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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
UPDATE! The winner of the free download is Fedora!
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Hey there, lovely readers! Since I didn’t have a guest today, I thought I’d do something fun. A new book blitz! Any writers out there have new stories they want readers to know about? Email me your cover (300 pixel height), your blurb, and your sales links (embedded, please!), and I’ll post them as they come! Email to delilah@delilahdevlin.com!
Comment for a chance to win a free copy of one of my Adventure Girls, Inc. books!
And keep dropping by to check out the new titles! Enter more than once!
This contest will close Sunday night.
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Erin Bevan
Jason Haverty is looking forward to the fall horse drive, until his boss and uncle informs him one of the new cowboys coming in to help will be riding his favorite horse. His annoyance is furthered when the cowboy turns out to be a cowgirl—a quick-witted and confident blonde beauty. Trying to avoid her doesn’t work. The more time he spends with her, the more an unexpected protectiveness toward her grows.
Bobby Jo’s Texas upbringing taught her to give just as good as she gets, a quality Jason finds frustrating and all the more endearing in this Southern Belle. When an accident on the trail places her in possible danger, Jason realizes she means more to him than he thought. The question is, does she feel the same?
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Margay Leah Justice
Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice. In theory. But in one small town, in one family, that theory is put to the test.
Growing up in a rural town in Massachusetts was supposed to be safe, but for SILVIE CHILDS, that safety was shattered by a kidnapping attempt that forever changed her life. Now, nearly twenty years later, that sense of safety is challenged again by the kidnapping attempt on her young niece, and Silvie is left struggling with one question: How can something like this happen twice in one family?
It is a dilemma shared by NICK FAHEY, the detective assigned to the case. Arriving on the scene of the abduction attempt, Nick expects to run a routine investigation. Until he meets the victim, the niece of a woman he once considered a dear friend. Unfortunately, these days Silvie Childs can barely stand the sight of him.
Once there was a time when Silvie Childs worshipped Nick Fahey, believing he could do no wrong. Until the accident that nearly killed her brother; the accident that Nick reportedly caused. Coming on the heels of her own near abduction, the accident skewed Silvie’s ability to trust men – especially Nick. But now, with the attempt on her niece’s safety, Silvie finds herself in the untenable position of having to trust Nick to bring the kidnapper to justice.
That trust is severely tested when, after only two months, the case is closed for lack of new evidence. Feeling betrayed by the system in which she works as a paralegal and by Nick, Silvie takes matters into her own hands. Contacting local news stations to generate interest in the case, allowing herself to be filmed hanging sketches of the suspect on telephone poles, she will risk her own safety to protect that of her niece. When her efforts re-open the wounds of her past, she is once again forced to put her trust in the one man who still has the power to hurt her – Nick.
The Scent of Humanity – Kindle edition by Margay Leah Justice, Donna Collier. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Smashwords – The Scent of Humanity – a book by Margay Leah Justice
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P.J. Dean
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Karin Shah
Never fall in love with a man in a photo. Especially, if he’s dead . . .
Balanced on the knife-edge edge of going feral, chimera Ethan Wade has no idea what he is. All the former Navy SEAL turned maritime treasure hunter knows is his explosive temper has destroyed his life, driving him to an isolated rental house in Western, NY, to lick his wounds. When a molotov cocktail of rage and alcohol triggers an uncontrolled shift, he is caught between shapes.
Disembodied, he can only come to one conclusion: He’s died and become a ghost.
Blowing the whistle lost lawyer Devon Daughtry her boyfriend, (not too much of a loss), her job, (a bit worse) and with the rents in Manhattan, a primo apartment (the straw that broke the camel’s back).
Now she’s run home to Cassadaga determined to re-build her life by hanging out her shingle as a psychic medium.
When she discovers a photograph of Ethan while moving in, she’s crushed to discover the man whose lonely eyes strike a chord deep within her soul is missing and presumed dead. Soon, she begins having passionate dreams about him. Dreams that Ethan shares.
But Ethan isn’t the only being in the house. A demonic presence has followed her home and it has diabolical plans for both of them.
