Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Answer an itty-bitty question… (Contest)
Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

UPDATE: The winner of the free Night Fall story is Tamara!

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For a chance to win a free copy of one of the Night Fall stories, answer me this…

What is your personal definition of the word SUCCESS?


It’s gettin’ hot in the Delta! (Contest)
Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

On August 21st, all kinds of yummy goodness will release all over online bookstores. That sound a little too graphic? Well, that was on purpose, because the stories in both series, Delta Blue and Delta Heat, are hot, raunchy sexfests that include BDSM and menages with friends. Both were previously released with Samhain, but have found new homes with Entangled. So, if you haven’t read them before, you’re in for a treat! And if you have, no worries because there’s more to come!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, answer me this…

Which is your preference for hero? Blue or Fire?

Delta  Blue

Click on the covers below to pre-order your copies!

Five Ways 'til Sunday Fournicopia A Perfect Trifecta

Twice the Bang Once is Never Enough

Delta Fire

Click on the covers below to pre-order your copies!

Burning Up Memphis Hotter with a Pole Rapid's Entry

Susan Saxx: The storm was a bitch, approaching near gale… (Contest & Excerpt)
Monday, August 7th, 2017


The hero, Dare Logan, is in the midst of a tropical tempest, on a cruise ship. His ex is on the small tropical island he’s just left. And he can’t stand where he is.

The storm was a bitch, approaching near gale.

Dare leaned into the railing around the hurricane deck, his fingers white-knuckling the cold metal, the relentless wind buffeting him and forming his jacket and pants so hard against his body they were like a second skin.

Freezing. He was so damn cold.

The wall of wind, unyielding.

He sucked in a breath through his nose, lips clamped together. He’d opened his mouth a moment ago, and airborne spray and some marine concoction had hurtled in as the torrent of air had whipped his breath away. No, thanks.

He stared, gaze narrowed, at the boiling sea. Watched the waves dancing crazily, froth bursting into life then gone from existence the next second as new sections of briny ocean reared. Strained to see the island he’d left just a few short hours ago, and made out the grey shapes of palms in the distance bowing in the ferocious wind.

“A mess.” One of the crewmen appeared at his side, and he felt strangely comforted by the presence of another human. “Captain wants everyone inside.”

Dare didn’t answer, just kept his eyes straight ahead. A thousand possibilities cycling through his mind. Considering.

The relentless storm. What the gale force winds were doing to the water. Heaving it, slashing it into sharp lines that could cut.

How a bunch of tiny humans could protect themselves on land against Mother Nature’s evil bitch step sister. Read the rest of this entry »

Mary Hughes: Bite My Fire (Giveaway)
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

Thank you to the incomparable Delilah Devlin for having me here today!

Music. Do you like music? Most people listen to it while working or exercising. We sing in the car or shower or have favorite songs that make us stop what we’re doing and listen.

Does music set your hips swaying or bring tears to your eyes? Music has a way of reaching inside and touching us. It’s almost magical what music can do. No matter how bad the day is going, a happy song can bring us up. No matter how many aches and pains we have, when we hear the songs from our high school days we’re instantly sixteen again.

What kind do you listen to? Are you country, rock and roll, classical, or one of the amazing number of hybrid fusion styles?

I play flute, have done for more years than I care to count, lol. My husband plays cello, and ditto. If you like Greensleeves, I have a short rendition on Irish flute here  and There Is a Balm in Gilead on regular flute here

Music plays a big part in my life. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that it seeped over into my writing. Several of my Biting Love heroines are musicians.  Rocky in Downbeat is a flute player like me, Junior of Biting Oz plays clarinet and saxophone in a pit orchestra, and Nixie is a punk rock musician in Biting Nixie.

If you’re curious how music and vampires go together, the Biting Love series is on sale, only 99 cents each. Nine steamy, zany, action-packed vampire romances for UNDER ten bucks. But this special goes away forever Sunday, so grab yours now. Check out the Entangled site for complete buying choices. (

Or start the series on Amazon here, BN here, or iTunes here. ( ( (

What about you? What’s your favorite song, singer, band, or type of music? What is there about it that you love—does it set your body moving or make you reach for the tissues or…?

GIVEAWAYS: Normally I only reveal my super-secret giveaway page to my newsletter readers, but in thanks for being here today, I’m sharing it with you! Usually there’s at least one Kindle giveaway—today and today only, there are TWO up for grabs.

About the Author

I write steamy paranormal romances and wickedly fun romantic adventures, stories that crackle with action and love. Challenging, smart alpha men—and women not afraid of a challenge. Oh, do the sparks fly when he meets THE woman guaranteed to infuriate and inflame him most.

In real life I’m an author, a spouse and mother, a flutist, a computer geek, and a binge-TV-watcher of The Flash, Elementary, NCIS, and Wynonna Earp.

I’d love to hear from you!
Group Blog

Must Love Cowboys! (Contest)
Saturday, July 29th, 2017

In Two Mule, Texas there’s something in the water. When men desire the same woman, they don’t fight each other for the right to be hers. They share.

