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Archive for the 'About books…' Category
Tuesday, August 11th, 2015
Well, it’s here! I hope you love it. I’d love to hear from you about the book —whether you’ve read it, enjoyed it—and do you want more? I loved writing it. So I have high hopes you will too. Happy Release Day, Me! 🙂
And if you read HWAP, please think about posting a review to let other readers know whether it’s worth their time and cash. Reviews do matter!

When your heart is stuck in the wrong gear, a quick fix isn’t going to cut it.
When Noah buys a classic ’68 Camaro from a fellow firefighter’s widow, he hopes it will ease some of the grief crushing his heart. But the grinding noise under the car’s hood sends him straight to a mechanic. Something about the burly, imposing Hoyt sparks Noah’s interest, and it’s not just Hoyt’s ice-blue eyes and bad-boy biker looks. It’s the mutual interest they have—Club LaForge.
After losing his partner to cancer a year ago, Hoyt never thought he’d feel the same kind of rush with another man. But his reaction to Noah throbs deep in his body like the rumble of his Harley.
LaForge seems like the perfect place to meet and work off some sorrow, to feel alive again. But the flood of desire quickly gets hot enough to melt their emotional barriers into unexpected connections.
Connections Hoyt isn’t sure he’s ready for…especially since history has a scary way of repeating itself.
Product Warnings
Warning: Get your motor running for a Harley-riding hunk of muscle who doesn’t give a damn about the rules of being a Dom, and a firefighter who can take the heat. Buy a case of your favorite coolant. You’re gonna need it.
Samhain Publishing | Nook | Kindle | Kobo | iBooks
Read a long excerpt here
Tagged: Firehouse 69, LGBT, Memphis Posted in About books..., News | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Judy Rushing - Ronnie C - ButtonsMom2003 - Shirley Long -
Monday, August 10th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner is…Jen B.!
* * * * *
So, here we are. Just one more day. I get nervous right about this time, wondering if readers will love my story. We writers are very insecure creatures when it comes to our work. Until the first reader sends me an email saying how much they loved it, or how it improved their married sex life, or how they were red-cheeked their entire train commute to work, I don’t know whether I succeeded.
So, when the clock strikes midnight tonight and my book is transmitted to your reading device, you know I’ll be sitting here, biting my nails. I can’t wait to hear what you think! In the meantime, enjoy a naughty excerpt. And, there’s still time to enter the last two days’ contests. I’ll award all prizes tomorrow!
For a chance to win one of the original five Delta Heat stories
or a copy of BURNIN’ UP MEMPHIS, tell me what piece
of a firefighter’s equipment you find sexiest?

