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One Week Until BLUE MOON! (Contest)
Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

UPDATE: The winner is Bobbi Kinion!

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once in a blue moon_600

I’m on pins and needles, waiting for this book to release. It’s just the sort of thing I love to write, and I’m hoping you’ll love it too! It releases on July 15th and it’s ready for pre-order now. Here are the links:

Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Last Tuesday, I shared the opening of the story so you could meet my two lovers, Bryn and Ethan. She’s a witch. He’s a troll. She’s determined never to be possessed by another demon. He’s determined to have a witch in his pocket, because having one increases a demon’s standing and power. Of course, everything ends happily enough. And the sex is out of this world. Luckily, there are four other sister-witches in Bryn’s coven who need their happy endings. And let me tell you, the fellas outnumber the women, so you know where the series will lead. 😉

I’ve included an excerpt. A tease, really. Just to give you a glimpse of the other characters you’ll meet along the way. And yes, there are a lot of names in this passage, but I promise if you read the whole book, you will know several of them already…

Leave a comment and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a free download from among my backlist of Samhain titles.

EXCERPT: Bryn has just discovered Ethan is a troll…

The house was eerily silent when they stepped inside the kitchen. Bryn gave Ethan a questioning glance, but he shook his head. He took her by the hand and pulled her behind him as they made their way to the parlor.

Inside, she halted. The room was crowded with men. Others. She knew because each was perfectly formed as only otherworldly creatures could be. They appeared happy to see Ethan. So they were friends of his. She hoped he’d stay true to his word. Although now, she worried he might be torn to pieces when he told the group they couldn’t take the women.

Her sisters sat, four in a row on the couch, their hands clasped together, eyes wide as saucers. When they saw her, they all began shouting.

“They’re demons.”

“Ethan’s one of them.”

“They’ve come to claim us.”

“Fucking bastards.” That last comment came from Darcy whose green eyes flashed.

Bryn shook her head, telling them silently to be quiet. Then she bowed her head.

Her sisters gasped at her submissive gesture.

Ethan’s arm encircled her waist. He tipped up her face. “We made a bargain, and it didn’t include you bowing to my will.”

Her gaze clung to him. What was he doing?

His glance swept the men gathered in the parlor. There was over a dozen of them—dark and fair, burly and lean, all with shining eyes. Renner’s sea-bright gaze was so intense, she wondered how they’d missed the fact he was Other. All of the men shared the same hard-edged, feral look. Their expressions had grown shuttered, their gazes watchful. Even Renner, who had seemed so easygoing, was frowning.

“There are complications,” Ethan said. “Bryn was already claimed. But we’ve mated. She tells me she may already be pregnant. Her sisters,” he said, nodding to the quiet women, “are mine to protect.”

Renner stepped forward. “You’re keeping them? All of them?” he asked, his voice rising.

Ethan’s frown was fierce. “I won’t be bedding them. But they will remain in this house with us. And they have my protection. I’ve promised Bryn that her friends will be given their choice of mates.”

The expressions of all the men darkened, fierce scowls that made gooseflesh rise on Bryn’s arms.

Ethan squeezed her hand and glanced down at her. “Bryn was previously mated with a hellhound. Merrick, to be precise. And since you all know his reputation, you know that when he finds us, he’ll try his best to kill me. You have no obligation to stand with me. If you leave now, you won’t be implicated.”

Bryn offered him a small smile and then they both turned back to the group.

Renner’s gaze shot to the women. His frown eased as he gave each a thorough glance.

Bryn knew what he saw. Four very frightened but determined women.

He raised his head to meet Ethan’s stern glance. “I’m staying. I’ll help you protect them.”

There were murmurs from the group, but they stepped forward one by one and gave the same pledge.

Renner smiled ruefully. “For a low-life troll, you’ve certainly reached high.”

“As a bottom-dwelling draugr, you aren’t exactly standing on my shoulders.”

In truth, if all the men in the room were friends to a troll and a draugr, they were from the lowest echelons of demon spawn. It was easy to see that ambition to rise higher than their birthright and their kind had bonded them.

Ethan gave a nod. “So be it. Every woman will have three guards. You’ll work in shifts. One at night, two during the day. And we have to continue the bridge project.” His gaze went to Renner. “You make the assignments.”

