Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Can you believe the first half of 2018 is already gone? (Contest)
Saturday, June 30th, 2018

UPDATE: The winner is…Peggy Harrington!

Thought you might like to see what I’ve released so far this year—just in case you missed it! I published the last three Texas Cowboys stories, the entire Triplehorn Brand series, three more Montana Bounty Hunters, a couple of Colorado cowboy stories, one multi-author anthology, and just one short story! I have to pick up the pace for the rest of the year! Think I can do it? I don’t know, I did just hit 60… 🙂

1. 01/02/18 – BOUND & DETERMINED, Texas Cowboys series
2. 01/23/18 – SLOW RIDER, Texas Cowboys series
3. 02/13/18 – NIGHT WATCH, Texas Cowboys series
4. 02/27/18 – PIRATES, A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology
5. 03/06/18 – LAYING DOWN THE LAW, The Triplehorn Brand series
6. 03/08/18 – DAGGER, Montana Bounty Hunters series
7. 03/20/18 – IN TOO DEEP, The Triplehorn Brand series
8. 04/03/18 – A LONG, HOT SUMMER, The Triplehorn Brand series
9. 04/05/18 – REAPER’S RIDE, Montana Bounty Hunters series
10. 04/27/18 – THE BOUNTY-2, short story
11. 05/11/18 – TRUE HEART
12. 05/22/18 – LONE HEART
13. 06/26/18 – COCHISE, Montana Bounty Hunters series

I have favorites among these stories for differing reasons…

My favorite covers? In Too Deep is just gorgeous! Cochise is sexy as hell!

In Too Deep 


My favorite characters? Reaper is a grumpy hard-ass, who can show a surprisingly tender side to his wife, Carly. I made him suffer in Reaper’s Ride! And then there’s Lacey Jones from Dagger… I haven’t had that much fun writing an introduction to a story in a very long time. If you want to read that intro, head here. My “Bounty Hunter Barbie” is unique.



My favorite stories? What can I say, I love writing bounty hunters. I love writing the action-packed takedowns of stupid criminals. They are a blast to write. My bounty hunter stories are chock-full of action!



My sexiest story? Hands down, it’s The Bounty-Part 2, because for the shorties, I let the “dirty girl” out to play!

The Bounty 2

What’s coming?

Coming soon, I have two more bounty hunter stories in the works, Hook (I’m shooting for August), and a crossover with my SEAL stories, S*x on the Beach (coming in September). I’m revising the hell out of a fantasy story, Gargoyle’s Embrace (coming in July). All three are up for pre-order. As well, I’ll be writing a new shorty, Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Client. So sexy times are coming. This fall, I’ll give you the next With His SEAL Team installment. So, be sure to check back in with me!

Gargoyle's Embrace Hook S*x on the Beach


The projects I have listed above aren’t going to keep me busy, so I was wondering what else you might like to see from me. Want more bounty hunters? Texas cowboys? Witches, vamps, or werewolves? More SEALs?  Comment below for a chance to win one of the stories I’ve released so far this year. Your choice!

Authentic Men… Real Adventure… Cochise is here! (Contest)
Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

The winner of the free download is…Elysian Fields!

The fourth story in my Montana Bounty Hunters series is here!

Cochise centers around a very sexy bounty hunter, who falls for a cop who has a beef with bounty hunters—until she needs their help. The story also catches you up on Jamie & Sky (and their dog, Tessa), and Dagger & Lacey. The story is hot, has plenty of humor, and exciting takedowns! I hope you love it!

If you have time, tell a friend about this story and, maybe, write a review. Readers trust other readers to let them know whether they should take a chance on a their next book boyfriend. If you love the stories, let someone know. And thanks!

Enjoy! ~DD


Montana Bounty Hunters, Book #4

Former Army sniper, Cochise Mercier, left Denver SWAT under a cloud of controversy, which was why he ended up back home in Montana, and where he heard about the Montana Bounty Hunters. The “cloud” didn’t seem to bother his new boss, so he’s “all in” and finding he enjoys hunting down fugitives for bounties, encumbered by fewer rules.

Sammy McCallister is a by-the-book sheriff’s deputy, who has a beef with bounty hunters. Forced to stand by with her gun in her holster, while hunters take down scumbags, she’s particularly irked by the new guy in town. Cochise, with his long black hair and thousand-yard-stare makes her uncomfortable, itchy in ways she’s never felt before. When she finds herself needing his help late one night, the reason for her irritation becomes all too clear. She wants him. But first, they have to make it out of the mountains alive…

Get your copy here!


