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EmKay Connor: Sneak Peek from UNDER FIRE (Excerpt)
Friday, December 13th, 2024

I’m thrilled to be joining Elle James’ Brotherhood Protectors World with the release of Under Fire in February 2025.

This book is the first in a series about four brothers in arms, but what makes it extra special is that it was inspired by Desiree Holt, a longtime beloved author friend. Desiree contributed several books to the Brotherhood Protectors World, and the readers were always supportive and enthusiastic.

I waited a long time to approach Elle about writing in her world, but I finally got the gumption. Elle said yes, and the plotting began! The book is dedicated to Desiree, and the main characters are named after her: Desiree, the heroine, and Holt, the hero.

Here’s a sneak peek from the book. If you’d like to be notified when it’s available, click here.

About the Book…

Holt Stevens had two choices–retire from his beloved SEAL team or face a dishonorable discharge. Neither was fair, and his forced departure left a chip the size of a mountain on his shoulder. When he hears about Hank Patterson’s elite organization, it is his last chance to find a brotherhood like the one he left behind. He’s ready to pledge his life and his allegiance to the man willing to give him a second chance. What he didn’t count on was an indefinite stay in a remote mountain cabin with a single mom and her belligerent fourteen-year-old daughter.

Desiree Harbaugh has dedicated her life to protecting her daughter from the father she never knew. A powerful political force behind the scenes due to his family money and connections, Desiree discovered he was peddling his influence to foreign powers soon after becoming pregnant. After fifteen years on the run, her secret has been discovered which means neither of them are safe. When Desiree turns to her old friend and employer, Sadie McClain, now Sadie Patterson, for help, she must entrust her and her daughter’s safety to a stoic stranger.

With unlimited resources and a maniacal determination to claim his daughter, Desiree’s ex-lover corners the trio in a standoff that may cost Holt his life. If they survive, saying goodbye to the woman and child he has come to love could demand an even bigger price–his heart.

Enjoy this Sneak Peek…

“Explain it one more time, son. This time without the attitude.” Hank Patterson crossed one booted foot over the other and leaned against the wooden beam at the top of the stairs leading up to the wide front porch like he didn’t have anywhere to be.

Holt Stevens clamped his back teeth together hard enough to grind rocks. One, Hank Patterson wasn’t old enough to be his father. Two, he intentionally played off the height differential, using the advantage to try to intimidate Holt. Three, he’d been trying to shake the attitude for three months now but its grip only tightened. It was a python around his chest, slowly squeezing the life out of him.

“I was instructed to voluntarily forfeit my military career or face court martial and potentially being dishonorably discharged.”

“It would take a helluva reason for a SEAL to give up his team.” Patterson narrowed his eyes, as if that made it easier for him to peer into Holt’s skull.

He stood his ground, unphased by the Montana man’s assessment. If anything, the astute observation that he’d been forced to quit his team–not a job, not a career, but the men he’d served with–reaffirmed Holt’s conviction that his future lay with Brotherhood Protectors. Only another SEAL would understand the depth and strength of those bonds.

Which made his CO’s betrayal burn even deeper.

“I didn’t have a choice, sir.” He held Patterson’s gaze, waiting to see how hard he’d push.

“There’s always a choice. Doesn’t mean it’s easy. And a lot of times it isn’t fair.”

There it was. The open door. The invite. The test.

If he wanted a job with Patterson’s organization, there had to be trust. And it apparently went both ways.

“My commanding officer has a nineteen-year-old daughter.” Holt sucked in a breath, eyes momentarily drifting to the view of the hazy purple foothills leading into the Crazy Mountains. “She caught me in the parking lot outside a bar one night, came onto me, and I sent her on her way. She must have hooked up with someone later that evening who took advantage of her offer and assaulted her. She went to Daddy with her black eye and torn sundress and blamed me.”

“Why didn’t you fight it?” Patterson looked more curious than judgmental. “Why would she name you and not the actual perp?”

“With what proof?” Holt barked, no humor in his laugh. “It was a case of he said, she said. No one witnessed the encounter in the parking lot, and I spent the rest of the night alone at my apartment. Someone beat her up, and my CO was willing to take her word over mine. At least I left on my own terms instead of living under a cloud of suspicion and disgrace.”

“There you go.” A grim smile creased Patterson’s face. “You made your choice. But I’ll bet you’re still living under a dark cloud.”

