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Lindsay McKenna: Meet Lia Cassidy! (Contest)
Sunday, July 12th, 2015

Character Bio on Lia Cassidy…

lm-1Clipboard-1I’m Lia Cassidy and I was born and raised in Ontario, Oregon, the heart sugar beet country.  My Dad is a farmer and I feel lucky I grew up with my feet in the dirt, wriggling my toes in that warm, sandy soil.  I didn’t really have much computer time because I loved being outdoors.  I came from a large family and often dreamed of having one myself.  When I rode my palomino horse, Goldy, bareback, I would throw my arms out at my sides, riding that rocking chair rhythm aboard my best friend.  I never gave a thought that my life would turn out so horribly different and difficult.  I look back on my wonderful growing up years, a loving set of parents, happy being in Nature, and shake my head.  That’s all gone, now.

Maybe it started because I loved adventure.  I joined the Army after graduating from high school.  I was really great at mechanics and the Army didn’t waste my talents.  I ended up being a mechanic in a motor pool at Bagram, Afghanistan.  I was one of the very few women and worked mostly with men in that building.  But I loved fixing things and I was very good at it.  Two years into my enlistment, I was attacked by two men who worked with me.  I had the duty that night and was alone in the huge building.

My father had taught me an Israeli fighting technique known as Krav maga.  When they pushed me into a corner, wielding knives, threatening to kill me if I didn’t let them rape me, my terror turned to rage.  I wasn’t going to lay down and let it happen,so I fought back.  They weren’t expecting it.  I still remember that terror-filled night like it was yesterday. Once they realized I wouldn’t capitulate?  They tried to kill me because they knew if I escaped, I’d turn them in.  Worse?  To this day, my body bears the scars of their knives.  My world was turned inside out.  I try to hide the scars from others by the kind of clothes I wear, but I can’t conceal all of them.  Men look at me, see the scars and turn away.  I never knew what loneliness was until this life-changing incident happened.

I survived the assault, but barely.  I left the Army and went to work for Delos, a global charity.  I wanted to hide and try to heal.  I was assigned to La Fortuna, Costa Rica, and became the manager for a Home School Foundation charity.  The jungle beauty of this country, the kindness of the people, the loving children who didn’t care about my scars, were exactly what I needed to continue to heal.

But even here, where I hid and was happy, evil stalked me again.  Dante Medina, the local drug lord who lived outside the village, attacked our small school and murdered the two teachers.  His soldiers came after me, to kill me, but I escaped, running for the jungle.  Tears ran down my face over the trauma of losing my two teacher friends.  If I survived Medina’s soldiers tracking me down, what was left of my twenty-five year old life?  Once, as a child I had dreamed of the man I would marry and how happy we would be.  Children would be just another form of love between us.  And since the attack?  I no longer dream those dreams.  And now, this demented monster who is going to hunt me down.  Was there nowhere to hide?

GIVE AWAY:  How do you think you would handle being badly scarred by violence?  Leave a comment below to be entered to win an e-book of NOWHERE TO HIDE.  International entries also accepted!  One winner will be chosen and notified.  Good luck!



Welcome to my new series, DELOS!  Book 1, NOWHERE TO HIDE, introduces this romantic suspense series.  It features Lia Cassidy and ex-SEAL, Cav Jordan.  There is a FREE prologue, LAST CHANCE by Lindsay McKenna, so be sure to grab an ebook copy of it now!

This free novella is available on the five major ebook platforms (Amazon, KOBO,, and iTunes/iBooks/Apple on 7.13.15).

Don’t own an ereader but would like the ebook novella?  Come directly to my website,, and receive a free copy of it via the Selz software we have installed.  At the the end of the steps, you’ll receive a FREE copy of LAST CHANCE on your desktop of any device you want it on.

Paperback lovers, sorry, there is no paperback available on this free novella prologue.  But you can still download a copy from my website without any problem.  Try it!  It’s easy and quick!

