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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Thursday, December 4th, 2014
I want to give a super huge THANK YOU to the fabulously talented and amazingly generous Delilah Devlin for hosting me today. To celebrate, I’m giving a lucky commenter his/her choice of any one of my titles + a $5 gift card.
I must confess to being a rabid Delilah Devlin fan since reading Fournicopia in July of 2012. Fournicopia was the first *official* BDSM romance I ever read, and I got seriously hooked on Ms. Devlin’s stories as well as reading – and writing – in the sub-genre. In fact, I just released Grace, the third novella in my Heartache and Hopeful series. These novellas, as well as my full-length novel Shattered Trust, incorporate elements of the BDSM lifestyle.
With the holidays upon us, I’m reminded of the old lesson that it’s better to give than to receive. But what about giving instead of taking? One of the misconceptions swirling around the kink lifestyle – and one that I myself, as a vanilla, was guilty of holding – is the assumption that a D/s relationship is just about the power; about someone taking control away from somebody else. It’s not. There’s a line from the Rihanna song, Stay, which I think lends itself perfectly to the dynamics of a D/s bond: It’s not just something you take, it’s given.
Nothing says it better than that. A submissive gives his/her control to the Dominant – the Dominant doesn’t take it. To be brutally blunt, when a person’s control or power is ripped from them, it’s assault, or worse rape.
That line from Stay became the crux of a pivotal love scene between Grace and Seth. Seth has the choice of submitting to Grace; she doesn’t force him. For one, she can’t because he’s much bigger and stronger. But if even if that wasn’t the case, there’s no satisfaction for a Dominant or Top if he/she has to coerce a submissive or bottom. It’s my understanding that part of the pleasure for the Dominant/Top comes from knowing the submissive/bottom trusts them. Trusts them enough to relinquish their control. And that trust must never be violated.
Are you a reader/writer of BDSM romances? If so, what are your thoughts concerning the nature of a D/s connection? Also, share your favorite BDSM authors – I’ve shared one of mine! And remember, leave a comment for the chance to win one of my titles and a $5 GC…
Thanks again to Delilah for letting me hang out today!

On the Corner of Heartache and Hopeful…
Revenge is a dish best served cold—and according to Grace Harrington, while wearing three inch stilettos and wielding a flogger. No longer the bullied, nerdy kid she was in high school, Grace is now a take-charge corporate lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska. She’s also a take-charge Top in the bedroom. The last thing she wants to do is go back to the small town of Tatum, but to save a treasured landmark from destruction while exacting retribution on the guy who ground her heart to dust? Hell yes!
Seth Reisner never wanted to leave Tatum. He thought being a country lawyer slash gentleman farmer would be the perfect life. But his agricultural kingpin uncle had other ideas. And when dear uncle foots the bill for law school plus signs your paycheck, you suck it up, alter your plans and move to Dallas, Texas. Now Seth divides his time between litigating on behalf of his uncle’s company and trying to find his “Mrs. Right.” When the opportunity to return to Tatum comes up, he’s grateful for the chance to go home.
Grace and Seth end up on opposite sides both in and out of the courtroom. Grace is determined to get her vengeance while Seth only wants to make up for his unintended past transgressions. When the verdict is read, who will win—and at what cost?
GRACE Excerpt:
Grace took hold of his wrists and molded his palms to her breasts. The feel of his calluses tightened her nipples into stiff buds. How does a high-end lawyer get calluses? “Did you like being tied up?”
His body tensed. “Why are you asking?”
She rose up slightly then settled back onto his thickening cock. “Don’t beg the question, counselor. Answer it. Did you like it?”
He frowned and averted his gaze. She lifted off him then kept herself suspended over him with his tip just inside her cunt. He growled and thrust his hips up. She hoisted herself higher to keep him from embedding himself inside her. His fingers flexed around her breasts. He thrust harder, but she stayed out of reach.
“Answer me,” she cooed. “Did you like it?”
His face crumpled with palpable aggravation as the tendons in his neck protruded. “Yes,” he finally gritted out.
“And you’re not happy about liking it, are you?” She kept a nonthreatening tone.
“Not particularly.”
She rewarded his truthfulness by lowering slowly onto his cock. “Don’t you like giving up control?”
“Does anyone?”
“If done right, it can be very freeing. Can you honestly tell me that you didn’t come like a fire hose before?” She circled her hips which elicited a gurgled groan from him.
“Then let go. Trust me, baby. I’ll keep you safe.”
She freed his hands. He kept them on her breasts for a long count of five, then slowly raised them over his head…
About Lynda:
I’ve always loved stories, especially romances. For me the only thing better than reading a romance is writing one. That and drinking red wine while eating dark chocolate.
My romances are full of passion, with heat levels that range from hot to sizzling! I’m proud to have been a 2010 finalist in the prestigious Golden Heart®. Please join me for laughter and love, and where the good guys always win in the end.
I live in Reno with my husband of thirty+ years and our two pampered pooches.