For a chance to win one of the first three stories in the
Montana Bounty Hunter series, answer me this…

Have you read any bounty hunter stories? Have you watched a bounty hunter movie or TV show?

 Dagger Reaper's Ride
Click on the covers to learn more about the stories!

Victoria Pinder: Tempting Conner (Contest)
Sunday, June 17th, 2018

Conner Udine is a prince and a hero all rolled into one. And Olivia had a slight crush on her brother’s best friend when he was at her family’s over for dinner. She never said a word. And unlike her sister Scarlett, Olivia is unassuming and would rather read a book than admit to her real feelings. She’s the youngest Hawke sibling and honestly she blogs about books for a living. Could she do more? Yes, but her shyness really holds her back.

Conner needs to be in his kingdom so to protect Olivia he flies her to his European kingdom and sets her up in the castle. But when Scarlett and Gabe say Maddox was arrested, they both thought the threat was over. Olivia goes out to explore.

Conner is faced with a decision as there is some ancient law that he must marry and his father needs him to marry sooner rather than later. But in showing the sweet Olivia around, he starts wondering if she’ll be the perfect bride. However this small bliss is threatened when someone starts trying to kill Olivia and Conner needs to protect her. As Maddox is in jail it can’t be him, but the threat against the Hawkes continues.

Tempting Conner

One sweet, unassuming book blogger targeted by an assassin. One handsome prince sworn to protect her. These two have nothing in common, except undeniable chemistry.

Prince Conner Udine is a man of honor. When he promised his best friend and former Marine buddy that he’d protect his sister, he never imagined that it would lead to a lifetime commitment. When a sixteenth century law resurfaces, his life plan takes a drastic turn, and now he has to marry before his thirtieth birthday.

Olivia Hawke liked Conner from the first moment she saw him, but she never revealed that to him. Now, he’s her protector, and she has to live in his castle.

As if that’s not awkward enough, he’s just revealed that he has to marry, and fast.

Will she agree to give him her hand and finally get the happily-ever-after she’s always dreamed of?



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Flashback: Big Bad Wolf (Contest — 3 Winners)
Saturday, June 16th, 2018

I’ve been writing for a while. I have numerous series, standalone titles, and short stories. If you’ve never read or barely read me, I can keep you busy for a while! 🙂

One of my first series, that’s still ongoing, is my Night Fall series. It’s near and dear to my heart. And there are 14 stories in the series, so far. The last title I released was Big Bad Wolf, which I adored. What wasn’t to love? A rugged, backwoods wolf with no love for vampires. A vampire with every reason to hate wolves… Of course, they had to fall in love. And there will be more stories. So, dive in. None of them are terribly long. You can consume them like candy. I dare you to give them a try…

Comment for a chance to win your choice of download from among the stories shown below! I’ll pick three winners!

Click on the covers to learn more about the stories!

Sm(b)itten Truly, Madly ... Deadly Knight in Transition Wolf in Plain Sight 
Night Fall On Dark Mountain Frannie and the Private Dick Sweet Succubus Truly, Madly...Werely (Night Fall Book 9) Bad to the Bone
Long Howl Good Night  Big Bad Wolf Silent is the Knight

Big Bad Wolf
Big Bad Wolf

Ginnie Martin is a badass. She was born that way one horror-filled night. Forged in blood—her own and her family’s. All were ravaged by savage beasts. Her vampire savior recruited her to fight with his small army against the creatures responsible for her devastating loss. But now, he’s asking too damn much. He wants her to open her home to new allies who, until only recently, were their fiercest foes. Wolves.

Calum Fletcher already bristles against providing muscle to a vampire force. Content living in his remote mountain cabin, he’s never been much for mixing with other wolves, much less making nice with vampires. He was already having a hard time dealing, but the woman letting him bunk in her home wears an even larger chip on her shoulder. Quickly, his new favorite sport is goading her into losing her temper—because everyone knows a vampire’s bloodlust leads to very sexy places…

Read an excerpt…

The moment Calum Fletcher stepped into The Cavern, his body quickened. The heavy thud of his heart pounded at his temples. His skin prickled. Above the scent of booze and sex, he noted the musty, metallic odor of blood, and his stomach churned. Every instinct shouted danger.

Striding past the brawny, dull bouncer at the door, he kept moving, needing to draw calm around him before his nature was revealed. Although the vampires had been warned of his pack’s arrival in Seattle, he preferred to cloak himself in humanskin, free of wolf scent. The better to study the enemies he’d now be aligning with in war.

