Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Open Contests & FREE Short Story!
Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

You can still enter these contests!

  1. A. Catherine Noon: The Great Pause (Giveaway) — Get a free app!
  2. Flashback: Crescent Moon (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Open Contests & a New One! And Story Time — Your Story! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Happy Mother’s Day! (and a Puzzle!) — Win a $5 Amazon gift card!
  5. My Mother’s Day (Contest) — Win an Amazon Gift Card!

FREE Short Story

Hey there! I know many of you are self-isolating and reading like mad! Here’s a short story you can read quickly. Be warned: there’s a threesome involved! Enjoy!

Fraternizing just got hotter—before, during, and after business hours…

Zoe and her stepbrother Grayson get caught by Grayson’s boss “playing” in his pool. He holds their futures in his hands, and Zoe couldn’t be more thrilled…

Get your FREE copy here!

Open Contests & a New One! And Story Time — Your Story!
Saturday, May 9th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Kelley!

Here’s a list of open contests! Be sure to enter!

  1. Another month gone… A reminder about open contests, plus a new contest!This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. A Reminder and a Puzzle/Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. A. Catherine Noon: The Great Pause (Giveaway) — Get a free app!
  4. Flashback: Crescent Moon (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!

Tell me your story!

IMG_8426Let’s get this party started!

I bought this brainstorming tool years ago at some writers’ conference. I’ve only used it here! “Story Cubes” is a brainstorming game. You roll the dice and whatever pictures appear, face-up, are the ones you use to riff off a story.

To make this fun, I’ll offer a prize—a $5 Amazon gift card—good for purchasing one or two stories…

Have fun with this! Don’t overthink! Here’s the roll…

This looks so interesting!!! And there’s a cat hair under the arrows and a crumb in the groove on my desktop. I’m cleaning as soon as I post this!

Flashback: Crescent Moon (Contest)
Tuesday, May 5th, 2020

UPLOAD: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

Here’s a story you might not be aware that I wrote. It first appeared with Montlake as a serialized story, issued in eight increments, and then offered as full-length novel. I loved writing this story. I did an enormous amount of research for it, studying Egyptian mythological figures, the Land of the Dead, the history of The God’s Wife… A real thing, by the way. And of course, I had fun setting the bulk of the story in present-day New Orleans. There’s no more perfect setting for the story of a mummy being brought back to life.

Crescent Moon

Crescent Moon Trading Card (front)

From ancient Egypt to present-day New Orleans, a woman of exceptional strength is called to protect against an unspeakable evil…and to experience an unforgettable seduction.

Khepri still isn’t used to being The God’s Wife. The daughter of a common farmer, she’s more comfortable being friends with servants than employing a whole team of them. Being the wife of Amun affords her luxuries she only dreamed of, but her dreams are not always a haven…they are also filled with demons. Lately she’s had doubts about the role she’s been thrust into. She’s had yearnings for another sort of life, one where she’s loved intimately, rather than only adored from afar.

When a powerful man lures her away from her temple, she’s thrilled at the chance for an adventure. Her adventure quickly becomes a nightmare when the handsome vizier mummifies her alive. Pure of heart and body, she’s the warrior he foresees will battle a demonic pharaoh if ever he awakens. Khepri’s sure he’s insane, until she awakens in a distant future. Alone and needing a guide in this strange and garish new world, she turns to the troubled man who set her free…

When New Orleans police detective Justin Henry Boucher is called to the Garden Museum to investigate stolen Egyptian artifacts, it’s not exactly the adrenaline rush he used to get working a homicide. But with a reprimand on his record and a sorrow he can’t shake, he will take what he can get — as long as he can keep his badge. What he doesn’t count on is having to keep his cool when he finds one of the priceless artifacts — a golden-skinned goddess wrapped in fabric like a mummy, left to die and needing his help. She’s a mystery he’s determined to unravel. She might also be the cure for his lonely heart.

Get your copy here!
Available as an eBook, paperback, or audio!


Comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Do you love stories based on history and myths?