When your heart is stuck in the wrong gear, a quick fix isn’t going to cut it.
Firehouse 69, Book 2
When Noah buys a classic ’68 Camaro from a fellow firefighter’s widow, he hopes it will ease some of the grief crushing his heart. But the grinding noise under the car’s hood sends him straight to a mechanic. Something about the burly, imposing Hoyt sparks Noah’s interest, and it’s not just Hoyt’s ice-blue eyes and bad-boy biker looks. It’s the mutual interest they have–Club LaForge.
After losing his partner to cancer a year ago, Hoyt never thought he’d feel the same kind of rush with another man. But his reaction to Noah throbs deep in his body like the rumble of his Harley.
LaForge seems like the perfect place to meet and work off some sorrow, to feel alive again. But the flood of desire quickly gets hot enough to melt their emotional barriers into unexpected connections.
Connections Hoyt isn’t sure he’s ready for…especially since history has a scary way of repeating itself.
Warning: Get your motor running for a Harley-riding hunk of muscle who doesn’t give a damn about the rules of being a Dom, and a firefighter who can take the heat. Buy a case of your favorite coolant. You’re gonna need it.
“Take me into your mouth.”
Noah made a sound, something between a chuff and a whimper. A sound that shot a jolt of hunger through Hoyt. Noah crawled on his knees until he knelt directly in front of Hoyt and raised his chin.
Hoyt pointed his cock at the firefighter’s mouth and held his breath as Noah opened up, sliding his eyelids closed as he tentatively latched his lips around the crown. Then he flattened his tongue against the head and began to suction—gently at first, and then with gusto.
Hoyt put his hands on the top of Noah’s head, combing his thick, sun-streaked hair with his fingers. He dug his nails into Noah’s scalp to urge him to take him deeper into his mouth.
Noah needed no encouragement. He breathed noisily through his nostrils, wrapped one strong hand around his shaft and bobbed forward to slide his mouth down Hoyt’s cock.
Hoyt rocked on his heels, his head falling back as he let the sensations wash over him in a hot wave—moist heat, suction nearly as strong as a Hoover. Teeth scraped his shaft, and Hoyt pulled Noah’s hair hard. “Easy,” he muttered, because he was nearly coming out of his skin. “Take me to the back of your throat.”
Noah cupped Hoyt’s balls and tugged them, then burrowed against him, taking Hoyt deeper inside, the sounds he made more desperate, more animalistic as he pushed and pulled with his lips and slithered his tongue along the rigid shaft.
Hoyt would have liked to blow right then, but he wanted more. Wanted Noah every bit as delirious with pleasure as he was. He tugged Noah’s hair, moving him away, and pulled up his pants. “Strip, Noah. You said you don’t like being restrained, so I won’t latch the manacles around your wrists, but I would like you to grip the bar beneath the chains and hold tight while I play.”
Noah’s reddened face wore an expression Hoyt recognized all too well. His lips and eyes were glazed. His nostrils flared. He shoved up and walked to a bench where he quickly tossed his clothes while Hoyt removed the rest of his. Then Noah sauntered to the chains and reached high for the bar suspended from the ceiling.
With his tall body stretched, his cock prominent in front of him, Noah was beautiful. All shining swells and dark hollows, embellished here and there with puckered burn scars—symbols of his bravery. Hoyt circled Noah, letting his hands graze his hips, his belly, his hard ass. When he came in front of him, he gave Noah’s cock a firm stroke before meeting the other man’s gaze. “Tell me about the car.”
Tagged: Firehouse 69, LGBT, Memphis Posted in About books..., Contests! | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jen B. - Toni Whitmire - kim thorne - Cheryl - Delilah -
Sunday, August 9th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner is…Cynthia!
* * * * *
Are you a fan of m/m romance? I know there are a lot of you out there. While I’ve written several m/m/f romances where the man played with the other man as freely he did with the woman in their threesome, this is my first fully m/m romance. And I don’t know why I haven’t written more. Noah’s and Hoyt’s story came at me fast and so complete that I finished it quickly—much to my editor’s relief! Lately, I haven’t exactly been timely in my submissions…
I can’t say exactly what the appeal was for me. Though I do love men’s bodies. I’m very comfortable with how they think (years in the military where I was often one of maybe two women on an isolated site). And I do love everything about penises. Yeah, I said it. I love the diversity of sizes, shapes, colors, and orientation—straight, curved, kinked. And I love the fact they’re made to penetrate. Think about it. A man enters another person, male or female. It’s aggressive. Overwhelming. Okay, so now I need a dip in the pool to cool off, but you get what I’m saying right?
For a chance to win either a copy of the prequel book, Burnin’ Up Memphis,
or one of the Delta Heat series books that spawned Firehouse 69,
tell me what attracts you to m/m romance!
And if you don’t mind, I’m running a Thunderclap campaign to get the word out about Hotter With A Pole. It doesn’t take long, just a click here and a single click on the campaign page… I’d be forever grateful!
Tagged: Firehouse 69, LGBT Posted in About books..., Contests! | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jen B. - Kristie - Enikö - Cynthia - Delilah -
Saturday, August 8th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner is…Liberty Ann Ireland!
* * * * *
You’ve probably already guessed, but I like writing naughty books. Fact is, when I began writing, I intended to write for Harlequin. I liked the Presents books with the misogynistic Greek shipping magnates and Middle Eastern sheikhs, and since I loved them, I thought I should be able to write them. Ha!
I have an attention span problem. Probably adult ADD, but whatever. I get bored writing. If there aren’t monsters on the heroine’s heels or gun battles, I can get really bored in the relationship-building aspects of a book. Unless my couple is having sex. Then the relationship thing can be happening while exciting things are happening down there. I’m happy, readers seem to be happy—and I’ve managed to avoid medication!
When I decided to write a sexy cop series, I doodled titles on a piece of paper—I love starting my brainstorming process with titles. I knew Delta Heat would be the series title. And I had an idea about doing a countdown so that readers knew from the outset how many books there would be, and the order of the series, plus it was just plain fun numbering those titles.

