Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Good Dad Examples… (Contest)
Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Jolene E. Durante!

Okay, so my SIL gives me tons of good examples of how a dad should act. This photo makes me laugh but is another example of him teaching his kids.

The 17-year-old boy can’t get it through his brain that he should always lock his car no matter how much of a hurry he is in. So, his parents have decided to go on a campaign to help him remember.

He parked his car in the parking lot outside his fast-food workplace. Dad found the car, noticed that not a single door was locked, so he crept inside and began taking pictures—of the change in his console in open view, of his bookbag on the back seat, and this one of him sitting behind the wheel. Now, the SIL is a handsome man, but he doesn’t mind looking goofy. This photo only went out to family members, but the next time they find his car unlocked, it’s going on Snapchat!

That’s my example. What’s yours? Comment below for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Flashback: Lawless (Contest — 3 Winners!)
Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

UPDATE: The winners are…Laura, Mona Lisa Swarm, and Eileen Airey!

For a chance to win your choice of one of these Cowboys
on the Edge stories, answer me this!

Do you love cowboys who are also firefighters and lawmen?

Wet Down Controlled Burn Cain's Law Flashpoint Lawless

(Click on a cover if you’d like to learn more!)

Don’t know what you’re missing in this cowboy series? Read an excerpt…



When a Texas deputy’s motorcycle club trashes a bar with him leading the brawl, the sheriff decides his punishment will be serving as the bouncer/enforcer for the pretty owner while she runs a booth serving bikers during a weekend-long motorcycle club convention.

Get your copy here!

Excerpt from Lawless

Just look at what had happened last night at her bar. One minute she’d been giving the bikers her little speech about how to behave in her place, and the next, one of the town’s deputies was going toe-to-toe with a rival club’s knucklehead who’d gotten too handsy with one of her waitresses.

Not that Ruby was sweating the damages. The vets’ biker club had shown up as soon as she’d opened her doors earlier that day to help with the cleanup. And they’d all pitched in to cover the damages for the broken window and furniture.

As for the man who’d started the free-for-all, Sheriff Penske had assigned the deputy, as punishment, to hang around her booth all weekend to make sure more fights didn’t break out.

What the hell was she going to do with him constantly underfoot? He’d be a six-feet something, tattooed and heavily muscled, dark-haired, dark-eyed distraction.

And why she’d noticed all those qualities was a mystery. She liked her single life. Liked the occasional date with a man who knew her boundaries. Liked to bed one once in a while.

However, when she’d seen the deputy wade in with his fists curled and his eyebrows lowered, a shiver of pure lust had radiated down her spine and straight into her core. Just remembering had her clenching her thighs.

Dammit. Wasn’t she more evolved than to be attracted to a knuckle-dragging meathead? Okay, so maybe she was reaching for a description that would place him in the “Oh, hell no” category of men she met, but she needed to strengthen her backbone before he showed up.

No. She shouldn’t have it, no matter how kind Josh’s offer had been. She didn’t need a man hovering. She could take care of herself—Thank you very much, Sheriff Penske.

But she hadn’t said a word when he’d assigned the deputy his penance.

Ruby glanced at the oversized dial of her watch. It was nearly two. He’d be here any minute. Glancing around, she tried to think of some way to divert him. Too bad there weren’t any visitors who looked ready to let their fists fly. No, everyone was pretty mellow, gathering around unlit campfires near their pitched tents and campers, looking as laidback as any seniors in an RV club, gathering to chat and play some checkers with old friends.

“Miz Tackett?” came a low-pitched voice behind her.

Her heart fluttered, and she cursed silently. Ruby Tackett did not get giddy around any man. She turned slowly, and her heart stuttered at her first sight of him. His jaw was dark with a thickening shadow of whiskers. He wore a black T-shirt with “Ride Free – Respect Our Vets” across the front, his club’s leather jacket, and well-worn brown cowboy boots. A black cowboy hat was tilted low over one eye. His badge and a holster were attached to his leather belt. Oh boy, was she in trouble.

Straightening her spine, she gave Deputy Nolan a stern look. “You made a mess of my place last night.”

“I surely did, ma’am, and I’m sorry about that. I’m grateful you didn’t press charges.”

She drew a deep breath and forced her expression to remain as mean as she could manage. “The sheriff says you’re going to hang around my booth this weekend.”

