Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'About books…' Category

What’s the future for NIGHT FALL? (Contest — 3 Winners)
Saturday, June 20th, 2015

I’ve fallen behind on updating my website. I can’t keep up with all the new words I have to write and the new books I have to let you know about. But I wanted to take time today to tell you about the Night Fall series and what I plan for the future. But first, aren’t the covers purty? Thank you, sis! If you don’t already have these stories, be sure to click on the covers and go check them out!

SmBitten_600  TrulyMadl_600y  Silent is the Knight_600

If you didn’t know, the Night Fall stories were previously published by Ellora’s Cave, but I now have the rights back to the majority of them. And since I wrote them a crap-ton of years ago, they needed some sprucing up, so I’ve been working on getting them thoroughly revised, and where needed, expanded. My plan is to release one story a month until I have all the old stories out there for you to enjoy. These are my tentative titles following my latest release, Truly, Madly…Deadly.

Knight in Transition (Joe’s story, and we meet our first wolves)
Wolf in Plain Sight (Another SU team member’s story–not sayin’ in case you don’t already know!)
The Knight Edition (Navarro’s story)
Night Fall on Dark Mountain (Meet a whole community of wolves!)

And that’s the end of the refurbed titles. Then I’ll start releasing new stories, not monthly because I do have other stories and series I want to write, but at a minimum, quarterly.

And I have so many places to go! I need to write Viper’s story. I could branch off and write about my my wolves. Then there are the older vampires—Magnus being the first I wrote about in Silent is the Knight.  Do I write about them in the present, or should I do a whole little First Knight series and set it in the distant past?

Today, if you’ll chime in and let me know what you’d love to see, you’ll be entered to win your choice of Sm{B}itten or Silent is the Knight! And I’ll choose 3 winners!

Night Fall series — Don’t miss this great deal! (Contest)
Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of this contest is…Jean!

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Just thought I’d share a pretty new cover—and tell you about the great deal going on now.

The second book in the Night Fall series will be released toward the end of this week. Love vampires? Love sexy threesomes? Like a little suspense with bite? Well, you’ll love Truly, Madly…Deadly!

SmBitten_600But before the book releases, I want to be sure you’ve read the Book #1 — Sm{B}itten! So, I made sure you have no excuses left for why you haven’t read Sm{B}itten—I entered it into Kindle Unlimited, so it’s FREE to KU subscribers, and just $0.99 for everyone else!

I’d love to hear from you. Have you read Sm{B}itten? Are you excited for Truly, Madly…Deadly? Are you ready for a fast-paced, paranormal series?

Comment for a chance to win a free copy of another Night Fall story, Silent is the Knight!

Flashback: In Too Deep (Contest)
Saturday, May 30th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of the free download is Heather S!

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The other night I was at a Facebook party and I asked the question that went something like, “What are your favorite reunion stories, either in film or book?” And then I sat stumped because I couldn’t think of one. I had to think hard whether I had ever written one, and I mentioned one of my Lone Star Lovers books, Unforgiven. But it wasn’t until this morning, when I was trying to figure out what golden oldie I could offer as a flashback, that I remembered I had another…

So, I’ll ask again… What are your favorite reunion stories?

Comment for a chance to win In Too Deep or a short story on this carousel!

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Some things never change. And some things change everything.

Triple Horn Brand, Book 2

Gabe Triplehorn can think of no better getaway from his heavy responsibilities at the ranch, than to go back to a time and place where he didn’t have a care in the world. When there was just a campground, a river and a girl.

When he gets to Red Hawk Landing, the campground and the river are still there. He just never expected the girl would still be there too. Only now she runs the place.

Lena Twohig can think of no better place to raise her young son than the family-owned campground that holds so many memories. Especially the romance with Gabe that lit up one long-ago summer like a wild electrical storm. Now he’s back, with a ranch-hardened body she knows she shouldn’t want so badly.

No amount of lies or the years that have passed can tame this tidal wave of passion.

Warning: Contains a flash flood of passion between a cowboy who knows how to pitch a tent and a woman who isn’t afraid to get a little dirty.