Click on the covers to read more!

I never thought I’d want to write more than those five titles, but when I got to the end, I had these sexy firemen who had appeared here and there in the first series, so I thought: firemen are hot, I’m still crazy about Memphis, so…why not?
So, now there’s Delta Heat: Firehouse 69. And while I didn’t use a sexy countdown for these titles, I did have fun. Burnin’ Up Memphis—that had to be the first. Next up—and this title is the most fun for me—Hotter With A Pole. Poles are always hot. Stripper’s pole. Firefighter’s pole. Two sexy-hot guys have a couple of poles between ’em… Yeah. That’s the way my brain thinks.

So, if you haven’t started with Burnin’ Up Memphis—now’s the time. Samhain has reduced the price to just $0.99 in celebration of the release of Hotter With A Pole on Tuesday! Get your copy here!
For a chance to win one of the original five Delta Heat stories, why not try your hand at brainstorming a Firehouse 69 title? It’s fun. And if you’re stumped, simply say, “Hotter With A Pole 2”. I’m not judging your creativity. Just have fun!
Tagged: Firehouse 69, Memphis Posted in About books..., Contests! | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Liberty Ann Ireland - Shirley Long - ButtonsMom2003 - Jen B. - Enikö -
Tuesday, August 4th, 2015
I am scrambling this morning! I have two new releases! I hope you’ll buy both of them! One features a Navy SEAL, the other a Texas cowboy. Really, how can you choose? But here’s the scoop. Be sure to pop into both parties–chat with me or the other authors, win prizes!
And hey, if you read my stories, would you consider leaving a review to let other readers what you thought? Those reviews do make a difference!

Through Her Eyes

Ex-SEAL and expert sniper, Wolf Kinkaid, is taking a little downtime while he considers his options. Being wooed by two elite black ops groups, he’s enjoying Charter Group’s beach house while he considers his options. A loner by nature and occupation, he wonders if he’ll ever really be able to connect to people around him. Afraid his loner nature will sentence him to spending his life alone, he’s not even sure he wants to continue looking down a scope, even if the pay’s good.
Bounty hunter Piper Ames loves the adrenaline rush she gets from her high-stakes hunts, but now, she has time on her hands as she waits for her collar to pop up his head so she can take him down. While she’s waiting, it doesn’t hurt that a big, buff, ex-military type is staying right next door. Not the least shy about going after what she wants, she’s surprised when he’s equally as aggressive. Their chemistry is off the charts, and the sex is the hottest she’s ever had.
While Wolf and Piper connect in the only ways their independent natures allow, danger lurks. When, at last, her target arrives, guns blazing, Wolf and Piper have to pull together to make it out alive.
Purchase here for just $1.99!
Read an excerpt at the bottom of this post!
Join all the authors: Cat Johnson, Kennedy Layne, Olivia Jaymes, Becky McGraw, Sabrina York, Elle James, Paige Tyler, Marissa Dobson, Desiree Holt, Geri Foster, Donna Michaels, Susan Stoker, J.M. Madden and Siobhan Muir! There will be book snippets and prizes!
WHEN: All Day!
WHERE: Cat Johnson’s Kindle Worlds Launch Party

