UPDATE: The winner is…Melissa Caswell!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me where you are!
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![]() | Archive for the 'Contests!' CategorySaturday, July 10th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Melissa Caswell! For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me where you are! Friday, July 9th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Cheryl! It takes a snake? I can already imagine your eyebrows and frowns in disbelief as you respond, “To do what?” Like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a snake to create community. What kind of community you talkin’ ’bout, Willis? The enmity placed between humanity and snakes in Genesis 3:15 is still real. What kind of community could be created by something so villainous as a snake? When I saw one crawling along the wall this week in my backyard I cringed. Yuk and yikes! I breathed a sigh of relief when it slithered away to the front yard. I raked the grounds to make sure there weren’t any others hiding there. Two days later as I went to get the mail, I noticed a neighbor standing stock-still in front of his garage holding a rake and staring very pointedly at something I couldn’t see on the far side of his car. Sure enough, it was a snake. He didn’t want to kill it because he wasn’t sure what kind it was. “Bull snakes are good snakes,” he said, but if it were a rattler he’d have to kill it. We couldn’t see a rattle on the tail, but then we wondered if it might be a baby without a rattle yet. I stood in solidarity with my neighbor and stared at the slimy intruder. What to do, what to do? At that moment my husband—traveling to visit family—called to say goodnight. I told him what was happening, and he said, “Call Spence. He knows all about snakes.” Spence is a good friend and fellow church member. I took a picture and messaged it to him. He called right back and said it was a baby king snake. Definitely non-venomous. Spence said you can tell venomous snakes from non-venomous ones by the shape of their pupils. Venomous snakes have slit pupils like cat’s eyes. Non-venomous ones have round pupils like dogs. I don’t think my cat Scully would appreciate the comparison. My neighbor and I peered at the photo and agreed the eyes looked round. Spence said he’d be over in fifteen minutes to take the snake back to the desert. By now my neighbor’s wife had joined us. She helped trap the snake beneath a bucket. We introduced ourselves—me, Anna, he and she, John and Jeanette. We shared how long we’d lived on the block, where we were from, our experiences, and lack thereof, with snakes and our mutual hatred of the creatures. Spence arrived, picked the little guy up and told us how it could grow to six or eight feet long. Shudder. He put it in a pillowcase and assured us it would be happier in the desert. John, Jeanette, and I wholeheartedly agreed. Spence drove off, John and Jeanette went back into their snake-free house, and I continued on to pick up the mail. It took a snake to create community between us. So for a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, share in the comments about an encounter where you got to know a neighbor better. One Breath Away
Excerpt from One Breath Away… On the rise overlooking Harvest Home, Banker Judah Little sat, his mouth stretched in horror. “My God, what’s wrong with her?” He stared transfixed at the cabin, his hands clasped and shaking. “No doubt reliving the torment of death.” A grudging smile graced Judge Aaron “Hangman” Denton’s face. “No one who cheats the hangman enjoys any kind of peace After hundreds of pronouncements and hundreds of executions, he’d seen it all. He preferred these civil hangings to the military executions by firing squad he’d ordered during the War of Northern Aggression. Bullets brought death so quickly, he always felt cheated. But a hanging…His smile broadened. There was so much more to enjoy when there was a hanging. The snap of the neck. The sway of the body. The discharge of the bowels. He tongued the snuff in his cheek and spat the brown liquid into the dirt. The scents of sage and tobacco laced each breath he took. Mary Hamilton had been his only failure. Crime deserved punishment. What difference did being a woman make? He’d condemned her to hang. Damn interfering crowd. And where in hell had that horseman come from? She’d be dead now but for him and those bleeding-heart busybodies. Buy link: Amazon – https://amzn.to/2VT5u0F Michal Scott Amazon Author Page – https://amzn.to/2TSHzRn Thursday, July 8th, 2021
Enter while you still can! Lots of prizes to go around!
Tuesday, July 6th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Terra! Yes, there is a day dedicated to kissing! It was established in 2006, so why’s it taking so long to catch on? I don’t get it. But I’ll do my part! You don’t have to kiss a lover. Try giving a friend or loved one a peck on the cheek! Kisses are free! Of course, wouldn’t we all love to be on the receiving end of one like this? So, go forth and kiss! For fun, tell me what movie your favorite online smooch was in! I’ll offer a free download to one lucky commenter!
