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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Saturday, October 8th, 2016
UPDATE: The winners are Debra, Colleen, and Pat!
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Dear Readers and Friends,
Yes! Not the sexiest title ever, I’m sure, but you might be surprised. I wrote this shorty several years ago for a collection entitled Love, Lust and Zombies, which took forever to publish. I’ve been itching ever since to share it far and wide, because honestly, it’s one of my favorite pieces. And at just $0.99, I’m hoping you’ll give it a try. The story has an air of dread and sadness. My daughter read it and said it made her cry. Which can be a good thing, right? I usually go for smiles and laughter, but once in a while, I do like to go straight for the heart. And yes, there’s plenty of sexy, too.
Do you love the cover? My sister, Elle James, did that for me. I love, love, love it! I’m lucky to have her! If you get a chance to read Zombie Love and love the story like I do, let me know!
Have a great weekend!
Comment for a chance to win!
Winners will get their choice of a short story.
And if you haven’t read my shorties, check out the full list here!
Here’s just a sampling…

Tagged: paranormal Posted in About books..., Contests!, News | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: DebraG - Colleen C. - Pat Bohn - Delilah -
Sunday, October 2nd, 2016
UPDATE: The winners are Roxie, Jackie Wisherd, and Joye!
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What a treat to wake up this morning without wondering where I need to be or which kid I need to watch. Not that I don’t love them all, but it’s nice to be back in the saddle (er, in my padded executive chair in front of my desk). October will be busy, busy, busy! I hope I can keep up with the pace I’ve set for myself. If you see me out there tweeting or posting on Facebook, don’t be shy about nagging me to get my stories done! If you checked out yesterday’s post, you know what I’ll be working on. I shared covers for three different stories. Which story are you interested in reading the most?
Comment for a chance to win. There will be three winners!
One will win her choice of a Cowboys on the Edge story!

The other two will get their choice of a short story.
And if you haven’t read my shorties, check out the full list here!

Controlled Burn

This flame doesn’t need a match…
One high school prank gone wrong shouldn’t define the rest of Carly Lohan’s life. But setting fire to Caldera Canyon isn’t something townsfolk will ever forget. As the last part of her final act of restitution, she’s among the group of volunteers assigned to keep a prescribed burn of underbrush and grass from “running over the rim” into the ranches ringing the park.
Local rancher and volunteer firefighter Jeremiah McCord doesn’t trust the reformed firebug anywhere near the canyon’s controlled burn. Determined to keep her on a short rein, he’s everywhere she is, watching her. His distrust and determination sparks a plan for some sexy revenge—one that will get them both too close to the flames.
Get your copy here!
Carly wasn’t unaccustomed to hard work, but she’d never before used a pitchfork. The cowboy who’d set her on her task had called it a “shit fork”—before clearing his throat and explaining the implement was smaller than a regular pitchfork so that the balls of horse dung didn’t fall between the tines.
After mucking out the stalls, she’d forked a mini-mountain of horse manure and straw into the center of the barn. Now she was pitching load after load into the wheelbarrow so she could wheel it out and add it the larger mountain of dung behind the barn. Dung that was used in Mayra’s garden.
Before today, she’d never given much thought to horses, and she’d never had an aversion to the smell, but a day of forking poop had altered her view forever. Or so she told herself. She knew she must be a sight in her dirty jeans and tee. She’d forgotten to take off her gloves a time or two and used them wipe sweat from her face. Meaning she had to have some smeared on her cheek.
But she didn’t dare stop. Not and have the high-and-mighty Jeremiah shaking his head. The night before, he’d been so sure she’d balk at his list of chores. Little did he know, but she was used to hard work. Her foster families had made sure of it.
Still, she’d never mucked stalls, and the repetitive motions had tightened the muscles at the small of her back, and her upper arms until they felt bruised. Pausing to stretch, she reached high, letting the hem of her shirt rise. The slight breeze blowing through the open barn doors wafted against her belly and felt almost luxurious.
“Looks like we’ll make a cowboy out of you yet.”
Carly dropped her arms and glanced over her shoulder. She’d missed Jeremiah at breakfast. Mayra told her he’d been up before dawn, as was his custom, to check on the herd. Carly hadn’t seen him since dinner the night before and dreaded their next encounter.
While her mind was made up to detest the man, her fickle body responded with a wave of heat that swept her cheeks and prickled her nipples. No man had a right to look that good when he was that dirty. “The cowboy who showed me how to muck out a stall asked me what I’d done to piss you off.”
“Oh?” His eyebrows rose. “And what did you say?”
“That I’d burned three hundred acres of hay and an expensive bailer. He said that’d do it.”