Kindle price $2.99 $0.00 on Kindle Unlimited
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Lacey Thorn
Freeing the Feline
Awakening Pride Book Three
He’s only human…
The only thing Logan despises more than a weak man is one who preys on others. He finds himself in a battle between a group of people he never dreamed existed, and those who want them dead.
A captured lioness…
Clara has always known she carried the spirit of a lioness within her. An impulsive quest finds her at the mercy of a man she’s spent her entire life hearing of. She wants to claim her place as part of his pride, but to do so means turning her back on the one who reared her.
One look at Clara has Logan chomping at the bit to protect her. Every moment spent together assures him she feels the same. She’s the one with a beast inside, but he’s the one feeling territorial. Every glance has his chest swelling with primal need. Every touch sends one word echoing through his mind. Soon he’ll show her exactly what it means to belong.
You can find it at the following places: Resplendence Publishing: https://www.resplendencepublishing.com/m8/694-978-1-60735-805-3–freeing-the-feline-awakening-pride-series-book-three-by-lacey-thorn.html
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Freeing-Feline-Lacey-Thorn-Awakening-ebook/dp/B00NGUGWQM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410543938&sr=8-1&keywords=freeing+the+feline
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Freeing-Feline-Lacey-Thorn-Awakening-ebook/dp/B00NGUGWQM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1410543972&sr=8-1&keywords=freeing+the+feline
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-freeingthefelineawakeningprideseriesbookthree-1618868-340.html
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/freeing-the-feline-lacey-thorn/1120348510?ean=2940150683907
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/freeing-the-feline
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Brent Archer
Humanity decimated itself in a global war with over six billion dead. The survivors mostly gather into gleaming megacities. Mark Jennings chooses to stay away from the jungle of metal and glass, and instead lives a life of farming in a rustic cabin outside the ruins of Billings.
One dark, snowy, December night, Shawn Templeton, lost and freezing, stumbles into Mark’s life. The two men have a passionate few days, but Shawn decides to continue on his journey. He pleads with Mark to look him up in New Bismarck when he comes to trade his crops.
At the end of the following summer, Mark takes his produce to the megacity. He decides to look Shawn up, but when he goes to visit, Shawn’s young roommate, wrapped only in a towel, answers the door.
Heartbroken, Mark returns to his cabin, but winter has a surprise for him as he trudges home through the snow with his Christmas tree.
This story releases Oct 3, 2014 as part of the Wild Darkness Calls series
with MuseItHOT for only $2.50. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in About books..., Contests! | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky - Toni Whitmire - Lea-Ellen {night owl in IL} - Cara Smith - becky pancoast -
Friday, September 19th, 2014
Laila’s Lies, the next taste of the Members Only Series, is now available for your reading pleasure!! Yea!!

Members Only, Book Seven (and no book six isn’t out yet – seriously epic fail that they’re publishing out of order but it couldn’t be helped unfortunately)
Laila Harris was a fake, a phony, a fraud.
Being sent to dig up proof The Library was actually a private BDSM club was her ticket to a promotion. Simple. Easy. But it wasn’t.
Not when she would have to betray the three men who captured her heart from the very first heated stare. Not when she would have to turn her back on the women who saw who she’d kept hidden from everyone. A submissive.
Choosing between her past and future will rock the foundation of everything she holds true. Until she understands the power she holds when she’s on her knees.
A Romantica® ménage erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Would you like to win a copy of Laila’s Lies to keep and cuddle of your very own?
Yea!! I’d hoped you would!
All you have to do is go sign up for an amazingly awesome blog I’m on with 6 other authors!
The Decadent Divas!
Just click on the I understand and wish to continue button that says you’re an adult and your heart can stand epic levels of decadence! Then on the right under followers click on follow this site and just follow the instructions. Super easy. Then come back here and tell me what you think is Decadent in romance books!
Happy posting! And please include your email address in the post so I can contact you with the shiny new copy of Laila’s Lies!
Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…
Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Ménage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine
Orgasm University
Accidental Voyeur
Roman’s To-Do List
Laila’s Lies
Stand Alone
Buried Permission
Beneath the Pages

Jennifer Kacey is a wife, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – https://www.jenniferkacey.com/
Blog – The Decadent Divas – https://www.thedecadentdivas.blogspot.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.kacey.7
Facebook Author Page – https://www.facebook.com/jenniferkaceyauthor
Twitter – https://twitter.com/JenniferKacey
Amazon Page – https://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Kacey/e/B00GXHUB30/ref=s9_simh_gw_p351_d9_al1?_encoding=UTF8&refinementId=618073011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0G8ZPDQJVKJPKXNBRY10&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6941549.Jennifer_Kacey
Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/jenniferkacey/
Posted in Contests!, General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anne - Jen B. - ELF - Debbie Watson - Mina Gerhart -
Wednesday, September 17th, 2014
Note: Thought I’d misplaced Jennha’s blog, but found it. The contest I posted earlier this AM, just below this blog, is still a go! Be sure to enter! ~DD
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Fall hit hard this week. Which I both love and hate. Love because I get to pull out the hoodies! Hate because it means winter is coming—not my favorite time of year. 🙂
But there are other great things about fall (one of my favorite seasons). Perfect days of mild weather, clear skies, and fresh air. The colors of the trees as they turn from green to gold, orange and red.
Halloween. So much fun dressing up and taking my kiddo trick or treating. Sports! Football. Hockey.
And school. As much as I love spending the summer with my kiddo, it’s nice to have some free time when she goes back to school. And she loves it as well.
As summer fades to fall and the temperatures drop, schedules pick up, and we prepare for winter I like to pull out some books that heat things up! What do you do when the temperatures turn chilly? What is your favorite season?
Leave a comment and your email and I’ll pick one winner to win an ebook of Finding Her Dream. The giveaway ends September 26th. I’ll post the winner’s name in the comments.

Title: Finding Her Dream (Midwest Kisses #2)
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Western Romance
Published: March 27, 2014
Add to Goodreads:
It wasn’t until she watched her best friend find the man of her dreams that RayAnne Hill realizes there’s a part of her missing. She knows the empty space can only be filled by finding her own true love, complete with kids and the white picket fence. Fear of letting someone in stops her cold, and it’s much bigger than just finding Mr. Right.
James Shaw moved away from Kentucky and the family business to chase his own goals, settling in the small town of Kimmswick, Missouri. His business is succeeding, now he’s ready to complete his life with a wife and kids. One night, one look and he’s found her. RayAnne is everything he’s been searching for.
As hard as James has fallen for RayAnne, can he be enough to help her overcome her worst nightmare? Or will he decide he can’t wait forever, and walk away to find happiness?
Buy Links:
All Romance:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JCAZTX2
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/finding-her-dream-jennah-scott/1119020767?ean=2940149369669
Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/finding-her-dream-midwest-kisses-2
Author Bio:
Born and raised in Texas, Jennah is a transplant to Missouri long enough ago she should probably consider that her hometown. But she will forever be a Texan. She loves to write any story that will make a reader smile, laugh, and maybe even cry (although you won’t ever hear her admit that she cries). Whether the next story she writes is contemporary, urban fantasy, LGBT, or whatever other crazy idea she comes up with, there will always be love and romance in the midst of trials and turmoil.
Email: Jennah.scott01@gmail.com
Website: https://www.jennahscott.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Jennah_scott
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjennahscott
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/jennahscott
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jennahscott
“I’m sorry, Ray.”
What? She whipped around to face him. “Why?” she squeaked.
“For that night. For being late. For letting you down. All of it. I hated not getting to spend some time with you.” James clasped his hands in front of him. Her gaze lingered a little below his belt. He cleared his throat and she jerked her head up. At seeing his smirk Ray’s cheeks warmed. She’d been caught.
“I should be apologizing to you, James. It was wrong of me to ignore you. I was being selfish, too worried about myself and how much I wanted to have dinner with you. Everything ended up okay, right? I mean I know it’s been a while, but…” she trailed off. Rambling would get her nowhere.
James grinned. The cooling fire inside ignited once again. “Yeah, sugar. Everything’s good. Shadow was perfect and her foal, Levee, is a beauty.”
“Levee? That’s an odd name for a horse isn’t it?”
“Maybe. I don’t care. She’s named after the Levee Apple Pie at the Owl.”
“Why would you name your horse after an apple pie?” Ray didn’t know much about horses, but she figured an odd name like that had to have a story.