Stalker Links…
Website: https://www.lyndabailey.net
Blog: https://www.lyndabailey.net/category/blog/
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/LyndaBaileyRomanceAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorlyndab
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/baileylynda/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6472849.Lynda_Bailey
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Lynda-Bailey/e/B007UQHW9E/
Tagged: BDSM, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests! | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Melissa Keir - Pansy Petal - Lynda Bailey - flchen1 -
Saturday, November 22nd, 2014
Hey there! I just looked at the calendar. Where has this year gone? I don’t know how 2014’s been for you, but it’s blown by me. And next week’s Thanksgiving, which means if I blink it will be Christmas. Another blink and it will be 2015! It’s time to start thinking about my New Year’s rez list. Do you do one? Do you always have “Lose weight” at the top like I do? Maybe I won’t even bother putting it on the list this year because I don’t want to bomb the first item on the first day. 🙁
So, it’s Saturday, which for some means a day off and time to kick up the feet and spend some quality “me” time. Maybe read a book…? Is that what you do? Tell me about your Saturday!
If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered
to win a free copy of the story below!
Oh, and one last thing before I share a fun excerpt from one of my favorite Lone Star Lovers novellas—I’ll be sending out a newsletter soon, filled with goodies you won’t want to miss. So, if you’re not already signed up, here’s the link: Newsletter Signup.
Breaking Leather

One for remembrance…one for healing…and one to seal her heart forever.
Lone Star Lovers, Book 4
Chrissi Page has tried to find one man who heats her bed the way the Kinzie brothers did one shameful night years ago. She’s failed miserably, leaving her with no choice but to bank that inner fire—and keep a lid on her inner bad girl.
She’d been weak, unable to choose between three men who appealed to her in different ways. And when they’d confronted her as a tease, anger had boiled over into a passion so wild, she’s still trying to live it down.
Since that night, Ezra, Cade and Joshua have individually sown their wild oats with pretty much the entire available female population of Two Mule, Texas. Yet nothing erases the attraction they still feel for Chrissi. And when she ends up stranded on the road near their ranch, it’s their last chance to turn their mutual obsession into an unusual proposition.
One weekend, three on one. If she can’t stand the heat, they’ll let her go on with her life. And try to find a way to live with the hole she’ll leave behind in theirs.
Warning: A girl who thinks she can’t have it all, and three brothers who set out to prove otherwise. One on one, two on one, and three on one; bondage in the wild; a bit of riding crop action. And a pickup truck load of emotion.
Chrissi Page raised her cell phone in the air, staring at the screen. No bars. Not even a hint of one skinny, green nub. “Oh, come on,” she moaned as her radiator hissed behind her. “Damn, damn, damn.”
She’d been tempted to ignore the CHECK ENGINE light when it first appeared, wanting to take the chance she could limp back into Two Mule. However, the steam seeping from under the hood had pretty much killed that hope.
Today was not the day for her car to break down. Not so far from town. Not so close to their ranch. Any minute now one of the Kinzie brothers might happen by.
They’d stop because they’d never leave a woman stranded.
They might not let her go because of their shared past.
And she didn’t know if she had the strength anymore to fight fate or her own inexplicable needs.
Macy Pettigrew, her best friend and boss, had sent her to the Dunstan house to make sure the owners had followed her suggestions to increase the house’s curb appeal. Never mind that there wasn’t a curb. Not really even a road—more of a caliche-covered goat trail that meandered up a steep hillside, rutted from runoff during recent summer storms.
Something must have happened to her car on the run up that hill. She’d heard the rocks pinging against her undercarriage but had been too busy thinking about Ms. Dunstan’s handsome neighbors. She’d been afraid she’d pass them or that they might stop in to see old Lettie Dunstan, the widow selling off her roughhewn, century-old home.
Chrissi had forced a smile on her face, looked at the potted plants the old woman had placed in pretty window boxes and admired the paint she’d used to spruce up the weathered door and window frames. The junk the old woman’s husband had accumulated, and that she hadn’t had the heart to part with after his passing, was gone from the front lawn. And lo and behold, grass was beginning to grow to fill in the brown patches where engines and tires had lain.
Macy would be pleased. They had a potential buyer. One who’d relayed an offer via email, which had checked out with the mortgage lender. Details Macy had been eager to handle herself, leaving the showings to Chrissi.
Chrissi heard a powerful engine rev. She slowly lowered her arm and glanced nervously over her shoulder. A metallic sage pickup truck pulled off the road behind her, and her stomach dropped to her toes. She’d known the moment her CHECK ENGINE light had shone that this was going to happen.
And good Lord, it had to be Ezra Kinzie. His dark gaze narrowed on her through the windshield, the intensity of it feeling like the hissing heat of a brand against her skin.
He opened his door and stepped down, slamming it with a decisive shove. Everything Ezra did was deliberate. He never wavered once a decision was made.
Long ago, he’d decided he wasn’t going to fight his brothers for her. If she wasn’t going to decide among them, then she’d have to take them all.
And, Lord help her, she had.
She’d never gotten over that night, had never been able to push it to the farthest corner of her mind when she lay down to sleep. Just the memory of it made her hot, cold, wet…
And horribly ashamed. Anyone could have seen them beneath the bleachers at the homecoming game. Gossip hadn’t followed, but that didn’t make her any less self-conscious when she strode down the sidewalk on Main Street.