He gave his signature grunt.
Even though she’d told herself that morning she must have imagined its appeal, she still felt the pull deep in her core.
“You should take a break,” he said, his voice sounding gruff.
“Why? I’m not done.” Did he think she’d jump at the chance to not finish?
“The sun’s out, and the air’s warm in here, Carly. And it’s time for lunch. Someone else can finish up.”
She wrinkled her nose. “I’ll have to bathe again.”
He came closer and picked a piece of straw from her hair. Then he rubbed her cheek.
An action that shocked her to her toes.
“I think you’ve picked up more than a little dirt,” he murmured.
Because she was nervous with him standing so close, she laughed. “I have shit on my face. You can say it.” She swept a hand toward his own dirty clothing. “I’ve been mucking stalls, what’s your excuse?”
A smile stretched across his face.
The first she’d ever seen. Her stomach flipped.
“I chased a calf into an arroyo. He got separated from his mama. Took some doing to get him up on the horse with me.”
“I’d have loved seeing that.” And she meant it. The thought of him chasing a calf on horseback—well hell, now she was romanticizing the surly cowboy.
One dark brow arched. “You would have loved seeing a calf getting the better of me?”
“Yeah.” Feeling breathless because he was still standing close, she had to remind herself he was only being polite. That he’d likely come to see whether she was still hard at work. She moved away to lean her fork against the barn wall. “I better go shower, or Mayra will light into me.”
“I better hit the shower, too.”
Walking away, Carly pursed her lips and blew out a hot stream of air. Him being civil was tough enough on her libido. Now she had the picture of a naked, wet Jeremiah in her head.
Not wanting to track manure through the house, she took off her boots at the door before entering and making her way up the stairs. She headed straight to the shower with its lovely shower head that poured water like a soft rain over her head and never grew cold no matter how long she stood beneath it.
But eventually, she acknowledged her hunger, turned off the water, and then reached for a big fluffy towel. At that moment, she realized she’d forgotten to bring along clean clothing.
No worries, Jeremiah had likely finished his shower long ago and was already digging into his meal. She opened the door and padded toward her bedroom.
Just as she was reaching for the knob, she saw another door open, just past the staircase.
Jeremiah stepped out into the hallway, his hair wet and looking cool and clean in his chambray shirt and Wranglers.
Before she could push open the door and jump inside, she watched his head turn.
His gaze trailed from her sodden hair, dripping on her shoulders to the towel she’d knotted between her breasts. “See you downstairs,” he said, his voice thick, and then he strode quickly to the staircase and out of her sight.
She opened her door, entered, and then sagged against the cool wood. Would she ever catch a break with the man? First, he’d rubbed horseshit off her face, and then he’d caught her looking like a drowned rat.
She must be the most unappealing woman he’d ever had the misfortune to have under his roof—even if only for a few days. For once, she wished she had something stylish in the closet to pull out and wow him with. Then maybe he’d see her as something other than some white-trash nuisance.
Although she wasn’t entirely sure how she’d deal with anything other than his annoyance and mistrust. Just the thought of him ever showing any masculine interest made her heart stutter and her palms sweat.
No, she was better off to never entertain those thoughts. Jeremiah was way out of her league, and too much history existed between them—all of it bad—to think that a little spark of attraction might catch fire.
Tagged: Cowboys on the Edge, Texas Posted in Contests! | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Tracy - Gayle Lazur - Donamuree Holmes - Joye - Delilah -
Tuesday, September 20th, 2016
UPDATE: The winners are…Sandy Ebel, Jennifer Todd, and Barb Jack!
* * * * *

The sixth story in my Uncharted SEALs series released today! And it’s the first of three planned stories centered around a cruise ship, hence the special cruise ship icon on the cover.
Several of my SEAL stories have been set in the Caribbean. Why? I love the ocean, love islands, and I’ve traveled in the Caribbean—aboard cruise ships. Why not share a glimpse of my experiences? Write what you know is a mantra authors hear all the time. Two of my Adventure Girl stories were set in the Caribbean as well.
Here’s what this story is about:
Navy SEAL, William “Wiley” Coyote, should have known his “piece of cake” assignment would go sideways in a hurry. But he’d been lured by the promise of an all-expenses-paid cruise. A nice “fluffy” assignment after the last one spent escorting freighters through pirate-infested waters in the Strait of Hormuz.