12-Alarm Cowboys

AFTER THE FIRE by Cora Seton
When a series of fires keeps bringing him to her door, a firefighter must uncover his ex-girlfriend’s secret or risk losing her forever.
WHERE THERE’S SMOKE (A Cowboy Way Novella) by Becky McGraw
Cowboy Austin McBride follows a herd to a new town, but firefighting is his passion, so he applies at a local station. Standing between him and the job is a blonde bombshell who thinks she’s a shoe-in.
SADDLES AND SOOT by Cynthia D’Alba
Rancher and volunteer firefighter extinguishes a grass fire accidentally started by the town’s sexy temporary veterinarian but there’s something about her that ignites a fire inside of him.
CONTROLLED BURN (Cowboys on the Edge, Book One) by Delilah Devlin
Rancher and volunteer firefighter assigns himself to watch a reformed firebug during a controlled burn but she lights the fire inside him instead of the dead grass around them.
HIS FIREFLY COWGIRL by Beth Williamson
When an arson investigator returns to her hometown she clashes with the firefighter cowboy who broke her heart. Embers turn to sparks between a cowboy and his firefly cowgirl.
HER VOLUNTEER COWBOY (Book 6: Harland County) by Donna Michaels
Sparks reignite when one-nighters reunite. Can the firefighter/Guardsman convince the reforming bad girl she’s worth fighting for, or will she leave before he finds the courage to volunteer his heart?
When a cowboy firefighter works a fire at a nudist resort, he’s sure his ex-girlfriend, the bookkeeper, is to blame. But as he investigates her, his gut tells him he’s going to get burned.
A Cowboy-Volunteer Firefighter helps a runaway city girl put out a car fire only to find himself embroiled in a hot little mess of ex-boyfriend persuasion.
REKINDLED (Dallas Fire & Rescue, Book One) by Paige Tyler
A hunky firefighter rescues his best friend’s sexy sister from a hotel fire set by her psychotic ex-boyfriend who’d rather see her dead than with another man.
TEXAS WILDFIRE by Sable Hunter
Honored VFD hero is no angel. In love with his Captain’s wife, all hell breaks loose when Titan learns Makenna is abused. The firestorm their love ignites is so intense no one will emerge unscathed.
HOT IN THE SADDLE – Randi Alexander
When a rancher/volunteer firefighter is injured saving the life of a female stockcar racer, she stays to pay her debt of gratitude. Will he regret risking his life when he learns why she came to Texas?
When offered a second chance to seduce his high school crush, cowboy/fireman Cade Silver cannot resist. Despite her resistance, he is determined to win her, come hell or high water.
Purchase your copy here!
Read an excerpt here!
You know who will be there! See the list of contributors above!
WHEN: 1:00 to 9:15 PM Eastern Time
WHERE: 12-Alarm Cowboys Release Party

Excerpt from THROUGH HER EYES:
What had started as sexy fun for Piper quickly became intense and complicated. Like the steady thrusts delivered by the powerful dude who now quivered over her. He wouldn’t last long, she knew it. Saw it in the corded muscles of his jaw. But she didn’t really care. She was right there. Ready. Primed by her imagination, by their dirty game, by his intensity. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: SEAL, Texas, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests!, News | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Debbie Watson -
Saturday, August 1st, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the free story is…Donna!
* * * * *

Thought I’d lead with the spectacular lineup of hawt-as-hell books! And see mine way down there at the bottom? Yup, I’m playing in Cat Johnson’s sandbox! These are all “crossover” novellas, meaning our SEAL worlds are intersecting with Cat’s Hot SEALs world. Getting to know the other authors has been a blast. I hope you will check out each story. They will all be live (fingers crossed) on August 4th!
And if you’d like to spend some time in my Uncharted SEALs world before my story comes out, these are the two previous titles. Just click on the covers to read the blurb and an excerpt, and to find those purchase links!
Just remember, my seals are ATHLETIC. 🙂 Expect these stories to have an element of danger and to be wildly sexy!