Someone might know. Someone might tell. The thought of that sordid night being revealed left her feeling nauseated. Her life had been circumspect ever since, her love life nonexistent.
They’d left her scarred. Unable to move on.
Not because they’d harmed her physically, but because she hadn’t been able to shake off the terrible attraction that tempted her every single day since that fateful night.
Boots crunched on the gravel at the side of the road. The brim of Ezra’s straw cowboy hat left his ice-blue eyes in shadow.
She straightened away from her car and squared her shoulders.
“Havin’ trouble, Chrissi?”
“It just showed up,” she said under her breath, determined not to let him see how flustered she felt.
One side of his mouth quirked up. He glanced up at the sky, squinting against the bright Texas sun before leveling that devastating stare on her again.
Her belly clenched, and she fought hard not to give him any clues about how he still affected her. Just the rumble of his deep voice always made her think of crisp, cool sheets and hot, slick skin.
Her glance flicked over his body-hugging dark tee, noted his well-developed chest, the bulge of his biceps, his taut abdomen. She started to sweat. “Will you call a tow truck for me when you get home?”
A frown dug a deep crease between his dark brows. “Get in my truck, Chrissi. I’m not leavin’ you on the side of the road.”
“I’m not goin’ anywhere with you, Ezra Kinzie,” she said tightly.
A muscle rippled alongside his jaw. “I’m just offerin’ you a place to wait out of the sun. And a cool drink. Nothin’ more.”
His features were stern, his jaw rigid, but the heat blazing from his eyes mesmerized her, made her want to sway toward him. The intensity of that unblinking stare made her wish he’d take the decision right out of her hands. She’d never willingly take that first step. Her days of following his commands were over.
Chrissi swallowed hard and broke from his glance, looking down the road and praying someone else would appear over the crest of the hill. She needed rescuing from the deep emotions roiling inside her—from the temptation his large, hard frame embodied. However, only the shimmer of heat waves rose off the black tar.
A trickle of moisture dripped between her breasts, gliding along one curve—and just like that, her imagination replaced the slide of that hot little bead with the tip of his tongue. She turned away from him and dragged in a couple of deep breaths, trying to stiffen her resolve, but the only things hardening were the tips of her breasts. She crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her chin, then turned to aim a glare at the one man who had the power to make her knees quiver.
So many memories swamped her as she stared into his handsome, rugged face. So many regrets sat like soured milk in her gut. He’d been “the one” until she’d succumbed to a dark sensual greed.
Too bad she couldn’t turn back the clock about seven years. She’d make damn sure she’d never let him take her hand and pull her into the shadows.
Tagged: Lone Star Lovers, menage, Texas Posted in About books..., Contests! | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sharon Chalk - Toni Whitmire - Debbie Watson - Yvonne - Mary Jo -
Friday, November 21st, 2014
Hi Devlin Fans! I’m Lizzie Ashworth, and I’m here to heat you up, which is a good thing considering how d*** cold it’s been lately. Perfect weather to snuggle up indoors and dream of hunky men.
What’s your favorite cold weather fantasy? Mine? A fire crackling in the woodstove and a man naked and ready, like the scene I painted in one of my blog posts. Here’s an excerpt:
Chris drained the glass. The room reflected the golden glow of the fireplace, and light from the flames flickered against the side of his body and face accenting the pale streaks in his hair, the curve of his mouth. The image of him there, in her cabin, struck Emily like a blow, sucked away her breath. Suddenly she knew what would happen next.
He set the glass on the hearth, took her glass, and brought his body next to hers in one fluid movement, so fast she couldn’t register on the reality of it. And yet, it seemed like he moved in slow motion. His lips brushed over hers. His arms came around and pulled her tight against him.
She spread her hands over his shoulders as their mouths crushed together. He smelled like heaven, crisply scented with his tantalizing aftershave, a hint of wood smoke, and his own musky odor. Like carved iron, his bulging groin pressed against her. Announcing his intentions. Making himself known.
Well, she knew. And that was all she knew. Her mind had become a mush of little more than blind response to his embrace, his tongue, the exploration of his hands over her waist, hips, buttocks. Her breasts became swollen and inflamed.
He walked her backwards to the couch, landed her there, and knelt between her legs. Oh, dear God in heaven, it took only seconds for him to unzip her jeans and tug them down her thighs, and then his thumb had found a warm welcoming home within the wetness. She cried out, so intense was the sensation of this man’s hand on her there. She bit her palm, struggling for control.
In fleeting moments, Emily questioned whether she should put up some kind of resistance instead of yielding instantly to his every move. But the question was not only far away and indistinct, it was also absurd. This was exactly what she wanted, what she had longed for over the months, years, since she had first found herself caught in Chris’ muddy green stare. She could no sooner form a strategic seduction plan than she could whistle Deck the Halls. She was completely in his thrall.