“It’s not the apple pie. Once upon a time I met this girl and I screwed up. So this was my way of reminding myself what can happen if I don’t pay attention.”
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Karen Roma - Janet Overstreet - Laura - ELF - Mina Gerhart -
Wednesday, September 17th, 2014
UPDATE: The winner of the free Amazon gift card is…Karen (#4)!
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Some of you who’ve known me for a while might remember a short story I had out there a while back called “Cowboy.” Just 5000 words and very sexy. A girl who decides to jump the bones of a very sexy cowboy who comes away from the experience with more than she expects.
Well, I’ve been sitting on that old story for a while. I dusted it off. It’s been re-edited, lengthened by a couple thousand words. I think it might be the start of something, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. The story will release on the 23rd. Here’s a peak inside…
Leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win a $5 Amazon.com gift certificate!

Lightning clawed the sky with a crow’s foot, illuminating thick thunderheads that glowed yellow-green and ominous. The color the sky often turned before a tornado twisted its nasty tail. Glad to be out of the rain and safe from the jagged streaks, I shivered against the cool vinyl seat as another flash lashed out like the end of a whip, lighting the sky so intensely that for a moment the darkened parking lot was as bright as high noon.
That was when I saw the pickup roll in towing a large horse trailer. The Ford F-160 ground to a halt beside the diner’s plate-glass window. The driver wasn’t going to bother trying to park it in the flooded lot.
I heard the muffled slam of the truck door when the end of the lightning strike flickered out, plunging the parking lot back into darkness. The driver would be soaked to the skin before he even hit the door. The distance was only twelve feet, but the rain was coming down in sheets. I’d been lucky, arriving before the worst of the storm struck. Mostly dry, I peered through the window at the deepening night, waiting for a lull before continuing my journey home.
Earlier, I’d read the clouds as well as any West Texas native could and headed to the nearest shelter. The tiny diner with its 70’s style brick façade, split vinyl bench seats, and chipped, laminated table tops was a welcome haven. The attached string of dingy motel rooms was part of Plan B, if the storm didn’t wane before midnight.
My arrival had been nearly forty minutes ago. Except for a bored waitress smoking a cigarette at a far table, I was the only customer. Until now.
The door squeaked open, and a cowboy strode inside. He pulled off his cream-colored hat and shook shaggy dark brown hair like a dog, sending droplets of water lashing against the glass door. His white T-shirt, soaked almost to transparency, clung to the hills and hollows of sharply defined muscles along his chest and abdomen.
I straightened in my seat, eyeing his tall, lean frame, liking what I saw. Instant lust drew me, stripping away my usual reticence with strangers. He wasn’t just my type, he could freaking set the mold. I licked my lips.
Setting his cowboy hat on the table, the deeply tanned man sank into a booth near the door, his expression a study in irritation. Dark brows drawn in a fierce frown, his lips crimped in a thin line.
This cowboy needed a reason to smile.
I pursed my lips and let out a low whistle. His green gaze sliced my way, taking away my breath. One dark eyebrow rose, his gaze sharpening, giving my face and chest a quick sweep.
His glance locked with mine again, and I figured I didn’t look exactly Coyote Ugly. Feeling brazen as hell, I smiled. “’Fraid you’ll melt?”
The corner of his mouth curled—just a slight easing of tension I found promising.
“I’m not that fragile,” he drawled.
I liked the raw texture of his voice—a scratchy rumble that started deep in his chest and scraped upward. Already I could imagine it softening to a rasp when he whispered. “Seein’ as we’re the only ones here, cowboy, wanna join me?”
With a nod, he gripped the top edge of the bench seat to haul himself up, giving me an interesting view of flexing biceps. He set his cowboy hat back on his head and sauntered my way. The easy roll of his hips and the dull clap of his boots on the tiled floor heightened the little flame of awareness growing inside me. The man certainly filled out a pair of blue jeans.
My gaze dipped only a moment, taking in the oversized belt buckle and the equally impressive bulge at the front of his pants before sliding up to cling to his mossy-green eyes, the corners wrinkling as he narrowed his gaze.
Something about him seemed familiar, like maybe we’d met once a long time ago. Only I knew I’d never forget someone like him. I shook my head, guessing I wanted a connection to this man that didn’t exist—something to make the plan unfolding in my mind a little less outrageous.