Visit my website for all things Delos.  Family history, information on present and coming characters, their books, publishing dates, and so much more.  Just go to the Delos tab in the toolbar.  Download quote books on the Family and Delos charity.  Peek into the lives of the children you will read about!   This is a global, multi-national family who has a vision to help those who have less than they do.

Meet each of the siblings of General Robert Culver, USAF, and his Turkish/Greek wife, Dilara Badem-Culver.  Talia is first born.  Dilara then has twins:  Matt and Alexa.  Even though their family is worth billions because the Turkish-American-Greek family owns the largest fleet of container ships in the world, these three siblings learn early on that service to one’s country and being patriotic, is expected of them.

Follow their stories after the two above introductory ones.  Tangled Pursuit is Tal and Wyatt’s book, 11.11.2015.  Forged in Fire is Matt and Dara’s book, 12.3.2015.  Broken Dreams is Alexa and Gage’s book, 1.2.2016.  Paperback/ebook.  Sign up for my quarterly newsletter that brings you ongoing information about Delos and other series I’m writing.  Exclusive info.  A give-away. And more!

Megan Mitcham: Women are… (Contest)
Friday, July 10th, 2015

First, I’d like to thank the beautifully talented Delilah Devlin for having me on her blog once again! She’s both nurturing and kick ass. 😉

Most women are nurturing. It comes from a combination nature and our historical “place” in society. Hormones and history say we are loving, meek, homemakers. I say to you, there is nothing wrong with this. But aren’t we also more?

All the heroines in my books are kick a** in their own right. Not all of them are ninja-riffic, weapon welding, ball busters. But this one sure is. She takes every assumption about women and flips it on its ear.



Base Branch Novel 5

Released July 7th, 2015

One determined to avoid it. One determined to conquer it. Both on a wayward mission and unable to deny it.

Khani Slaughter has dealt with danger since the day of her conception. After thirty-one years dealing with the bullshit, she knows how to attack it, defeat it, and avoid it. Yet, for some unfathomable reason, she still gravitates toward it. When you’re the head—and sometimes-deadly hands—of the Base Branch, the special operations force for the United Nations, hazard is everywhere. Her personal life, though, is restricted territory for trouble. No strings flings. That’s what she went for. Uncomplicated rolls in the sack. That was all she allowed. Or it was … until the rookie showed up.

Base Branch operative King Street takes danger and molds it to his benefit. Only there’s not much advantage in screwing the boss when regret sends her across an ocean. The desire to make her see him for more than a mistake places his wide frame directly in her path.

He is cocky and way too brash. Not at all what she wants. But when her brother goes missing, he is who she needs. Someone willing to navigate a wasteland and dodge bullets and her prickly demeanor to help rescue her only family. And, just maybe, in the process they can save each other from their painful pasts.

Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play | B&N | All Romance

ISBN ebook: 978-1-941899-13-7
ISBN print: 978-1-941899-14-4
Length: 272 pages

You finish the sentence and leave your email address!!! I’ll give away a digital copy of Enemy Mine to the winner!!! Women are…


Megan Mitcham
USA Today Bestselling Author
Sizzling Suspense – Are you sizzling yet?

The Base Branch Series

The Blacklist Series


Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook


Rebecca Grace Allen: How Un-Sexy Sexy Writing Can Be (Contest)
Monday, July 6th, 2015

When I first started “coming out” as a romance writer to my family and friends, I often got some wry looks, and comments like “that must be the sexiest job ever.” I love what I do, but let me tell you: writing smut is not always as glamorous as it sounds. Reality, as we all know, has a tendency to be a lot more clumsy, messy, funny and sometimes not-at-all-sexy as romance books are. Case in point: several months ago, I asked hubs to help me block out a scene for my upcoming release, The Hierarchy of Needs, which comes out tomorrow! It went something like this:

Me: Honey, are you busy?

Hubs: Why?