He removed her boots, jeans, panties, and she lay like a rag doll on the soft upholstery as he sucked, licked, and probed with his tongue and fingers until her nipples jutted like stones. She clung to his shoulders where his muscle rippled like a river current. She stroked her fingers through his thick blond hair. She flailed from side to side as his hands pushed her knees into the air and tucked her feet at her sides until the whole center of herself had been exposed. Open to his nipping teeth and thrusting tongue, she whimpered as his fingers stroked in and out.
I have no shame. The thought formed and then vanished.
She wept as he brought her to climax, tidal waves of heat and spasm that raged from the top of her head to the soles of her sock-clad feet. Surges still rolled through her belly as he brought the head of his cock to the flooded center of her sex, nudging only briefly then plunging in.
Oh dear God, this was life and death captured in an instant. His cock spread her open and filled her up, drove to the heart of her soul, to the very core of her being. He thrust long and hard but slowly, so that after a few moments, she opened her eyes and saw him watching her.
“You like that,” he grunted, sliding in deep. Again.
“Oh, yes,” she gasped. “Yes.”
He held her thighs in a tight grip, remaining on his knees while he fucked her. Somehow his shirt had disappeared and sweat lay on his chest in a glistening sheen. His muscles flexed and strained as he took his time fucking her, his breath coming in slow heaves, paced, calculating…
Ladies, I want your hot winter fantasies. Let’s hear it. I’ll pick a random winner from the responses posted by Thanksgiving. The winner will receive a free ebook copy of Jarrod Bancroft Book II and Book III. Book I is already free at all ebook retailers.
Want to see Jarrod? Feast your eyes!

Connect with me online at my website and blog, https://lizzieashworth.com/
Friend me at https://www.facebook.com/liz.ashworth.524
Like my Facebook author page at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLizzieAshworth?ref=hl
Goodreads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7171772.Lizzie_Ashworth
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests! | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pat Freely - Tonni - Gail Siuba - Toni Whitmire -
Monday, November 17th, 2014
Thank you Delilah for hosting me today.
My name is Cora Blu and I write interracial/ multicultural contemporary and underwater romance.

In this series, the heroine’s nationality depends on the surroundings. So we get to see women from around the world become ocean queens.
Ridge is the third novel and fifth book in the Brothers of Element Series and I believe he’s my sexiest male yet. Always known as the bad brother, it’s his turn to have a mate.
Brothers of Element is the story of six tiger shark shifter’s that rule the ocean and through a curse have the responsibility of protecting the corals existence. A particular coral, Clear Coral, holds their ability to shift.
Each male, resides over a different body of water.
They have a dream where they see their mate. It’s up to them to find her before the coral begins to die. Their combined DNA is what feeds her because the females have a connection to the ocean.
Crisis: Ridge is king over the arctic protecting the shifters that call it home. Polar bears are under his protection. His human life mate tags and studies the polar bear for a living. And she’s the local bush pilot land.
Svetlana, will know him from her dreams, but she has no way of knowing he’s real until he claims her.
Here’s an excerpt of the moment before he would bring her into his underwater world:
He hadn’t bothered to shift and heal his wounds, not wanting Svetlana to leave work before he arrived. It was close to the shore, and he could get her into the ocean unseen. Crossing the street to the short expanse of open field, he stayed to the shadows, walking along the back of the brick building crunching through the surface of the undisturbed snow. He ducked avoiding the security camera under the eaves. Slipping in through the delivery door he waited in the shadows of the smaller office, while some old rocker blared out something about sucking on a chili dog… and dribbling off, whatever Bobby Brooks where so he could do what he pleased.
His moistening mouth went slack, as he gaped at the voluptuous site. Svetlana shoved the chair back and wiggled her hips swaying her arms over her head as she moved around the office. A seductive grin tugged at the corner of his lips. He’d have to find this music so she could dance for him in their bedchamber at night. Hungry for more, he let his gaze sweep around following the sensual gyrating she did when she…hell…bent over her chair to type on her keyboard. Ridge’s chest burned with the picture before him. No gap between her thighs—perfect.
When the song changed, he logged to memory the name John Cougar Mellencamp. The song changed again and someone named Rod Steward began singing about young hearts and then another asking if you want his body and think he’s sexy.
He thought Svetlana was sexy incarnate—to tease him in public and exhaust him in private. Adjusting the erection tearing at his zipper, he rested on his heels. Ridge sucked in a long draw of the cool air, calming the animal beginning to stir within him. Hell, his animal was fighting mad, wanting to get out and see what had awakened the shark.
His female was tall with curves, lots of them…well-rounded female curves.
Ridge popped into her mind to witness the fantasy of her thoughts.
Svetlana danced with him in her private thoughts…him.
To find out more about the underwater goodness of the Brothers of Element Series, check out book I, Dagger. They’re not your average shifter.
I will send a paperback copy of Ridge, to one person leaving a comment below.
Thank you, Cora Blu
Cora’s Amazon Author Page
Cora’s Website
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 22 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: K S (Kathie) Banks - Kenra Mills - Charlotte Copper - DG - Brittany Wendtland -
Friday, November 14th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner of the gift card is Melissa Kendall!
* * * * *

How many of you have had the joy of planning your parenthood and coming up short? And what I mean by that is when you try and try and try and still don’t get pregnant? It’s a very depressing time and oh so joyous when you finally succeed.
