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Hey, that song reminds me of… (Contest)
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

So, I was listening to one of my favorite bands the other day on my iPod while I was doing some online research (er, I was surfing photo sites for bookcover hotties–tough job, I know). Anways… Train’s song “50 Ways to Say Goodbye” was playing, which always makes me smile because the video is so damn funny (David Hasselhoff makes an appearance, so yeah, guilty pleasure, I’m always there). I had to watch the video.

Then YouTube showed a list of Train songs, and I had to click on a nice feel-good tune called “Play That Song”.  It struck me while I listened that my fingers knew that tune. Eons ago, I played piano, and that tune was one of the first I ever played. So, I Googled. Listen first to Train’s song. You’re here already so I know you don’t have anything better to do… 🙂

Sure enough, the song that sounds like Train’s “Play That Song” is Hoagy Carmichael’s “Heart and Soul” (I think it’s from the 40’s—and no, I’m not that old, but my piano teacher was!). Listen for a minute and you’ll see. And no, Train didn’t lift it. They scooped that tune and gave it new life. Now, another Train song is on my “Happy Songs” list…

I know I’ve asked this question before, but for a chance to win a small Amazon gift card, have you heard any tunes lately that made you happy?

Jennifer Kacey: Our Rules (Giveaway)
Friday, April 21st, 2017

UPDATE: The winner is…Toni!

* * * * *

Our Rules is out next Tuesday……Seeing that gives me a thrill like I can’t even tell you and it’s not just because it’s the first book in a new kink series!!

  1. It’s because this series has been in the works for more than two years!
  2. Because this series idea was born from a VERY DIRTY conversation I had with a customer of mine at my day job. (Psst which Book 4 will be based on!)
  3. And because it makes me think of the rules I adhere to within my kink relationship.

Some of my rules just might show up in Our Rules…..*insert angelic smile here*

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When the foundation of their marriage falters, Michael and Tabitha must rediscover what it means for her to be his hot wife.

Tabitha is a hot wife. Not just a sexy wife. A hot wife. A wife allowed to be with other men with the permission of her husband.

Michael couldn’t love his wife more. Which is exactly why he shares her with others. Because she’s his.

On the cusp of everything they’re worked for—years in the making—a shattered promise threatens the foundation of their marriage. A foundation Michael had thought unbreakable until he lets Tabitha down in more ways than one.

Taking her submission for granted could lose him everything he’s strived for, and winning back her trust is the only thing that matters.

The Giveaway

In honor of the above kinkilicious debauchery I’m going to have a HUGE giveaway! Three print books by some of my favorite peeps and lots and lots of other swag and kinky goodies!

**GIVEAWAY – US ONLY** – Just look at all the awesomeness you could win!! Tell me one kinky rule you’d LOVE to live by! And this can be anything you’d have to do or something someone else would have to do to/for you! (Give a blow job everyday….be naked when your man/woman got home every day…anything!)

I’ll pick a winner on Monday the 24th!! Good Luck!! PS –It’s always great to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you! Hate not being able to give winners their goodies!!

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

About the Author

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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Puzzle Contest
Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

UPDATE: The winner is…Tracy!

* * * * *

I used this image for a recent cover. Solve the puzzle, then send me an email naming the title of the book, and you’ll be entered to win a $10 Amazon gift card! And no cheating! Have fun!

Send your answer to me privately at!

Flash-forward: Bad to the Bone (Contest)
Saturday, April 15th, 2017

So, have you read any of my Night Fall series? The 11th story in the series is set to release on April 25th! Woot! I promise if you start with that story, you won’t be lost, but wouldn’t you rather immerse yourself in the darkness? All the stories, except for Silent Knight and My Sweet Succubus are novellas. Those two are novelettes—slightly longer than short stories. So, you really do have time to blow through the books before Bad to the Bone arrives…

And it should go without my saying that ALL the stories are sexy as hell. Because I’m a tease, I’m letting you look inside the beginning of Bad to the Bone. Read all of chapter one below. See if you can resist ordering so you can have the rest of the story…  😉

For a chance to win your choice of one of my previously released
Night Fall series stories, answer me this!

