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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Saturday, December 27th, 2014
I was asked this the other day. Never thought about it before actually. It was just an “is”. An “is” I am immensely thankful for!
So I sat down and actually thought about it. I have quite a few reasons. So go get a nice cold….err….warm beverage and get comfy.
1. Sex sells. This one is really easy and pretty much genre wide. Sex is awesome. People like it and they like to read about it.
2. The advent of the e-reader. You can be ANYWHERE with an e-reader and you can read ANYTHING without being afraid people will judge you. That’s hot for a lot of people. You could be reading War and Peace, or The Bible, or Debbie does Cleveland. That’s awesome! So as long as you don’t start moaning in the middle of the park you’re all set. Well I guess you can moan in the middle of the park but make sure you know how to cover it with a cough.
3. And since we’re on the topic – let’s talk about people feeling judged. Seriously. I think some people have decided to take it upon themselves as the judge and jury of the entire human race and they are vocal about it. Damn. I wished they’d just shut it. Yeah. That would fix a lot of the problems in the world. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Yes They Are!! No doubt about it. But you know what? THEY DON”T HAVE TO SHARE IT. With social media, forums, blogs, groups, etc. Lots of like-minded people can come together to discuss their favorite books. No judging. Just awesomeness!
4. Empowerment – I think a lot of readers of erotic romance feel empowered by reading things that turn them on. Things that maybe made them feel less than in the past but now their desires are more main stream. Validation is intoxicating.
5. And I’m going to end with More is MORE. I know for me personally soft and sweet romances just don’t do it for me. It’s nice…and all…but it’s just not what I’m looking for to fill my precious free time. And I read one and I NEED another one when I’m done. I NEED to know I have more yummy smut waiting for me.
So to celebrate smutty awesomeness let’s have a giveaway! To one lucky poster I’ll be giving one spanking “giggle” new e-book copy away of Nico’s Curse.
Just leave me a comment below and let me know why erotic books cream your twinkie!!
And don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter! Awesome new releases and giveaways and tidbits of yummytastic info about me.
Thanks for reading and here’s a bit of info to tantalize you into giving Nico a chance to win your heart…

Domenico was cursed six long years ago by a witch determined to teach him a lesson. A lesson in life, loss, and understanding that to love is to put someone first…always.
His only escape from his beautiful prison is a dating site called Crossroads. He can choose only one woman a year to contact. One woman to convince, in nothing more than a week, that he’s worthy of her love. But there’s a catch. She must fall asleep during a video chat so he can crawl through his laptop into her world. Then all bets are off.
His curse becomes his salvation when his beautiful submissive Rose is nothing but a dream away.
A Romantica® BDSM erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Buy Links
Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble
Ellora’s Cave
Need a bit more on the kinky and naughty side? I’ve gotcha covered!!
The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…

Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Ménage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine
Orgasm University
Accidental Voyeur
Roman’s To-Do List
Laila’s Lies
Jenna’s Consent
Stand Alone