Dance music beat against his body. Bright, strobing lights pierced his eyes. Turning from the dance floor, he moved toward the bar, ignoring the activities of the patrons—the feasting, the fucking. Everywhere, except at the bar, an orgy of bloodlust and sexual excess was in progress.

The blonde behind the bar gave him quick, assessing glance. Her green eyes narrowed. “Can I get you a drink?” she asked, all the while continuing to watch him as though she expected trouble.

“A beer.”

“No preference?”

He shook his head, wanting to look away, but he was studying her as well. The blonde, uneven cut that barely reached to her chin looked wind-tousled. Her pale unpainted cheeks were as smooth as porcelain. Her mouth was bowed but held in a tight, firm line. Below, her figure was lean and muscled with only a slight flare of hips and a meager bosom.

And then he viewed her clothing—a black, form-fitting tank and faded blue jeans with ragged holes over both knees, stuffed into square-toed black boots. Harsh, dark. Echoing the look in the eyes.

Vampire, he concluded. Had she already guessed his true nature?

She placed the beer on a cardboard coaster in front of him. “Haven’t seen you here before,” she said, her voice soft, but with a hint of an edge.

“I’m from out of town.” Out of state, actually, but he didn’t elaborate.

“How did you find this place?”

He gave a shrug then met her gaze, locking with it. “I was walking along the docks. Heard the music.”

She frowned. “And once you came inside…?”

Her tone clued him she was angling to hear what he thought of what was going on. A human who ventured inside by accident should be shocked. So, she hadn’t made him.

He held still. Barely breathed. If she knew he wasn’t a willing “host,” someone who understood the rules of the blood exchange, what would she do? His curiosity was piqued by her deepening frown and downturned mouth. Was she considering giving him a “friendly” warning?

Calum broke with her gaze and glanced at the dance floor. Most pairs danced, bodies moving in a wild fervor. A few barely swayed while hosts’ necks bent and vamps’ mouths worked, teeth and tongues biting and licking. He barely repressed a shudder. Worse, his gums tingled. When he turned back, he didn’t bother hiding a frown.

She reached out a hand and cupped the back of his wrapped around the beer. “Are you curious?” she asked, her voice thicker than before and lisping.

Curious about her, yes. Which should have alarmed him. But she wasn’t flirting and wasn’t attempting to use her vampire’s tricks to seduce him. Her gaze was direct. A straightforward challenge.

And although he wasn’t there to play, he did have time to satisfy his curiosity. The rest of his pack would be arriving soon enough. He’d pushed ahead of the convoy while they’d stopped for a meal. He gave a slight nod.

Her chest rose, and she lifted a hand to signal to a waitress, who made her way behind the far end of the long wooden bar. Then the blonde lifted the hinged, vertical opening in the bar and stepped through to join him.

Standing next to him, she had to raise her head to meet his gaze, something that appeared to irritate her, because a frown dug a line between her brows. “Bring your beer.” She stepped past him, skirting the dance floor and moving toward a row of leather-upholstered booths at the opposite side of the room, lit only by candles set in decorative glass bowls.

He followed, beer in hand, then slid into the booth she indicated.

Rather than taking a seat opposite him, she slid in beside him and turned, raising one knee to the seat. Her gaze went to his beard then trailed over his chest and below, before slowly rising again to his face. “I’m Ginnie,” she said, her voice huskier than before.

He noted the sharpened tips of her corner canines, peeking from beneath her upper lip. “Calum,” he said, his own voice deepening. His breathing was coming faster, sitting this close to her, drinking in her sweet-almond scent, which should have acted like repellent. But almond blended with a slight hint of vanilla and her feminine musk, and now moisture gathered in his mouth. He wanted a taste.

His mouth twitched and, inside, he laughed at himself for his attraction. How long had passed since he’d fucked a woman? Now, he wished he’d come better prepared. Vampires were naturally sensual creatures. That was all this lust was. He was growing aroused because she was what she was, and he’d been without for far too long.

Lizzie Ashworth: Faint Heart (Contest)
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Hi Delilah Fans! Can you believe the year is half over already? 2018 is flying by!

Okay, here’s what I’m up to today. I’m trying to learn more about romance readers. So I’m posting a questionnaire here and on my Facebook page. I hope you’ll take two seconds to reply—your participation is greatly appreciated. Your email and other info will NOT be used in any other way—no mailing list, no follow-up. Unless you’re one of the three winners. Then you’ll be notified of your win.

Just email me at with your age and your favorite type of romance. That’s it!

A randomized drawing will result in three winners of a FREE COPY of Faint Heart, a sexy romance novel (ebook format). But don’t wait. Entries accepted through Friday June 15 ONLY.