For a chance to win either Watch Over Me or Her Next Breath,
be sure to leave a comment!
Coming August 4th! — Through Her Eyes

Ex-SEAL and expert sniper, Wolf Kinkaid, is taking a little downtime while he considers his options. Being wooed by two elite black ops groups, he’s enjoying Charter Group’s beach house while he considers his options. A loner by nature and occupation, he wonders if he’ll ever really be able to connect to people around him. Afraid his loner nature will sentence him to spending his life alone, he’s not even sure he wants to continue looking down a scope, even if the pay’s good.
Bounty hunter Piper Ames loves the adrenaline rush she gets from her high-stakes hunts, but now, she has time on her hands as she waits for her collar to pop up his head so she can take him down. While she’s waiting, it doesn’t hurt that a big, buff, ex-military type is staying right next door. Not the least shy about going after what she wants, she’s surprised when he’s equally as aggressive. Their chemistry is off the charts, and the sex is the hottest she’s ever had.
While Wolf and Piper connect in the only ways their independent natures allow, danger lurks. When, at last, her target arrives, guns blazing, Wolf and Piper have to pull together to make it out alive.
Tagged: SEAL, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests! | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Linda - Debbie Watson - Debi R - Enikö - Delilah -
Wednesday, July 29th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the free download of this story is…Liberty Ann Ireland!
* * * * *
This week, I’m busy writing the next Uncharted SEALs story—this one’s about an ex-sniper on vacation in Cancun trying to figure out what’s next for him. He meets a very sexy woman and things get hot and heavy fast, but she has some secrets… I’m nearing the end, and a good thing—Through Her Eyes comes out August 4th!
So, in the meantime, enjoy an excerpt from the first Uncharted SEALs story, Watch Over Me. 🙂
Leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win a free copy of WATCH OVER ME!
Watch Over Me

When Deke Warrick accepts an unsanctioned detail to keep tabs on a congressman’s niece while she vacations in the Caribbean, he expects the only dangers he’ll face are sunburn and a rum hangover. Determined to keep his distance, his resolve is challenged by a chance encounter with the beautiful Nicky Martir—and then shattered when she’s snatched from their hotel room.
She arrived at her door breathless and slipped him her key card. Once he’d opened the door and done his little safety check, he directed his attention back to her, laser focus sliding over her body, head to toe, leaving her feeling singed everywhere his gaze touched.
He turned on the lamp beside the bed then strode to the overhead light switch, turning it off. Then he went to work on his buttons, jerking his chin in her direction. “Get those off.”
Although she’d never been spoken to like that before by a man, she didn’t need to be told twice. His delivery was harsh and graveled, his words straight to the point—and she found she liked it. But she didn’t dare betray her inward grin. She couldn’t have him feeling too confident. Already once tonight, he’d taken her to the edge of her endurance. Her pride wouldn’t allow her to reveal the extent of her desire. She narrowed her gaze and took her sweet time stepping out of her shoes, removing the few pieces of jewelry she’s worn—earrings, a thin bracelet—and setting them on the bedside table. By the time she reached for her zipper, she saw he was already nude and he’d folded his arms over her broad chest.
Her fingers went still as she stared at him. Her mouth dried. In the golden glow of a single lamp, his body was a beautiful, burnished brown, except for the pale stripe of skin across his hips. Her gaze went straight to his sex, already fully awakened, and jutting from his groin. Perfectly proportioned with his large, muscular body. Oh my. Her thighs pressed together at the renewed urgency cramping her core.
He strode toward her, more intimidating naked than he’d been clothed, and she fought to breathe, lifting her hair clear of her zipper as he circled behind her and slid down her zipper. She trembled as he quickly pushed her dress to the floor and hooked his thumbs in the sides of her panties to drag those off, too.
Standing naked, she shivered in the cool conditioned air as he circled her again, his head bent as he studied her body. Not politely, either. His hands touched everywhere his gaze went, smoothing over her bottom, her hip, lifting her breasts one at a time. Slipping between her legs to cup her mound. Feeling as though she’d been thoroughly inspected, she didn’t know whether she should feel flattered or outraged.
When he stopped right in front of her, he lifted her chin with a curved finger. “I can’t be…polite.” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: SEAL, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests! | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Liberty Ann Ireland - Cynthia - Vickey R - Debbie Watson - Delilah -