A general’s daughter, Poppy Shackleford, isn’t some spoiled daughter of a man made famous for defeating insurgent forces. She’s endured her own tragedies—the loss of her mother when she was young and her father stationed in Afghanistan, and the loss of her fiancé after he sustained wounds in Iraq. Not from the physical wounds that claimed his legs—he took his own life. His death is why Poppy is involved in Soldiers’ Sanctuary, a non-profit that helps disabled soldiers adjust to their new circumstances. Which is why, despite the current threats against her father, she’s on this cruise assessing the ship’s ability to accommodate the soldiers, rather than sending a surrogate.
However, the first threat doesn’t come from terrorists with an ax to grind. Mexican banditos stop her tour bus heading toward Mayan ruins to shake down the passengers for their money and belongings. When one snaps a picture of her, he soon figures out there’s a much bigger payday. She knows she’s going to be kidnapped, but she doesn’t know someone is on that same tour bus who has her back.
Wiley’s unconventional takedown of her would-be kidnappers exposes the fact her father didn’t honor her wishes to fly under the radar. And now that the cat’s out of the bag, Wiley’s moving into her suite for the rest of their time at sea to keep her out of harm’s way.
Get your copy here!
Because I’m happy today, and I’d love to make several other someones happy, I’ll give away a free copy of the one of the previous stories in the series (other than Through Her Eyes) to THREE LUCKY WINNERS. Just tell me whether you’ve been on a cruise and where you sailed. And if you haven’t had the pleasure, where would you like to sail?
Uncharted SEALs
All the Uncharted SEALs books are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers
except for Through Her Eyes!

Tagged: SEAL, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests!, News | 27 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Barb Jack - Mira Wuerges - Kathleen Bylsma - Bushong - Delilah -
Friday, September 16th, 2016
Once upon a time a naïve author *raises hand* wrote a book. And then she wrote another book *wipes brow* and then she found kink. Holy shitballs batman!! KINK IS AMAZING!!!
Then this slightly less naïve author *fist pump* had a book accepted. YEA!! And then she wrote LOTS MORE KINK Books including Nico’s Curse!
But then the publisher who was supposed to be like Glenda the good witch (yes most of you know who I’m talking about) stopped paying me for my books. BOOO!!! *covers eyes* Turns out I was dealing with the green witch with the stripey socks who stole the ruby red slippers.
WANNA KNOW THE HAPPY EVER AFTER!?!??! *peeks through fingers*
I have ALL my rights back now. ALL OF THEM!!!
Including the rights for Nico’s Curse which I just re-released AND made a print book of too! *double fist pump*

Being proud of what I wrote and being able to pimp it again is so awesome!!
What better way to celebrate then to have a giveaway!!!! Here’s what’s up for grabs!!! Print books and buttons and a cute bag and lots more goodies from some of my favorite peeps!!

Super easy to enter. Just comment below what your favorite curse word is! Mine currently is fucktard. It just makes me smile every time I say it!! So leave me some deliciously dirty words below so I can add them into my repertoire!
And I hope you’ll take a peek at Nico’s Curse if you like things kinky with a bit of a paranormal twist!! Good luck and don’t forget to leave your email address in your comment so I can notify the winner!!
Trapped in a lonely prison is where he’ll stay until he finds love in more than just a dream.
Domenico was cursed six long years ago by a witch determined to teach him a lesson. A lesson in life, loss, and understanding that to love is to put someone first…always.
His only escape from his beautiful prison is a dating site called Crossroads. He can choose only one woman a year to contact. One woman to convince, in nothing more than a week, that he’s worthy of her love. But there’s a catch. She must fall asleep during a video chat so he can crawl through his laptop into her world. Then all bets are off.
His curse becomes his salvation when his beautiful submissive Rose is nothing but a dream away.
Amazon – https://goo.gl/OvZ8gh
B&N – https://goo.gl/GswRiF
Kobo – https://goo.gl/rp02U7
Smashwords – https://goo.gl/K6SCSy
Are Café – https://goo.gl/EXgJgm
Ibooks – https://goo.gl/aUxhNy
Website – https://jenniferkacey.com/books/nico-s-curse.html
Print – Amazon – https://goo.gl/kSCycu
Print – Createspace – https://goo.gl/u091tO
Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – Newsletter – The Decadent Divas– Amazon Page Facebook – Facebook Author Page – Twitter – Goodreads – Pinterest
Tagged: BDSM, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 26 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gayle Lazur - Mary Preston - Linda Womack - John å - Pat Quinn -
Sunday, September 11th, 2016
The True Desires series

A note from Sasha White
Ten years ago my first full length novel was published by Berkley Heat. Over the next couple of years, I wrote four more books for that line, and I’m thrilled to be able to bring them back now so new readers can discover them, and those who have been with me since the beginning can fall in love over again.