Cara Carson only wants one thing, and it isn’t a man. Her new business, Cara’s Kitchen, is the only safe place for her heart. Her recipes are perfected and the old house remodel is underway. But on this raw March morning, the contractor isn’t returning her calls, there’s a bulldozer mired in mud on the side lot, and the man operating it has managed to destroy the huge old willow tree she wanted saved. Furious, she charges across the mire to demand answers and finds her feet stuck and then her heart flailing after the bulldozer operator has to come carry her out.

Morgan Woods never believed in love. Until now, it’s been easy to take and leave women. This woman shouldn’t be any different, except something about her pouty pink lips and her blazing hazel eyes sails past all his defenses. His business-partner dad is sick and his businesses are struggling, but he never wants to let this woman out of his arms.

Can two broken people love again?

About the Author

Lizzie Ashworth lives in the wilds of the Ozark Mountains with three cats, two hound dogs, and too many deer in her yard. She’s been writing her entire life and wants her readers to know how much she enjoys sharing her naughty stories. Visit her website for more on all her books,

Tell me a story… (Contest)
Saturday, June 9th, 2018

Win a small Amazon gift card! All you have to do is tell me a little story. See the picture of the sexy guy with the smirk? Tell me what you think this is all about. Maybe start with why he’s there, barely dressed. Is he wanting a conversation? If so, how’s that start? And what are you doing while you’re watching him?

So many possibilities! I can’t wait to read them! NOW GO!

Alexis Morgan: The Power of “HEY, WHAT IF…?” (Contest)
Thursday, June 7th, 2018

UPDATE: The winner of is…Janelle Beaver! 

I think all writers are inherently curious people, ones who love figuring out all the different ways to answer a simple question that starts off, “Hey, what if…”

An example of that in my own writing career stems from a lifelong interest of mine. Although I was an English major in college, I’ve always found geology fascinating.

I grew up in Missouri and live in the Pacific Northwest, both of which have interesting geological features and forces at work. Missouri is famous for its caves while Seattle has its Underground, leftover from when the city was rebuilt after a fire in the late1880s.

Both states also have fault lines that sometimes shiver and shake, making life interesting. Those same fault lines gave rise to the volcanoes scattered along the western side of North America. There are five in Washington State alone.

About ten years ago, I got to thinking about the geology I found so interesting and how I could incorporate it into a paranormal romance. Answering that particular “Hey, what if?” gave rise to my Paladin series. I decided there was an energy barrier that separated our world from another one. That barrier collapsed whenever an earthquake or a volcano decided to act up. If that happened, the people from the other world would come streaming across in a murderous rage. The Paladins are the warriors who stand the line to defend against the invasion. Their headquarters are located in the caves in Missouri and in the Seattle Underground.

Just to make it more interesting, the Paladins have some very special abilities. They’re stronger and have more highly developed senses than normal humans. They heal faster and can even come back from death—but only some many times. And where did they get these gifts? From those very same aliens they’ve been fighting for centuries.

The Paladins have a lot of the characteristics I love in a paranormal hero. They’re bigger than life, have secrets they must protect, and a willingness to sacrifice themselves to save everyone else. I always say the women who love them have to find some way to convince them that it’s just as important that these guys be willing to live for the people they love as they are to die for them.

What other characteristics do you look for in a great romantic hero? Do you prefer a three-piece suit, jeans and a T-shirt, or a uniform?

Leave a comment for a chance to win an Amazon gift card.

Alexis Morgan

In Darkness Transformed

The USA TODAY bestselling author of the Paladin series returns with this sexy, original title featuring a man discovering the paranormal world of the paladins.

Dying hurts…but not as much as living.

Eli is lucky to survive the helicopter crash that killed the rest of the passengers. But when he notices his wounds healing before his eyes, it seems like his survival may have come from more than luck.

Safara knows what Eli does not—Eli is a paladin, a mortal enemy of someone like Safara, someone from Kalithia.

Still, after Eli saves Safara’s life, and Safara introduces Eli to a whole new world, they just can’t seem to treat each as enemies.

Get your copy here!
Amz: | BN: | iB: | Kobo:

About the Author

USA Today Best-selling author Alexis Morgan has always loved reading and now spends her days imagining worlds filled with strong alpha heroes and gutsy heroines. She is the author of over forty-five novels, novellas, and short stories that span a variety of genres: American West historicals; paranormal romances, fantasy romances, and contemporary romances. She is excited to say that next year will see the release of her first cozy mysteries series.