An Excerpt from Crescent Moon

One last time, her mind drifted, peacefully content…no shadows or disquiet to disturb her…allowing her to separate the parts of herself, first body from spirit…and then the mournful, dying part of her soul to dwell forever in the pit, while what remained, the part that would be born again, floated upward on golden wings.

Her sprit ba left her mortal shell and spread its wings, flying through the small bright hole in the ceiling, leaving behind her swaddled human form, which lay on a bare wooden bench. One, two, three strong surges of her fluttering wings and she flew toward the sun, free at last and feeling grateful to her husband for his generous gift. Her wings caught an updraft and she held them still, floating on the wind, the glorious waning sun warming her back.

Her spirit flew above white limestone cliffs and past a deep quarry littered with enormous blocks of carved stone. A sudden gust riffled through her feathers, forcing her to fly west, high above a barren valley.

But at last, her ba tired, circling downward, searching for the great river to lead her home. But no familiar white-washed city dwellings, no temple walls lay below. No fields of cotton and wheat.

Confused, she made her way back to the dismal pit. Not wanting to enter, she flitted around the opening, feeling weary and afraid.

Something dark awaited her. Some horror in the shadows.

And then she spotted the man with the dark, watchful gaze standing beneath the opening, his arms outspread to catch her…

Her heart pounded against her chest, the sound intruding on the vision. Khepri’s eyes slammed open.

Freedom was only a dream, a memory. How long had she been sleeping?

Slowly, Khepri grew more aware of her surroundings. Pressure enveloped her from head to toes. Frayed edges of linen strips surrounded her eyes. An ache centered in her head made her want to gasp, but when she tried to draw a deep breath, the constriction around her chest made the movement impossible. She couldn’t feel her fingers or toes. Her body, other than her head and chest, was numb. Something was terribly wrong. Short, panicked breaths huffed in the silence.

She blinked, bright sunlight streaming through a hole in the rock ceiling above, blinding her, making her eyes tear. Unable to turn her head, she peered beneath the fringe of her dark lashes, through the openings left in the fabric, gazing upward. Her sight cleared slowly, but was filtered as though looking through the gauzy curtains that surrounded her bed in her tiny house inside the temple walls. But the haze obstructing her sight wasn’t merely physical. It was a thin curtain pulled over her mind. One placed there, purposely, to confuse.

Her head reeled, not understanding, not recognizing where she lay. The sickly sweet scent of frankincense tickled her nose.

“Precious little warrior, you are awake.”

If she could have drawn a deep breath, she would have spit. Sudden fury trembled through her body. She didn’t understand what was happening, but knew he was the one to blame. She wanted to rage against him, ask how he dared abduct her. She was Amun’s wife, his mortal consort. But the only sound that scratched from her throat was a tiny whimper.

“You have questions,” he crooned from beside her. “We have little time. Pharaoh’s army marches. They will find us soon. We must bury the nameless one, hide him before they can entomb him. No one must ever find his body. He will not sleep in a sarcophagus. No texts will be written to reawaken him, no mask placed over his head so that he may recognize himself in the afterlife. He must not rise.”

Her lashes drifted downward. She remembered the moment the handsome, lying vizier stepped off the plank lowered from the side of the barge.

“Pharaoh is dead,” he’d said, his voice uninflected.

Her heart had grown still. The news was devastating to be sure, but why had he traveled so far from Luxor to tell her?

And then snippets of memories bombarded her mind.

Khepri moaned, spreading her lips and baring her teeth to catch the edges of the strips surrounding her mouth, but they were stiffened and wouldn’t give. Her eyes rounded in fear as she realized how dire was her predicament.

He bent closer, his dark eyes alight with sympathy. But then he moved away. Taking with him his masculine scent, musk she’d once found attractive. The odor mocked her now.

Although she feared him, she wanted to cling to the sight of him, didn’t want to feel so alone, so trapped and helpless. Perhaps she could reason with him. But he was insane. Would no one stop him?

Deep in her throat, she gurgled, nearly choking on the tears that leaked from her eyes and burned the back of her throat. “Please,” she whispered.