Saturday, July 3rd, 2021
UPDATE: The winners are…Michelle, Arlene Miklovic, and Courtney Kinder! The Montana Bounty Hunters series located in Bear Lodge is complete. I am four books into the spinoff series, Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT,and I’m working on #5. I loved writing the original series, and I can’t wait to immerse myself in writing many more of these heavy-duty, gritty guys in the near future. Have you seen the cover for Cowboy, which will release in October, if not sooner? Yeah. Some of the guys you love from the original series will continue to pop up here and there in Dead Horse—after all, they all work for Fetch Winter. Someday, he’ll get his happy-ever-after, too! Cochise
ContestAre you all caught up reading the Montana Bounty Hunters? For a chance to win a download of one of the stories you may have missed Here are all the Bear Lodge Montana Bounty Hunters! MONTANA BOUNTY HUNTERS: Bear Lodge, MT Excerpt from WolfOnce she arrived home, Meg checked her windows and the locks on every door. Not that she was paranoid, but given what she’d been through, she wasn’t going to be careless. Plus, her house was isolated and five minutes from Amity. While most days, she liked the fact she had no neighbors close by, times like this kept her on edge. When she finished her rounds, she showered and changed, keeping her service pistol always within reach. She’d hoped standing under the hot spray would relax her, but when she’d dressed again, this time in jeans and a soft tee, she felt restless, so she made herself a cup of coffee and carried her laptop into the living room. With it resting on her lap, she thought maybe she should write her mom a short email, just to tell her she was okay and thinking about her. Instead, she paused, her fingers hovering over the keys. She opened her browser and typed in a search, inputting the address of the warehouse, and then hit enter. The first item in the list that appeared was a link to an article in the local newspaper about the fire and Reese Tobin’s arrest. She read the article, but there was nothing there she didn’t already know. She hit the back key and began searching the other items in the list. She came to one that listed the owner of the warehouse, Bear Claw Industries. She clicked on the blue, underlined company name, and that link took her to an ad in the yellow pages. Bear Claw Industries was a shipping company and a sole proprietor company owned by “Red” Barton, a state congressman. Not sure where this was leading, if anywhere at all, she typed in “Red Barton, Amity MT”. The list included articles, and one by one she immersed herself in the congressman’s history. Red Barton was a member of the Methodist church, had a pretty wife, had run for mayor and lost, but won when he ran unopposed for the state congress. He was a supporter of states’ rights and the second amendment. And he’d gotten some flack in the editorial section of the newspaper over the fact he’d spoken at a gathering for a local militia, where he’d given a speech about gun rights and the limited sovereignty of the government. Another link led her to a description of the rest of the agenda for that meeting and a list of those who’d attended. When she read the names, a sick feeling lodged in the pit of her stomach. Reese Tobin and Bennie Jacobs had both been there. They had both been members of the Free Montana Militia. There was the connection. She quickly scanned the other names, and thankfully, found no deputies among them, but she didn’t know the rest of the men. She sent the agenda with the list of names to her printer, and then remembered her coffee, which had cooled. She set aside her laptop and bent toward the coffee table to pick up her cup when the silence was disturbed by glass shattering and the dull thud of something hitting the wall behind her. Meg threw herself to the floor, reached onto the coffee table for her service Glock, and crawled toward the kitchen. There she slid upward to the junction box and turned off the electricity. Darkness fell around her, and she suddenly realized she’d left her cellphone on her dresser in her bedroom. She was on her own. In the distance, she heard the deep, rattling hum of a motorcycle engine, but she was more concerned about any sounds she could detect nearer, like the rattling of a doorknob or the shattering of more glass should an intruder try to get inside. Well, she wasn’t sitting there waiting for trouble. No matter how hard it was to keep her breaths even. With her weapon held in front of her, she moved out of the kitchen and back toward the living room. She had to be sure that what she’d heard had been a gunshot. Crouching low, she moved toward the window across from the sofa and nudged aside the sheer panel. In the moonlight, she could see the tear in the fabric and noted the round, splintered circle in the glass. She had to make the call. Alert the sheriff. Then warn Wolf that someone wasn’t leaving them alone. As she moved toward the hallway, a whoosh sounded, like the slide of a window moving upward. But she’d locked them all, hadn’t she? Swallowing hard, she moved toward the sound. It had come from her bedroom. With her heart pounding in her chest, she felt that rush she always had in combat, when everything around her slowed down and her mind focused on the mission, the goal—the intruder in her house. She set her back to the hallway wall and moved slowly sideways, listening for footsteps, the creak of a floorboard. But there was only silence. Beside the door, she drew a slow, quiet breath, drew her courage around her like a cloak, and moved inside, again, keeping her back to the wall. She crouched beside the dresser and glanced toward the window. The curtain billowed inward on a gust of wind. The shadows inside the room were hard to distinguish, but then she saw a movement. One large dark shape moving from beside the window. She held still, not breathing, until the large frame passed her. Then she rose, coming up behind the man who stood in the doorframe, his head cocked. She pressed the muzzle of her weapon against his ribs. “Meg.” At his whisper, she drew a sharper breath. “Wolf?” She held her weapon away and leaned against his back as she struggled not to shiver. “What are you doing here?” she whispered harshly. “Let’s not talk about it now. Two men, I think the same ones who disabled your car, are right outside your house.” Friday, July 2nd, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Angel M. Shaw! You didn’t know it was World UFO Day? Amazon Prime knows that. The Tomorrow War streams tonight, and I’m going to try to talk the family into watching! Who doesn’t like an epic fight, Man vs. Aliens? Okay, the thought of aliens arriving is great for movies and books, but the thought of real aliens arriving is kind of unnerving. They’d want something from us, right? Would we be food or friends? “If Aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.” I love the idea of UFOs. I believe there is intelligent life out there in the cosmos. Whether they’ve visited us or not, well that’s for smarter people than me to figure out. What do you think? Have you seen one? Or know someone who has? Answer for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Psst! Open Contests!
Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
UPDATE: The winner is…Stacey Kinzebach! The 16-year-old girl drove me into town today. Before we left the driveway, she plugged in her phone, pulled up Pandora, and started the song list at the top of her menu. The first song played was “Under the Boardwalk” by The Drifters, the next was “Rockin’ Robin” by Bobby Day, followed by Etta James’ “At Last.” She sighed when she heard that song, saying, “That one’s my favorite.” BTW, she sang every word of every random song played. I couldn’t have been more proud. Her mom had the same taste growing up, and this didn’t happen because we play Classic Rock and Motown songs 24/7 in our house. We listen and know well all the current hits, but the teenager is the one who brings up the frequent gripe our family shares that they just don’t make memorable music anymore. When the opening strains of “Stand by Me” play, you instantly know the song, and no matter how long it’s been since you heard it last, you remember the words. This morning when the guitar riff at the start of Chuck Berry’s “Johnny B. Goode” played, we both squealed and began dancing in our seats. I guess we’re doing something right. 🙂 ContestFor a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what songs bring the biggest smiles and joy to your family!
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