Do you love paranormal romance? If so, what flavor of heroes
do you prefer—vampires, werewolves, other shifters, witches, fairies?

Silent is the Knight Sm(b)itten Truly, Madly ... Deadly Knight in Transition Wolf in Plain Sight

 Knight Edition  Frannie and the Private Dick Truly, Madly...Werely (Night Fall Book 9) Sweet Succubus

(Click on a cover if you’d like to learn more!)

Bad to the Bone

Bad to the Bone

One night of pleasure…

His name is Viper–a dark mysterious enigma who rules the seedy, dangerous vampiric underworld. For one night, he will escape his murky prison and tempt an innocent.

…can last a lifetime…

Beautiful Mariah haunts him. Lures him from his den with a glimpse of his past. One she doesn’t remember. This night, he’ll be her dream lover. He’ll seduce her, make her fall in love with him–then leave her. Again.

One night of pleasure is all they must know.

But Viper leaves her a clue. One he hopes deep down will lead her back to him although he dreads the consequences, because he’s not the same man he was. He’s not a man at all…

Pre-order your copy here!

Excerpt from Bad to the Bone…

One week ago…

Slim hips swished beneath a short, flirty skirt, drawing his gaze like iron filings to a magnet. The splash of large pink flowers on white stood out like a beacon in the darkness. Beneath the hem stretched a pair of nude legs, toned, and nicely curved at the ankles. Perfectly made to lightly clasp a man’s waist as he slid into moist heat…

He suppressed a low, rumbling growl from the beast rising inside. Something he rarely bothered to do in the squalid dens he roamed most nights. The creature lurking deep within was a sexual animal, a lustful, ravenous host who found partners only too willing to let him feast. But this woman was different. Her soul was pure. Her mind unawakened to the darkness.

He followed her as she left her apartment, sticking to the shadows, ducking into stairwells when she looked behind her as though checking whether someone followed. A frown marred her smooth brow, and her lips tightened. The clip of her heels on the pavement quickened.

Shoulder-length, flyaway brown hair bobbed across the tops of slender shoulders. The creamy skin of her exposed arms and legs swung in a rhythm that his heart picked up and matched, beat for stride.

Feeling more than ever like the true predator he was, he tamped down the shame that burned like battery acid in his stomach and continued stalking the woman who walked more briskly now along the darkened sidewalk.

When she turned onto a crowded walkway, her shoulders sank and her footsteps slowed as she relaxed.

Now, as she mingled with others strolling along the promenade, she believed herself safe. Little did she know, but her “spontaneous” decision to leave her apartment had been at his suggestion—a message telegraphed with tantalizing snippets of the smell of fresh salt air, the caress of a soft breeze, and a glimpse of sensual pleasure.

She hadn’t heeded her own natural inhibition. Hadn’t paused to check the clock and note the waning evening hours. Instead, she’d made her decision, wriggled into a sexy little skirt and snug pink tee, slid her feet into strapless sandals and bounded down the stairs, ready to kick off winter’s gloom in an unseasonably warm spring night.

He’d made sure she didn’t glance even once at the calendar resting on the bureau in her foyer. Nothing would trigger a fleeting memory. And while he’d provided himself the opportunity to see her, he’d decided days ago he wouldn’t use his persuasive gifts to bring her straight into his arms.

Tonight, he wanted to savor a natural seduction. Read the rest of this entry »

Ann Everett: What Makes a Hero Hot? (Contest)
Sunday, April 9th, 2017

In romance novels, as readers, we quickly decide if we like the hero. More times than not, at first we may not find much to like. After all, the author needs to give him some serious issues to overcome before he can win the heroine and achieve a happily ever after.

Every woman in the world, at one time or another, may have fantasized about making a bad boy good. I know I have. But in reality, few of us want a certified bad boy. One who is self-centered and incapable of love. No, we want one who falls so hard, he’ll do anything to win the heroine’s (our) heart.

I say “our” because, I don’t know about you, but I actually become the female lead in every book I read (or write). I put myself right there in those uncomfortable situations. Those smoldering hot, tension gripping, heart stopping, tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth scenes where everything is humming and strumming like a honky-tonk country band on a Saturday night.