Miren cleared her throat, drawing all the male gazes to where she sat on the couch. “Since we’re the ones who have to put up with you constantly underfoot, don’t you think we should choose our own bodyguards? I run a shrimping outfit. Who among you doesn’t lose his breakfast on a boat?”

Renner’s grin stretched. “I’m a sea-draugr.”

Two more raised their hands. “We’re mer-folk.”

And so the assignments were made according to common interests and powers.

Finding beds for all of them proved more challenging. The women took Bryn’s remaining empty rooms. Pallets were made up for the men in the upstairs hallway and on the porch, with one man stationed inside each of the witchs’  rooms. Something the women seemed entirely too excited about.

“Sisters,” Bryn hissed after she pulled them into the kitchen for a last-minute chat. “I know we’ve been without male company for a while, but you’ve been offered a gift. Don’t allow them to romance the right of choice out from under you.”

“So says the woman who has twice been claimed,” Darcy said with an arch of her red brow.

“Claimed once by a monster. As you well remember.” She sighed. “Please, take your time. We don’t know these men. For now, Ethan seems to have them roped in, but they’ve all caught your scents. We can’t have them challenging each other for your hands.”

“It’s not like we have to choose only one,” Miren said, but then pressed her lips into a narrow line at Bryn’s frown. “Just sayin’.”

Her sisters giggled.

“True,” said Darcy. “And how does one choose between a dragon and a gargoyle?” Darcy ran a crafters’ cottage, complete with pottery wheel and kiln. Her choices had naturally aligned with stone and fire.

Radha giggled. “The satyr offered to let me sheer his fur to make yarn on my spindle.”

Bryn couldn’t help it, a smile tugged at her mouth. “So long as you realize that the moment you accept a mate and he claims you, that the echo will sound.”

“Merrick and his friends might already know,” Aoife said. “How can we trust that every one of Ethan’s friends will keep his silence?”

“There are plenty of games we can play without risking an echo,” Darcy said with a graceful wave of her hand. “A little play might bind them closer to us.”

A rap sounded on the kitchen door. Ethan pushed through it. “The men are ready to bed down. It might be best for the women to retreat to their rooms.”

The sisters shared charged glances. “If anyone cries out,” Bryn whispered, “we shall all answer.”

They nodded, and then the women trailed out of the kitchen, leaving Bryn alone with Ethan.

Bryn sighed. “This is—”

“Complicated,” he finished. “I know. But you can trust me.”

“And should I trust the others?”

He arched one brow. “You don’t think they all fear a troll?”

She shrugged. “I suppose. I’ve never seen you in your true form.”

“And you won’t. Not unless I have to protect you.” He held out his hand. A hint of his earlier arousal was there in his dark eyes. “I’ll be staying in your room.”

Not a question, but she nodded, agreeing. “Of course.”

“Kahn and Sigurd understand that so long as they watch over you during the day, they are free to woo the others.”

She jutted her chin. “You didn’t offer them the chance to share?”

His grunt was wickedly masculine. “Do you really think you could handle more than me in your bed?”

She remembered the immense pressure. She was sure, once she was accustomed to his girth, that just the act of him entering her would be enough to set her off. “No. I don’t want another lover. And we have a bargain. You’re free to include that stipulation.”

“Then I will. Come to bed.”

As meek as a lamb, she allowed him to lead her through her house and up the wooden staircase. She passed the girls’ rooms, heard laughter, smelled the heady mix of testosterone and estrogen, of arousal so thick her own body began to warm, her breasts and pussy to thicken with her stirring blood.

She stepped around the pallet of blankets and quilts that Kahn had made for himself outside her door. He was jinn, and his talents would have more naturally aligned with Radha’s, but Bryn understood her sister’s reluctance to accept his proximity. He was seduction incarnate when he smiled. His mouth was sensual and mobile, his black eyes filled with mystery. He’d probably scared the dickens out of Radha.

“Sigurd’s on the porch,” Kahn said. “He wants to run in wolfskin tonight.”

She nodded, uncomfortable with the way the men talked openly about their true selves after having suppressed her own for so long except in front of her sisters.