He gave her a solid nod, his gaze never slipping downward.

Something she appreciated, since most men couldn’t control the urge to check out her boobs. They were out there, after all. Nothing she was ashamed of. God gave her big boobs, and she’d learned to use them to her advantage, not the other way around. So, maybe he wasn’t a boob man…? “There’s no room inside my booth for someone who’s not handing out drinks.”

He reached behind him and pulled out a small red book.

Her mouth twitched as she noted he had a vintage copy of Mr. Boston Official Bartenders Guide. “Jesus, where did you find that?”

He wrinkled his nose. “At Mary’s Used Books.”

“I’m shocked,” she said, giving him a little smile. “I didn’t think she carried anything her pastor would disapprove of. It’s damn hard to find a decent romance book in her store that doesn’t have some Amish woman on the cover.”

His mouth stretched. “She swore me to secrecy when she pulled it out from under the counter. Said she knew someday the right customer would come looking for it.”

Holy hell, I’m in trouble. His smile dug dimples into both of his cheeks, and the man had all his teeth.

“So where do you want me?” he asked, his eyelids narrowing just a bit.

Did he really just ask that? Was he flirting with her? Ruby drew a deep breath, which strained the buttons of her shirt.

His gaze slid slowly downward.

And there it was. Her superpower hadn’t failed her after all. She took a step past him and beckoned him with a curled finger held beside her shoulder. “Follow me.”

Desiree Holt: Numbers Game (Contest & Excerpt!)
Monday, September 6th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…..Debra Guyette!

Leave a comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC!

It’s football season! Yay!

Kick it off with a book that’s received almost all 5-star reviews.

What they said about the book:

“Numbers Game is a touchdown from start to finish.” N.N. Light

“Can we get some more collaboration books from Desiree and Liz? They actually touchdown together with this fantastic college football book.” Terra Oenning

“This book was amazing! Definitely check it out! I can’t wait to read more by these authors!” Kelz Marie

 “A great read. Did I mention it is SMOKIN HOT?” RCA

“This book will have you on the edge of your seat, waiting and WANTING it all!! If I could give it more than 5 stars, I absolutely would!!” Rosalie Belle


Making a pass could just mean scoring a second chance…

Former NFL player and coach Duncan “Hatch” Hatcher fumbled his career and marriage. Now divorced and ready to tackle his future, he has an opportunity to redeem himself as coach of his college alma mater’s football team. But how can he can turn the team’s losing streak around and keep the secret of his downfall buried when the school agrees to a documentary that will allow a lovely journalist to dig her way into his past…and into his heart?

Olivia Grant’s ex-husband almost wrecked her journalism career while he definitely did a number on her self-esteem. The documentary on Duncan Hatcher is the perfect way to rebuild both. As a freshman in college, she’d had a crush on the senior football hero, but he hadn’t known she existed. She never expects the sparks that fly between them as they work on the project nor the struggles they must face if they both want to win.

Universal Buy Link:

Excerpt from Numbers Game

Every move after that, to her, seemed to have some kind of sexual connotation.

The air between them vibrated with the electricity sparking back and forth. By the time he paid the check and they left the restaurant, every pulse in her body pounded, her breasts ached, and her teeny tiny thong was soaked. She wanted to hurry home and take a cold shower before she did something really stupid.

In the truck, he turned on the radio and found a station playing oldies rock music that he tuned low. They rode in a silence that was more electric than uncomfortable, especially when he reached over and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. When they reached her townhouse, he again lifted her from the cab and walked her to the door, holding her hand. When she had the door open, he turned her to face him and studied her face for a long time. She waited, wondering if she had the willpower not to cross that line from professional to personal and how much damage she’d do if she did.

“You have to be the sexiest sports reporter I’ve ever met. I would really like to kiss you. Would that be okay with you?”

She should have turned away, but she couldn’t find the willpower. The kiss was soft and gentle, a mere brush of lips, a touch of flesh. Then it was over, but she wanted more. A lot more. She could feel this spinning out of control, and she was powerless to stop it.

“If you invite me in, I’m not going to turn you down.”

Lazy Days and Open Contests!
Sunday, September 5th, 2021

I’m being lazy today. The 8-year-old is insisting we hit the pool two times today because the water temperature is dropping and we have to get enough swims in to last through the winter! I like her logic. What about you? What big plans do you have today?