Me: I need you to tie me to the bed.

Hubs: *drops everything* Not busy!

(At this point, hubs followed me into the bedroom, where I told him I needed to see how easy it would be to use a belt to tie someone to a headboard. Hubs then proceeded to dig into the dirty laundry basket to find his belt, which was still attached to his jeans. He, of course, was wearing a hoodie and flannel pjs bottoms. Sexy, right?!)

Me: *settles onto my back on the bed* *grins salaciously* Tie me up, baby.

Hubs: *climbs on top of me* *stares at headboard* *tries to figure out the logistics* Okay, hold on.

Me: *winces as hubs’ sweatshirt ties start batting me in the face* You need some help there, honey?

Hubs: *huffs* No, I’ve got it. There! *belt slips free* Okay, wait, let me try it again.

Me: *ducks head down as sweatshirt ties go in my mouth* Babe, you’re kinda choking me here.

Cat: *jumps on bed* Meow. *bats at sweatshirt ties* Meow?

Hubs: I think I’ve got it. *belt loosens again and falls down behind the bed* Please don’t put this in one of your books.

See? Not as sexy as it sounds! (But a good story, though!)

Here’s a little snippet from the scene in The Hierarchy of Needs that I ended up writing. Thankfully, Jamie and Dean’s experience with a headboard and a belt was a lot sexier than reality!


Stripping away the last of her clothes, Dean walked her to the bed. He kissed her again and pressed her down onto it, fingers weaving through hers, clasping their hands together and drawing them once more over her head.

“Hands on the headboard,” he ordered softly. “Around the slats.”

She did as she was told, hooking them onto the wooden poles. Dean stepped away,

returning a moment later with a condom, and his belt. Her eyes widened.

“To keep you still and help you let go.” Dean knelt beside her and waited for her answer. “Yes?”

She paused, glancing at the belt, then back at him. She’d felt so liberated when it was Dean’s hands holding her down. Nothing would help her let go as much as being fully restrained.

She wanted this. Fuck yes, she wanted this.

Jamie offered him her hands. “Yes.”

He placed the condom on the nightstand, then carefully wrapped the belt around her wrists and slid the leather through the buckle. She closed her eyes when he brought her bound hands back above her head, feeling the pull as he looped the belt through the rungs, tugging once to remove any slack.

The backs of his knuckles stroked over her cheek. Jamie opened her eyes.

“You can pull free pretty easy if you get scared,” he said.

It felt snug enough. It was all the illusion she needed. “I trust you.”


Giveaway: For a chance to win a free e-copy of The Hierarchy of Needs from the retailer of your choice, tell me: what’s your sexiest moment that became unfortunately un-sexy? You have until Friday, July 10th to tell me your tale!

The Hierarchy of Needs

The Portland Rebels, Book # 2
Samhain Publishing, 7/7/15

Once you figure out what you want, it’s impossible to ignore what you need.

Jamie Matthews is stuck in a rut. After hitting a wall with her dream career, she’s back in her hometown, living a life as monotonous as swimming laps in the neighborhood pool.

Being surrounded by her perfect brothers is a painful reminder of her failure to launch. The last bonfire of the summer is an ideal way to let off steam, especially when she runs into Dean Trescott, the playboy friend she had one hot-as-hell night with back in high school.

Since the day Dean met Jamie, he’s loved her beauty, talent, and smile that lit up the whole damn block. But dating isn’t an option. She has a bright future ahead of her, and he refuses to chain her to his—helping run the family business that’s barely staying afloat.

A “what-happens-in-Vegas” weekend was supposed to get their craving for each other out of their systems. But neither counted on the past repeating itself, drawing them together in even hotter and dirtier ways and dangling the possibility they might both be able to get exactly what they need…

Warning: A friends-to-lovers twice over story that contains some hot ’n’ heavy kissing in the waves, hair pulling, and a man who knows how to use his hands. It may also feature a few practical jokes—only the fun kind, of course. 

Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Samhain Publishing

raRGA head shotRebecca Grace Allen writes kinky new adult and contemporary BDSM romance. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with a double concentration in Creative Writing and Literary Comparison, as well as a Master of Science in Elementary Education, both of which seemed like good ideas at the time. After stumbling through careers in entertainment, publishing, law and teaching, she’s returned to her first love: writing. A self-admitted caffeine addict and gym rat, she currently lives in upstate New York with her husband, two parakeets, and a cat with a very unusual foot fetish.

You can find Rebecca at:

Twitter: @RGraceAllen
Facebook: RebeccaGrace.Allen

Jessica Lee: A Sucker for an Antihero (Contest)
Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

I admit it. I’m a complete sucker for an antihero.

What is an antihero, you ask? Well, the online Urban Dictionary defines an antihero as: a flawed hero, and therefore much more interesting than the more traditional hero. They can be working on the side of good, but with a tragic flaw, or a horrible past, or for reasons that are selfish and not entirely “pure”.

Sounds like my kind of guy.

In Undying Hunger, Markus Santini is the Enclave’s antihero. He possesses a horrible past, and as the above definition states, for reasons that are selfish, and or not entirely “pure”, he makes certain decisions throughout the span of the series that aren’t popular with the rest of the Enclave’s warriors.

But my love of the antihero didn’t begin with Markus. In fact, there are a few others that, along with Markus, make up my top five.

  1. Vin Diesel as Riddick. (Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, and Riddick) I do believe he kindled my fire for the antihero with those shimmering eyes and deliciously deep voice of his.
  2. Zarek (Dance with the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon) How could one not fall for such a scarred and tragic hero. A fan favorite of the Dark Hunter Novels that I’ve never forgotten.
  3. Alexander Skargard as Eric Northman (TrueBlood) A bad boy in every sense of the word. A centuries old Viking turned vampire, yet he’s hot as blazes. Yes, I cheered for him and Sookie to be together. He was so ruthless, but with her and for her…he was tender and compassionate. Sigh. Precisely what I love about an antihero.
  4. Simon Cross (Death Angel by Linda Howard) Assassin turned hero. A pure antihero who has no regrets for who he is or what he’s done in his past. Cold and calculating with everyone and everything in his world. But when his heroine steps into his life, she awakens his heart and makes him feel. And he’ll do anything to protect her. Yes! I love it when that happens.

Do you have any favorite antiheroes from book or film? Please share! I’d love to add them to my TBR shelf or To Be Viewed list. Leave a comment, and I’ll choose one lucky winner to receive a $5 Amazon Gift Card, plus their choice of a PDF copy of either book one, two, or three from the Enclave series.

Undying Hunger


All she can remember is hunger…for him.

Enclave #4

A delicious vampire world, filled with danger, passion, and immortal warriors. You’re going to love the Enclave!” – Lisa Kessler author of the award-winning Moon Series


A year ago, Alexandria Stevens strode through the doors of Wicked Ways and into the arms of a man—a monster, really—who stole everything from her. Her memory. Her life. Now she’s a creature of darkness with only hazy images in her mind of that night and a confusing jumble of emotions. A fierce hate…and an even fiercer desire for Markus Santini.

Markus has walked through this world for more than a hundred years, knowing exactly who and what he was, until Alexandria undid it all. Undid him. When a former vampire colleague threatens one of the Enclave’s own, Markus is needed—but only as the dark, powerful creature he once was. And in order to become that, he must find redemption…in the arms of a woman.

Undying Hunger Buy Links:
Amazon UK–
Amazon CA–
Barnes and Noble–

Add to Your Goodreads List–


jlJessicaLeeauthorJessica Lee is an EPIC eBook Award winner and international bestselling author of paranormal romance. She lives in the southeastern United States with her husband and son. In her former life, Jessica was a science geek and spent over twenty-five years as a nurse. But after the birth of her son, she left her medical career behind. During that transition, she discovered her passion for writing romance and has never looked back. Jessica Lee is currently published with Entangled Publishing and Resplendence Publishing. Plus she has several self-published titles available.