Ethan followed her into her room and began to disrobe.

She stiffened.

He studied her face and stopped when he was wearing only his boxer briefs. “I’ll sleep on top of the covers.”

She shook her head. “We’ve passed that point. But this is an adjustment for me.”

“And I told you before we mated that I’d respect your right to tell me no.”

“I can’t tell you that,” she said, her eyes beginning to well with tears. Her need was strong. And he knew it. A tremble shook her frame and she gasped.

There was understanding in his eyes. Perhaps a little sympathy. A witch’s heightened state of arousal when in the company of a mate wasn’t something she was prepared to fight. Especially not when she knew the pleasure he would give her.

She turned and lifted her hair. And just as he had in the gazebo, he moved closer and pulled down her zipper.

Susan R. Hughes: Weddings on Main Street (Contest)
Monday, July 7th, 2014

UPDATE: Linda Richter won the free download!

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shSueWedding season is upon us. I love weddings. I adore the glamorous gowns, the profusion of flowers, seeing family and friends brought together in celebration, and most of all I love watching a couple pledge their forever love to one another. Some people are cynical about marriage these days, but I believe in it wholeheartedly. Something I love about romance novels is that you’re guaranteed a happily-ever-after ending, and usually that means a wedding. Of course, a perfect wedding doesn’t mean the years that follow will go smoothly. There are bumps in the road for any couple on their journey through life together—but at the end of a well-crafted story, we know the bond between the hero and heroine is strong enough to carry them through the challenges they are bound to face.

As wonderful as weddings are, preparing for the big day can be fraught with stress. Brides put pressure on themselves to create the perfect event, and there may be budget strains or conflict with family over decisions. And consider the bridesmaids, forced to wear whatever puffy-sleeved tangerine or fuchsia monstrosity the bride chooses for her!

All the drama can make an ideal backdrop for a story. My new novella, Kiss the Bridesmaid (available as part of the Weddings on Main Street boxed set), follows the budding romance of Mari and Jake, a bridesmaid and a wedding photographer, during the months leading up to Mari’s brother’s wedding. For Mari, the stress of preparing for the wedding has nothing to do with money, fashion or squabbles with the other attendants. She’s anxious about her hidden disorder that might make it difficult to stand at the front of the church during the ceremony. Meanwhile, Jake is recovering from a disastrous marriage and only wants to focus on the needs of his young daughter—but he can’t resist falling in love with Mari.

Do you have a favourite wedding story? Leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of Weddings on Main Street, a collection of all-new novellas by eleven authors.


Amazon link:
My website:

A Glimpse Inside ONCE IN A BLUE MOON… (Contest)
Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Kim Smith is the lucky winner!

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once in a blue moon_600I had such a good night sleep! I’m back from house-sitting for my dd. I slept in my own bed with my old familiar pillows. Pillows are so important, aren’t they? Kel has great pillows, but I couldn’t quite get them bunched under my head just the right way. I like pinching and punching them until they form a natural hollow for my head… And you don’t really want to know about my pillows, do you? When I’m in a good mood, I can’t seem to help rambling away.

In a couple of weeks, I have a brand new story releasing. The start of hot new series set in one of my favorite places on the planet—the Louisiana bayou. From the cover of this one you might be thinking, “What? Where’s the ménage?” And yeah, THIS STORY doesn’t have a ménage. But it does have Ethan. Poor little witchy-poo Bryn couldn’t have handled more than Ethan. He’s more than most women could handle. He’s a troll. And you have no idea what’s in store for you. But don’t worry. The stories that follow have many combinations of sexy happenings in the boudoir. I needed to introduce the series somewhere, and Ethan begged for his first. Trolls are lonely creatures.

Back to Once in a Blue Moon

It releases on July 15th and it’s ready for pre-order now. Here are the links:

Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

What are you going to like about the book? I hope everything. The book starts with a little magic. Bryn, one of five sister witches hiding from their former “keepers”, is brooding over the fact their world is about to change. That progress is coming. She’s stirring something on the stove in a large black pot.

“With your blessings, come weal and bounty,

With our efforts, come fortunes plenty.”

As the story continues, you learn about her particular strengths. Magic infuses her life. And while it was painful, painful for me to write so many spells (I wanted to make them pretty for you), the effort was worth it.