His eyelids dipped then widened, a subtle once-over that left my breasts tingling and my thighs tightening.
He nodded toward the window. “Storm catch you, too?”
So he was willing to exchange small talk to extend our encounter while he politely studied me to figure out where I was leading him and whether he was willing to be led.
I’d never considered myself especially easy, but I was quick to make up my mind when I saw something I wanted. Something I had to have—and this cowboy, I definitely had to have. “I don’t mind the storm. I needed a break anyway,” I said, trying to keep our conversation light and flowing. Soon enough, I’d figure out if he was ripe for a little more than flirting.
He continued to stare—at my hair and my breasts, again—until I warmed past the need to be cool. “You change your mind? Or you gonna have a seat?”
His soft snort, so typically male, plucked at my nipples. But he slid into the bench opposite me, stretching his bare arms wide across the top of the vinyl, all that lovely muscle and the shadows of his small male nipples coming into prominence with the stretch of thin, wet opaque cotton. “Travel far?” he asked, the texture of his voice deepening to a sexy growl.
Again, I pressed my thighs together, enjoying the slowly building heat. “From Atlanta.”
“Much farther to go?”
“Home’s just down the road a piece.”
He cleared his throat. “My name’s Da—”
“Cowboy,” I interrupted him, setting the rules of this game.
Interest flickered in his eyes. He nodded slowly and lifted his hat from his head to rake thick long fingers through his black-brown hair. “Am I gonna call you ‘lady’?”
I gave him a cheeky grin. “My name’s Carly.” My middle name. I’d used anonymity before when I’d been on the prowl. Kept a little mystery to heighten a man’s interest. “I saw you pull up with that horse trailer.”
“I took a string of horses to auction. I’m headin’ home now.” He sounded tired, but his steady stare told me he was waiting to see how this game played out.
I hated the awkward silence that followed, as though we’d run out of polite conversation. At this point, I had to cut or run. I cleared my throat. “So, it looks like we’re both stuck here for awhile…” I let my voice trail off.
His gaze sharpened, and I felt my bluster begin to fade. Had I been too bold?
“Look…” He glanced around. “I don’t know what you have in mind, but our options seem a little limited, sweetheart.”
The rusty rasp of his voice didn’t hold a single note of hesitation. He wasn’t pulling away. His gaze remained steady; curiosity gleamed—and maybe there was a little hint of challenge.
Something I never backed away from. I nibbled on my bottom lip, satisfied when his glance dropped to watch. My confidence restored, I arched a brow. “You don’t appear to be a man with a lack of imagination.”
“Not something I’ve ever been accused of,” he murmured. “But I generally like a little comfort for my partner.” He leaned over the table and whispered. “Something soft underneath her back or her knees.”
Tagged: Kindle Posted in About books..., Contests! | 20 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jessica Alcazar - Karen Roma - Laura - Mina Gerhart - ELF -
Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
Hi all! Cynthia D’Alba here. Mega-thanks to gal-pal Delilah Devlin for having me here today. I’m happy-dancing over the release of TEXAS TWIST, the fourth book in the Texas Montgomery Mavericks series.

When I wrote Texas Two Step (book one), I had no idea there’d be more books in the series but I’m so pleased that Texas Twist isn’t the last book. There will be at least three more books…maybe more! Who knows! J
So far, Texas Twist has excellent reviews, so readers and reviewers seem to be enjoying the story of bull rider, Cash Montgomery and his love, Paige Ryan. Here’s a little more about TEXAS TWIST…

Real bad boys can grow up to be real good men.
Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 4
Hit hard by the death of her parents, Paige Ryan needs to figure out what to do with her life. She moves to Whispering Springs, Texas, to be near her step-brother. But just as she starts to get her life on track, the last man she ever wanted to see again sends it right back off the rails.
Cash Montgomery was on the cusp of having it all. Three bull riding titles, fame, fortune and respect from his family. Until a bad bull leaves him injured, angry and searching for comfort at the bottom of a bottle. With nowhere to go, he moves into his sister-in-law’s old ranch house in Whispering Springs—which he’s surprised to find already occupied.
