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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Tuesday, February 24th, 2015
Hey, dearest readers!
I was going to post something pithy today, but friends of mine have a brand new book, and they asked me if I could help get the word out. They have this awesome contest accompanying the release. They are giving away an iPad Mini and it will be loaded with books. So if you want a chance to win—look at the picture below! And get the book—The Other Brother! ~DD

The Other Brother: Forbidden, part 1
From two New York Times bestselling authors comes a stunning tale of betrayal and blood…
Simple. The consummate good girl, this is the word I used to describe my life… until my stepbrother Seth came to live with us. Until that point, I’d been a very good girl… but my older, emotionally blocked stepbrother made me want to do very bad things.
With him.
In the course of one night everything changed, and my simple world was torn to shreds. I wanted to hate him. I did hate him. Mostly.
But now he’s back. And nothing will ever be simple again.
The Other Brother is a novel told in three parts. This is part one of three.
Buy links:
Amazon – https://amzn.to/17sRfWU
B&N – https://bit.ly/1FmvlzF
Kobo – https://bit.ly/1LxVj5z
Posted in Contests!, General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 -
Saturday, February 21st, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the free download is Vi!
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This is a quick fly-by! I’ll be working at my dd’s shop for half the day, and then heading out to hit a flea market a couple of towns away. I love flea markets! So many hidden “treasures!” Be sure to check out the contest details at the bottom of this page!
Friday’s New Shorty

I promised a new short story every Friday until April. Here’s this week’s new release, Dr. Mullaley’s Cure.
For now, these 5000-word stories can be found only on Kindle. They are free to Kindle Unlimited readers and just $.99 to everyone else!
She’d been warned the doctor was eccentric, but this nurse discovers his cures are of a mechanical nature…
Be warned! It’s medical erotica (do you want to play doctor?)—not romance! Get it at the Kindle store!
I have a brand new page on my website devoted to the shorties. If you’d like to see what’s already out, as well as what’s coming, check it out! The Short Story Page
An excerpt:
I’d been warned the doctor was a bit eccentric. That he dabbled in machinery and had been ostracized by others in his profession for the lengths he went to please his patients.
“You’ll never find another employer,” I was told. “Not once they see your only reference is Doctor Mullaley.” The mad Irishman. The charlatan who promised cures to bored housewives and whose waiting room hadn’t been empty since I’d arrived for my first day’s work. If I hadn’t already been turned away at every other respectable physician’s practice, I might have heeded the advice. However, those warnings only served to stir my interest.
I was intensely curious about the nature of the doctor’s cures. Even more so about the conditions he treated, but they were only spoken of in whispers and never in the presence of an unmarried woman. Which made me wonder why he’d hired me. Not that I was going to complain. One glance at his tall rangy frame, frosty blue eyes and dark, slicked-back hair, and my misgivings evaporated.
However, my curiosity about the man and his practice wasn’t to be satisfied at that moment, because the doctor waved me toward the reception desk where I worked at fitting in patients who arrived without an appointment. A task I found akin to cinching in the waist of a corset. There was only so much ribbon one could pull before something gave.
That something was the inimitable Mrs. Davies. She arrived in a dudgeon. Cheeks flushed, eyes a little wild. The afternoon was very balmy, and the painstaking curls at the sides of her cheeks had wilted and stretched toward her jaw like earthworms. I couldn’t help staring while she tapped the counter with a sturdy finger, insisting her needs were of the highest import. If she didn’t receive a treatment that afternoon, somebody would hear about it. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: short story Posted in Contests!, General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Vi - ButtonsMom2003 - J.D. Faver - Ginger Robertson - Delilah -
Friday, February 20th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the goody bag is…David!
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Do you – as either readers or writers – have a theme or era or setting that will not let you go? I was recently re-reading Susan Hill’s excellent “Strange Meeting”, which is set in WWI; in the introduction she said how she felt compelled to write WWI out of her system and did so with that book. On the one hand I was frustrated by that, as I’d have loved to read more of her work set in that era, but on the other, I was envious of her because she’d been able to produce that one book and walk away. You see, WWI keeps whispering in my ear saying, “Write about me, write about me…”
I guess it’s partly my own fault because I have always read a lot of books from the late 19th and early 20th century (Conan Doyle has a lot to answer for) and enjoy ploughing through biographies of WWI poets, or true accounts from soldiers, sailors and airman of the time. Time and again I come across something that makes me think, “Ooh, that would be a great idea for a story”. Then I have to tell the writer side of my brain to behave itself as I’ve “done” WWI four times and really, do I have to go there again?