My latest “new” release is Two Wild for Teacher, the sixth book in a series about this odd little town. I love this story, not just because this continues the story of the Logan brothers, who are sexy as hell, but because of their daddy, Sam, who’s missing the love of his life…

I promise, there will be smiles, sighs, and maybe a tear at the end!

Two Wild is the 6th book in the series, but the only story you have to read before this one is Four-Gone Conclusion, because that’s where I introduced the Logan boys and their father Sam.

If you’re curious about the rest, just click on the covers!




For a chance to win one of the stories in the array of 6 stories above (not Two Wild!), answer me this:

What one feature (eyes, butt, hair, etc.) draws your eye first when you’re meeting someone you think you might consider as a romantic partner?


Two Wild For Teacher

Two bad boy cowboys need a little tutoring to learn how to love…

Fathers know to keep their daughters close whenever Sam Logan’s twin sons come to town. Those two hell-raisers have a bad rep in Two Mule, Texas. All of it earned. When it becomes clear his youngest sons won’t settle down without another nudge, Sam reissues his challenge. Find a wife…

There’s only been one woman who could hold their attention for more than one night, but she’s been out of reach. Their former teacher’s a little too worried about a pesky morals clause to let them close. But they’re older now and ready to prove to her that sometimes rules are meant to be broken…

Molly Pritchet thinks her path is predetermined: to always be a child’s teacher, never a mother or a wife. Until the two boys who tempted her way back when crash back into her life. Overwhelmed by yearnings she’s long suppressed, she’s swept along on a tide of forbidden desires.

Get your copy here!

Excerpt from Two Wild for Teacher…

Sam Logan couldn’t sleep. He had one last chore to take care of. One he’d been putting off. No time like now to get ’er done.

He walked softly on bare feet down the long hallway, past the master bedroom he’d given up when Johnny married Ellie and moved both his new wife and his brother Killian into the large room to share it. He shook his head, a glimmer of a smile tugging at his mouth. Sounds that hadn’t been heard in this old house in over three long years echoed up and down the hallway.

Sexy sounds—happy sighs and laughter, slick slaps, an occasional yelp from Ellie. He could only imagine what his two oldest boys were doing to the girl. But they all seemed happy with the arrangement, and both men were gaga for Mean Ellie Harker. Who would have thought one simple pronouncement would produce such lightning-fast results?

It’s time you boys found yerselves a wife.

That’s all it had taken. Sam had disappeared for a long weekend to attend a cattle auction and give them time to think about what he’d said about what was missing from all their lives, only to return and find all four men looking as though they’d been wrung through a wringer and put up wet.

His sons hadn’t told him everything, but he’d heard the rumors—from Ole Win at the diner, who’d witnessed how the oldest two had swarmed Ellie like bees around a hive, and then from Wade Luckadoo, whose daughter had witnessed Ellie’s kidnapping by the twins but for some inexplicable reason hadn’t called the sheriff.

So, they hadn’t wooed Ellie in a traditional way. Didn’t much matter to Sam. A pretty woman stood in the kitchen every morning, a happy smile on her face, and all the boys had perked up, falling over themselves to please her.

These days, meals were an event. Ellie had been running the town’s only diner and knew how to cook a mean chili, sear steaks to perfection, and bake glorious pies.

The pies had become a bit of a joke in the house over the last month. Read the rest of this entry »

Pam Champagne: Days of Old (Contest)
Thursday, July 27th, 2017

“Old roads, old dogs, old folks and old ways still have a lot to offer in this sped up world we live in.”

I grew up in rural Maine so I learned some of the old ways of survival. Our food consisted of what my father trapped, shot or caught fishing. I can still smell the rabbit stew brook trout and fiddleheads. My mother canned vegetables from our garden, and we stored cabbage, carrots, potatoes and turnip in the root cellar. By today’s standards this was considered hard living.

My thoughts often wander back to the colonial days.  Women worked from dawn to dusk cooking outdoors in the summer, hauling water and toiling over chores.  Today, if we want a candle we drive to the store and buy one where we can choose from numerous scents.  There are thin ones, fat ones, small ones and giant ones.  Have you ever wondered what it was like in the 1700’s when candles had to be made from scratch? They weren’t used for decorative reasons or to set a mood in the home. It was the main source of light.

The majority of colonial people made candles from tallow (animal fat).  These tapers didn’t burn well and emitted an offensive odor.  Only the wealthy could afford beeswax, which was rolled to make sweet smelling candles.

Another type of candle was made from bayberries.  These berries have a waxy texture.  The berries were boiled down and the wax was skimmed from the top.  Many pounds of bayberries were needed to make these candles.

I researched candle making in the colonial times for my time travel story, The Enchanted Inn. My heroine from present times traveled back to 1778 where she found huge surprises and hard times!  To celebrate the re-republication of this story with Entangled Publishing, I am giving away a bayberry candle made from natural ingredients.

