can’t wait until it’s out and you all get a chance to read it. But in the meantime, I do have more reasons to post (trying to think of another as I’m writing, actually! Really wished I’d been the organized writer and listed them before I started this countdown, but that’s not me!).

My next winner gets a $20.00 gift certificate from AND the choice of any two of my EC books for download, as well as a signed cover flat for Seduced by Darkness and whatever bookmarks and coverflats I can find around here! And the winner is…Ilona!

Ilona, send me an email at to arrange delivery of your prizes. ~DD

So, back to reasons you should buy this book now?

Don’t you want to be one of the first to read it? Don’t you want to crow to your friends on all your lists about the new book you just read and give them hints about the fun they’ve missed? And since my yahoo group is going to be converted to a “talking” loop shortly, don’t you want to be able to come and talk to the group about what you’ve read and what you hope will come in the series? I can see lots of discussion about a certain flavor “sandwich”, a hairbrush, and a silver bullet…but only those who’ve read it will know what you mean!

Since I’m plotting book 4 in a couple of months, I want to listen in on those conversations because I don’t have a freakin’ clue what I’m going to put in the next book. I’d love y’all to spark an idea or two, so I’m not staring at a blank page!

Okay, it’s a purely selfish reason. I’m more than a little concerned that I haven’t got anything for book 4 other than rather vague thoughts of a dragon, a wolf, and a foursome. I really do need a little more to flesh out a plot, or I’ll be back where I was when I wrote Seduced, saying–OMG! They didn’t just do that! Because Nic and Alex kept giving me heart attacks with their surprises. I want the next book to be completely mapped out–maybe it will actually happen. I keep telling myself every time I start a book that I ought to think my story through, because at some point I do get stuck and have to wiggle out of some tight corners.

So, is that strong enough a reason for you there? If not, I’ll try harder tomorrow! ~DD

4 days/4 reasons to buy it now!
Thursday, February 21st, 2008

Three prizes to be rewarded. One will be given away tomorrow! So be sure to post!

So, still not convinced? How about a heroine with two great big problems–two alpha males circling around her, tempting her out of her self-imposed isolation? Here’s a scene with her new partner, Alex. Poor Chessa’s waited a little too long to feed…


Alex had surprised her with his cunning and his strength. And especially with his cool-headed reactions. He had experience. Lots of it. She could see why he’d been assigned as her partner.

Not that she was ready to concede she needed a new one. He was still too distracting—too much sexy male stuffed into blue jeans that hugged his ass and his glorious package.

God, she had to get off that one-rail track. Nodding to the bouncer at one of the last bars still open in the Quarter, she jostled roughly past patrons looking for a place to ride out the chaos outside.

The bar was one of her favorite haunts, one she’d used to introduce Natalie to the glories of a casual feeding.

She headed down a narrow corridor at the back to the secret room—the blood bar. She’d worked up a raging thirst. To hell with what her partner thought. He’d see the real her in a minute, and maybe, he’d ask for that transfer before she had to pitch a fit with the brass.

Inside, only acoustic guitars played. The air was stifling hot and stunk of too many bodies standing too close together. It suited her fine. The heat intensified the aroma of the blood. Muted voices and laughter didn’t mask the sound of dozens of beating hearts.

A slightly built man with long dreadlocks brushing the tops of his bony shoulders sat on a stool with his elbows resting on the bar behind him.

Her choice made in an instant, she walked up to him. “Fed anyone tonight?”

His chocolate gaze slid over her, and his eyes widened. “Been waiting for you, babe.”

She gave him a feral, heated look—all the warning she’d give him this wouldn’t be a gentle feeding.

His sex stirred in the front of his loose pants as he stared. “Gonna need a dark corner?” he said, his voice purring.

“Suits me fine,” she bit out.

He canted his head to the corner of his choice and slid off the stool, wending his way through the bodies blending erotically together on the dance floor.

Chessa followed, all her attention on the man leading her into the darkness. She hadn’t had enough of Nicolas’s blood earlier to blunt her appetite. Now, her thirst ruled her, knotting her belly. Dread-man might be just an appetizer. She needed to feast, to fill one hunger to the exclusion of the other that had been steadily growing with every hour spent with Alex.

Dread-man stopped in a corner behind a large silk potted plant. “How do you want me?” he asked, his tongue sliding over his full lips.

“Our clothes stay on,” she growled.

Looking only mildly disappointed—after all the man knew he was going to get a mind-blowing release—he shrugged. “Whatever the lady says.” His gaze cut away, and he nodded to someone behind her. “He going to feed, too? Not that I have any objections.”

She whipped around to find Alex standing behind her, his legs braced apart, his arms crossed over his chest.

His expression was watchful, tense. “Just keeping your back.”

“Get lost,” she snarled.

“Don’t think so. You look ready to explode. Don’t want to have to pull you off your meal.”

“I’ve been doing this before you first sucked a tit.”

Eyes narrowed, he stepped close and leaned down, his lips hovering above hers. “He’ll feed your thirst. Let me feed your lust,” he whispered. “We’re partners, remember?”

Jesus H. Christ! Trembling now with need, Chessa could barely get her mind around what he offered. A thin, mewling moan clawed its way out of her tight throat.

“Shhhh,” he crooned, slipping an arm around her back, pulling her hips flush with his. “You can have this,” he said, caressing her with his thick cock through their clothes. “But you can’t ever bite me, hear?”

5 days/5 reasons to buy it now!
Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Yesterday, I opened my email to find this new review for SEDUCED BY DARKNESS, and I promise you, I was toast for the rest of the day. I was sooooo thrilled!

From Romantic Times BOOKReviews Magazine, reviewer Gail Pruszkowski:

4.5 stars and TOP PICK!

“The electrifying follow-up to Into the Darkness is a breathless read. Devlin’s intricate vampire society is filled with compelling personalities. The chemistry between the characters is explosive, and the horrific villain will give you goosebumps. Highly charged sex scenes, including oral, anal, M/F/M, bondage and submission, will raise your temperature, and the ending will leave you begging for more…”

(4.5, BTW, is their highest award–then add the “Top Pick!”–OMG!)

Today, I’m a little less excited, which means I can settle down to work. I’ve opened up the file for the next chapter of MIK-7: Knight Dreams, and now I have to figure out how to get Quentin out of his current coil. Poor man is in a drug-induced trance with Kamaria taunting him all along the way. Don’t know how it ends just yet. ~DD