I’m sure this is as much a reading obsession as a writing one. There was a period when I almost had to sneak WWI themed books out of the bookshop and into my house in a plain brown wrapper, so my family wouldn’t know I’d bought yet another tome about sportsmen who’d lost their lives in the Great War or some such theme. But once you get bitten by the bug, it has you in its grip as strongly as Lyme Disease does, and I’ve had that too so I know what I’m talking about!
It’s the same when you come across a new author. Maybe I should rephrase that – it’s the same when I come across a new author, because I just want to work through anything of theirs I can get my mitts on. And it’s not just “new” authors. I’ve read and re-read The Lord of the Rings many times, and then I’ve pored over all those books about the writing of the trilogy. Similarly I’ve read the Sherlock Holmes stories, then felt compelled to get books about Sherlock’s’ London, the world he lived in, the men who inspired the character, and all things Holmes and Watson.
So, tell me. What’s your reading or writing obsession? Best answer wins a goodie bag.
Latest release:

A more than professional interest . . . a more than personal intrigue.
Orlando Coppersmith should be happy. WWI is almost a year in the past, he’s back at St. Bride’s College in Cambridge, his lover and best friend Jonty Stewart is at his side again, and—to top it all—he’s about to be made Forsterian Professor of Applied Mathematics. And although he and Jonty have precious little time for an investigative commission, they can’t resist a suspected murder case which must be solved in a month so a clergyman can claim his rightful inheritance.
But the courses of scholarship, true love, and amateur detecting never did run smooth. Orlando’s inaugural lecture proves almost impossible to write. A plagiarism case he’s adjudicating on turns nasty with a threat of blackmail against him and Jonty. And the murder investigation turns up too many leads and too little hard evidence.
Orlando and Jonty may be facing their first failure as amateur detectives, and the ruin of their professional and private reputations. Brains, brawn, the pleasures of the double bed—they’ll need them all to lay their problems to rest.
Charlie’s a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association, Mystery People, and International Thriller Writers Inc., with titles published by Carina, Samhain, Bold Strokes Books, MLR, and Riptide.
To sign up for her newsletter, email her at cochrane.charlie2@googlemail.com, or catch her at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charlie.cochrane.18
Twitter: https://twitter.com/charliecochrane
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2727135.Charlie_Cochrane
Blog: https://charliecochrane.livejournal.com
Website: https://www.charliecochrane.co.uk
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: JL Merrow - David - HJ - ButtonsMom2003 - Lee Todd -
Thursday, February 19th, 2015
Tara Manderino has a unique take on vampires. They have progeny! What vampires have you see on TV or the movies, or in books, that you would love to see with children?
Comment for a chance to win Bound by Blood!

Most vampires don’t have to worry about their children. Alex does. Worse yet, now he’s worrying about the nanny.
In his two-hundred and fifty years as a vampire, Alex never had to intervene with any of his progeny no matter the circumstances. But now he has no choice. Alex is a detective sworn to protect when a little girl of his lineage is kidnapped. When he meets Lisa, the child’s nanny, his protective instincts kick into gear, yet he finds he must expose her to ever increasing danger as they search for the missing child.
With Lisa’s help, Alex tracks the kidnapper. Learning why she was abducted rocks him on his heels and sets off a transcontinental search that leads to ancient myths of the Cardinal’s Ruby, the stone in Alex’s ring. Alex and Lisa have one shot to save the child, but will they be able to stop the impending destruction raining down?
He turned to meet the nanny and blinked twice. Nannies simply did not look like Miss Lisa Mitchell. At least none of the nannies he had known. Even if they had been younger than fifty they wore starched looking clothing, the kind that could stand up on its own. And they invariably had their hair pulled back and skewed into a so-tight braid it made an instant face-lift.
This nanny was the complete opposite in every way. Her hair, a burnished copper, curled about her face and it looked as if no amount of combing would tame it. Her mouth was a shade too wide, the kind that was perfect for smiling, and was quite mobile. At the moment, he couldn’t see her eyes because the lids were closed, but her lashes were thick and fanned against her pale skin. Her nicely shaped nose was tipped in red, evidence of her crying. He could hear her slow even breathing and was loathe to wake her. But the child needed to be found.
Standing next to her, he watched her exhausted sleep for a moment. If he wanted answers, he would have to rouse her. Slightly leaning over her, he gently nudged her shoulder with his hand.