Buried Permission
Beneath the Pages
Nico’s Curse
Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – https://www.jenniferkacey.com/
Blog – The Decadent Divas – https://www.thedecadentdivas.blogspot.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.kacey.7
Facebook Author Page –
Twitter – https://twitter.com/JenniferKacey
Amazon Page – https://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Kacey/e/B00GXHUB30/ref=s9_simh_gw_p351_d9_al1?_encoding=UTF8&refinementId=618073011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0G8ZPDQJVKJPKXNBRY10&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6941549.Jennifer_Kacey
Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/jenniferkacey/
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 20 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Shirley Long - Pansy Petal - K S (Kathie) Banks - Jennifer Kacey - ButtonsMom2003 -
Monday, December 22nd, 2014
Before I start, I want to thank Delilah for hosting me again. I’m excited to be here, and I’ve got something to give away later.
This is the time of year a lot of people are thinking about goals, new and old. Did they make all their goals for the current year? What goals to set for the next year? Other people are simply thinking about their plans for the season: meals, parties, gifts, vacations. And some of us (like me!) whose day-jobs revolve around making sure other people’s lists are accomplished only want to make it through this month so the new year can begin.
Still others just go with the flow, taking everything as it comes along.
I admit to being a goal-setter. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I can check something off my to-do list. For example, I was very pleased with myself when I finished this blog post. Then panicked when my email program ate it. Gone. Poof, into the ether. Picture a frantic author still in her pajamas muttering and wailing in her office, digging through every nook and cranny of her computer she could think of to try to retrieve the file and failing. Rewriting it wasn’t in the plans, but a necessary deviation from the to-do list.
I’m not a strict by-the-list sort of goal-setter. I tend to leave myself some leeway and extra time to reach the goals I’ve set for myself. I’ve actually set my writing and life goals for next year already, thanks to a terrific class Delilah and her sister did earlier this month. Now, thanks to an unexpected development this week, I have to make some adjustments to those writing goals. Good thing I leave myself a little breathing space. Having to adjust my timeline for that first goal means I need to tweak all the ones that come after it, but even with a few more wrenches thrown in during the course of the new year, my goals are still achievable, and if I’m lucky, I’ll still have some time to just catch my breath.
Andi, the heroine in Hunting Medusa, has a short list of life goals: make a steady living; keep her head down to keep off the radar of the men hunting her; and to stay alive. Easy, right? Until Kallan, one of those hunters finds her. Then she’s forced to improvise, and it turns out she’s better at that than she expected. Kallan’s plan is also simple: find the Medusa, kill her, and steal a protective amulet. Piece of cake. But he had no idea that doing one of those things would make another impossible. Kallan is careful, so having his plan in ruins might send another man into panic mode. He simply comes up with a new plan. And then another when the second one goes to hell, too.
Are you a planner, a careful goal-setter? Or do you just go with the flow, letting things happen as they will? Something in between? I’d love to hear, since I’m always looking for tips to improve my own planning. Plus, for everyone who posts their tendencies, I’ll be doing a drawing on Wednesday, Dec. 24 for a copy of Hunting Medusa in the ebook format of your choice.
Author bio: Elizabeth Andrews has been a book lover since she was able to read. Almost as long as she’s been enjoying great books, she’s been attempting to write her own. When she found her mother’s romance stash as a teenager, it was a natural progression to write romances. Along with her enormous book stash, she lives with her husband of twenty years, two young adult sons, and belongs to two cats. When she’s not buried in her personal library, writing, or at the day-job, there’s a garden outside with flowers, herbs and vegetables that requires occasional attention.

Hunting Medusa, The Medusa Trilogy, Book 1
One murderous mission. One killer case of PMS. Who said “the curse” was a myth?
When Kallan Tassos tracks down the current Medusa, he expects to find a monster. Instead he finds a wary, beautiful woman, shielded by a complicated web of spells that foils his plans for a quick kill and retrieval of her protective amulet.
Andrea Rosakis expects the handsome Harvester to go for the kill. Instead, his attempt to take the amulet imprinted on her skin without harming her takes her completely by surprise. And ends with the two of them in a magical bind–together. But Kallan isn’t the only Harvester on Andi’s trail…
Samhain | Amazon
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Traci - Lisa - Diana Cosby - Elizabeth Andrews - Charlotte Copper -
Tuesday, December 16th, 2014
Wedding hookups. You hear about them. Rumor has it they’re almost inevitable. But I can tell you that I have been to (and in) a lot of weddings, and I have yet to encounter one of these mythical beasts.
Are they the stuff of urban legend?
I mean, it wasn’t that I was unavailable. I was a bridesmaid NINE times and flying solo for eight of those gigs. I attended several more as a guest—no butt-bow required—still no play. I never once found myself playing kissy face in the corner. I’ve shaken my tail feather in the Chicken Dance, danced a passable Hora for an Irish-Catholic girl, and turned myself around for the Hokey-Pokey. Still no hanky-panky.
Maybe that’s why I had to write a story about a couple who meet and uh, greet, at a wedding. The fact that I am now a married woman and allegedly not allowed to hit on eligible bachelors, made the whole ‘second chance at love’ aspect of it appealing. Not that I’m looking to trade mine in, but once you’ve been kissing the same guy for a decade or two, you get a little wistful when you think about first kisses.
So I channeled a little of my leftover wild child into Three Little Words, my new release from Kensington-Lyrical Press. Here’s the set up:

It’s never too late to make the best impulsive decision of your life.
Jo Masters isn’t the party girl she used to be, but now that she’s a woman without obligations, she’s ready to recapture a little of her misspent youth. Her niece’s wedding, with its open bar and dark dance floor, proves to be the perfect opportunity to let loose.
Gregory Stark is just trying to make it through his son’s wedding day… and make some time with the gorgeous brunette on the bride’s side of the aisle. His kid’s wedding probably isn’t the best occasion to put the moves on the sexy woman, who introduces herself only as ‘Josie’, but his best friend is closing in on her too and he has to act fast. With a couple of tequila shots under his belt, Greg propositions Josie — and neither wants to refuse.
Three Little Words is available now at the fine retailers listed below, but I’d love to give a digital copy to one of Delilah’s readers. Just comment below and tell me the wildest thing you’ve ever done at a wedding (No details necessary) and we’ll choose a winner! Good luck and thanks for reading!
Amazon ~ Apple ~ B&N ~ Google ~ Kensington ~ Kobo
By day Maggie Wells is buried in spreadsheets. At night she pens tales of people tangling up the sheets. She’ll tell you she’s a deep down dirty girl, but you only have to scratch the surface of this mild-mannered married lady to find a naughty streak a mile wide. The product of a charming rogue and a shameless flirt, she just can’t help herself… That’s part of her charm.
Website: https://www.maggie-wells.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaggieWells1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Maggie-Wells/175597205824257
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Lisa J - Virginia E - ButtonsMom2003 - Maggie Wells - Gail Siuba -
Friday, December 12th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner of the free ebook is…Arlene Messa!
* * * * *
Thanks for inviting me, Delilah. I appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and your followers and look forward to a lively discussion. I must admit, I didn’t have any difficulty choosing a topic. Brainstorming has always been a favorite part of writing with me. Every time I begin a new book, I can hardly wait to hear the “what if” suggestions from my critique partners and friends. Not only do I consider the exercise fun, it can be a lifesaver. There is not a plot that can’t be enhanced, and through brainstorming, one can discover that “ah ha” moment.
When to brainstorm? I’d suggest early and often. Waiting until your manuscript is finished can result in rewriting a good portion of your book. Not fun! Be sure to consider all the possibilities, but before implementing any change, make sure it’s what you need. Don’t create additional problems. Brainstorming can also enrich your manuscript in other ways. For good or bad, the change can test your characters. You can count on it to build tension and ramp up the pace. As an author, you just have to be brave and willing to make changes.
Do you brainstorm? Have you ever experienced that “ah ha” moment? Leave a comment, and you’ll be entered to win an ebook of my latest release.
Mellow Yellow-Dead Red, Book 3 of the Bawdy Boutique Mysteries, is scheduled for release January 6. And yes, lots of brainstorming went into this series. Book 3 begins with Halloween and a late-night fun run in costume, alongside a swamp. What could possibly go wrong? When fashion divas, Susan and A. K. stumble upon a murder, Susan sets out to solve the crime. Did I mention she’s also psychic? Visions are one thing, but hard evidence is a necessity. The small Southern town of Palmetto isn’t prepared for what unfolds.
I hope you’ll consider reading the series. Print and ebooks are available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. View all my books at www.sylviarochester.com. Join me on Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/sylvia.rochester and on Twitter: @sylviarochester.
Thanks again for letting me visit.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Katie R. - Sylvia Rochester - Arlene Messa - Flavia Wright - Andrea Kopfler -
Thursday, December 11th, 2014

SEAL’S PROPOSAL came out on Dec 9th. It’s book #5 in the TAKE NO PRISONERS series and it revisits the hero and heroine from Book #2. Remy has decided it’s time to pop the question which brings up the subject of proposals.
I can’t even remember how my husband proposed to me. It was probably, “Hey, we should get married.” Not very exciting or memory-worthy, but we’ve been together for 25 years.
I think women dream of the great proposal where the man takes her on a trip to the beach and proposes with a dramatic sunset as backdrop, or something equally heart-throbbingly romantic.
****For a chance to win a $5 Gift card***
Leave a comment about your special proposal or your dream proposal.
I’ll choose a winner tomorrow.