The deal is, maybe the heroine doesn’t know her hero is actually beginning to change because he doesn’t show her….yet. But as the reader, we get to know that before she does.

For example, in my latest book, Chirp, the hero, Rance shows up at the house his grandmother left him and finds a strange girl living there. He’s determined to make her leave but he’s met his match. He’s rude, messy, and gets rid of the four cats living in the house, (which belonged to his grandmother, not the girl). Yeah, and I’m sure when that happened, cat lover readers everywhere wanted to scratch his eyes out.

As time passes, he starts to change. Then, he gets her a puppy but doesn’t take credit for it. Just lets her think it’s a stray and agrees to let her keep it. Holy crap! When that happened, I wanted to rip his clothes off, throw him to the floor, and have my way with him.

For me, nothing makes a man hotter than showing an act of kindness expecting nothing in return.

So what makes you think a hero is hot? Is it a chiseled body? Gorgeous eyes? Money? Tight jeans?

Let me know in a comment. I’ll choose one answer in a random drawing* and send the winner a “Come Fly With me to Bluebird, Texas” tee-shirt. Just like the one Rance gave Blaze.

*Sorry, due to out of country postage rates, the contest is for US residents only. 🙁

However, if I have an out of country winner, I’ll send an audio of my best-selling book, Tell Me a Secret. 🙂

Be sure and go here to enter my Rafflecopter giveaway to celebrate the release of Chirp, April 4. Giveaway runs until April 15. Below is the code for your site.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


A woman hiding from her future…..

Heiress to the largest steel company in America, twenty-year-old, socially awkward Blaze Bledsoe hides out at Dessie Bishop’s farm. For the last three years, Blaze has eluded one investigator after another, but just when she thinks she’s safe, a PI closes in. Her luck is about to run out in more ways than one.

A man running from his past….

Rance Keller, a tough, hard-living ex-con, fresh out of prison for a crime he didn’t commit, arrives to claim the house his grandmother left him. Finding a strange girl living there, his plans for a solitary life take a turn. Her lack of modesty, no filter, and word of the day fetish baffles him, but those big green eyes and sweet mouth have him losing sleep.

Welcome to Bluebird, Texas

Where two damaged people with secrets, discover trust can lead to passion.

Get your copy here!

About the Author

Award winning and Amazon Best-Selling author, Ann Everett embraces her small town upbringing and thinks Texans are some of the funniest people on earth. When speaking at conferences and to writing groups, businesses, book clubs, and non-profit organizations, she incorporates her special brand of wit, making her programs on marketing, self-publishing, and the benefits of laughter, informative and fun.


Her short stories have appeared in The Green Silk Journal, Snag Today, and Story Teller Magazine.

A top reviewer on, she lives on a small lake in Northeast Texas where she writes, bakes, and fights her addiction to Diet Dr. Peppers.

She’s been featured on:
Proud of East Texas with Joan Hallmark, KLTV-TV, Tyler, Texas
East Texas Live and Mid-day, KETK-TV, Tyler, Texas
KTSS-TV, Hope, Arkansas
The Authors Show with Don McCauley, Internet radio show
The Chandler & Brownsboro Statesman, Chandler, Texas
The Daily Tribune, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
Tyler Morning Telegraph, Tyler, Texas
InMagazine, East Texas

Ten things you won’t know about Ann by reading her bio:
She’s been married to her high school sweetheart.
She loves shopping at thrift stores.
She doesn’t remember her first kiss.
She hates talking on the telephone.
A really sharp pencil makes her happy.
She secretly wants to get a tattoo.
A charter member of National Honor Society in high school remains one of her proudest moments.
She’s thankful wrinkles aren’t painful.
She sucks at math.

Ann’s Books:

Tizzy/Ridge romantic suspense trilogy

Laid Out and Candle Lit
You’re Busting My Nuptials
Tied With a Bow and No Place to Go

Contemporary romance companion books

Tell Me a Secret
Two Wrongs Make a Right
Say You’ll Never Love Me


Strong Verbs Strong Voice: A quick reference to improve your writing and impress readers (Amazon best seller)
Body Language: A quick reference for character action and description
Sweet Thangs: Southern Sweets from Two Sassy Sisters

Cynthia Sax: The Appeal Of The Romance Antihero (Contest)
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Kralj, the hero of Dark Thoughts, my latest release, EATS his enemies. Dark Thoughts IS a romance. That’s all I write. But it is a dark different romance with a dark different hero, an antihero.

