I promise to post photos soon from my Memphis trip! In the meantime…
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but the first of the 2008 Jewels of the Nile anthologies from Ellora’s Cave is out!
My story, Making the Madam, is one of the featured novellas in this fun release. The cover didn’t arrive in time for me to get it out there ahead of the release, but that doesn’t matter. The book is out and ready for you to snap up your very own copy. If you’d like to take a peek inside at all the stories, follow this link: Jewels of the Nile I
Here’s an excerpt you won’t see on the website. The West was where men were men and women were every bit as adventurous!
Unedited; may vary from the final.
Note for Readers: You must be of legal age in your country of origin to read this excerpt.
“I suppose,” Merry said, drawing out her response in an attempt to tamp down the surge of excitement his words had generated. “But could we douse the lights first?”
“Of course.” He strode to the desk without looking her way and turned down the oil lamp until the flame snuffed out. Then he walked to the bed and bent to blow out the candle. “Is it dark enough now?”
Moonlight sifted through the curtains, but she breathed easier without the harsher light to reveal every flaw. She eased the chemise over her hips, taking down her drawers at the same time and at last standing naked before him. “I’m ready.”
Nathan turned slowly, and she nearly cursed because now she couldn’t see his expression, couldn’t know whether she pleased him or not. He held up his hand and beckoned her closer.
Merry slowly closed the distance between them and slid her hand along his palm. The rough texture sent a shiver rippling along her spine as she imagined how it would feel to have that roughness rasp her tender skin.
Her nipples beaded, drawing painfully erect. Moisture seeped between her folds. She stood so near she could feel his warm breath gust against her cheeks, and she breathed deeply to draw in his masculine scent.
Near enough now to see his face in the shadows, she watched his nostrils flare and realized he probably savored the same things about her. Somehow, that knowledge helped ease her trepidation.
His hand slipped up her arm, caressed her shoulder then slid beneath her hair and cupped her head. He bent to take her mouth and slowly pressed every inch of his front against hers.
With his cock snuggled against her, fine tremors shook her belly, her knees grew weak and she reached for his shoulders to steady herself, but she needn’t have worried.
Nathan clamped an arm tightly around her back, taking her weight.
At first, his kiss was tender, his lips rubbing hers lightly, tempting her to open. When she finally did, it was as though she’d opened a flood gate. His body shuddered and he drew her tighter against him. His cock ground against her body and his tongue shoved past her lips as his kiss turned brutal.
Merry’s nails bit into his flesh and she strained upward, rubbing her body against him. It wasn’t enough, not nearly what her body demanded. She needed him inside her.
She scraped her nails down his back and latched onto his buttocks, telling him without words she was ready.
Nathan dragged his mouth from hers, kissed her forehead, then bent and scooped her off her feet. Half a dozen steps and he knelt on the mattress, lay her across the bed and came over her immediately.
Merry didn’t hesitate. She opened her arms to embrace him, spread her legs wide to invite him inside, and eased up her knees to cup his hips as he nudged her folds then slipped the head of his cock inside.
The muscles of his arms and back bunched, and a tremor rippled through him. He drew a deep, ragged breath. “Merry…” His voice was soft as a sigh.
She thought she understood how he felt. The primal urge to couple drove them here, but she knew their strong attraction and quickly blossoming affection made them wary of causing harm to the other. Nathan didn’t want to hurt or frighten her. The passion gripping his body radiated in the tension of his shoulders and thighs.
Her trust in him gave her the courage to follow through. She could no more deny her nature than he could. “I’m glad Mr. Regis suggested you instruct me,” she whispered. “I could have no better teacher.”
When I’m writing like a fiend, I don’t read. Months can pass without my ever doing more than sighing at my overstuffed bookcase.
Until last week. And since then, I’ve been inhaling them. Nothing wonderful, nothing great, something truly awful that I made myself read until the very end. I won’t mention the names of those ones just to be polite, and because one person’s trash is another’s art.
Last night I snuggled into my leather couch with a cup of tea, thinking I’d read a page or two of the next TBR book before going to bed…
Well, I was enchanted, aroused, and ready to order the woman’s backlist I liked it so well. So, I’ll definitley send along a recommendation for Noelle Mack’s Nights in Black Satin.
Truthfully, it wasn’t the most elegant book, or the most poetic, or the crazy-sexiest book I ever read, and the love story of a woman on vacation who falls in love with a mysterious man in Venice might sound a little cliche, but she turned it upside down. The detail in setting and atmosphere, the blend of sensory detail, the heroine’s wonderful internal dialogue and sheer hotness of her sexual journey…
Well, I’m gonna read it again and check Expedia to see how much it costs to fly to Venice.
Burning up inside? Feeling that fire down below?