He wanted it perfect for her…someone wanted her dead
Remy LaDue, hot Navy SEAL with SEAL Team 10, is on a mission. He’s planned a special vacation to the Colorado Rockies with the express purpose of proposing to the woman he loves on Christmas morning. He knows it a long shot, with both their jobs keeping them away from each other for months out of the year, but he wants her as his forever lover and will risk everything to marry her.
Mitchell Sanders is as dedicated to her work as an FBI Special Agent as Remy is to his calling as a Navy SEAL. Independent, driven and passionate about justice and protecting innocents, she would no sooner give up her job as Remy.
When a criminal she helped to capture and convict escapes on the eve of their departure, Mitchell is torn between sticking around to recapture him and going with Remy, opting to follow her desire this once. Plans change as the mountains become a nightmare and they struggle to put an end to the threats that plague their idyllic vacation and Remy’s plans for his Christmas surprise.
“Hey, I just saw your fiancée on the news. Everything all right?”
Remy’s pulse leapt. “Don’t know. I’ll get back to you.” Dropping his phone on the couch, he dove for the television remote, clicking it on, and setting it on the local news station.
Images of the courthouse appeared on the screen, with gunmen and people scattering in all directions. In the background, he made out Mitchell’s SUV. The image switched to a reporter pressing a microphone into Mitchell’s face, asking her what had happened.
Mitchell’s hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was grim. “No comment,” she said, and pushed past the reporter, her body tense.
The news anchor droned on about Rocco Hatch’s escape as Remy absorbed what had just happened. He was reaching for his cell phone when the scrape of a key in the lock caught his attention. Before the lock twisted, Remy was there, yanking open the door.
Mitchell stood in the frame, her face tired, the knees of her suit trousers ripped, and a smudge of dirt across her face. Her lips lifted. “Hey.”
“Oh, baby.” He opened his arms and she fell into them. He eased backward and closed the door behind her, gathering her against his body.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes,” she said, her words muffled against his naked chest.
Her breath was warm on his skin, stirring his blood. “Yeah, and you’re not so bad yourself.”
She snorted and pulled back enough to give him a crooked smile. “I had planned on being home hours ago, having a gourmet dinner cooked, and lying naked on the couch for when you walked through that door.”
His cock twitched at the erotic image. “We can still do all that.” He waved toward the kitchen counter. “I have an Italian gourmet dinner. Your favorite pizza pie with pepperoni, onion, and black olives.” As he spoke, he slid her jacket over her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. Then he slipped the buckle of her shoulder holster loose, and eased it too from her shoulders, draping it over the back of a chair.
“Now you’re talking.” Mitchell skimmed her hands over his chest and around to his back, dropping low to capture his ass in her palms, pressing him closer. “Miss me much?”
Already hard, his member nudged her belly, ready to skip right to their reunion sex. With every ounce of control he could muster, he set her away from him. “You should eat. I need my woman to have the energy to last all night long. And tomorrow we’re on our way to Colorado.”
Her hands tightened on his buttocks and pulled him back against her. “I don’t want food. I want you.” Flashing a sexy grin, she leaned up on her toes and pressed her mouth against his.
His control unraveling, Remy’s blood heated and he captured her head in his hands, slipping the ponytail free. God, it felt good to run his fingers through her hair, and to feel her body pressed against his.
The tight buds of her distended nipples scraped his chest through her shirt and bra, and he couldn’t wait to get her out of her clothes.
Sucking in a breath, Mitchell slipped her hands inside the elastic of his shorts and gripped his naked butt. “Aren’t we a bit overdressed?”
About the Author:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author ELLE JAMES also writing as MYLA JACKSON is a former IT professional and retired Army and Air Force Reservist. She writes romantic suspense, mysteries and paranormal romance that keeps her readers on the edges of their seats to the very end of every book. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling to exotic and wonderful places, snow-skiing, boating, or riding her four-wheeler, dreaming up new stories.
Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Page
Tagged: Guest Blogger, SEAL Posted in Contests!, General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Rachelle Lerner - Linda Brennan - Elle James - Pat Freely - Gail Siuba -
Sunday, December 7th, 2014
Update! Ellen Blakley is the winner of the free download! DD
* * * * *