The cowboy glanced back through the window and caught her looking. Lena whirled around and stepped off the porch. Her toe caught in the lattice next to the step and she went down hard, bumping down two steps. She landed on one hip, gravel digging into a palm.

Tears pricked her eyes, and she winced at the pain. Worse, the door behind her slammed and heavy booted footsteps stomped down the steps.

When the handsome cowboy came down on a knee beside her, Lena wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

The deep timbre of his voice did a number on her nerves. She shivered.

Something he must have taken for shock, because before she knew it, his hands were under her thighs and behind her back and he lifted her high against his chest.

“Put me down!”

“I will. Soon as I get you inside.”

“I’m too heavy for you to carry.”

“Darlin’ there’s some meat on your bones but not anything I can’t handle.” Read the rest of this entry »

Seven is the Magic Number (Contest)
Friday, May 29th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner is…Lynne Rivet!

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Seven is the Magic Number. Six, and I’m wanting a nap in the middle of the day. Eight, and I’m feeling groggy. What am I talking about?

Hours of sleep a night! I need seven! I got them last night and this morning I feel fabulous, and since today’s guest blogger bailed on me, I decided to talk about the thing that was at the top of my mind. Lucky you!

So what is your magic number?

Tell me, and you’ll be entered to win a free short story from the carousel below. I’ll choose two winners!

And if you didn’t know it, I published a new, very sexy shortie yesterday. Here’s a short excerpt…


Click to Buy

A New York commuter shares lustful daydreams with another subway passenger…


When he rose again, he shifted her, urging her to the center of the bed. He cloaked himself then turned her and licked a hot trail down her spine. At her bottom, he bit each cheek. Just hard enough to make her quiver. He kissed her cunt and moved behind her, his cock prodding her then plunging into her.

Sophie screamed, unraveling in a moment. His girth stretched her, his length plundered. Moisture flooded her channel as she bounced back to greet his strokes.

A clap landed on one side of her ass. Loud, but not really hard. It surprised her, made her freeze.

He leaned over back and whispered in her ear. “Did you like that, Sophie? Do you want another?”

Her pussy flooded with moisture, as much from the silky texture of his voice as the warmth of her ass. “Please.”

He straightened and began to thrust into her again, smooth, deep glides that had her passion rising steeply again. A slap landed on the opposite cheek, sharper than the first one. Her pussy clenched his cock. She lowered her middle to lift her ass, begging silently for another.

Again and again, he placed slaps, some hollow-sounding and not too sharp, others flat and stinging. She sobbed, dropping her head to rest it on the cool sheet. This was pure bliss.

At last, he went still and bent, encircling her with an arm and raising her to sit, still impaled on his cock. His hands roamed her breasts, massaging then pinching her nipples. “Use your fingers to tug on them, pull them far and let them bounce back. I want to watch.”

These are all free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers and just $0.99 for everyone else!
To see more of my currently available short stories, check out this page: Short Stories

Fabulous Two-fer: Free + Viking! (Contest)
Tuesday, May 26th, 2015


I thought I’d lead with that—a maybe-naked Viking standing behind a shield and holdin’ his sword. (My daughter says I have a gift for making everything sound dirty. Says I’ve ruined certain words for her forever–Kelly, moist, moist, moist…)

I love this cover, and I love this book! It’s 62,000-words of yummilicious Vikings! And it’s up for pre-order now for the astonishing price of $0.99! And if you’re a Kindle Unlimited customer, you’re going to get it for free. Both these offers won’t last long, and if you buy now… Okay, now I sound like the Oxi-Clean salesman. But I’m excited about this book, and I can’t wait for you to take a peek inside. It releases July 14th!

This is the buy link: AmazonI was the first to read the stories, because I was the one who chose the stories and did the first edits. So, I know what’s in store for you, but here’s another tease…

Vikings. Fierce warriors who terrified all in their path as they raided and marauded, enslaved and murdered during Europe’s Dark Ages.
But these rough men from a rugged land were also sailors, explorers, craftsmen, and highly sought after mercenaries.