Her eyes flew open in a second, then widened. He straightened, giving her some breathing room. She looked about, puzzled for a moment, then he saw the terror in the depths of her eyes.
“Who are you?” she asked, pushing herself against the cushions in an effort to sit up straighter.
Alex perched on the edge of the arm of the nearby chair…“Lisa — May I call you that?” At her nod, he continued. “We need to talk about what happened. I‘m sure you’ve already told the police what you remember, but maybe it would be better if we went to the scene. Perhaps something there will prompt your memory.
Alex extended his hand to the young woman. When she placed her hand in his for the second time, he automatically closed his fingers over hers. He tugged, pulling her to her feet. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. If you want to send uniforms, that would be agreeable, but not necessary. You have my badge number.”
Escorting Lisa outside, Alex knew he should drop her hand. There was no reason to hold on to it — and every reason in the world. It felt right and he didn’t want to let go. She didn’t resist.
Tara Manderino writes in a variety of genres, from paranormal to historical. She’s She first began writing in third grade when she realized she couldn’t afford her reading habit.
She writes and is published in a variety of genres and finds that each one is her favorite at the time. Her books are available at a variety of online retailers.
Tara resides in her native town in southwestern Pennsylvania. When she’s not chasing Lydia, the Boxer, she’s writing her own stories, reading or watching old movies,
Buy link: Amazon: https://amzn.com/B00761OURU
Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taramanderino
Author Page FB– https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Tara-Manderino-Author/125470584194435
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TManderino
Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/taramanderino
Tagged: Guest Blogger, vampire Posted in Contests!, General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Angel Shaw - Mne - donnas -
Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
To me Valentine’s Day means two things—love and dessert! I’ve got both for you today and a contest!! 🙂
I have to admit I’m not a sweets person. I rarely have dessert. For me, it’s a treat and something I look forward to. My family teases me because I savor every bite. There’s often a lot of ‘mmmm…delicious’ and ‘aww, so good’ going on when I do indulge. Some of my absolute favorites include: cookies, cheesecake, and anything chocolate!
Iona and Wyn, the lead characters from my newest release, Love Refocused, get to indulge in love and sweets. In this case, it’s chocolate cheesecake that brings them together.
Here’s my favorite chocolate cheesecake recipe. It’s pretty basic. Sometimes, I top with strawberries depending on the season. If you have a favorite recipe, I’d love to hear it! I’m always looking for something new to try.
- 18 chocolate sandwich cookies (I love Oreos), finely crushed (about 1-1/2 cups)
- 2 Tbsp. margarine, melted
- 3 pkg. (8 oz. each) Cream Cheese, softened (I don’t recommend light or fat-free)
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 2 pkg. (4 oz. each) Semi-Sweet Chocolate, broken into pieces, melted and cooled
- 3 eggs
- Preheat oven to 325°F.
- Mix cookie crumbs and butter; press onto bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake 10 min.
- Beat cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla with mixer until blended. Add chocolate; mix well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each. Pour onto crust from step 2.
- Bake 45 to 55 min. or until center is almost set. Run knife around rim of pan to loosen cake; cool before removing rim.
- Refrigerate cheesecake at least 4 hours.
Love Refocused

Sander’s Valley, 2
Wyn Sander is surprised when his brother Kyle asks him to be best man at his wedding. Wyn’s even more shocked to learn the woman who later walks into his garage is Ronnie’s half-sister, Iona. He’s instantly attracted to her. She’s sophisticated, beautiful, and confident. At least she is until Wyn stands up. She flinches and a look of terror passes over her face. It bothers him to see. Luckily, desire replaces it, but it doesn’t stop Wyn’s curiosity. For the first time in his life, he wants to find out what made Iona fearful and fix it.
Iona can’t believe her luck. The man she lusts after is her new sister’s soon to be brother-in-law. The kiss they share shatters her, but her attempt to stop any involvement with him ends up with her agreeing to three dates. She decides Wyn is unlike any man she’s ever known, and it’s unfortunate she can’t enjoy him. She isn’t in the market for a boyfriend. All she wants is sex. The only problem is—she doesn’t think Wyn sees things her way.
Excerpt (PG)
Iona knelt next to the whelping box. Her heart raced and hands shook. She glanced over her shoulder. Wyn crouched near her, his gaze on her, not the adorable puppies they’d come to see. Lust simmered in his eyes, but so did curiosity. She got the impression he was judging her. Why, she didn’t have a clue. She’d made it clear her contact with dogs had been hands-off. She’d petted a few. That was it.