What else are you going to like? The humor. The sisters aren’t really sisters, but they are closer than blood. They don’t hold back with each other. And Bryn’s sisters interfere by matchmaking, casting love spells, not knowing Ethan is a troll. The camaraderie among the sisters, their blunt honesty with each other, makes for some funny scenes.

There’s danger in the air too. A darkness that reaches their little bayou community. There’s more out there in the world other than the witches and my handsome troll. But you’ll get to meet Others very quickly inside my story. And you’ll be begging me for more stories… Or at least I hope that’s what happens, because this story was sooooooo easy to write. It flew out of me, because it’s what I love writing most—sexy, dark, funny, paranormal stories.

And here’s a little excerpt to whet your appetite for more. Let me know if it worked! Leave a comment and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a free download from among my backlist of Samhain titles.

Excerpt from Once In a Blue Moon

“Let me do this my way.”

His way meant she would be on hands and knees. His callused palms urged her downward, arranging her knees, sinking the center of her back to tilt her bottom upward.

She didn’t mind that he treated her like a doll, that he took charge, his body blanketing her as he set the width of her hands just so. He was warm and hard and surrounding her. His cock glided on the backs of her thighs, nudged her buttocks and slid along her wet folds.

And his cock was huge. A blunt instrument. Rock solid as the rest of him.

When he was satisfied, he moved away. Her head bowed toward the floor. She hoped he’d take her. Sink his many inches inside her. However, the first flick of his tongue against her folds sent an electrical charge through her.

She must have been wound too tight. Nearly on the verge of orgasm for it to affect her so. She steeled herself against the pleasure, not wanting to disappoint him by leaving him in the dust.

He teased her with more flicks to her outer folds. Then he suckled there, drawing her inside his mouth for gentle nibbles. His whiskers raked her sex and inner thighs.

Not that she minded the abrasion. He could scour her skin off so long as he found her center. Which he did, dipping his tongue inside her and swirling. A deep groan vibrated against her sex.

When he pulled away again, she whimpered. She didn’t need foreplay, she needed the main event. But the nips he gave her fleshy ass made her jerk, escalating her sensitivity to his every touch.

Fingers parted her then swirled around her entrance. They eased her open, stretched her, one finger added at a time until she was beyond full. He spent so much time preparing her for his girth, she began to wonder if she’d underestimated just as how large he was.

The moment he prodded her with the blunt knob of his cock, she knew. He spread her folds and pressed against her, apparently gripping himself to circle her entrance and ease himself inside with precision and insistent pressure.

She’d dreamed about the way it would feel. Now pleasure was edged with worry that he wouldn’t fit. But she was wet, and more liquid seeped from inside her to coat his heavy cock. At last, he breached her entrance.

She sagged, her arms already shaking. Her body was too tight, too excited for her to slow her heart or reactions. “Ethan,” she whimpered.

The pressure relented. He held still. “Am I hurting you?” His voice sounded as though he were  grinding rocks between his teeth.

“Yes,” she hissed, but she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted the pressure and the pain. “More, please.”

His laugh was choked. He gripped the notches of her hips to hold her immobile and worked himself inside in shallow, pulsing waves, in and out, deeper and deeper—until Goddess, he was touching her womb.

She felt a pinch deep inside her. A quiver of core-deep delight. This could be the moment. If only he didn’t realize he’d taken her unprotected and pulled free at the last.

Bryn sank her chest against the cushions and reached far beneath her, past his cock, to his balls. She gripped them, massaging them, sending out a flash of witch’s heat.

“Fuck, Bryn. Don’t…” He dug his fingers hard into her fleshy hips, pulled back and then slammed forward.

She released his balls, certain he wouldn’t stop until she’d achieved her goal. She’d unleashed his passion.

His hips moved faster, his cock cramming deeply, whipping back and shoving forward again. The sheer fullness made her want to shout. Her back arched and she pushed backward, trying to break his hold, but he began to move her, bringing her back as he thrust, pushing her away as he withdrew. He hammered her. Jostled her. Roughly, so deliciously, she was on the verge of exploding.