For those of you out there who have tried and were unable to conceive, my heart goes out to you. For those of us who have tried, and tried, and tried and finally succeeded, you know the hoops you had to go through to get there.
On my third child, we tried for over a year before we were successful. The fourth child never happened, no matter how hard we tried. Sigh.
In BOOTS AND WISHES, the latest in my UGLY STICK SALOON series, I revisit the relationship of Audrey Anderson and Jackson Gray Wolf from the book that started it: BOOTS AND CHAPS. They are happily married now and want a child, but are having difficulties conceiving. As a busy bar owner, she doesn’t always have the luxury of running home when she’s ovulating, so fun times are running rampant at the Ugly Stick.
*****For a chance to win a $5 Gift Card*****
Leave a comment about your time trying to get pregnant or someone you know. What did they do? (Please not too graphic ;-))
Ugly Stick Saloon: Boots & Wishes Samhain Publishing Coming Dec 2, 2014

Samhain Publishing Nook Amazon Kindle Kobo
The best gift has nothing to do with the size of the package.
Ugly Stick Saloon, Book 8
Married to the love of her life, Audrey Anderson is ready to get this baby show on the road. Except six months of timing sex around her ovaries’ cycle has not only dampened their spontaneity, it hasn’t worked. She’s still not pregnant.
Jackson would love to give Audrey half a dozen children, but he can’t stand the heartache in her eyes as each month goes by with no “plus” sign on the test strip. Hell, he’s ready to call it and concentrate on just being a happy couple.
When a runaway mother arrives at the Ugly Stick with a newborn in tow and needing a job, Audrey, ever the tender heart, takes them in—at the saloon and her home—despite the baby’s presence being a constant reminder of her own empty arms.
Baby Mia turns out to be a blessing in disguise, but just as life settles into a rhythm as pleasant as a cow pony’s lope, the runaway mama’s painful past comes roaring after her with the force of a prairie tornado, threatening to destroy anything in its path, including Audrey and the Ugly Stick Saloon.
Warning: It’s the holiday season at the Ugly Stick and time to wrap the saloon in mistletoe. No need for hot cocoa, there’s enough pull-out-all-the-stops heat between this sexy bar owner and her handsome cowboy to keep every reader warm.
“Hey, cowboy, what say you strap on the chaps and we go for a ride?” Audrey stood in the doorway of the storeroom, wearing chaps over her blue jean cutoffs and carrying a leather whip coiled in one hand. In her other hand was a pair of man-sized leather chaps. They were the ones out of his closet from home. She liked him best in the real deal.
Jackson’s eyes widened and he teetered, almost losing his balance on the ladder he had climbed up to change the bulb in the fluorescent light fixture hugging the ceiling. He held the long white tube he’d been about to install in the slot he’d just pulled the burned-out bulb from. “Now? Are you ovulating?”
“Do I have to be ovulating for you to want to make love to me?” Audrey’s gut instantly knotted and her eyes stung. “Six months ago, you’d have dropped the bulb and leaped off the ladder at an offer like this.” Her shoulders sagged and she sighed. “I was afraid of this.”
Jackson set the new bulb in the slots and climbed down from the ladder. “Afraid of what?” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead.
“Afraid making love would become a chore.”
Jackson snorted. “Never.”
“Admit it.” She poked a finger at his chest. “Ever since we decided to try to get pregnant, we’ve lost some of the magic and spontaneity we used to enjoy.”
When Jackson started to shake his head, Audrey raised her eyebrows and gave him a pointed look. “Be honest.”
Jackson’s head stopped in midshake and he grimaced. “Okay, so it’s not quite as spontaneous as it used to be. But I love you and never get tired of making love with you.”
“And I never tire of making love with you. But all the effort of timing our lovemaking is taking the joy out of our sex life.” She stepped back and turned away from him, her heart sore. “Maybe we should give up trying. If it happens, it happens.” She bit her bottom lip before continuing softly, “And if it doesn’t, it wasn’t meant to be. We weren’t meant to be parents. I mean, my life has been anything but role-model material.”
Warm, work-roughened hands curled around her arms and she was pulled back against Jackson’s solid chest. “Sweetheart, it will happen. Most likely when we least expect it. And even if it doesn’t—which I’m not giving up—you would be enough to keep me happy for the rest of my life. And you’re the best role model a kid could have. You’re real, tender-hearted, and you care about everyone you come in contact with.”
Audrey’s heart filled to overflowing. Jackson was the man who made her life complete. Her one true love. He loved her even with her background as a stripper. She couldn’t imagine loving anyone else or living without him. She covered his hands on her arms and leaned back against him. “I love you, Jackson Gray Wolf. That will never change.” Turning in his embrace, she cupped his cheek. His face was so dear to her and made her grateful every day of her life she’d found him. “I want to have your children. I want to see little Gray Wolf boys running around the ranch, learning to ride horses, swimming in the creek and raising hell like I’m certain you and your brothers did when you were growing up.”
“And I want half a dozen little girls with strawberry-blond hair and eyes so blue they make the Texas skies pale in comparison.”