“I’m nervous.” Both at the prospect of holding one of the pups and the reason behind his focused study.
“You’ll do fine.”
He laid a hand on her back. The simple touch calmed her. She peeked into the box. Lucy, the puppies’ mother, lay on her side. Her watchful gaze tracked Iona’s every movement. “Are you sure she won’t mind if I hold one?”
“Maybe, but she won’t bite you. Her pups just turned three weeks. It’s time to start holding them. Get them used to humans, you know?”
She nodded, even though she didn’t understand.
Wyn moved closer. His stomach pressed against her bottom. He leaned over her and held a hand out to Lucy. No desire accompanied the brush of his body to hers. Reassurance did. She relaxed. So did the dog. Lucy tilted her head for Wyn’s scratch, and the short nub of her tail wiggled.
Iona laughed. Wyn glanced at her, brows raised and a question in his eyes. She pointed to Lucy’s stump of a tail. “That’s cute.”
He flashed her a half smile. One dimple formed with his grin, and her heart did a little flip. Her lover was devastatingly handsome. Did he know what one of his grins did to her? That seeing his dimples aroused her yet made her want to snuggle closer at the same time?
Add to your Good Reads Account: Love Refocused
Read a longer excerpt at my publisher’s site: Loose Id
Buy links: Please visit my WEBSITE for the latest links.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Prize—an Amazon copy of Love Repeated.
Social Media links
Pinterest (I’m a very visual person. I love to PIN.)
Facebook Friend (friend or follow me)
Amazon page (Add me to your favorites or like me.)
Facebook page
Posted in Contests!, General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Snarky Mom Michelle - Nancy Corrigan - kim - ButtonsMom2003 - Mary Preston -
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the gift card is…Mary Preston!
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Honey is heeerrrre! It’s a gorgeous cover, isn’t it? Enjoy the excerpt I’ve included. It’s just a tease. Things get zanier and sexier in a hurry. Honey has heart, too.
If you read it, I’d love to know how you enjoyed it. And if you have time and don’t mind, I’d love for you to post a review. Reviews do help other readers make up their minds to buy.
Post a comment today for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card. I’ll be awarding the prizes for the countdown postings later today, so you still have time to enter!

Something’s on the rise in Two-Mule, Texas. And it ain’t just the temperature.
1880, West Texas
Honey Cafferty lives a happy, if precarious, existence as a traveling saleswoman. She sells her elixirs and potions while searching for the one thing she hasn’t been able to brew from the back of her colorful wagon—a sense of belonging. She arrives in Two Mule, Texas, with her Elixir of Love, a potion that improves a man’s libido but might just get her run out of town.
Sheriff Joe Tanner is protective of his little town. Downright hostile toward anyone who might take advantage of the fine folk under his protection. Any snake-oil salesman who rolls into town better just keep right on rolling.
Honey isn’t what Joe expected, from her vibrant red hair and cat-green eyes to her curvy mouth and hips. And when the men of the town begin to plead exhaustion—and place the blame squarely on her sweet-smelling shoulders—Joe has no choice but to launch an investigation. A very, very deep investigation…
Warning: Contains a sheriff who prides himself on keeping his town running as smooth as a well-greased wagon wheel, and a wandering saleswoman who’s more than a bump (and grind) in his road.
Buy at: Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
“Sheriff, you’ve gotta do somethin’ about that woman.”
The note of exasperation in Curly Hicks’s voice was one Joe Tanner had heard often in the past couple of days—at least from the unmarried men of the town. He didn’t need to ask which woman Curly was talking about. He already knew who was responsible for Curly’s agitation. Her name was on everybody’s lips, although the tones with which her name was spoken varied widely.
He was curious what the normally reticent shopkeeper had to say about the lady in question. “Just what do you want me to do about her, Curly?”
“Send her packin’! She’s up to somethin’. Cain’t tell you ’xactly what, but ever since she came, nothin’s been the same.”
So he wasn’t the only one to notice. Since the day Honey Cafferty’s fancy-painted wagon had rolled into town, the mood around Two Mule had seemed…expectant, like the town itself was wakening from a long slumber and had suddenly discovered every joyful holiday was all wrapped inside one bright, shining moment.