Conquests: An Anthology of Smoldering Viking Romance will transport you to the realm of fantasy where such fearsome and loyal men are relentless potent lovers. Whether the lady of the keep demands a few stolen hours of pleasure with a captured Viking warrior or the handsome Northman is the one seducing his captive, you will find plenty of lusty adventures in settings as far-flung as Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Byzantium, Moorish Spain and the New World.

Let your fantasies run wild to a time when men wearing bearskin shirts and shining iron helms could capture a fierce maiden’s heart!

These are the stories you’ll find inside…

The Captive by Lizzie Ashworth – A captive turns captor when the lady of an English keep commands a few stolen hours of pleasure with a captured Viking warrior

Ásgeirr and the Tree of Life by Mina Murray – Danger and desire collide when a wounded Viking warrior washes ashore on a remote Irish island

A Varangian Guest by Melissa Fuchs – When her brother returns to Constantinople in the company of a warrior from the far north, a widow finds herself drawn to him with irresistible desire

How to Train Your Skjaldmaer by Delilah Devlin – A Viking jarl tricked into marrying a shieldmaiden sets out to tame his fiery bride

The Viking’s Prize by Emma Jay – Treachery and desire greet a Viking warrior who travels to the coast of Newfoundland to broker peace with the indigenous tribes

There for the Taking by Nym Nix – A captive is seduced by her Viking captor as he couples with an amorous shieldmaiden whilst she is left to watch

Sweet Silk by Megan Mitcham – A Viking returns to Persia years after saving a merchant from certain death to retrieve the child-bride awarded him–yet never claimed

Little Warrior by Evey Brett – A woman braves a pair of daunting shieldmaidens and her father’s wrath in order to take her sister’s place as bride to a Viking warrior

Protecting Her by Regina Kammer – A Byzantine noblewoman seeking refuge in a monastery loses her heart to an invader when Constantinople is sacked by the Rus

Enslaved by Elle James – A conquering Viking vows to tame his sassy Celtic slave–if she doesn’t kill him first

The Oak and the Ale by Beatrix Ellroy – A businesswoman trying to secure trade routes for her family instead finds love with a crippled warrior

New Words by Teresa Noelle Roberts – An Andalusian Arab poet learns that her new Northman husband is more than just a handsome barbarian

The Needle and the Strap by Bibi Rizer – A young man hasn’t lived up to the Viking standards of his brave and ruthless kinsmen–until he rescues a wild and wicked shieldmaiden from a burning ship


So where does the contest come in?

You have to do something to earn your chance to win! I want you to go to the brand new Conquests website and scroll down while looking at the left-hand column. Sign up to receive our blogs via email. (I do have a way to check the names!) And then come back here and tell me in the comments that you’re signed up. And if you want to tell us how excited you are about this anthology, my day would be made!

The prize? A $10 Amazon gift card.

Flashback: Mutiny’s Bounty (Contest)
Saturday, May 23rd, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of this contest is…Elaine Swinney!

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If you’re from the U.S. this weekend is special—Memorial Day Weekend. It’s part somber—remembering those who gave their lives for our country; but also, because of where it sits on the calendar, it’s our beginning of the summer celebration!

So while some of you are traveling this weekend, and others are gearing up to head to the lake, expecting company, etc., I’ll be here writing. It won’t be easy. Our pool is repaired (new liner). Sure, the water’s likely too cold for me to stay in long, but the thought of all that sunshine and sparkling water will be pulling at me. What are your plans for the weekend? Want to share?

Be safe! I’ve heard there will be more folks on the road this weekend than have been for a decade. For the rest of us who are staying close to home, enjoy a sexy excerpt, then…

Comment for a chance to win Mutiny’s Bounty or a short story on this carousel!

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Interested only in experiencing an adrenaline-packed adventure first-hand to give her credo when she books her clients’ adventure vacations, Lace McElhannon finds more excitement than she can handle when she meets and falls into bed with ex-SEAL Dex Haygood.