Call The Hot Line…
…Dial 555-HEAT It’s The Hot Line, an on-call service that dispatches totally authentic, fully equipped firemen to explore the secret fantasies of women in need. What an irresistible dare for three best friends feeling the heat…
Reporter Sara Jack has the Fever to do a story on The Hot Line. There’s no better man to help with research than Mitch Adams. The solid stud is all pro, but in Sara he’s met a woman willing to fulfill one of his fantasies—if they’re ready to accept what comes next.
The Siren has sounded and shy lingerie designer Jenna Powers is finally ready for a real man to tamp her desires, break through her inhibitions, and show her the naughty side of love. Enter Dean Beckman—again and again.
For sous chef Megan Wagner, a Flash Fire has the sparks to change her life—especially with someone like Brady Wade to put it out. In and out of uniform, he’s driving her wild, but her fear of commitment could drive him away…
The Hot Line should come with a warning. The chemistry between these three couples is hotter than a three-alarm fire, so make sure to have a cold glass of water near you, or a fire extinguisher if you burst into flames! It’ll have women everywhere searching their local communities for Hot Lines of their own.
~ Fallen Angel Reviews, 5 Angels
The friendships between all the characters added to the richness of the stories and the sensuality level was off the charts! All in all this is an excellent book.
~ The Romance Studio 5 Hearts
Could anything be hotter than a hunky fireman head over heels in love? Yep. How about THREE hunky firemen head over heels in love?? Cathryn Fox delivers the goods in her novel The Hot Line, releasing March 4, 2008. This collection of sensual romances revolving around a firehouse in Chicago is just the thing to usher in the warmer months this spring!
~ Kwips and Kritiques 5 Clovers
The Hot Line is a super-sexually charged erotic romance featuring a trio of couples…Fox’s use of simple language and short sentences makes her latest hot-and-heavy tales urgent and effective. As readers experience the lovemaking both public and private as well as the pole dancing, spanking and the lingerie fatalities, hearts will race and brows will rise.”
~ RT magazine 4 Stars
Today, my book starts shipping from the online bookstores, and I’m hoping the brick & mortar stores already have them ready to stock on the shelves.
I can’t wait to hear from all of you once you’ve had a chance to read it. Let me know what you like, what I could have done better, and most importantly, what you’d like me to do with the series in the future!
In the meantime, I’m blogging with Fresh Fiction today. I hope you’ll drop by and say hello! Now that the day is here, I’m hoping my excitement will die down so I can write some serious pages. I still have another chapter of MIK-7 to wrap up or certain readers will come looking for me!
*smooches* ~DD
Can you tell I’m excited? Well, at long last, the countdown has reached its end. I do hope you will continue to pop in and check out my blog. I’ve really enjoyed the company.
What you really want to know about is who won the last prize, right? I had hoped to give away a signed copy of my book, but alas, I haven’t gotten my box of author copies from Avon. So instead, I’ll be sending the winner a $20.00 Amazon.com gift certificate and a .pdf file Advanced Reader’s Copy of SEDUCED BY DARKNESS. She won’t be able to caress it with her own hands, but she will get to read it before anybody else! But more about that later…
There are some other things happening in the coming week I think you will enjoy.
**Tomorrow, I’ll be blogging at Fresh Fiction. Be sure to stop by and say hello!
**Friday, February 29th, at 10:00 CST, I’ll be chatting live with Melissa Alvarez. So, if you have any burning questions or are just curious whether I sound anything like you imagined, please tune in. Here’s the URL so you can find me! BlogTalk Radio
**And lastly, I’m putting the finishing touches on the last pages of Chapter 5 of MIK-7:Knight Dreams and will be sending it out shortly along with my newsletter. Make sure you are signed up to get the lastest installment!
The winner of the gift certificate and the ARC of SEDUCED BY DARKNESS is…Karen H! Karen, send me the email addy where you would like your prizes shipped–congratulations!
Okay, so it’s one day and some more hours to go, and it actually comes out on Tuesday, but we’re almost there! Maybe someone’s actually already found SEDUCED BY DARKNESS in their local bookstore. I’d love to see a picture of it on the shelf if you do find it!
I think I’ve made my case. It wasn’t a carefully constructed argument, but was a passionate one. Which of the reasons actually swayed you? If you’ve forgotten or didn’t read a few of them, go back through the days and look. It’s your time to tell me the most compelling reasons why you’re tempted to buy it!
In the meantime, I do have another prize to award–a $20.00 gift certificate from Amazon.com and the reader’s choice of INTO THE DARKNESS, WILD, WILD WOMEN OF THE WEST or two of my ebook titles, along with whatever cover flats, EC playing cards, and bookmarks I can find.
And the prize goes to…Phyllis Crabtree! Phyllis, send me an email to arrange delivery of your gifts.
We have one more day of the countdown left. Be sure to post to qualify for the last prize pack. This week I have several events planned to celebrate, but I’ll let you know about them tomorrow. Thanks again, for joining me! ~DD