What is an antihero?

Wikipedia ( ) defines an antihero as “a protagonist who lacks conventional heroic qualities such as idealism, courage, or morality. These characters are usually considered ‘conspicuously contrary to an archetypal hero’.”

Romance antiheroes are almost always courageous. They usually have a code of honor also. It simply isn’t the code of honor that the average human in today’s world has.

Kralj is a futuristic hero and he’s not entirely human. That makes his antihero characteristics, to me, more understandable. Kralj is half Beta Taurian Shadow Beast, which is why it is natural for him to eat his prey. Beasts do that.

I find the antihero fascinating to read and to write because the antihero is such an individual. He has his own unique way of looking at the world, his own rules, his own motivations and rationale for being who he is. His backstory is often complex and shocking.

He is delightfully different and, as someone who reads, on average, a romance novel a day, I like that. It is a refreshing change from the noble Dukes, the justice-serving policemen, the hat-tilting cowboys, all of which I vastly enjoy reading about but sometimes appreciate taking a break from.

As a romance writer, I also love the challenge of finding the perfect love interest for the antihero. Anyone could love a nice guy. What type of being would love a flawed male, a male who devours his enemies? That being is tougher to find.

I paired many females with Kralj, my hero, off page. They didn’t work out. The females were too weak for him or they were too grim or they didn’t understand and would never understand why he was the way he was. Kralj isn’t going to change. He isn’t going to magically become a nice, cuddly male. His personality might soften but it wouldn’t shift that dramatically. I needed to find a female who would love him for who he is.

That female is Dita, a pint-sized assassin who is as different as Kralj is. She is a bit of an antiheroine. Kralj calls her a fellow monster. Again, she has her own code of honor and together, they are magical as a couple.

For a chance to win any one eBook from either my backlist or Delilah Devlin’s backlist, let me know in the comments who your favorite fictional antihero is!

Dark Thoughts

Can love redeem a monster?

The Refuge is home to some of the most violent beings in the universe. Kralj, its leader, reigns over the remote outpost with terrifying ease, ruthlessly squashing any rumors of rebellion, killing anyone who breaks his rules. Primitive, deadly, powerful, he’s a monster, scarred both on his face and his soul. He has never met a being he couldn’t control.

Until he meets her.

Dita has one mission—to kill the three targets claiming sanctuary within the Refuge. Or so she claims. For the first time in his long lifespan, Kralj isn’t certain of another being’s intentions. The tiny assassin is immune to his powers, her thoughts unreadable. He can’t predict her movements, can’t control her, can’t stop wanting her.

Dita is rare, as unique as he is, and, to keep the residents of the Refuge safe, Kralj will have to kill her. But first, he’ll touch her, taste her, show her how passionate the beast inside him can be.

Dark Thoughts is a STAND-ALONE SciFi Romance.

The hero might be tall, dark, and scarred but don’t be fooled by his appearance.

He’s truly a monster.

This story is not for readers with delicate sensibilities.

Order Now:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:

About Cynthia Sax

USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax writes SciFi, contemporary and paranormal erotic romances. Her stories have been featured in Star Magazine, Real Time With Bill Maher, and numerous best of erotic romance top ten lists.

Sign up for her dirty-joke-filled release day newsletter and visit her on the web at
Twitter:  @CynthiaSax

Flashback: Desire’s Prisoner (Contest)
Tuesday, April 4th, 2017

It’s no accident that my very first published book was set in outer space. Desire’s Prisoner was a labor of love. I think you can tell by reading it. I put everything I love in that story—the wonder of outer space, action, sex, humor. I’d love to write another series set in a galaxy far, far, away…

For a chance to win your choice of one of these Planet Desire series stories, answer me this!

Do you love Sci-Fi romance? If so, what flavor of heroes
do you prefer—aliens, cyborgs, magical/fantasy creatures?