From a distance, she heard his footsteps. He drew nearer, holding in one hand a slender reed with one end frayed and trimmed to form a brush and dripping red paint, and in the other a palette, red pigment swirled. He leaned over her and made strokes on the coverings enclosing her chest, down her belly, splitting over her thighs and moving down to her toes.

“What are you doing?” she rasped, as some of the cool liquid seeped through to touch her skin.

“Painting spells, Khepri, Amun’s wife. Introducing you to Anubis, the protector of souls, entreating him to keep you close until you are needed. To hide you from Osiris so your soul will not be judged. Not yet.”

“Until I am needed? I am needed at the temple.”

He tsked and continued to paint, accompanied by the soft chuffing sounds of bristles rasping on resin-hardened fabric.

Her tears quickened, soaking her skin beneath the wrappings and leaking into her hair. “I am The God’s Wife. You have no right.”

He sighed and strode back into view. When he leaned over her, sympathy no longer shone in his eyes. A deep furrow dug between his sharp dark brows. “I need quiet to think,” he said, his words peppering her like hard pellets.

He placed a hand over her nose and mouth, cutting off her air.

Panic made her gurgle, but she was unable to fight. She stared upward at his gleaming eyes until darkness closed over her vision.

A. Catherine Noon: The Great Pause (Giveaway)
Monday, May 4th, 2020

A. Catherine Noon here. Thank you so much to Delilah for inviting me back to her blog. I’m glad to be here.

And yet, we are living in such unprecedented times. I live in the state of Washington, five miles from the original epicenter of the COVID outbreak. Our governor just extended our stay-at-home orders until May 31.

And I have a cold.

Or something. It’s so easy, even in the best of times, to come up with dire predictions. I am, after all, a writer – a strong and vivid imagination is part of the job. My mind has been treating me to all sorts of scenarios about what my illness is, and none of them involve a cold. (My doctor thinks it’s an upper respiratory illness or seasonal allergies, and I’m doing what she tells me to do to get well.) But it’s lasting, what feels like forever.

Kind of like this pandemic.

But like many other kinds of prolonged dangers, the Great Pause can be seen as something to be abhorred, ignored, and fought; or as a great opportunity to learn resilience. I choose to see it as the latter.

Here are my guidelines for surviving the Great Pause. They are what I try to remind myself in times of stress – which, if I’m honest, is pretty much all the time right now. It doesn’t help anything that I have PTS and agoraphobia: now, going out really CAN cause me harm. So it’s easy to fall into a rabbit hole of fear and reactivity. In order to stay calm and carry on, this is what I’ve found helpful:

  1. Avoid the news. I focus on what my governor and our health department have to say as it’s relevant to me and my family and, beyond that, I try to ignore it.
  2. Make stuff. Anything. This may seem silly, but the simple act of making something, be it a dish for dinner or a craft, can help restore a sense of empowerment and control. We cannot control other people or a virus, but we CAN make something.
  3. Meditate. I use two resources for this: the Calm app and iRest Yoga Nidra. If these are things you’ve seen but haven’t yet tried, I urge you to check them out.
  4. Rest. Nap. Get a good night’s sleep. I know it’s tempting to stay up to all hours scrolling on social media. Don’t. Treat your brain like the sensitive and amazing instrument it is.
  5. Eat clean. We all know what that means for ourselves. So do it. Don’t be sloppy. Don’t let the awful fear win. Be strong, keep the faith, and eat well for your body.

If you would like to try the Calm app for free, I have five guest passes available. Please leave a comment below and let me know your email and I’ll be happy to send one.

Or, if you prefer, email me at with “Calm App” in the subject line. This will go to the first five responses I receive; first come, first served, no purchase necessary.

And now, Dear Reader, I’d love to know: what techniques help keep you on an even keel during the Great Pause?

“My own experience has taught me this: if you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured it may never arrive.”
~ Maurice Chevalier | | |

A Reminder and a Puzzle/Contest!
Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!

A Reminder!

These contests are still open! Enter while you can!