And then he began to move his hands on her skin. He reached up one hand to grab her hair and force her back to arch more, gliding another on her skin, raising gooseflesh. Her hair was lifting and prickling on the back of her neck. Static charged the air, and her eyes widened. She knew at last why he’d been so attractive, why she’d been inexorably drawn to him. Why she’d craved this union.

Demon! she screamed inside. But it was already too late. Heat swept through her, electricity crackled. Her core convulsed, her orgasm exploding outward, weakening her limbs, stealing her mind.

She slumped against the floor as he thrust twice more and then his seed jetted inside her. His shout as he came was filled with triumph.

When at last he grew still, he released her.

She crawled forward on her hands and knees and rolled to stare up in horror as he braced his hands on his thighs and met her stare. Her heart thudded dully against her chest.

His eyes glowed green in the darkness.

Not just demon. Troll!

Jennifer Kacey: Buried Permission (Contest!)
Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

I have a new release (is it just me that snickers every time I type that?!?) and it’s my first full FF novella! YEA for sexy girls!!!

I write a lot of ménage, dipped my toe in MM and FF in the Members Only Series but never published a complete story with it before.

Kerrington and Danielle are best friends, destined to be together but Kerrington thinks something else…someone else’s thoughts on her love life are more important. NOT THE CASE!!!

Hope everyone will give it a chance and love Kerrington and Danielle as much as I loved writing them. It could possibly be the first in a series, but I’m not saying. At all. *GRINS*

Giveaway – one spanking new e-copy of Buried Permission! All you need to do is go to my Amazon page and like the page in the upper right hand corner. Come back here and leave me a comment below. Just tell me your name, email address (so I can email you if you win) and the new LIKE # in ( ) from the amazon page!

Easy cheesy!!

Thanks for stopping by!!

Kerrington needed her best friend Danielle in her life. Secretly, she wasn’t just a need. She was an ache, buried so deep Kerrington couldn’t breathe without wanting her. But she’d promised her grandmother she’d make her proud and find a man to marry, to have children with, to love, to cherish…

Nothing else mattered more than following the straight and narrow path set before her. Until one night, when a simple kiss changed everything and put Danielle and Kerrington’s strained friendship into question.

Searching for answers, Kerrington finds the permission she thought lost forever—unearthed by hypnotherapist, Dr. Mackenzie Raith. Now Kerrington must convince Danielle to give her one last chance, if it’s not too late.

A Romantica® female/female erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

Buy Links
Buried Permission – Amazon
Buried Permission – B&N
Buried Permission – Ellora’s Cave


The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…
Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Menage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine


JenniferKacey (16)Jennifer Kacey is a wife, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Website –
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Twitter –
Goodreads –
Pinterest –

Mackenzie McKade: Getting Fiesty! (Contest)
Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

FiestyI can’t believe how time passes. Summer is here and within a couple months we’ll be saying good-bye and welcoming Fall. Which begs me to ask what is your favorite season?

For me it’s summer. Yet the season is bittersweet for me. What I love about Arizona is what I hate about it—the heat! The triple digits definitely are not fun, but they do warm the lakes and pools and makes you want to shed your clothing.  :o)

I enjoy all waters sports that come with the summer. There is something calming about a picturesque ocean, lake, river, or stream. Even the sound of water whether it’s huge waves crashing against the rocks or the gentle trickle of a brook that really gets to me. In fact, it’s the place where I find inner peace. Which is odd because water is also the place I feel more daring.

Although I rival tooling across the sand on an ATV or Rhino speed scares me. I’m not the slowest one on the road, but damn close. My kids say I drive like a grandma.

Hey! I resemble that remark. LOL

But my dislike for speed doesn’t hold up when it comes to jet skis and boating. I love racing across the waves. The wind in my face, the spray of water on my hot skin just does it for me.

When I’ve had enough of the summer heat I love to escape to the mountains. There is something about the scent of pine, the lush greenery, and the solitude that once again makes me sigh and breath in the magic of the land. The beauty of life overtakes me and I feel myself in that quiet place again. The hassles of every day life can’t touch me—nothing can.

So where do you find your inner peace?