Desire's Prisoner Desire's Slave Planet Desire The Pleasure Bot Raptor’s Desire

(Click on a cover if you’d like to learn more!)

Desire’s Prisoner
Desire's Prisoner

Love on the edge of the galaxy…

For Captain Adam Zingh, the mission is simple–acquire one hundred wives for him and his crewmates to help colonize a new planet, far from Dominion rule. Rescuing prisoners from penitentiary in deep space should have been a simple in and out operation. The women would be grateful for a second change at freedom, or so he thought. However, he hadn’t yet encountered the stubborn captain of the prison ship.

When pirates overtake their ship, Evena McClure resists, mindful of her duty to protect the women under her command as well as her impending pardon.

The pirate and the prisoner have only a week to seduce the other side to their will.

A pirate’s parlay has never been so sexy!

Evena seethed, silently condemning her captor to die a tortuously slow death. At her own hands, of course. Her face would be the last thing he saw. He’d cry out for mercy at the end, and she’d laugh. Then she’d stomp on the fingers clinging desperately to the door of the garbage hatch—just before she jettisoned him, and the rest of the refuse, into space.

She clung to that wistful dream when the needling pain began to usher sensation back into her muscles.

She wished the electro-stun had been as effective at numbing the rest of her. How dare he use her own body against herself? Well before her muscles flared back to life, every erogenous zone she possessed had awakened, screaming with awareness.

And he’d known—the bastard! The fingers that had gently twisted the tips of her breast had applied exactly the right amount of pleasure-pain. She’d been unable to hide the telltale signs of her arousal. Heat had flushed in a red-hot wave across her skin, raising goose bumps and constricting her nipples to form nerve-rich points.

When he’d lowered his body over hers to restrain her movement, his weight drew an anguish from her soul she didn’t recognize. She’d felt small and feminine. Helpless. Aroused. Unlike the person she’d made herself into. Her hard-fought independence and confidence in her ability to resist all temptation—gone in an instant of male domination. His immense size had been a blanket of hard, pulsing heat. While overwhelming to her starved senses, his weight had also been strangely comforting. Why in the galaxy did that appeal?

The scent of him had nearly driven her mad. Faint traces of soap mixed with male musk had filled her nostrils with every intake of breath.

The long ridge of his cock had made her feel powerful and weak. Moisture pooled between her thighs. Then he’d ground his cock against her crotch, and the muscles buried inside her belly had contracted, instinctually seeking to draw him deep within.

She hadn’t had a man between her thighs in five years. The first would have to be a ravaging pirate.

Being found subdued by her guard deepened her humiliation, and her cheeks burned hotter. She’d struggled too hard for their respect.

“You can let her go, now.” Mary Grogan wasn’t suggesting. Her tone demanded.

“I don’t think I will. I like this one,” Evena’s pirate replied silkily. “I may keep her for a while.”

An inarticulate gurgle rattled in the back of her throat. Sheer willpower would not return the function of her limbs. She dangled in the pirate’s arms like a boneless rag doll, and she was beginning to feel just as witless.

“What have you done to her?” Mary asked, her voice deepening with anger.

His arm shifted, circling her like a steel band, her breasts resting on his forearm. “This woman’s in no danger. She’s merely stunned. Are you next in command?”

Evena knew by the silence that Mary wore her bulldog expression. The pirate wouldn’t get his answer from her.

“God’s ballocks.” Abruptly, he turned her in his arms, fingers snaking through her hair to bring her face close to his. “Are you all this stubborn?”

Evena could only groan as another wave of pain rolled over her body.

“Darak,” the pirate barked, his gaze never leaving hers.

Footfalls sounded behind her.

“Aye, sir.”

“You’re in charge. I’ve got to get this one to a bed,” he said, a speculative gleam in his eyes.

“Ummmm.” Evena groaned, the only audible evidence of her silent scream of protest.

“Organize the men. The women who aren’t quartered must be brought into a common area. I’ll find you there.”

Evena heard a click of heels then footsteps retreating. In a movement that left her head swimming, she suddenly found herself dangling over his shoulder.

“Ladies,” the pirate addressed her guard, “you are to do precisely what my crew orders. No one will be harmed. I’ve business to conduct.”