As Cash rebuilds the dilapidated home and Paige starts out on her medical career, their old friendship begins to reemerge and sparks are ignited. Paige knows that Cash is nothing but a heartache waiting to happen. But maybe this bad boy has grown up to be a real good man?
Warning: Watch out for falling lumber, falling in holes, and falling for the wrong guy…again. You can leave your hard hat on.
Sound like you’re kind of read? Grab your copy today (and make me very happy!)
Samhain / Amazon / iTunes / Barnes & Nobles
And don’t forget…I’m trying to give away some cool prizes!
Go to my Facebook page to enter the Rafflecopter! https://tinyurl.com/p2yxk9p
If you don’t do Facebook, try going directly to Rafflecopter to enter… https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/73980e14/
AND, if you read Texas Twist and leave a review (Amazon, Samhain, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble…basically anywhere!), there is a contest JUST for reviewers. You can enter the reviewers only contest at Rafflecopter or at Facebook.
Thanks for coming by! Are you a contemporary western romance reader?
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Kimberly Dawn - Cynthia D'Alba - Ginger Robertson - Toni Whitmire - Lisa J -
Sunday, September 7th, 2014
School has started. That means football season is in full swing at my house. Not only do both of my boys play, but we follow a local college team and I follow the Dallas Cowboys (yeah, I know… don’t judge). Our love of the sport creates an unbelievably crazy schedule for the next two months. By November, I’m always left exhausted and wondering WHY we do this every year.
Thankfully my oldest son started “school ball” last year so it took a little pressure off of us. This year he’s a freshman in high school (OMG!! *gnashing of teeth* *pulling of hair*) so his last period is used for athletics and he stays later to finish practice. Easier on mom and dad since it eliminates the pick up and running across town to get him to practice.
Now, my younger son is the only one that has to be chased down and taken to practice.
Honestly – I don’t know how parents with four (or more??!) kids do it. These two run me in circles.
And I’ve never been one of those moms who could drop her kid off at practice and come back two hours later. It’s that “what if” voice in my head that runs through all possible scenarios. When I’m writing, that’s helpful but when it comes to my kiddos, not so much. I see blood and guts and broken bones and a dead cell phone on my end. Makes me nauseous to even think of it.
So… either I, or their dad, spend a lot of time on the sidelines. Not only does it quell my just-in-case paranoia but It allows us an opportunity to be involved in their lives and lets the kids know what they do matters to us.
On the upside… all those practices make for great writing or reading time!
For those of you with equally hectic schedules, how do you make time for those things that you are passionate about (reading, building model trains, making jewelry, puzzles, etc.)? Inquiring minds want to know! Leave me a comment and I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a copy of one of my ebooks (either Down to Business or Risky Business). And if the winner is friends with me on Facebook, I’ll toss in a swag pack also. The drawing will be held on Sunday, Sept. 21 – I’ll post the winner’s name in the comments.
Now… here’s a quick blurb about Mystic’s Touch, my sensual fantasy that came out earlier this year.

When Prince Ceros returns home to take his place on the throne, he falls prey to a mysterious malady that leaves him unable to speak or move, though his thoughts and awareness remain intact. Danet, a talented healer, realizes the prince is alert inside his body. The two are able to share thoughts telepathically. Unfortunately her connection with Ceros may bring unwanted attention to her abilities and result in her banishment from the city.
Their unique bond grows as Danet races to find a remedy for the prince’s condition. Desire turns to love, which makes Danet fear for their future when he awakens. They seek out the villain attempting to take the throne and endeavor to find a way to stay together.
An excerpt:
Danet turned to look at the prince. He was a handsome man. It was a shame to see him trapped in his body this way.
Don’t try to distract me, the prince said.
How was I distracting you?
You were thinking of touching my hair.
I was not.
Yes, you were.
Danet harrumphed. What was your second reason?
My second reason?
You said you had two reasons for asking about my family but only mentioned one.
Ah, yes. I was trying to figure out how your family could be so intertwined with mine, but I don’t remember meeting you before now.
We were introduced once, long ago. As I have already explained, it would have been improper for me to have served you or spent any time in your company. Besides, you have been away from home for many turns of the suns.