Is it somewhere green where the scents and sounds calm you? Is it tropical where the ripple of water caressing the sand or rocks carries you away? Or is it a special room in your house that transports you to another place? Or perhaps it’s a special person who brings out the warm and tranquility in you?

I’d love to hear where you find inner peace. And for taking the time to comment, I’ll pick a name randomly and you can have your choice of one of my ebooks.

I hope you have a wonderful summer! Don’t forget to swing my website or join me on Facebook or Twitter. My new release FEISTY (Whispering Cove) is now available.

Mackenzie McKade
FEISTY, Whispering Cove – Samhain Publishing, Amazon, B&N
BOUND BY AN ANGEL – Samhain Publishing, Amazon, B&N
STOCKINGS – Samhain Publishing, Amazon, B&N
BOLD, Whispering Cove – Samhain Publishing, Amazon, B&N  | Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Wicked Facebook

Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985): Sapphic Seduction (Giveaway!)
Wednesday, June 18th, 2014

Lesbian fiction wasn’t ever something I deliberately set out to write, it just kind of happened. I answered a call for submissions waaay back in the day, and quickly discovered I liked writing it. The variety from writing straight stuff, the different scenarios that can be played with that wouldn’t work in straight fiction, and, of course, those sexy bodies. I’m straight, but that doesn’t stop me recognising beauty and sexiness in other women.

The curves, the softness where men are hard, the language, the emotion, the noises they make… What’s not to like? Don’t get me wrong, I like writing about sexy men and all the ways they’re different to women, but I like writing about Sapphic seduction, too. It’s delicious, it’s intimate, and, despite what some people may say or think—my lesbian stuff actually sells pretty well! But even if it didn’t, I’d write it. I love variety in my writing, and I’ve gone too far to stop now. 😀

Happy Reading,

Lucy x



Nadia Gorlando and I had just gotten off the exercise bikes in the gym when one of the academy’s coaches, Peter Ross, headed over to us, all smiles.

“Hey, Nadia,” he said, his all-American grin widening and his blond hair flopping down over his forehead, “I need a huge favor.”

I flicked my gaze to Nadia. She raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows and waited for him to continue. He did.

“I totally lost track of time just now and I have an appointment with Travis Connolly. Would you mind wiping down my machine for me? Or maybe stick a note on it saying it’s out of order? I don’t want to leave it all sweaty for someone else. You’ll be doing me a real solid. I’ll owe you.”

My jaw almost hit the floor.

Now Nadia rolled her eyes, looked over at the offending machine, then back at Peter. “Sure, I understand,” she said, as cool as ice. “The world’s number one can’t wait. Go right ahead—I’ll fix it for you.”

He babbled a load of thanks, then jogged out of the gym.

I gaped at her. “You’re not going to do it, are you?”

Nadia chuckled. “Of course not. He may be coaching Travis Connolly and Rufus Lampani for the US Open, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to clean up his mess.” She pointed with her chin over to the machine Peter had just vacated. “Come on, V, I’ll show you how I’m going to deal with this.”

I followed her, grinning. Her tone told me that it was going to be something fun. Well, for us, anyway. Probably not for Peter.

Sure enough, when she returned from the room off the side of the gym, she had a pad of paper and a pen in her hands. Deliberately shielding the pad from my view, she wrote something down, then pulled off the top sheet. Folding it, she then propped it on the sweat-slicked seat so the writing was on view to anyone who happened past.

When I’d read and absorbed the words, I turned to Nadia, impressed. Her smile lit up her face, showing dimples in each cheek, and her brown eyes gleamed with amusement.

It was in that moment that I decided I had the serious hots for Nadia Gorlando.

The sign read,




A Raw Talent book.

Virginia Miller is an up-and-coming tennis star. She’s gone from a ratty tennis court in a park in south London, England, to the world’s top training facility—Los Carlos Tennis Academy in California. In awe of the talent around her, Virginia is all the more determined to make the most of the opportunity and show that she’s worthy of her place there. Her mentor, Nadia Gorlando, has every faith in her.

But Virginia finds herself distracted—Nadia, as well as being a top-notch tennis player, is seriously sexy, and Virginia’s mind keeps wandering where it shouldn’t. Will her crush get in the way of her career, or can she find a way to push the other woman out of her mind before it’s too late?