“Nice.” She slid her hands up his chest to lock behind his neck. “When did you become a romantic?”
Myla’s Bio:
MYLA JACKSON also writing as NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author ELLE JAMES is an award-winning author of stories including cowboys, intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edges of their seats. With over seventy stories in a variety of sub-genres and lengths she is published with Harlequin, Samhain, Ellora’s’ Cave, Kensington, Cleis Press, and Avon. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow-skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories.
Myla Jackson’s links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter
Elle’s Links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Page
Posted in Contests!, General | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Charlene - Mary Preston - Pamk - ilona - Myla Jackson -
Thursday, November 13th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner of the free Adventure Girl, Inc. story is…Ginger Robertson!
* * * * *
Just a quick note before you dive into the post from Alisa Anderson!
First, I have a winner for Tuesday’s gift card. Be sure to check the top of that post to see if you were a winner.
Secondly, I’d like an answer to a question for another chance for someone to win a free download of any one of my Adventure Girl stories. Be sure to give Alisa some praise, too!
Are blogs dead? Would you be sad if I didn’t provide space
to other authors to introduce you to their books?
Thanks for taking time to answer and please enjoy learning more about Alisa Anderson’s Give and Keep! DD
* * * * *

Give and Receive, Part 3: Give and Keep
What is right when you decide there is no wrong?
No more games to be played. The time had come to step up.
I’m going to take the forbidden fruit being offered and dance with the devil…
Learn to fly.
It’s just that sometimes, when you fly too close to the sun….
You’re bound to get burned. I wear the scars well.
But what’s a little pain of heat…
with the reward of pleasure.
Lena felt like she had walked into the middle of a movie, and had missed the first scene. She also knew Danny and Tyler knew more about the movie than either of them was telling. She looked at Danny.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to know you’re beautiful when being fucked.”
Lena’s eyes widened, nipples immediately puckering in response.
Her breath caught in her throat. “Oh.”
“Oh, indeed.”
Ty looked at them both.
“By the way, just in case you forget.” Ty grabbed her, curling his hand around her neck possessively. Yanking her lips to his as his eyes met Danny’s.
He kissed her, brutally sucking her lip into his mouth, biting down until her blood flavored his tongue. She blinked.
“I um. Ok. So that’s a thing happening too.”
Ty put his finger to her mouth, shushing her.
He walked her over to the massive, giant four poster bed. Sinking back into the firm, king sized mattress, dragging her pants down halfway around her waist before pulling her down on top of him. She around and looked at him, his gaze colliding with Danny’s once again.
He ground into her, cock grazing over the pucker of her bottom, still slick with his semen. Never breaking eye contact with Danny.
What was it neither of them were saying?
She felt his ever-growing erection, once again, as he slid his penis inside her ass, its thickness still making her shift with the sudden invasion. She didn’t have time to think, to prepare, to even move, as she was forced, all the way down on his thick, heavily veined, cock. It was different, sitting on him this way. She felt him more. Harder. Thicker. There was pain. But pleasure, too. So much pleasure. It made her dizzy.
“Oh my god. Ty.” She moaned. Feeling him fill her deeply. Deeper than before. Pussy tingling in response. Sighing at the multitude of sensations. “You feel so fucking big. Still. What are you doing to me?” Lena’s body betrayed her, getting heated once more.
“Shut up. Enjoy. In that order.” He adjusted himself, sliding his hands around to part her thighs as Danny reached them. Sinking to his knees, yanking her pants and underwear down further. His mouth found her pussy and he licked, urgent with his need to finally taste her flesh.
She was hot, dampened with fluids not entirely hers.
She suspected Danny knew that as he lapped at her, pausing to break eye contact with Ty to find hers. So much hidden in the depths of those strange, haunted eyes.
Answers she may not be ready for now.
He parted her flesh searchingly with his tongue, continuing to love on every morsel of flesh he could get his mouth on. Torturously he twirled his mouth and lips around her clit, sucking it into his mouth with feverish intensity. Swallowing every last drop he took from her.
“You taste…like honey.” Danny whispered against her pussy, using his fingers to fuck her tight opening, biting down on her delicate little bud.
“But then…I always knew you would.”
He lifted each of her legs gently, until she was free of her pants and underwear. “I wonder how you’ll feel with your beautiful pussy around my cock. Stretching you. Filling you. Fucking you. I wonder if you can take all of me…if Ty warmed you up enough to take everything I have waiting for you? I’m not…easily satisfied. I can be dark. Did he tell you that about me?”
His words were hypnotic to her ears. Buttery rich chocolate, dripping all over her. Driving her insane with promise. She was confused, aroused, bewildered, desperately craving his touch, his words….his everything.
He blew softly on her clit as Ty thrust into her, feeling her ass meet the sharp muscle of his pelvis. She inhaled sharply as he rammed upwards. She tried to scream, as pain laced her throbbing backside, but Ty was buried so deep, so tight she couldn’t breathe.
“Oh. God. Yes. Just like that. Fuck me harder, Ty. Make. It. Hurt.”