These books were never planned to be a series. I was a new writer, and I did everything by the seat of my pants. In fact, the fourth story was contracted to be something totally different, but when I was halfway through writing Trouble(# 3), I emailed my editor and said, “Hey, you remember Karl from Bound(#1)? He’s in Trouble as well, and I really think he needs to be taken down a notch. Can I do his story next instead of xxx?” and she was all for it.
Readers called these books the Dungeon stories, as they all had a scene or a mention of a club called The Dungeon in them, and even though they were all written as Stand Alones, they’re all loosely connected by secondary characters and location. Now, ten years later, I’m re-branding and re-releasing them this summer as the True Desires series. True Desires, because to me, that is what these books all have in common. At the core, each story is about the characters learning, and accepting what they truly need and desire, in order to find their happy ending. I could’ve kept them titled The Dungeon books, but unlike my Overwatch series, these stories aren’t really based around the club. Interestingly enough, they are in the same world and timelines as The Overwatch books. In Unfettered, Ronnie mentions a guy from Canada who recommends Overwatch to her, and that is Mason Hardin, the owner of The Dungeon in Vancouver. I’m not sure many readers caught that, but I know some who have been following me for years did. Now that I have the rights back to these stories, you can expect more crossover characters and storylines, as I truly love both series, and I hope you will too.
Get the first book in the True Desires series FREE right now!

The strongest way to be bound, is by emotion.
Everybody has a dark side. I just never expected mine to come out in my sexuality. But in that quiet time before I drift off to sleep the images that come into my mind shock even me. You see, I’ve always been the good girl. The steady one, the responsible one, but ever since I set eyes on Joe Carson, the dreams have turned into urges… a restlessness I can’t resist.
So I don’t.
No one is more shocked than me when after putting on a private show of self love for Joe, I tell him I’ll do anything for him… and he holds me to it.
I admit it. I’m an addict.
I’m addicted to the freedom that I find in his arms…and I’m worried it might cost me the freedom from small town existence I’ve been working towards my whole life.
Get It Free Links
iBooks: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/bound/id1117750710?mt=11
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-ca/ebook/bound-107
Amazon US https://amzn.to/283RZgB
Amazon CA https://amzn.to/1TSjBxE
B & N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bound-sasha-white/1100316156?ean=2940153260303
The door to the apartment swung open slowly and I stood there, unsure of what to say or do as six feet plus of solid muscle walked inside like he owned the place. Thick black hair that was a bit unruly made my fingers itch to touch his wavy locks, but those distant ice blue eyes seemed to suggest that wouldn’t be a smart move. Right now those eyes were guarded, but hot, as they ran over my still form.
Joe Carson.
The man I’d been fantasizing about since I first saw him two months earlier when he’d hired on at the casino I work in. At twenty-six years old I’m no virgin, but I can honestly say I’ve never had much luck in the sex department either. None of the guys I’d been with were anything to brag about. Hell, until today I’d never even had a male induced orgasm. When I needed to get off, I relied on myself.
Then Joe showed up.
I could count him among my lovers now. After all, he’d fucked me so good only that afternoon and gave me such an intense orgasm that I’d promised to do anything for him. Now he wanted to hold me to it.
Okay, so I told him he could do anything before he gave me the massive orgasm. The chance to live out a sexual fantasy with my dream man had been too much to resist.
“Hi, Joe.” At least my voice sounded natural, if a bit breathy. “Can I get you a drink? I have water, diet pop, or pear cider?”
“No, thank you.” He shook his head and advanced toward me, the hungry gleam in his eye making my pussy throb. “I just want you.”
My pulse jumped and my knees weakened. He stopped when he was only inches away, swallowing up my personal space. I looked up at him and licked my lips nervously, reveling in the tidal wave of sensations.
“You look very nice.” He reached out and brushed his knuckles over the tip of one breast then the other, making my nipples tighten and poke out under the shirt. His words, when he spoke, were soft and cajoling with a bit of steel buried beneath. “But I told you to be naked for me when I arrived.”
Instantly I was back in the surveillance room, eager to please, and ready to do anything for him.
“Sorry.” I smiled at him sassily, fighting to remain somewhat normal. “Getting dressed after a shower is habit.”
He quirked a dark eyebrow. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Then get naked.” He turned and lowered himself into the overstuffed armchair just inside the door. “Now.”
Gone was the tender lover who, earlier that day had held me up and cradled me against his chest until my orgasm receded and I could stand on my own again. In front of me now was the enigmatic security guard that I’d been drooling over for two months; the man who came to me in my dreams and used my body as his personal playground.