  1. Simple Delights (Contest–3 Winners!)This one ends soon! Win a free story!
  2. Angela Addams: Dream Cast for Wicked Disclosure (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Another month gone… A reminder about open contests, plus a new contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!

A Puzzle & a Contest!

Can you believe I almost forgot to post today? I’ve been posting a daily blog for YEARS, so you’d think it would be part of my DNA by now. But no. So, this is quick!

So far as what’s happening here…? We discovered mold in the basement. Has anyone ever dealt with it before? OMG. We’re tackling it ourselves. Cleaning walls with chemicals, painting with Drylok, pulling up tiles and replacing them. It’s a huge undertaking. The lockdown is feeling pretty convenient right about now…

Our state is starting to open back up. Can’t pay that unemployment if you force people to work. Not getting into that here though. Such sad, sad news, truly horrifying coming from all over the country, but we’re trying our best not to become statistics. We’re continuing our social distancing throughout the dang summer, come Hell or high water!

The goats are growing and growing! Now, my dd wants a lamb (but not as a pet). The big question will be how to keep the little ones from getting too attached!  I’m still pounding away at my story which I have to finish by end of next week. I’m only a little stressed out (cough). I have two editing jobs to finish this week and another to begin. I’ve got all the work I can do. AND I’m keeping up so far with my daily #100dayproject postings!

Here’s today’s:

So, onto why you’re really here!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me a little snippet of a story about this woman!


Another month gone… A reminder about open contests, plus a new contest!
Thursday, April 30th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen1!

Open Contests! Enter while you still can!

  1. Poll About Prizes & a Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. A Reminder, a Puzzle, and Another Chance to Win! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Simple Delights (Contest–3 Winners!) — Win a recent release or a short story!
  4. Angela Addams: Dream Cast for Wicked Disclosure (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!

Another Month Gone

Whew! Someone on Twitter said that March seemed to last months but April lasted a day. Was it the same for you? Self-isolation, truthfully, hasn’t been so hard for my family. They’ve adjusted, and even thrived.

For me, already a hermit writer, not going out in public was barely a change. The kids, at first, felt like staying home was a vacation. However, as soon as online school and AMI packets became the daily routine, the vacation aspect ended, but they’ve been troopers. My dd took advantage of having so many home to do all kinds of domestic chores and projects. The big event in April was purchasing a pair of baby goats.

The older kids helped build the pen. Everyone has pitched in feeding them and watching them when they are put out in bigger fields to eat leaves and brush. I think the kids will have many good memories of this time.

We’ve had movie nights, special meals, game nights… And while they’ve missed their friends, they have kept in contact using FaceTime, TikTok, and phone calls. As restrictions ease this summer, we plan to keep isolating, but the kids will be allowed to have a “designated” friend come enjoy the pool, only one guest at a time, and only after we make sure their parents aren’t being stupid about safety.

I have been challenged to find time to write with so many people in the house all the time. However, I did write and publish one book, so far. Here’s just a reminder about my April release, the sequel to New Orleans Nights, and the first of a new New Orleans Nights series…

One Hot Night

🔥🔥Things get complicated in a hurry between a NOLA cop freelancing as protection for visiting dignitaries and a reporter determined to get her story…🔥🔥

I hope you have all picked up a copy. It’s very sexy, filled with action and humor. You know, something I would write. 🙂

Right now, I’m chugging away at the book that will release on May 19th! Here’s hoping I get there on time!

Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride

Click on the cover to pre-order your copy!

More fun there. Also set in New Orleans, with connections to my Montana Bounty Hunters through the RIP agency, which will have its own series beginning sometime this year.

For my sanity’s sake, I’m also plowing into some other artistic pursuits. I’m taking online watercolor classes. I’m working on the #100dayproject challenge which requires that I produce some small painting or collage every day. I’m learning a lot, which is keeping me looking forward to more days spent in isolation because if I was out and about I’d never apply myself so well!


Let me know how you guys are dealing with the lockdown and how you’re preparing for the easing of restrictions for a chance to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card!