She moaned as Ty grabbed her hips, crying out as she felt his balls resting against the opening of her pussy. White hot pain consumed her as he continued slamming into her, stretching her impossibly, more than before. She needed more, craved more pain, had to feel the burn of his cock, scraping against her sensitive tissues.
Ty ground into her, mouth pressed to her shoulder. “How much more, baby girl?” His breathing irregular, labored. He was ready to explode. She knew it. She wiggled her ass over him and he thrust into her, harder, deeper, faster. She was so wound, so tight, so ready to combust. It wouldn’t be long now.
Ty reached around to palm the slick, moistened mound of curls, slipping his fingers inside of her pussy.
Danny never broke eye contact with her as he gave Ty’s fingers a lick, tasting her off of him. He continued licking every time Ty’s fingers came out, alternately inserting his fingers inside her, then together, with Ty. Lena couldn’t resist touching herself and pinched her clit, stroking it, plucking the ripe fruit as Danny kissed it, nibbling on her fingers as well. She was alive with sensation, every tongue lap on her finger from his mouth a pleasure source, charging everything on her body into overdrive.
Danny slipped his fingers from her pussy to her ass, stretching her opening more as Ty slid in and out, and she suddenly exploded. Everything went hazy around her, pain giving way to indescribably intense pleasure.
Danny sat up, bringing her head to his, capturing her mouth with his own. He positioned his cock at her opening, sliding inside her pussy, impatient and urgent. Careful not to hurt her too much, with Ty still inside.
He fucked her hard, slapping against her pussy fast and forceful.
He had waited a lifetime to be inside her it seemed and was no longer to be denied.
He took her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he continued slamming into her, forcefully, demanding her submission.
“Lie back, baby girl.” Ty whispered softly. “I’ll hold you. Just lean into me.”
Available FRIDAY!!
Alisa’s Bio
(transposed to the third person at an attempt to appear more mature *grins cheerfully*)
well…alisa did stuff and is still doing stuff. only now she has two boys crazy enuff to want her as their mommy. hey, at least she tried to warn them, so her job is done. she doesn’t like to capitalize, partially because she likes how lower case letters look visually, but mostly out of laziness. please don’t judge. it could be you. and she would say, hey. you’re alright, buddy. you’re ok in my book. now c’mere for a hug. the hug might be pushing it. air kiss? you are strangers, after all, with only a mutual love of poor grammar.
she lives for a world full of controllable anatomically correct, android men programmed to meet her specific feminine needs (wink, wink, nudge, nudge with a big waggle of the eyebrows). who look like the rock. and ian somerhalder. and idris elba. and that’s it she promises. variety. gotta have variety, right?
but alas…apparently that exists only in johanna lindsey’s genius mind. so until then, she enjoys her incredibly warped sense of humor. she reads tons of erotica and romantic, drippy goo that makes her heart go pitter patter. then she thought, hey. what, she said to herself. (softly, of course, so no one finds out she is indeed, 2 nuts short of a fruitcake) maybe you should write this stuff too. maybe someone will like it and maybe buy it. so she said, huh, you think? then she said, well…yeah, i wouldn’t have suggested it…(inserts sarcastic tone) and then she was like lose the attitude, ok? then she was all, would you just shut up and write, already? sheesh! and she did. 🙂
Official: https://alisaandersonbooks.wix.com/alisaandersonbooks
Blog: https://bitchesbewritin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlisaAndersonBooks
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Alisa-Anderson/e/B009IEA6A8
Posted in Contests!, General | 9 People Said | Link
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Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
Welcome my friend, Sandra Jones! Her new book is out now. Don’t forget to enter contest drawing! ~DD

Her Wicked Captain
River Rogues #1
By: Sandra Jones
Releasing November 4, 2014
Samhain Publishing

She played right into his hands.
Possessing uncanny people-reading skills like her mama, Philadelphia “Dell” Samuels has spent thirteen years in her aunt’s rustic Ozarks home, telling fortunes over playing cards and trying to pass as white. But the treacherous Mississippi River childhood her mama dragged her away from finally catches up to her on a steamboat captained by her old friend Rory Campbell.
Known to his crew as the Devil’s Henchman, Rory is a gambler in need of a miracle. Following the cold trail of his boss’s wife and bastard daughter, Dell, Rory has only one goal in mind: saving his crew from the boss’s cruelty by ruining him. The only one who can defeat the Monster of the Mississippi is the man trained to take his place. Rory’s convinced he can lure his boss into a high-stakes game against a rival, and with Dell’s people-reading skills, the monster will lose everything.
Under Rory’s tutelage and protection, Dell agrees to the tortured captain’s plan. Passion and peril quickly bring them together as lovers. But when Rory’s plan goes awry, the lives of the innocent depend on Dell’s ability to read the situation correctly—and hopefully save them all.
“What sort of danger are you bringing me into?”
“Nothing for you to worry about. I’m good with pistols. I’m good with lots of things.” His voice held a smile, and he flicked the top button of her dress open with the tiniest motion of his index finger.
“Stop that.” Shock zinged through her. She planted her hands on his shoulders to
push away, but he resisted, anchoring her in the circle of his brawny arms. “Let me go!