I bit down on my bottom lip and stifled the urge to ask what he had planned. Instead, I crossed my arms at the waist and pulled my shirt over my head. Joe’s casual posture never changed, his expression remained detached except for his eyes. They darkened at the sight of my naked breasts, and my confidence swelled. The tension in the air got thicker, and my insides grew heavier, weighted with arousal. The urge to tease him was strong that I ran my hands over my breasts, cupping them to tweak the nipples between thumb and finger.
“If you’re happy doing that I don’t need to be here.” He made to get up from his seat.
“No!” Before he could stand fully, I pushed my pants and underwear from my hips in one quick move and stepped out of them, heart racing. “I’m naked. Don’t go.”
He stepped closer, until we were close enough that his breath danced across my cheek. He stared into my eyes, searching for something. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
My heart pounded and a tingle of something almost like fear whispered through me, blending easily with the lust simmering in my veins.
“Oh, yes.” My words were soft, almost a whisper.
“I noticed you my first day at the casino. The way you walk and talk as if ice wouldn’t melt in your pussy.” He stepped back and unbuckled the utility belt around his waist. He dropped the belt and all its security gadgets on the armchair and planted his hands on his trim hips. “The things I’ve wanted to do to you. I’ve dreamt of fucking you in every position imaginable. I’ve jerked off to the thought of coming all over your pretty face.”
The crude words entered through my ears and flowed down my body, stroking my insides and heating me up until I could feel my nether lips swell and dampen. No one had ever talked to me like that before. No one dared to. But I loved it. The words heated my blood and melted my insides, and I wanted everything he described.
“I never dreamt you’d actually be into it. Then, today, out of the blue, you decide to give me a private peep show at work.” He chuckled and gave his head a small shake. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to ignore that.”
“I’m glad,” I said softly. “I’ve never done anything like that before, Joe.”
He looked at me for a long silent moment.
“I believe you. But . . . after I fucked you, you said something else.” He reached out and stroked his fingertips over my belly, up over my ribs and along the undersides of my breasts. “You told me you were mine. My slut, to do with as I pleased.”
Heat crept up my neck and I mentally cursed my fair skin. I’d said that in a moment of passion. As if he could read my thoughts, his full lips lifted at one corner. “Did you mean it?”
Something soft flickered the depths of Joe’s eyes, a flash of uncertainty maybe, and then disappeared. A shiver skipped down my spine and I pressed my thighs together. He was so aloof, yet so intense. I’d seen him prowl the casino floor, and my fantasies had gotten darker and darker. Matching the almost primal aura that surrounded him.
He may be dangerous, but he didn’t scare me. At that moment my only real fear was that he’d walk away.
“I meant it.”
Get more behind the scenes bits, freebies, and news by signing up for Sasha’s VIP Reader Mailing List!
Find out more about the other True Desires stories on Sasha’s Bookshelf
Author Biography
Bestselling author Sasha White writes modern erotic fiction with an edge of kink with the occasional foray into paranormal and science-fiction. White has published over thirty stories with publishers such as Kensington Aphrodisia, Berkley Heat, Avon, Black Lace, and Samhain Publishing, and is recognized as one the top authors of the genre.
After over 20 years as a waitress/bartender, Sasha now works full-time as a writer. She’s says “I learned how to build well-developed, realistic characters from exploring cultures, including our own when serving millions of drinks to millions of people. I’ll talk to pretty much anyone, and more importantly, listen to them.”
Social Media Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SashaWhite
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SashaWhite/?fref=ts
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/104557.Sasha_White
Tagged: BDSM, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests! | Comments Off on Sasha White: The True Desires series (Free Book) | Link
Saturday, September 10th, 2016
UPDATE: Debra, Jen, Kim, Colleen are all winners!
* * * * *
Happy Saturday! I hope you’re not working today. And that you don’t have a huge list of errands to run.
As for me, I plan to rush through my To Do List, get in a quick swim, and then head to my dd’s house to watch something spooky. Probably The Witch. I want a no-stress day after a week of chasing my tail and writing like a fiend.
This week, I finished one project, which is now in review/edits, but should be released early next week: With His Rock Band. Lots of naughty, over-the-top sexiness there! And I’m nearing the end of tweaks of my next SEAL story, Before We Kiss. It releases the 20th. If you haven’t already pre-ordered it, you should!
Comment for a chance to win your choice of
one of these stories! I’ll choose
three winners!
And if you haven’t read my shorties, check out the full list here!

The Morning Ride

A New York commuter shares lustful daydreams with another subway passenger…
Sophie played with the curls she’d formed in her hair, hoping he’d appreciate all the care she’d taken with her appearance. She wore a demure, sleeveless cloudy blue blouse, a slim navy skirt and tights—monochromatic colors were supposed to be slimming, and she wanted to be perfect. He was picking her up at her place, their first real date after a week of morning coffees.