For the first time since leaving San Diego, the python’s grip abated and Holt could breathe again. “I need a job.”

He needed more than that–a new start, a new brotherhood, a new purpose–but he’d start with employment. Steeple McGuire, one of the instructors that got him through SEAL training now retired and living in Key West, had told him about the elite organization that provided protection to those in danger. If Patterson didn’t take him on, Holt wasn’t sure what his next move would be.

“McGuire gave me a heads-up you might land on my front porch. Had a lot of good things to say about you, but he warned me you’re the type to simmer. You tend to hold a grudge. We deal with enough explosions, literal and figurative. Don’t need any more.” Patterson relaxed his stance and hitched a thumb toward the front door. “Hungry? I was just sitting down for lunch. Sadie, my wife, went into town with Emma. I’m not used to eating in silence.”

He shifted uncomfortably, remembering how things had gone south with his CO. The guy had known him for almost a decade. He was family, just like the rest of the SEAL team. But blood really was thicker than water, and the betrayal left him wary about getting close to people again.

Still…Patterson would never hire him if he doubted Holt’s loyalty and commitment.

“I’ve been sleeping in my truck and eating fast food for the past month. A homecooked meal sounds great.” He followed Holt into the rustic house, drawn in by the warm colors, natural textures, and expansive framed views of the landscape. A woman’s touch had softened the rough beams and angular spaces, turning the structure into a beautiful home.

Something hot and uncomfortable exploded in Holt’s chest. It took a few seconds to recognize the emotion as envy. The loss of his career and community left a vast empty space in his life, underscoring the consequences of choosing to serve in the military. With sudden, painfully sharp clarity, he realized how much he’d given up to become a Navy SEAL.

Now, here he was with absolutely nothing to show for it.

A burst of anger replaced the envy. All of his sacrifice and dedication had proven worthless, ripped away by the false claims of a spoiled young woman who couldn’t handle rejection. Hell, he’d done the right thing and still lost it all.

“Stewing in all that misery is going to ruin your appetite,” Patterson commented. “If you’re too obsessed with whatever dark thoughts are running through your head, I’ll make you a baloney and American cheese sandwich on white bread. My wife’s green chili enchiladas deserve your undivided attention.”

Coming in 2025!

Flashback: Lone Star Lovers — Reined In (Contest–3 Winners!)
Tuesday, December 10th, 2024

UPDATE: The winners are…Theresa Privette, Terra Oenning, and Stacy Hartley!

Depending on how long you’ve been reading me, you might not be aware of my naughty cowboy ménage series, Lone Star Lovers. All my sexiest fantasies are rolled up in those stories. Two cowboys, three cowboys, four… All that attention concentrated on one lucky girl… Heck, it’s not really fair, and there must be something in the water in Two Mule, Texas because there’s a whole lotta sharin’ goin’ on. 🙂

Reined In

Reined In

Who says a cowgirl can’t have it all?

Stormy is a rancher’s daughter through and through, and although she went away to college, her soul is firmly rooted in home ground—and the cowboys she grew up tormenting. When she hears her father might be selling the ranch, she packs her bags and high tails it for home, terrified she might never get another chance to lasso the heart of one of her cowboys before the hands scatter to the four winds.

For Cam and Joe, foreman and wrangler on the ranch, Stormy was a pain in the seat of their Wranglers. But when she roars back onto the ranch, the spoiled brat they remember emerges from the cloud of dust in skin-tight jeans and spike heels and all grown up.

It only takes a hot second to figure out she’s hell-bent on seduction. But if she thinks they’re going to make it easy for her to pick which cowboy she wants most, she’s sadly mistaken. And who says she has to choose one?

Read an excerpt…

The little red Miata ground to a halt, kicking up caliche to pepper the porch’s underskirting like shrapnel.

Joe Halloran suppressed a grin and tipped up the cowboy hat riding low over his brow with a lazy finger. Minutes ago, when the sound of an engine had screamed down the long private drive, he’d groaned because this was his first break of the day and he really wasn’t up for company. But as soon as he’d seen who it was, he settled deeper into his rocking chair.

Trouble had arrived. And about damn time.

Without moving from his chair, he slid his boots inches to the left on the porch railing to get a better view as the driver ground the gearshift into park. Joe glanced to the side. “What the hell do you suppose she’s doin’ here, Cam?”