Two more days. I can hardly wait. When you read it, you’ll get back to me, right? Let me know what you thought. Tell me who you want center stage in the next story…?
This book’s about more than just the sex. Yes, there’s tons of sex, but it’s about a firehouse that’s hurting too. No one more than Coop. I’m sharing the opening of the story with you below so you can see the demons he’s fighting. Coop’s a little bitter and closed off. You know what he needs.
And if you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy…
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo | iTunes
Post a comment today to win a free download of your choice
from among my Delta Heat titles!
The opening…
One of the crappiest shifts of firefighter John “Coop” Cooper’s life took another nosedive when his lieutenant caught him before he’d even had a chance to drop his turnout gear after their latest run. With sooty sweat stinging his eyes and his suspenders half-up half-down, he sighed as the LT curled his fingers, beckoning him over.
Coop knew exactly what this was about, and despite his fatigue, his mind zipped through all the possible excuses he could muster to escape.
“You’re the last one,” Lieutenant Knox Triplett said, his face hard and his hazel gaze narrowing on Coop.
Used to be that Coop cared about pleasing Knox. He’d strove to be first to his gear and into the truck, first in the door of a burning building, and was careful never to fuck up a room-to-room search. He’d cared about being the best firefighter he could be. But lately, he’d just been showing up, going through the motions. Doing what he had to do to get through the shift.
Knox had been patient, his gazes merciful and sympathetic. But it looked as though he’d reached the end of his tether so far as Coop was concerned.
Coop wished he could feel anger or shame. But all he could muster was irritation. He wanted out of the station. The shift was nearly over and he had to dodge this bullet one more time. “The last one? You sure about that?” Coop asked, not bothering to look Knox in the eye.
Knox tapped his clipboard. “I asked for a hundred percent cooperation with the internal investigation, with the NIOSH assholes. Don’t know what it is with you guys. This should be the easy part. The counselor’s here to help you.”
Coop raked a hand through his hair. “That’s the point, LT. I don’t need his help. I’m tired of talking about it.” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in About books..., Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ronnie c - Angel M - Jackie Hernandez - Reba Newman - Savonna -
Saturday, December 6th, 2014
Update! Janice is the winner of the free download! DD
* * * * *

On Tuesday, the first of the Firehouse 69 books releases. If you loved the Delta Heat cop series (5 Ways ‘Til Sunday, Fournicopia, A Perfect Trifecta, Twice the Bang, and Once is Never Enough), and were sad to see it end—well, it didn’t. The Firehouse 69 books are an offshoot of that series, and some of the characters from the first five books will appear throughout.
Rest easy. My firemen are every bit as kinky as my cops were. 😉
If you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy, here’s where you can go to rectify that oversight: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Samhain | Kobo | iTunes
And if anyone out there would like to host me on their blog to talk about this book or share excerpts, I’ll bring prizes and promo the hell out of it! Just email me.
Post a comment today to win a free download of your choice
from among my Delta Heat titles!
* * * * *
Burnin’ Up Memphis

She’s the one fire he may not be able to control.
Firehouse 69, Book 1
When a roof collapse kills his best friend and his girlfriend clears out his apartment and leaves, firefighter John Cooper knows he shouldn’t sit alone in his empty apartment. But when he accepts an invitation to Club LaForge, his feet get colder with every step he takes inside.
The sights, sounds and smells of the BDSM club make him sweat, and not because he’s turned off. Yet he can’t bring himself to admit—to himself, or to his luscious guide, Moira—that this lifestyle might just be what he needs.
An experienced BDSM trainer, Moira senses that Coop is not only a Dom in the making, but exactly what she’s been looking for. A man to be her lover and her Dom. The only problem is, Coop isn’t looking for anything complicated.
Moira’s willing to start slow and easy, but even once there’s enough trust to bring Coop into her world—and to her Dom—she’s still worried he’ll look for the nearest exit.
Warning: Do you smell smoke? Don’t worry, it’s just a hot and sexy firefighter getting down and dirty. Contains BDSM scenes, ropes, floggers, some spanking, some sharing, and some five-alarm sex.
Okay, so this excerpt’s a little raw. Enjoy!
So here she was, edgy and needy. So excited she was afraid she’d be a useless lay because she’d come like a rocket. And she wanted to be the best he’d ever had. Wanted him to want her even a fraction as much as she wanted him.
Watching him play with his friends, watching as he’d been hammered time and again for his inattention and then watching those spurts of power and speed had proved he was in some damn shape. All hills and hollows and oodles of stamina. And now she knew how hard the muscle was cloaking that tall, angular frame. She wanted everything he’d bring to bed.
When they reached the parking lot, he dragged her straight to his car. “We’ll get yours later.” All during the five-minute drive to his apartment, his hand remained on her thigh, anchoring her there, claiming her in a way. Something that kept her hot.
Moira waited silently beside Coop as he fumbled with his keys at the apartment door. Her whole body felt tight and hard. And she was shivering despite the heat. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: BDSM, Firehouse 69 Posted in About books..., Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Eniko - Tina S. - Reba Newman - Savonna - Delilah -