Stop teasing. You’re trying to distract me. I demand to know what trouble you’re bringing Jeremiah and me into.”
“You demand?” His laughter vibrated his chest beneath her palms. “Lady, you can’t make demands on my ship. The cardsharps who frequent Moreaux’s gaming salons are a different breed than the fur traders and muleskinners you know. They’d as soon put a bullet in your chest than lose a hand of cards, but as long as you’re with me, you’ve got no one to worry about.” He ran his index finger gently along her cheek. “’Cept maybe me.”
A sharp retort sprang to her tongue, but the hungry look in his eyes froze her. His gaze fell to her mouth, and he eased forward. Anticipation held her captive as his lips brushed over hers, warm and gentle, fitting like the missing half of a pair. Her eyelids fell shut against the sparks in her mind, and she swore she felt them ignite, the heat flowing up her chest and neck.
When he sat back, she opened her eyes to find him regarding her through dark eyes of his own. Wanting more, she folded her lips together, savoring the wondrous sensation of his mouth on hers a moment longer.
“Did you see that coming, angel?” he whispered.
His teasing words were like ice water in her face. “I see everything I want to see. Be serious.” Truth be told, she was glad she wasn’t standing at the moment. His surprising kiss could’ve swept her feet out from under her. She looked down at him haughtily. She’d show him she wasn’t to be played with. There’d been other men who’d tried to spread her legs, who’d kissed her first—though never as sweet and seductive as Rory’s kiss. But she’d bested every man, found their weaknesses, turned their superstitions against them. Rory wasn’t any different. He thought to bring her back to his boss like a prize? Well, she was nobody’s trophy! “What makes you think you can kiss me, Captain?”
His hand slid behind her head. He smirked. “You’re the one who came to me. Now”—he twined his fingers in the back of her hair and murmured—“let me kiss you properly.”
Dell refused to come any closer, but he bent his knees, propping his feet up on the
other chair and causing her to fall against his body. Her hands flattened on his chest, feeling the solid muscle beneath the linen of his shirt. His lips covered hers again, and his hand caressed the back of her neck in a gesture so tender and intimate, unlike anything she’d ever felt before. The tip of his tongue touched her bottom lip in request. She couldn’t deny her curiosity a moment longer, so she opened for him, allowing his tongue to seek hers.
He tasted of smoke and rum, provocative and forbidden as he coaxed her, melting her inside and out, until she gave way and parried, matching movement for movement.
When she fell fully into his erotic dance, he purred low in his throat. His fingertips
trailed up and down her neck, stroking her skin with care, but his lips were urgent. She
drank him in, following her instinct to dissolve in his embrace, allowing him to deepen his exploration. Her fingers fumbled under his open shirt, questing for his skin and finding the fine hair of his chest.
Rory turned his head, taking in a deep breath. His hands covered hers. “I was wrong. Maybe you’re the dangerous one.”
Dell bit her bottom lip as she tried to corral her racing heart. Suddenly uncomfortable in his lap, she readjusted, and he groaned. She discovered the reason for her discomfort—his rigid organ strained against her backside.
Rory tapped her chin with a light fingertip. “If you’re after respectability like you claim, you’ll not find it with me. Understand?”
Dell nodded and untangled herself from him. His arms fell away as she cast off his blanket and stood. Perhaps it was the wine she’d drunk or the heady comfort of his warm body, but she immediately wished she’d stayed put, enjoying more of his kisses. She hugged herself, looking at his boots, the deck, anywhere but at him that he might know her thoughts.
“Unless”—he shifted and spread his arms across the back of the chair in an invitation for her to feast over the naked muscles of his chest—“you’d rather lower your standards like your mama and wallow in decadence with the rest of us.”
“Like my mama?” Dell huffed. “Damn you! My mama was a decent woman. That’s why she got me out of that kind of life. One kiss—two kisses—doesn’t make me one of your tarts, Gory Rory. And you kissed me. I never asked you, I never gave you permission.”
He lifted a mocking brow. “You sure didn’t try very hard to refuse me.”
Dell spun away and headed back to the captain’s quarters. She heard him mutter an
indignant “Gory Rory?”
His laughter rang in her ears as she closed the door.
Link to Follow Tour: https://www.sandrajonesromance.com/events.html
Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22922437-her-wicked-captain
Buy Links
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Her-Wicked-Captain-River-Rogues-ebook/dp/B00M497W56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410398050&sr=8-1&keywords=her+wicked+captain
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/her-wicked-captain-sandra-jones/1120006611?ean=9781619223752
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/her-wicked-captain
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/her-wicked-captain/id903379545?mt=11
Author Info
Historical romance author Sandra Jones was born and raised in Arkansas. She loves living in a cabin overlooking White River where she enjoys watching eagles and dreaming about the adventurous frontiersmen who once traveled past in steamboats. When she’s not reading, writing or researching, she’s the cook for her cranky old tom cat, her husband of more than 25 years, and her two grown sons. She also loves to chat with her fans.
Author Links
Website: https://www.sandrajonesromance.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandrajones.author
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SJonesRomance
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/SandraJones
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