Social Media:
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Lynn Crain: The Importance of Social Media (Contest)
Tuesday, June 30th, 2015
There’s a lot of buzz going around about the various social media and why they are important. There’s Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and heaven knows how many others. And they keep popping up like flies. Who knows where it will end? In all honesty, it probably won’t, and that’s why writers need to stay focused on a few to keep their brand going. Here are my favorites.
Gia Dawn: Roar of Thunder (Contest)
Thursday, June 25th, 2015

file0001080203409First of all, a huge thank you to the lovely Delilah Devlin for hosting me here today. It is a privilege to guest blog on a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author’s site!! The opportunity is very much appreciated.

So my topic today is…If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

In his song, Rocky Mountain High, John Denver sings about coming home to a place he’d never been before.  I recently felt that way while doing research for my Red Masks series now available through Ellora’s Cave.  The series is set in Charleston South Carolina, and after doing a ton research into the city I became fascinated with the place.

Row upon row of historic houses line The Battery, a beautiful promenade that was originally built as a defensive seawall and named after an artillery battery that was set up there during the Civil War. This part of town also holds the White Point Garden that was so named because of the sun-bleached oyster shells once found along the shore.

Charleston also has its own French Quarter, which is still located within the original walled city and boasts cobblestoned streets and gas lit alleyways. This is where the inspiration came for making Manette and Thibaut Brisson the owners of the notorious Gaston Plantation and its private Red Masks Club, and giving them their French-American heritage.

There are several plantations near the city with immaculately kept gardens and moss covered trees. And I have heard there may be ghosts haunting several of the sites—war-torn lovers who wait eternally to be reunited and the spirits of slaves who haunt the grounds of their former owners in search of freedom…or revenge.

Charleston is an international travel destination that has been named one of the top cities to visit in the United States, so where better to set a series of books whose characters come from all different parts of the world? Zayne Saladar in Master of Silk hails from the Middle-East, and his belly-dancing wife—Isabella Seda—has Spanish ancestry, while both Sakura and Ian Hideo Shoji of Binding Cherry Blossoms are of Japanese descent.

After looking at picture after picture of the beautiful city and reading the descriptions of its historic districts and sultry sea breezes, I am completely enamored of the place, although I have never once set foot in the town. To remedy that, hubby and are planning a trip to Charleston in September so I can stroll down the streets I have written about and hear the water crash along the shore.

What about you? Anywhere in the world you have read, seen or heard about that makes you ready to plan your next vacation? Are you addicted to a certain place on the Travel Channel, or catch every episode of House Hunting where that particular city is featured? Stop by and let me know. I will be giving away a couple of copies of Roar of Thunder, the most recent release of my Red Masks series, along with some lovely red costume masks and pretty red mask bracelets.

Roar of Thunder


Book 5 in the Red Masks series

After a disastrous tour of duty in Afghanistan, wounded veteran Thibaut Brisson returns home as half-owner of the Red Mask BDSM club. But a severe case of PTSD leaves the Dominant surly, sleepless and sexually impotent.

After long months of nightmares, Ty finally allows himself to submit to the beautiful Domina Grace Heathcastle, hoping a session beneath her whip will allow him to release his pent-up fury. But he makes it clear he will not submit to her forever.

Once a submissive herself, Grace switched sides after a bad relationship left her injured. She knows Ty needs someone strong enough to break through his resistance, but she finds herself doubting her dominance—especially after a night of submissive pleasure in his arms.

Who will eventually win the war when Dominant and Domina battle for position?

Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

For buy links, excerpts, and my other books:

Thanks so very much!!  Gia Dawn

Barbara White Daille: Cowboys, Conflict, and Kisses (Contest)
Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Hi, Readers!  We’ll be chatting today about one of my favorite subjects:  romance.  I’m betting at least a few of you will be able to relate.

Sometimes I think we read romance to fall in love with *love*.  Know what I mean?

When we’ve had a hard day, a spat with our partner, a tough time with the kids, or added stress at the day job, escaping into a story can be just the thing we need.  Watching the hero and heroine deal with life’s troubles, large or small, gives us hope we can overcome our problems, too.  And seeing them work their way to a happy ever after reinforces the power of love.

Sometimes, I think we also read romance to fall in love with the *hero*.  At least, I know I do!

For me, that usually means a cowboy because, hey, what’s not to like about a down-to-earth, rugged rancher in form-fitting jeans?  LOL  But if you’re not that into cowboys, feel free to substitute the hunk hero of your choice.

Whether the guy’s a cowboy or cop, doctor, baseball player, or rich playboy, he’ll be easy to love if he’s an all-star kisser who turns us inside-out with one long, soulful glance from his smoldering eyes.

Easy for *us* to love, that is.  The heroine…not so much.

The heroine can’t just give in and fall for our hero.  She’s got to face the fire because *we* need to be kept guessing.  And, like us, she’s got to solve those large and small life problems before she arrives at her happy ending…before she seals the deal with a kiss from her [insert hero of your choice].  : )


Here’s a quick peek at the hero and heroine from A Rancher of Her Own, which releases next week. Pete and Jane haven’t spoken to each other in years, but their mutual antagonism flares to life the first time they meet again:

“That was my first full-time job,” he told her. “I was trying to make an impression.”

“Oh, you did that, all right. I’m glad you didn’t say ‘a good impression,’ because you didn’t come close to one. I don’t like men—people—who think they can order others around. And you definitely had a case of that back then.”

“I was in charge of the horses—”

“Under my grandpa’s direction.”

“—and watching out for them was part of my job.”

“He’s given you another job now, too, so he tells me.”

“Yeah. Playing nursemaid.”

“Thanks, old man,” she shot back, “but I don’t need that kind of help. An assistant is more like it. What’s the matter? Is the job beneath you?” She shrugged. “If you don’t like the idea, I won’t have a problem getting someone else.”

He’d bet she wouldn’t. As long as she managed to keep that smart yet sexy mouth of hers shut, any of his boys would be happy to assist her. He wouldn’t.

But turning down his boss’s order wasn’t an option.

I’m happy to chat.

bwBarbara White DailleAlso, I’m giving away an autographed print copy of one of my available backlist titles (US mailing addresses only, please).  To get your name in the hat, tell us:  when you read romance, what type of conflict do you like best and why? 

You have till Friday!  Winner’s name will be posted this weekend.


Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom.

Barbara’s new series, The Hitching Post Hotel, features a matchmaking grandpa determined to see his three granddaughters wed. The series began in April 2015 with The Cowboy’s Little Surprise and continues with A Rancher of Her Own in July and The Lawman’s Christmas Proposal in December.

Find Barbara at the following locations:

Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Newsletter ~ Blog ~ Amazon ~ Harlequin ~ Goodreads

bwA Rancher of Her Own

A Rancher of Her Own


Ranch manager Pete Brannigan has no interest in playing tour guide to a city slicker like Jane Garland. But spending a few days with the headstrong photographer is a small price to pay for everything her grandfather has given the single dad. Though Pete’s drawn to Jane’s sharp wit and striking beauty, he won’t hurt his young children by falling for another woman who puts her career before family.

Jane’s seen the world through her camera…and used it to shield her emotions. With Pete, she can finally let her guard down. If only he could do the same. Despite their powerful bond, Pete still can’t trust Jane with his kids or his heart. But if he keeps pushing her away, he may ruin any chance their relationship has to develop.

Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble ~ Books-A-Million ~ Harlequin ~ IndieBound ~ Kobo