Angela Addams: Dream Cast for Wicked Disclosure (Contest)
Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

Wicked Disclosure is a very naughty little novel, and so the likelihood of it being turned into a feature film is, well, very far fetched. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t envisioned what my dream cast would be if it ever were to be made into a film. I write all of my books as though they are movies. Every scene plays through my head like it would on screen and I’ve given a lot of consideration to the actors I’d choose if given the chance.

Sabine Cowan

“The only way to get what you want from a man is through sex. Whether you use it as a bribe, as a threat or as a promise, it’s the only real power a woman has. Anyone who tells you different is full of shit.”

Caity Lotz can definitely pull off the commanding and sultry look of my fiery Sabine. I could see her in Sabine’s signature pencil skirts and five inch stilettos with her hair piled up on top of her head and her lipstick a deep, dark red. She’d pull all eyes to her no matter what room she walked into and would send the message that she gets what she wants no matter what.

Trent Brooks

“I’m going to make you beg, baby, but not tonight. Tonight I’m going to f**k your brains out.”

This is Dave Franco, brother of James Franco and, OMG, so sexy! A perfectly tempting younger man for Sabine. He has that dark dangerous look about him but when he’s smiling he’s completely disarming. There’s a youthful charm about this guy that I think would appeal to Sabine quite a lot. With Sabine on his arm, can someone say power couple?

Adam Lancaster

“You got it, boss.”

I have a soft spot for Adam (so much so that he’s getting his own book) and I wanted to pick just the right actor to play him. Adam is a big teddy bear with a heart of gold. He’s loyal and very skilled at what he does, namely, protecting Sabine. I think Channing Tatum could do this character justice. He’s got the right kind of muscles and can definitely pull off sexy while giving that strong bodyguard vibe.

Roy Miller

“Keep your dick and every other part of yourself away from that witch. She’s nothing but trouble.”

Every book needs a bad guy, right? Benicio Del Toro is the perfect villain for this book. Just one look from him and you know you’re in for a world of hurt. I can see him as the CEO of Morgan and Miller, mentor to Trent Brooks and nemesis of Sabine Cowan. He does sly and devious extremely well and when he loses his temper, well, it’s a fury that you’ve got to see.


To celebrate my new release, I’m giving away a $25 GC for Amazon!
Enter my giveaway here:

Wicked Disclosure

Pushing his boundaries was always her plan. What she didn’t expect was how much she’d love it when he pushed back.

Trent Brooks is young, hungry and on his way to the top as a newly appointed Lead Communications Officer at Morgan and Miller, a conglomerate of family brands. After the death of the company’s CFO, Trent is dispatched to navigate a delicate situation involving the deceased executive and an escort agency known as Kitty Calls.

Sabine Cowan is the take-no-prisoners owner of Kitty Calls, who has no use for men other than for her business and her personal pleasure. When Trent presents her with the confidentiality agreement, she dismisses it. But instead of dismissing him, she decides he may be just the type of fun she’s been hungry for.

When compromising photos of Sabine and Trent together are leaked to the media, both of their worlds explode, just in very different ways. Sabine is used to being painted as a sexual deviant. Trent, not so much. With his reputation and his career hanging in the balance, he’s determined to figure out who’s behind the leak.

Screwing Sabine Cowan is every man’s wet dream, including Trent’s. Falling in love with her, however, is not what he bargained for. Exploring the depth of their passion in whatever way she wants could destroy him completely, but his quest for the truth may be something worth dying for.

Get your copy!
Totally Bound
Barnes and Noble

About the Author

Angela Addams is an author of many naughty things. She believes that the written word is an amazing tool for crafting the most erotic of scenarios and likes telling stories about normal people getting down and dirty and falling in love. Enthralled by the paranormal at an early age, Angela also spends a lot of her time thinking up new story ideas that involve supernatural creatures in everyday situations.

She is an avid tattoo collector, a total book hoarder, and loves anything covered in chocolate…except for bugs.

She lives in Ontario, Canada in an old, creaky house, with her husband, children and four moody cats.

Where can you find Angela?