Seated beside him, his buddy grunted from beneath the hat he had dipped low enough to shade his entire face. “Not a clue. Suppose her old man let somethin’ slip?”

Joe gave a snort, lowered his brim again and settled deeper into his chair, ready to play. What had been the end of a hellacious day of work had suddenly taken a mighty interesting turn.

A car door slammed. Between the porch slats, he watched a pair of long legs scissor with brisk precision. High heels tapped on the steps.

Still, he didn’t give a single indication he’d heard her. Instead, he took a deep breath and scratched his bare chest.

A fingernail dug into his forearm. “Hey, cowboy.”

He muttered but didn’t move a muscle. She knew his damn name.

She poked him again with her nail. “Cowboy, wake up.”

The hint of irritation in her silky voice gratified him in a way that didn’t bear too much introspection. He leaned back his head and squinted at her. “Peaches,” he exclaimed, a grin stretching his mouth. “Long time, no see.”

Stormy Jordan narrowed her gaze into a mean glare. Yeah, she hated the nickname because she knew he’d given it to her based on the shape of her little ass. To make matters worse, the name had stuck like glue when her daddy had begun calling her it too. Funny, she’d never told him why she detested it so much.

“Cowboy,” she said, her voice dripping with syrup. “How ’bout you move your butt and go get my bags?”

Again, he tipped his hat up to stare into a pair of silvery-blue eyes that cut him like a Ginsu knife. “You talkin’ to me, ma’am?” he asked, being deliberately slow because he knew it irked the hell out of her.

She lowered her pale brows over that cold stare. “Well, who the hell else would I be talkin’ to? My bags? I’d like to take a shower. I’ve been on the road since dawn.”

Still, he didn’t move. He let his gaze slide over her curves, taking a detour downward then back up. When his gaze reached her reddening face again, one side of his mouth twitched. He could almost hear the steam hissing.

She tapped a toe impatiently. “Since you don’t have anything better to do…”

Joe cut a glance at his buddy.

Cam’s lips tightened, but he settled deeper in his seat, resetting his hat to shade his eyes—giving Joe his silent approval to do his thing.

Hiding a grin, Joe bolted forward in his chair, rising so swiftly she didn’t have a chance to move back. “Sure thing, ma’am,” he said, crowding her against the rail. “I’ll get on it right away, ma’am.” Only he made another slow perusal of her body to make sure she knew he was talking about more than her damn suitcases.

She cleared her throat and sidestepped him. “Cowboy, don’t get ’em dirty.”

“Now, sweetheart, that would be a cryin’ damn shame.”

Cameron Mitchell hid a smile as Stormy stomped to the far side of the porch and Joe ambled down the steps to her car. Those two had always been at each other’s throats. Watching them spar was more exciting than any UFC fight and far bloodier.

Still, as much as they poked and prodded at each other, he’d never seen either of them back away. And Stormy always came back for more, so he assumed she liked it.

Cam and Stormy’s interactions were quieter, but no less intense. The woman had a way of setting a man’s libido on fire even while she did her best to make him feel two feet tall or like he had two left feet. It was a talent. One that had kept the boys flocking all over this very porch when she’d been in high school. Which had kept Joe mean and edgy, because he’d wanted her even back then when she was still jailbait.

The years hadn’t dulled the edges of her attraction. Sun-streaked blonde hair was held up in a clip, exposing her delicate neck and ears. Her black, button-down blouse was two sizes too small, emphasizing the swell of her B-cup breasts and revealing the sliver of bare skin between the shirt and the top of her short, fanny-hugging black skirt. That hint of firm belly was enough to make Cam hard enough to hammer a nail.

He recrossed his legs and interlaced his fingers to let them rest above the swell of his hard-on. If she looked close enough, she’d know how she affected him. Even after all this time.

Maybe it was wrong, but he’d lusted after Stormy Jordan since she’d sprouted breasts and learned to wag her bottom like a siren. He and Joe had come to the Jordan family ranch when they were in high school, looking for part-time work as wranglers, thinking cowboy work couldn’t be that hard. Hell, girls dug a man in chaps and a hat. They’d stayed long after graduation because of their love for the ranch…and maybe, their enduring attraction to a certain wild filly.


Comment for a chance to win your choice of
one of my Lone Star Lovers books!
I’ll choose THREE WINNERS!