Which posed a dilemma for Joe. Two Mule had elected him to keep the peace and things had been riding smooth like a Conestoga over flat land—no bumps, no bone-jarring thuds. So far, the townsfolk had been pretty satisfied with their lives. It was a quiet place—the right kind of town to set down deep roots—and he intended to keep it that way.
However, Honey Cafferty had a way about her that was anything but quiet. She radiated shimmering sensuality, from her vibrant red hair and cat-like green eyes to her lushly curved lips and body. Everything about her shouted like Fourth of July fireworks and crazily spinning whirligigs, eliciting a restless hunger in him that had no place in his tidy little life. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Lone Star Lovers, Texas Posted in About books..., Contests!, News | 16 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Elaine Swinney - Mary Preston - chris s - Delilah - Juanita Decuir -
Monday, February 9th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the free download is Lynne Rivet!
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“It’s all about that badge, ’bout that badge, no trouble…” That isn’t how that song goes? And now it’s in your head…
You’re welcome! But isn’t it true? Don’t you love the thought of a man with a badge—sworn to protect—and all you want is for that man to prove he’s a hero? Well, my hero in Sweeter Than Honey is a lot like Colt Triplehorn. A man torn between duty and his heart. And since this is a romance, we know which way he’ll swing, right?
Am I tempting you yet? You can pre-order your copy at Samhain, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo.
Post a comment and you’ll be entered to win a free
download from among my Triple Horn Brand stories!
And don’t forget to enter yesterday’s drawing too. I won’t be
picking any prizes until release day, tomorrow!

“With amazing suspense, and hot, dominant lovin’ this cowboy and his high school sweetheart take the reader on an amazing emotional journey… Once again, thank you, Ms. Devlin, for stealing my heart with complex and witty characters, hot sex and riveting suspense!” 5/5 Books, Reviews by Molly
“Devlin has done it again! I pretty much gobble up anything she writes and “Laying Down the Law” is another hit…” The Brunette Librarian
Seeking sanctuary could be the hottest mistake she ever made.
The TripleHorn Brand, Book 1
A lifetime ago, Zuri Prescott kicked the dirt off her boots and ditched her small-time small town for the glam city life—and lived to regret it. When she’s framed for a bank job, she lights out for home, seeking refuge with her old high school sweetheart while she figures out her next steps. Only she discovers that the boy she left behind is the last man she should trust.
Sheriff Colt Triplehorn knows trouble when he sees it, especially when it comes in the form of a familiar trespasser, caught naked between an angry bull and her underwear. Sure she’s up to her usual no good, he grants her sanctuary at his ranch—the better to keep an eye on her, and purge her from his system once and for all.
Reconnection is sweet and hot, but the heat can’t hide the truth. When Colt inevitably finds out what Zuri’s running from, it’s too late to put the fire out, and he’s got a career-compromising choice on his hands. Follow the letter of the law, or follow his heart.
Product Warnings: When a sheriff captures the girl who got away, expect revenge so hot it leaves brands on two lonely hearts…
Zuri looked up, her hands pulling the belt tighter around her waist, grateful that this time she was covered neck to mid-calf. Still, she was hyper-aware she was naked underneath it and only one knot away from making another big mistake.
“You find everything you needed?” he asked, his tone impersonal.
Oddly, she thought she might actually prefer that ragged edge of anger he’d blistered her with by the river. “Yes, thanks.” She dropped the ties and smoothed her hands down her sides, nervous beneath his unblinking stare. “I don’t suppose you have anything I might wear, besides this robe, that is.” She flushed at how awkward this felt, how ridiculous her situation was. A closet full of clothes hung waiting for her six hundred miles away.
“You’re pretty skinny. I might have some sweatpants and a T-shirt, but you’ll have to cinch in the pants at the waist to keep ’em from fallin’ off.”
Skinny? Once he’d likened her slender frame to a filly’s, and she’d taken it as the highest compliment. She lifted her chin. “That’d be fine.”
She jerked when he strode for her, but he edged around the bed, headed to his dresser and pulled out a pair of gray sweat pants and a navy tee. He tossed both on the bed, and then stood with his hands fisted on his hips.
Zuri bit back a complaint, wishing he’d quit hovering because he was keeping her on edge. But when he didn’t budge, she dragged her feet to the bed, scooped up the wash-softened cotton and turned toward the bathroom.
“Uh uh,” he said, tsking softly. “My house. My clothes. My rules.” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Lone Star Lovers, Western Posted in About books..., Contests! | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debi Ludwig - Regina Stevens - Kelli Jo Calvert - BookLady - Delilah -