Open Contests

  1. Grace Adams: Nearly-Published Author of FIRE’S RISING! (Contest + Excerpt)Last day to enter! Win this author’s upcoming debut novel!
  2. Your weekend book boyfriend… (Contest + Excerpt)This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Places I want to see… (Puzzle-Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Ava Cuvay: Flabby Middles (Giveaway) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Ugh! What I’m getting ready for… (Contest) — Win a FREE download!
  6. Get your FREE read!This offer won’t last long! EVERYONE gets a copy!
  7. Tell me a story… (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tell me a story… (Puzzle-Contest)
Saturday, September 4th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Alison Rush!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me a story about the man in this picture…

Ugh! What I’m getting ready for… (Contest)
Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Elaine Ramirez!

This is probably TMI, right?

I thought about creating a puzzle for you to work before you knew what I’d be doing (or was having done to me) tomorrow. However, I’m sure the website I use to create my puzzles would nix it due to the bare butt.

Yes, today, I’m going through the prep stage. I have a ton of meds and Gatorade to guzzle. No food until after the procedure tomorrow morning. This will be my third colonoscopy. And no, it doesn’t get any better the more times you have it done. It’s gross, embarrassing, and not very comfortable. I don’t like that they put me under for it. Do they think I’m a wimp? I’d rather be watching the monitor to see what’s happening. I’m tempted to pull out my DVD of Ghost Town with Ricky Gervais, but my dd might think it’s inappropriate because he dies (temporarily) during the procedure. She’s no fun.

So, why am I oversharing? I don’t know. As a Public Service Announcement to remind you to schedule yours? Maybe to you share my discomfort? Give you a laugh? For a chance to win a FREE download from my backlist, have you had one yet? Comment below.

Ava Cuvay: Flabby Middles (Giveaway)
Monday, August 30th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Misty Dawn!

I’m currently suffering from a flabby middle.

I don’t mean the rolls that come with middle age, although I do have those. I’m talking about the flabby middle of my current book. The halfway point when the story can get mired and struggle to make headway toward the happy ending. Add the fact this is the second book in a trilogy, and I’m dealing with a double whammy: I’m in the flabby middle of the flabby middle. It’s quicksand for an author, and I’m up to my ears in it.

I love this aging-cyborg trilogy and I had such high hopes for this second book. Such enthusiasm for these characters and this story… but it all just seems to wander around aimlessly. No focus, no energy, no—Gasp!—mojo. Something is seriously wrong with my story!

These are the times when an author sits down and has a heart-to-heart with her characters. I don’t mind my characters running amuck with my anticipated plot… as long as they’re, you know, moving in some direction even if it’s not the one I’d planned for them. But my conversations with my characters are like talking to my teen children. Lots of mumbling, some grunting, eye-rolling, and heaving sighs. You know, real mature behavior coming from characters who are in their thirties! *gives characters the stink eye*

Or maybe I’m the problem. Beginning late last year, I’ve undertaken being in charge of my unmarried, aging aunt… her finances, her health, her wellbeing, and her neglected house. All this from a state away. It’s been an enormous and very-daily responsibility, and it has zapped my creative juices. The care and feeding of active teens have evaporated the rest. I’m in the flabby middle of my life, mired in obligations and struggling to make headway.

My muse is depleted to a greater extent than even during last year’s quarantine crisis. The spirit is willing to write, but my focus, my energy, my—Gasp!—mojo is gone.

But enough whining! This all shall pass and I will emerge on the other side of this saggy middle—my life and my cyborg book—with a strong, engaging story my readers will love! In the meantime, I’m celebrating placing second in the PRISM contest’s Sci-fi/Futuristic category with the first book of my cyborg trilogy, Tin Man. And I’m giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to a random winner for commenting on something (big or small) in your own life you’d like to celebrate!

About Ava Cuvay

Ava Cuvay is an award-winning bestselling author of Sci-fi Romance featuring sassy heroines, gutsy heroes, passion, and adventure… often set in a galaxy far, far away. She resides in central Indiana with her own scruffy-looking nerfherder and kiddos who remind her daily she’s not nearly as cool and hip as she thinks. She believes life is too short to bother with negative people, everything is better with Champagne, and Han Solo shot first. When not writing, Ava is thinking about writing. Or wine. And she’s always thinking about bacon.

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