Here are all the Lone Star Lovers books, including the prequel story set over a century ago…

Click on the covers to read more about these books!

Sweeter Than Honey Unbridled Unforgiven
Four Sworn Breaking Leather Four-GoneConclusion
Two Wild For Teacher Reined In
Rules of Engagement

Flashback: Brotherhood Protectors — Tyson’s Mission (Contest)
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy!

I’ve had tons of fun writing stories within Elle James’s Brotherhood Protectors world. The last two books, Gunn’s Mission and Tyson’s Mission, were especially fun because the task was to write about a mission in a foreign country. In Gunn’s Mission, I sent poor Gunnar into the Arctic Circle on an ice floe. Tyson went to the Yucatan jungle to guard a woman working on an archeological dig. Both stories required quite a bit of research, which was challenging and added interesting complications to the characters’ journeys. I hope you read both, but if not, maybe you’ll win one of these or another of the BP books I’ve written. Keep reading…

Tyson’s Mission

Tyson's Mission

A former Navy SEAL is tapped to provide security for a team of archeologists working to uncover a Mayan temple deep in a Mexican jungle that a local drug cartel is targeting.

After surviving a catastrophic helicopter accident, former Navy SEAL Tyson Quigley is taking well to his new life with the Brotherhood Protectors in the Yellowstone, Montana, office. Life’s looking up. He’s working with old teammates and loves volunteering in the national park.

Then he gets a call from his university professor brother, who is worried about a colleague working on an archeological dig in southern Mexico. The team has had problems with thefts of equipment and supplies and has received veiled threats from a drug cartel because their dig is in their territory. Now, one of the dig team members has been kidnapped and held for ransom, but they quickly figure out the finger they were sent in the package demanding payment is from an already dead person. Now, they have no idea whether their team member is alive or dead, and they think the labor they’ve hired to work on the site is on the cartel payroll, too.

After a quick conference with his Brotherhood Protector teammates, Ty heads down to Mexico to pose as his brother’s friend’s boyfriend to provide her protection for the remainder of the dig.

Cara Woodward doesn’t need a babysitter. Sure, things have gotten scary since her friend’s abduction, and she doesn’t like the fact the university wants to leave her recovery to the local police. However, Tyson’s everywhere she is, and it’s getting on her nerves. His looming presence is distracting, to say the least. He’s too handsome, too intense. Thankfully, after arriving on site, the lead archeologist on the dig quickly puts Ty in charge of overseeing site security which splits his attention.

As the dig team continues documenting their work before they pack up and leave, they suffer another theft and an attack—this time, too close to Cara for Ty’s comfort. He’s locking her down, with no daylight between them for the duration.

Read an Excerpt Here

All the Brotherhood Protectors stories I’ve written so far…

Click on the covers to learn more about them!

  Big Sky Wedding
Defending Evangeline Victoria's Six Guarding Hannah
Gunn's Mission Tyson's Mission


For a chance to win one of the stories shown above, tell me whether you’ve read any of these, and what settings you prefer!

Flashback: Brian (Contest–3 Winners!)
Tuesday, November 19th, 2024

UPDATE: The winners are…Kerry Jo, Misty Dawn, and Sandy Kelly!

I love my Montana Bounty Hunters. I’ve said it before, but I try hard to make each of them individual rather than cookie-cutter characters with different names. I also love to dream up unique takedowns for your reading pleasure and to showcase who these men are. One of my favorite characters is Brian, an amputee who has fought back from feeling useless at the beginning of the series to being an integral part of the bounty hunters’ team and a warrior again. I did a ton of research to get him right. Hope you’ve enjoyed his story.


Brian (Montana Bounty Hunters)

MONTANA BOUNTY HUNTERS: Authentic Men… Real Adventures…

The haunted gaze of one wounded warrior sparks a challenge in a physical therapist who’s determined to help him regain what he’s lost whether he wants her help or not…

Physical Therapist, Raydeen Pickering, has seen her fill of stubborn veterans, some too angry to get on with their lives, some still living in hell in their minds, and then some unwilling to let their broken bodies hold them back. She hasn’t figured out which Brian Cobb is yet. The first time she met the handsome, wounded warrior, he was wary and defensive, his gaze always sliding toward the door, looking for as a quick escape from the Soldiers’ Sanctuary meetings.