Why is it acceptable for you to be in my service now?
I am no longer an innocent maid. I was married for a short time. Besides, completing my apprenticeship allows me a great deal of freedom even though I am not mated. I believe your mother is more concerned with your well-being than any sense of impropriety. Besides, there is little danger of your ravishing me while in this state.
How does she know that you won’t ravish me while overseeing my care?
She shot him a look that would have spoken volumes had he been able to see it. Because your mother knows me better than that.
Does she?
Yes. With one word, she made sure there was nothing to argue.
How unfortunate.
An image flashed through her mind of her straddling his very naked body, both of them sweaty and flushed. Danet tripped over her own feet. She quickly stamped the image down, not knowing if she had conjured it or if he had.
Check out the book trailer for Mystic’s Touch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4rcPumYSe5w
You can find Mystic’s Touch at these ebook stores:
EC: https://www.ellorascave.com/mystic-s-touch.html
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G6MYL8S/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00G6MYL8S&linkCode=as2&tag=denagarcom-20&linkId=NY4TL5EL6IX3WJM2
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Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/mystic-s-touch
Author bio and social media links:
Dena Garson loves to read romance – the hotter the better. When one of her BFF’s said “one of us should be writing this stuff” she took up the challenge. If she isn’t writing, she’s making beaded jewelry and somehow still manages to make it into the office on a regular basis.
Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Blog | Ellora’s Cave Author Page | Amazon Author Page
Website: https://www.denagarson.com/
Blog: https://denagarson.wordpress.com/
YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS1a-DzYifYaR4vLcauTmJQ
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/dgarson
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
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Saturday, September 6th, 2014
Lauren Jameson sent me a present. It’s a brand-spanking new, SIGNED copy of her novel, Linger! Would you like to win it? Read on!

On her last night in Nevada before embarking on a yearlong veterinary internship, Scarlett Malone is celebrating–and looking for one night of incredible pleasure. But the man who draws her eye is not her usual type: He’s a cowboy whose alpha-male tendencies tempt her beyond belief. Scarlett can’t understand why she wants this man and no one else, but she’s determined to entice him to submit….
Dr. Logan Brody lives an isolated life in rural Montana, running a ranch and suppressing his submissive tendencies. Only on his occasional trips does he give into his hidden urges. He can’t deny his scorching attraction to Scarlett or that she makes him want more, but he never lets anyone break him down fully. He’s hers for one night and one night only.
But when Scarlett shows up at Logan’s door as his intern for the year, he realizes that the walls around his heart are about to crumble–and that this sexy dominant woman has no intention of letting him keep control….
Praise for Linger:
“Jameson’s third In Vino Veritas book is the kind of searing, emotionally wrenching story that fans have come to crave. She fearlessly explores every type of desire, as well as the deep scars and fears that drive her characters. Her honesty makes this story compelling on a number of levels. Not for the faint of heart, the journey of this submissive alpha and his wonderfully strong, devoted dominant- and their incredibly complex, redemptive bond- is one that readers will not soon forget.
-RT Book Reviews
“I absolutely loved this contemporary romance book. The author is amazing and Linger is a must read book. Get hooked into a Lauren Jameson book and you will be coming back for more.”
-Night Owl Reviews makes Linger a Top Pick!
“Steamy and daring with a sexy alpha hero to swoon over.”
-New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Roni Loren
“Lauren Jameson’s Linger teases and sizzles… [a] deeply satisfying read!”
-New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Eden Bradley
“I love the heroes of Vito Veritas. Each one is sexier than the last! The chemistry between Logan and Scarlett sizzles and kept me reading late into the night.”
-New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Suzanne Rock”
“A hot Alpha-submissive, and a strong heroine who knows just what he needs, LINGER is a provocative, powerful BDSM love story that will stay with you long after turning the last page. This story ensnared me from the start. With flawed, likeable characters full of intense vulnerability, and smoking hot, yet emotionally driven love scenes, Ms. Jameson weaves a unique tale unlike anything I’ve ever read before.”
-New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Cathryn Fox
Want to know how you can win this signed copy?
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Posted in Contests!, General | 22 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mina Gerhart - Gay France - Janet Overstreet - Mary Jo Toth - Mary Preston -