Everything was going great. They’d agreed to take an earlier train each morning so they could stretch their daily meetings. They talked rapidly, in blurted confessions, then sat quietly drinking their coffee. Every day when they parted, he kissed her, each kiss more passionate than the one before. This morning, he’d drawn her hips close to his, and she’d felt his erection against her belly. He hadn’t minded when she’d pressed against it; his fingers bit into her hips.
He hadn’t said where he was taking her, but she hoped he didn’t have reservations he wouldn’t want to break. She’d spent the afternoon cleaning her apartment, changing her sheets, because she wanted him to stay. It was time to find out if reality matched fantasy.
Her doorbell rang and sent her heart racing. When she swung open the door, he was dressed casually in a long-sleeved, heather-colored Henley and jeans. In his hands were bags bearing the name of her favorite Thai restaurant.
His gaze slid down her skirt and silk blouse then back up. Heat glittered in his eyes. “I should have told you not to dress up. Sorry you went to the bother.”
She shook her head and spun. “Do you like it?”
“Very much.”
“Then it was worth the effort.” She pointed to the single button at the side of her skirt. “That’s all that’s holding it up.”
His chest rose. “Sophie, I’m trying to take this slow.”
She cocked a brow as she took the bags and walked to her kitchenette. “Bringing dinner to my apartment where we can be alone, that’s slow?”
He wrinkled his nose. “I was hoping to get to second base on the sofa.”
She laughed and reached for his hand. “We’ll eat after we’ve worked up an appetite.” Then she walked backwards down the short hallway to her bedroom. A single light shone on the stand next to her bed. The covers were turned down. “I was hoping you’d get considerably farther than second base.”
Daniel gave her a look that sent a rush of fluid to her pussy. His gaze was sharp, his cheeks tightening to blades. He gathered her closer, pulling her body against his, and bent his head.
She rose on tiptoe and met his kiss, winding her arms around his neck.
He raised her skirt, grabbed handfuls of her ass, and lifted her. She wound her legs around his waist and held tightly as he walked to her bed.
He came over her, roaming his hands over her clothing, squeezing her breasts, her hips, coming up between her legs to glide over her sex.
Sophie made a sound, a tiny mew, and he leaned away. “Too many clothes?”
She nodded, reaching for his shirt to drag it up partway until he pulled it over his head. His skin was pale as a stock-broker’s should be, but nicely muscled. Hair cloaked his chest, not too thickly, just right. She combed her fingers through it then circled his small nipples.
“You said there was a button.”
She guided his hand to her side and waited as he unbuttoned her skirt then unwrapped her like a present.
He stared at her tights.
“Not very convenient,” she said grinning.
“Not a problem.” He crawled off the bed then leaned over her, sliding his fingers under the waistband of her tights and peeling them down. When he bared her pussy, his gaze snagged, but he lingered longer staring at her thighs. “I’ve imagined them so many times. They’re lovely, rounded.”
She held her breath. Yes, she was carrying too much weight, and most of it landed on her butt and thighs. But his tightening expression signaled arousal. She came up on her elbows to watch him drag the tights the rest of the way off.
His gaze darted to her face then back to her pussy. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around her ankles and pulled her sideways until her legs dangled off the side of the bed. “Take off your blouse.”
She sat up, reached behind her to open the button at her neck, then pulled off her blouse. Before he could ask, she opened her bra and drew it down her arms.
His chest rose. His hands went to his belt and he unbuckled it, opened his pants, and pushed them down his legs. When he straightened, she felt a little dizzy. He was large. Just as he’d been in her dream. Thick and curving upward.
He bent over her, scooped her mouth with his, then pushed her backward, lowering to take a sprung nipple in his mouth. He suctioned, drawing until her toes curled, then backed off to tease her with flutters of his tongue.
“They’re pink. I knew they’d be pink,” he said, kissing across her chest to capture the other nipple.
She petted his thick hair, combing it and digging her nails into his scalp when he nibbled her tip.
Then he backed away again, going to his knees and spreading hers. He draped her thighs over his shoulders and kissed her inner thigh, an outer lip, before burrowing into her, his tongue licking around her entrance then plunging inside while he tweaked her clit with his fingers.
“Daniel,” she said, groaning. Reality was so much better.
When he rose again, he shifted her, urging her to the center of the bed. He cloaked himself then turned her and licked a hot trail down her spine. At her bottom, he bit each cheek. Just hard enough to make her quiver. He kissed her cunt and moved behind her, his cock prodding her, then plunging into her.