Fresh from protecting transport ships from Somali pirates, Dex figures his latest job will be a cakewalk, until he finds himself in deep water, swimming with sharks and trying to protect Lace when the yacht they’re sailing on is taken.


His expression didn’t change. If anything, his eyes grew colder, narrowing.

Was he counting in his head? Seeing how long she took to scurry up on the mattress? She moved deliberately slowly, rising fluidly and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Besides, anticipation kept her revved. Then she sat at the edge of the high mattress and scooted backward, trying not to rush even though she couldn’t wait for what came next.

Dex was faster. He crawled quickly onto the mattress, pushed her to her back, and came down atop her, covering her from her shoulders to her feet, his strong legs pinning her as neatly as the weight of his torso.

She couldn’t move, could hardly breathe. His cock pulsed between them. Still, she kept her breaths even, her chin tilted in defiance.

“What am I going to do with you?” he murmured, his mouth hovering just above hers. Read the rest of this entry »

Four Reasons to Get WARLORD’S DESTINY Now! (Contest)
Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of this prize is…Toni Whitmire!

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I love lists. So here’s one for you—

Reasons to grab a copy of Warlord’s Destiny now…

1) Do you love your warriors tall, well-muscled and with stamina to spare? Duh, right? Do you love a heroine with grit who’s not society’s notion of what’s perfect and beautiful? Someone you can relate to? Do you love it when a strong woman brings a proud warrior to his knees? Then you will love the hero and heroine of this book!

2) Do you love off-world, futuristic fantasy and medieval knights tales? How about a book that is both? Yeah, I was supposed to write a futuristic tale, but my hero kept insisting he was more Ragnar Lodbrok than Luke Skywalker. And since Ragnar is sexy as hell, I let my Lord Tetrik transform into my version of the perfect erotic romance hero…

3) Do you love a good orgy? I saw your eyes bug at that one. Six participants with all those sexy moving parts? For me, this was the most challenging scene in the book. How do you keep it fun and sexy and not confusing? If you’re curious, you have to get this book!

4) Right now, the price for this 21,000-word novella is just $0.99! Kindle Unlimited customers have a little longer to enjoy a great deal—they can get it for free for the next three months. But if you aren’t a KU subscriber, that $0.99 price isn’t going to last long! Grab your copy now!

Answer any of the questions I just posed for a chance
to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

And just a side note: If you enjoy the story, how about leaving a review? Somewhere. Or tell a friend. I appreciate everything you do! ~DD


“…In Delilah Devlin’s WARLORD’S DESTINY, a strong man is brought to his knees by an equally strong woman. Interesting, attractive personalities make this read especially powerful.”  ~Nominee for Best Paranormal Erotic Novel of 2005 by Romantic Times BookClub Magazine! TOP PICK! 4 1/2 Stars, RT BOOKreviews 
“Watching these two grow is both amusing and touching… I found Warlord’s Destiny to be a very well-written novel, and ultimately a very entertaining story to read.” ~Book Review Network

Mora has no illusions she’s anything other than the sacrificial lamb to ensure peace between her peace-loving planet and the warlike world that demands a royal union with one of their own. However, when she meets the rugged warlord who will be her husband, Mora decides in that moment to win his heart–she’ll settle for nothing less.

When Lord Tetrik suspects his wife harbors tender feelings, he wonders if he can be the husband she desires. After all, love for a woman is a frivolous thing–and not a warlord’s destiny.

Warning: Readers should beware. Wedding customs on other planets do not resemble tender newlywed customs on Earth! Expect a smidge of voyeurism and a 6-person ménage. And yes, a Kronaki warlord’s bed is built large enough for just such an event!

Purchase at Amazon  

So, that’s what Kronaki warriors look like!

Every story ever whispered about the fearsome warriors came rushing back to set Mora’s body trembling. How they fought like ravaging beasts, cutting bloody swaths through Graktilian mercenaries during the war. How they lived in rough, stone fortresses made of blocks carved from their frozen mountains. How they fostered their children to rival clans so they would be raised without gentleness.

How they fucked with such fury their women’s screams echoed throughout their valleys. Read the rest of this entry »