Even now, there’s something about the ex-Army MP, now bounty hunter wrangler, that sets him apart from the other men she’s helped mend. There’s something more–not just the haunted look in his eyes or the stubborn set of his chin. The way he looks at her when he thinks her attention is elsewhere gives her hope that she’ll reach him, and that he’ll let her help him regain more of what he’s lost.

First though, he has to figure out he’s in love with the wrong woman. The one he needs is right here, and if she has to do the chasing, so be it, because those looks he gives her have rekindled a fire she thought was lost forever…


Are you all caught up reading the original Montana Bounty Hunters series?

For a chance to win a download of one of the stories you may have missed
(I’ll pick three winners!), tell me this:
What profession other than bounty hunters would you like to see my heroines involved with in my Montana Bounty Hunters—Yellowstone branch

Here are all the Bear Lodge Montana Bounty Hunters! Yes, it’s an old meme, but do you really care? 🙂

Authentic Men… Real Adventures…
Reaper’s Ride:
Big Sky Wedding:

Excerpt from Brian:

Sweat trickled down the sides of Brian Cobb’s face. His helmet felt heavy on his head, his pack dragged on his shoulders, and his boots were so hot he was walking in pools of water. The transport vehicles his squad had been promised hadn’t arrived, so they were hoofing it back to camp with half a dozen prisoners chained in a line. Still, their plight was better than the infantry platoon’s they’d left a click back. Once they’d given the ISIS fighters into Military Police custody, they’d headed back to continue their sweep for insurgents hiding inside the village with the unpronounceable name.

“Hey, Corncob,” Private First Class Benny Sanders said as he walked beside him.

“You know I hate that nickname, Sanders,” Brian muttered.

“Yeah, I do,” he said, his smile stretching across his dark face. Benny jerked his chin toward the slender figure striding ahead of the chained prisoners, her dog Tessa walking, unleashed by her side. “I see how you look at her. Are you and she…?” Read the rest of this entry »

Now Available! F*R*E*E in KU! Read an excerpt! The Demon Lord’s Cloak
Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

So, maybe medieval paranormal isn’t your thing. How about erotic romance? An alpha male? A woman in captivity? Secrets kept? Do those tropes appeal? Then this novella will be one you’ll want to gobble up!

The Demon Lord's Cloak

After awakening in a castle, bound and at the mercy of her captor, Voletta has every reason to fear the mysterious man holding her in his arms. Instead, his brooding presence intrigues her, and his hard body excites her. However attracted she is, she must escape before he discovers her dark secret…but then she learns he has one of his own.

Order your copy now!

Opening scene of The Demon Lord’s Cloak…

“We’ll all be dead by morning.” Martin’s voice quavered as he emptied another glass of Frau Sophie’s precious peach schnapps.

“Who’d have guessed it’d be nigh on impossible to find a virgin in this valley?” his companion said.

“Pah! Even my own daughter,” Martin moaned. “What’s the world coming to, Edgard? Young women giving themselves like barmaids…”

Edgard’s shoulders slumped. “I tell you it was the last May Day celebration. The bürgermeister should never have let Sophie provide the drink.”

“We should have locked every last one of the unmarried maidens in a cellar.”

“Well, no use grousing.” Martin set down his glass. “We have a problem. Now’s the time for clear thinking.”

“There’s no solution. The village will disappear, swallowed by Hell itself when we fail to provide his bride.” Edgard’s reddened eyes widened. “Couldn’t we mount a raid on Fulkenstein down the valley…take a girl or two…”

“There’s no time left. We only had the new moon to give that devil his due. It ends tomorrow night. We’d never be back in time.”

Edgard shook his head, sighing. “We’ve failed. Daemonberg will be no more. Best get the women packing tonight so we can flee come morning. A thousand years of prosperity and health–gone for the lack of a single maidenhead.”

“We’re doomed, I tell you.” Martin lifted the schnapps bottle and tilted it over his glass. He gave it a shake, and then slammed it down on the table. Turning toward the bar, he shouted, “Sophie, liebchen, bring us another bottle, will you?”

As he turned back to his friend, he saw a woman step through the doorway of the inn. Her beauty arrested him–far prettier than any of the strapping blonde women of the village, this one was slender, delicate, with deep reddish hair that glinted like fire in the torchlight, rather like the bay he’d bid on and lost at an auction in early spring.

He elbowed Edgard beside him. “Look there.”

Both men turned to stare at the young woman entering.

“Where’s her escort?” Edgard whispered.