Sophie screamed, unraveling in a moment. His girth stretched her, his length plundered. Moisture flooded her channel as she bounced back to greet his strokes.
A clap landed on one side of her ass. Loud, but not really hard. It surprised her, made her freeze.
He leaned over back and whispered in her ear. “Did you like that, Sophie? Do you want another?”
Her pussy flooded with moisture, as much from the silky texture of his voice as the warmth of her ass. “Please.”
Tagged: short story, stepbrother romance, Uncharted SEALs Posted in About books..., Contests! | 6 People Said | Link
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Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
This wasn’t my intended post for the blog today. My intended post was titled, “Death by Laundry” and was about the escapades of the weekend with my daughter’s abundance of clothes. Before I got around to sending the post to Delilah, I got news that a friend had died of cancer. It shocked me because I didn’t know how close she was to the end and it broke my heart because she was so young, was such a beautiful person, and should have had her whole life ahead of her. So I decided to pay tribute to Jill Bronson Fillion in the best way I know, through my writing.
The tribute dates back to a year ago, when I had a story in my head about a strong, independent, caring woman who moves back to her childhood hometown and gets a second chance with her first love. The character had been born, but she needed a name.
I can’t write a story about nameless characters, so while I thought about it, I puttered around Facebook. As I scrolled through my newsfeed, I found a post from Jill, reminiscing about a post she’d shared a year earlier and celebrating her present health. While my heroine’s story was very different from Jill’s own story, the two women shared a lot of the same qualities: strength, resilience, a big heart, a bright smile. It was perfect, I would name the character Jill and pay tribute to a woman who seemed to have beaten cancer.
After I published Marrying for Love, I made plans to meet up with the real-life Jill to give her a copy of the book. To further pay tribute, I dedicated it to her and her brave fight against cancer. She was honored and my only regret is I didn’t have my picture taken with her.
I knew her cancer had returned and I knew the prognosis was grim, I just didn’t realize how far down the road she’d traveled. My heart broke when I heard the news today that she died on September 3rd. I can’t imagine the sadness her family feels…her husband, her son, her sister, her parents. She was a bright soul in an often dark world who fought a brave fight against a disease she didn’t deserve.
Jill isn’t the only one who has honored me by being a namesake to a character in my Superstitious Brides series. In my August 30th release, 3rd Trip to the Altar, I named the heroine Tristin after a former colleague who was killed in 2011 in a freak bicycle accident. I was inspired to write 3rd Trip while listening to a radio dedication on my way to walk in Tristin’s Live Laugh Love Memorial 5K. In the book, Tristin’s best friend Cynthia Munn was named in honor of two friends battling breast cancer, both of whom started their fight in the exact same month over 18 months ago.
And since we are talking names, my daughter has the honor of naming most of the pets in these books, so when you meet Jill’s dog Buttercup (Marrying for Love), Maddie’s horse Crystal (For the Love of Chocolate), Brent’s raccoon Rascal (3rd Trip to the Altar), Courtney’s dog Humphrey (The Perfect Pairing, available in the Romancing the Wine box set), Clairissa’s yet to be named yellow labs (Taking Back Good-bye, coming in October), and Clint’s dog Digger (Mistletoe Marathon, coming November 1 in Spicy Christmas Kisses 2).
Be at peace, Jill. I will think of your smile and kind heart every time Jill Butler-Hale makes an appearance in my Superstitious Brides series.
By the way, Jill is in EVERY book in the series, so grab your copy to honor this brave woman.
I’m giving away a copy of Tall, Dark, & Loaded, the Billionaire Boyfriends box set in which Marrying for Love was originally published with five other novellas. To enter the drawing, complete the form linked here. If you are in the U.S., I’ll also send a signed copy of Marrying for Love.
Here’s an excerpt from The Perfect Pairing that features Jill.
Courtney found Jill and Austin in the kitchen, each with a cup in their hands, courtesy of Cyn. She was always the gracious hostess, even when heading out the door.
“Good morning. Sorry, I overslept.”
“So I heard,” Jill cooed. “Making out with your boss will do that to a girl.”
Oh, she was so going to kill Cyn for that one. “It was the wine.”
“Don’t blame the wine. You need a little nooky, Courtney.”
“Oh my gosh, I don’t need…”

“Can we get down to business?” Austin cut in, saving the day. “We need to hit the road.”
Jill laughed. “Come on, babe, we talked about this and you agreed that Courtney needed to loosen up a bit. Nooky is the perfect way to unwind.”
“You think I’m uptight?” she asked.
“Not uptight. Focused,” Austin insisted.
“I’m close to finishing my degree. I need to be focused.”