To enter the contest, please sign up for my newsletter at


The Enchanted Inn

Their love is timeless…

When snow forces Gina to stop and spend the night at the Enchanted Inn, she’s less than happy to find her ex-fiancé there, too. But she can be civil for one night, especially after the innkeeper gives them a bottle of homemade wine to share. A few glasses of that wine sends Luke and Gina back to 1778, where Luke seems to think he’s someone called John—a man who knows more about life in colonial times than he should.

Gina may be able to deal with the hardships her new reality throws at her, but she doesn’t give up hope of finding a way home. And when she does find a way, she’s determined to take John with her—whether he wants to go or not.

The book will be released on August 21 by Entangled Publishing and will be ready for pre-order by August 1 for only $.99.  Find the buy link at or on my website at


Coming Tomorrow — Love & War! (Excerpt & Contest)
Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra!

* * * * *

On Wednesday—tomorrow, folks—the last of our Texas Billionaire Club romances hits the stores! And even though I only list the Amazon link below, it’s EVERYWHERE. Sis (Elle James) and I are super-excited to share it. Because, #1 – this is a story we co-wrote; #2 – it’s funny; #3 – many of the funny Army situations we write about are things that actually happened to us; and #4 – it’s the first story we EVER wrote. Of course, the original version was full of all our newbie mistakes, so it took some time for us to revise the heck out of it. Still, the story at the core of this romance was always one we loved.

So, if you love those Alpha Texas guys, love funny situations, love dogs & cats, and love to sink into a series with a group of guys who fall hard for Ms. Right, you will love Love & War. It’s a nice, long, feel-good read. And it’s sexy, have no fear!

Enjoy the excerpt below and if you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy, do so today! You’ll want to sink deep into this one!

If you leave a comment below, you’ll be entered to win one of the three prequel stories below. Happy reading! ~DD

 Something to Talk About 

Love & War

Sophie Keaton’s love life is a disaster. Too busy with her art gallery and weekends spent with the Army National Guard, she rarely has time for a date. Her orderly existence takes a twist when her Army National Guard unit gets a new Company Commander, Captain Gage Jenkins, who dislikes the idea of women in the Army, particularly her, and proceeds to make her weekend drill miserable. To bolster her self-esteem, Sophie finally takes her love life in hand and goes out on a date. Unfortunately, her date ends up in the emergency room with an allergic reaction to her cat. Her mooch of a brother, Bryce, feels sorry for her and offers to take her out to pick the “perfect man”. When she finds Mr. Perfect, she spends a passionate night with him, but awakens to discover that Mr. Perfect is none other than her new commanding officer!

As a member of the Texas Billionaire’s club, Gage has watched every one of his college buddies tie the knot. Although he’d met every challenge the group set in the early days, he resisted the last one—finding the perfect wife. Now, with his hands full expanding his construction business and whipping his new Army Guard command into shape, he has plenty of excuses to avoid that particular commitment. However, when he moves next door to one very attractive, very sexy woman, he finds himself deliciously distracted. When he discovers that woman is the same klutzy lieutenant he’s been dogging from day one, he’s not angry. He’s amused. And intrigued.

When the pair are challenged by their warring pets and matchmaking sergeants, the rules of Love and War get complicated…

Get your copy here!

Read an excerpt!

It’s all his fault!

Sophie Keaton’s boots slurped in the mud as she trudged onward, while mentally listing the numerous reasons she resented the new captain. He was autocratic, judgmental, unfeeling, overbearing… The list continued as she concentrated on putting one sore foot in front of the other to keep up with the long column of shadowy figures in front of her. Her head hurt from the weight of her helmet, and her shoulders ached from carrying the fifty-pound rucksack she had slung across her back. With her hands fully occupied carrying an M4A1 rifle, she couldn’t satisfy an itch that was beginning to grow under the elastic bands of her underwear. With each step she silently repeated her mantra, It’s all his fault!

The rain had fallen hard enough before the sun set to wash away the last trace of mosquito repellent she’d used, and a scourge of the winged creatures hovered around her, feasting on her exposed skin. The weather was unseasonably warm—even for springtime in Texas. She could feel the steam rise from the rain-soaked grass, plastering the heavy layers of her uniform to her body, and adding to her ever-increasing misery.

Her platoon’s training schedule specified an afternoon road march between the rifle range and their camp. That wouldn’t have been so bad, but the morning’s weapons qualification firing had taken longer than expected, stretching late into the afternoon.

Sophie was reaching for the field radio to request transportation to take her soldiers back to camp, when the new Company Commander, Captain Jenkins, arrived in his government-issue, desert-camouflaged HUMMV. The vehicle had the top and doors removed in deference to the heat, which made it an easy task for him to climb out in a hurry. He leaned over to say something to his driver then strode in Sophie’s direction.

She snapped to attention and executed a sharp salute, returning her arm to her side when he returned it with his more masculine, and muscular, version.

“Lieutenant Keaton, what’s the hold up? You’re an hour behind schedule.” Read the rest of this entry »