“She looks wary. I’d wager she’s on her own.”

They shared a charged glance, shoulders straightening.

“What do you suppose the chances are she’s a virgin?” Edgard asked softly.

“She’s beyond fair. What man would care whether he was her first just so long as he’s her last? Besides, what other options have we?”

Sophie slammed another bottle in the center of the table and gave them a scathing glance. “If you go home to your wives legless with drink, I’ll not take the blame.”

“We’ll have just one more glass,” Martin assured her, reaching around to pat her rump. “For the road. We’ve business to attend.”

Sophie rolled her eyes and turned, her ample hips rolling as she walked across the room to greet the young woman who waved her away.

“If they only knew the solemn duty we perform,” Martin whispered. “They’d call us heroes.”

Only they could never tell a soul. That too was part of their sacred oath, handed down from father to son.

Edgard poured them both another drink, then lifted his glass. “To another hundred years of peace and wealth.”

Martin lifted his glass with one hand and crossed himself with the other. “To the fair maiden with the red hair—God rest her soul.”

Word Search: The Original Montana Bounty Hunters! (Contest)
Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Kerry Pruett!

Ready for a puzzle? Let’s exercise that gray matter! I thought it might be fun to remind you there’s a series out there (if you haven’t already read it) for you to binge—the original Montana Bounty Hunters! I wrote a character in a book for Elle James’s Brotherhood Protectors series with a heroine who was a bounty hunter, and I loved writing it so much, and loved her bounty hunting partner Reaper so much, I wrote an entire series. It happens that way sometimes. 🙂

Solve the puzzle, then for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me whether you’ve read any of the original stories, and if you have, which was your favorite?  

September into October (Contest)
Monday, September 30th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Margaret!

I’m back with my monthly wrap-up/projections. I skipped it last month because I was feeling a little…adrift. I wasn’t certain about my future. I’m still not, but I’m plowing ahead—maybe not at full speed, but I do have goals I intend to meet. I’m a writer and an editor, and to make that claim I have to write and edit. So…no more lollygagging.


Once Upon a Legend 

  1. I revised and published my standalone Western story, Once Upon a Legend!
  2. I had to cancel the release of Ignition because I haven’t written a word since July!
  3. I completed 3 editing projects for other authors in September.
  4. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but each of those things felt like mountains I climbed.


  1. I underwent my second round of chemo and noted how I felt during the days after so I could try to figure out how to work around the chemo schedule. The fatigue is the worst part. The aches only last a few days. My white blood count takes a beating, so I don’t leave home much, but I wear a mask when I do because everyone has sniffles, coughs, etc., and I’m not catching that shit, too. 🙂
  2. While going through all this, I have been paying attention to what I eat, and since the beginning of July when I started losing weight, I’ve dropped 20 pounds.
  3. I’m losing muscle tone, too, though. So, I know I need to add some sort of exercise to my schedule on days when I can get around.


  1. The family plans movie nights or special dinners to keep me entertained. They’re so sweet! The younger girls find tons of excuses to hang out with me. We listen to music and the youngest loves watching the news or Reba. The middle girl just likes to park herself on the bed with me while we both game on our phones. It’s not anything exciting, but I love the company.
  2. I moved some art supplies to my desk so that I see them sitting there, and lo and behold, I managed to paint a few things this month.  Here are a few examples:


  Ignition The Demon Lord's Cloak
For work-related, I plan:

  1. To complete Ignition, the fourth book in the Delta Fire series. I only have two or three chapters left, and I’ve put it on my schedule but left it kind of vague so I know to write when my head’s in the right place.  If I can, I’ll have a November release.
  2. To complete 3 or 4 editing projects in October!
  3. To revise, format, and upload The Demon Lord’s Cloak for its release in November.

For health related, I plan:

  1. To go through two more rounds of chemo, which when I look at my calendar seems overwhelming, but I’ll get through it.
  2. To continue to watch what I eat and hope I can manage to drop a few more pounds.
  3. To up my physical activities so that I don’t lose any more muscle. Maybe I’ll give myself stairstep goals or walk the driveway to the gate and back goals—on days when I’m not sick as a dog.

For happiness-related, I plan: 

  1. To fiddle in my art room!
  2. To spend time with the family—movies, meals, and flea market adventures! I’m not overly ambitious.


Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier, or tell me what you plan to read in October

Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!