“And I commend you for it,” Austin said, clearly trying to stay neutral. “Now, you ready to meet Humphrey?”
“Yes, please. Where he is?”
“Erik’s got him out in the field. Poor guy is a mess. His fur is all nappy and matted and he is malnourished, but he has spunk. You’ll love him.”
Austin snickered, raising Courtney’s hackles. “Define spunk.”
Jill jabbed her husband in the side with her elbow. “He’s very affectionate. Like I said, you’ll love him.”
Courtney would be the first to admit she had trust issues, but Jill had become a good friend, one Courtney trusted implicitly except when it came to how she described the pets she needed Courtney to foster. Every single one of them had had an issue that no one in their right mind would want to deal with. Based on Austin’s snicker, Humphrey had some sort of issue too.
“Here’s all the information we were able to gather. I trust you’ll get it into the database.”
“Of course,” Courtney replied, taking the handwritten notes. She had created the database for the rescue as a project for her Green Marketing course. The shelter now operated paperless, saving them money on ink, paper, and other office supplies while being able to brag about being an environmentally friendly non-profit. Jill was still old-school, though, and kept a small notebook instead of using one of the tablets.
“He can’t be left alone,” Jill added as Courtney skimmed the notes. “He needs a little food and water every hour. We have a crate for him. You’ll want to put him in that even if you’re only going to the bathroom. He’s a runner, so keep him on a leash when you take him out.”
“Got it.” Courtney stuffed the note in her pocket and started for the door. She wanted to be to work early, so didn’t want to waste any more time.
She saw Erik out in the field, but the grass was too tall to spot the dog. Austin called to his son and Erik came running. When they reached the lawn, which was freshly cut, the little ragamuffin dog appeared, keeping pace with his running mate.
Cyn was right, the little terrier was adorable, but as they got closer, Courtney saw how right Jill was too. He was in desperate need of some grooming and food. “Do you know how old he is?”
Jill shook her head. “Not sure, but Clarissa said she’d stop by to check him out anytime this weekend. Just give her a call.”
Clarissa Dean was their friend and local veterinarian who offered her services free of charge to the rescue. “Will do. I have to work today, but I’ll work something out with her.”
Erik slowed to a walk and handed the leash off to Jill before stepping back. Austin stepped back too. “What’s going on?”
“Just giving you some space to get to know him,” Austin said. Based on Erik’s chuckle, Courtney knew there was more to it than that, but the dog just licked her face and wagged his tail. Nothing out of the ordinary there.
“Jilly, we need to get going,” Austin said.
“Right. Good luck. We’ll be back next Sunday, but call if there are any problems.”
“I can handle it,” Courtney assured Jill.
“I know you can. Have fun. Keep me posted on things with your boss.”
“Nothing to keep you posted on,” she replied, turning her attention to Austin. “That reminds me. You don’t have any Black Vines wines on your wine list at the tavern.”
“I tried, but Neil had an ax to grind with my father, and therefore with me. He said he’d be dead and buried before any of his wines were offered at the Hale.”
“Well, Aiden wants to change that.”
“Good. Call Sadie and set up a meeting.”
“Thank you,” Courtney said, her cheeks aching from the smile. She knew Austin would be receptive and couldn’t wait to get to work and let Aiden know.
Erik grabbed the small crate from Austin’s shiny truck and handed it off to Courtney.
She debated whether to call Aiden and ask permission to bring Humphrey to work or to just show up. As she’d learned in the air force, it was better to ask forgiveness than permission, so Courtney put the pup in his crate and jumped in the shower. When she was dressed in slacks, a more practical pair of shoes, and a nice blouse, she headed out the door, only to realize she didn’t have a car, or a ride.
About the Author
Big dreamer and certifiable overachiever Susan Ann Wall embraces life at full speed and volume. She’s a beer and tea snob, can be bribed with dark chocolate, and the #1 thing on her bucket list is to be the center of a Bon Jovi flash mob.
Susan is a national bestselling, multi-genre author of racy, rule-breaking romance and women’s fiction. Her bragging rights include the Fighting Back for Love series, Puget Sound ~ Alive With Love series, Superstitious Brides Romance series, Sunset Valley Women’s Fiction series (coming soon), and Devon Taggart Suspense series. She also likes to boast about her three perfect children, two amazing rescue dogs, and a happily ever after that started while serving in the U.S. Army and has spanned two decades (which is crazy since she’s not a day over 29).
In her next life, Susan plans to be a 5 foot 10, size 8 rock star married to a chiropractor and will not be terrified of large bridges, spiders, or quiet people (shiver).
Facebook: www.facebook.com/susanannwall.author
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