Buy links:

Add to Goodreads:


Author Bio:

lfLucy_Felthouse (2)Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women’s Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:



HOSTS – a Rafflecopter giveaway

Desiree Holt: Spurred to Submission (Contest)
Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Welcome to Rawhide, the most exclusive private dungeon in San Antonio, Texas. If you’re lucky enough to be invited, you never know who you’ll run into there.

Spurred to Submission  is the 6th book in the series and takes a little different turn.

A Recommended Read from All Romance eBooks.

Be sure to leave me a comment. One lucky person will win
a copy of
Rawhide #1: Crack the Whip.


When the death of their fathers brings Zoe Hampton and Max Cameron back to Big Spur, she hopes for two things—to show the hot shot New York lawyer she’s not a little girl anymore and the ranch he hates could actually ease the pain of the past. She’s got her work cut out for her on both accounts, and she doesn’t know whether to kick Wade into next week or jump his bones. Wade hates the ranch almost as much as he hated his father, and the only reason he’s home is to bury one and sell the other. But the old man’s will puts a hitch in Wade’s plans. Zoe spurs the Dom in him to take her over his knee for a spanking they’ll both enjoy. Even finding release at a private BDSM club becomes impossible.…until the night Zoe follows Wade to Rawhide.


“Will tells me we’ve got a good crop of calves to brand this year.”

Wade’s voice behind her startled her out of her reverie and she lost her balance, tumbling into the pen. Before she could get to her feet he had climbed in beside her and stood looking down at her.

She spit dust from her mouth and glowered at him. “Aren’t you even going to offer to help me up?”

He stared down at her then shocked her by lowering his body over hers, his legs bracketing her as he knelt in the dirt. His long fingers wrapped around her wrists, holding them down to either side of her head, imprisoning her in the dirt. His grip was so tight as to be painful, and it shocked her to realize that it gave her pleasure.

Wade bent low over her until his face was just inches away. His eyes darkened to the color of burnt chocolate again and a muscle ticked in his cheek. He wasn’t as unaffected as he wanted her to think. That kiss yesterday might have been meant to frighten her, just as he was trying to do now, but it was very clear he was affected by it. Probably more than he wanted to acknowledge.

Instead of struggling Zoe lay on the ground beneath him, waiting to see what he’d do next.

“You know what I’d like to do to you, little girl?” he ground out.

“What?” The word came out in a breathy rush of air. “What would you like to do to me, Wade?”

“Things that would scare the shit out of you.”

He was holding her forcibly in place, apparently unaware she wasn’t attempting to get up. He was holding most of his weight on his knees so he didn’t crush her but she was essentially completely helpless. His crotch was practically at eye level and there was no mistaking the prominent bulge. Oh, yeah. He was as hard as she was instantly wet.

“You think so?” She licked her lower lip, seeing the heat flare in his eyes again and knowing she was pulling the tiger’s tail. “You might be surprised.”

He stared at her for so long she wondered if he ever planned to speak or move. Without warning he rose to his feet, pulling her with him. Imprisoning her wrists with one hand he swept her over his shoulder and stomped into the barn with her. Before she realized what he was doing he carried her into the tack room and slammed the door shut, sliding the bolt into place to keep it locked.

“Big talker,” he ground out. “Let’s see where that big talk gets you.”

Grabbing a coiled length of rope hanging on a peg he wound it around her wrists, tying it off and fastening the other end on a nail high up on the wall. Her arms were now stretched high over her head, forcing her to stand on tiptoe. Wade kept his gaze locked with hers as he worked, obviously watching for signs of fear or resentment or—who knew what. She knew she should be terrified, or at least alarmed. This might be Wade, who she’d known since she was born, but in the twenty years since she’d last seen him, who knew how much he’d changed? What he’d become? Her brain told her she should either demand he release her—or beg him. But her brain seemed to be disconnected from her body. The edge of fear crawling through her was wrapped in a blanket of suddenly exploding lust.

Who knew how much his control and dominance would turn her on? She could take this as far as he could.

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Known the world over as the oldest living author of erotic romance, and referred to by USA Today as the Nora Roberts of erotic romance, Desiree Holt is three times a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award (and a winner in 2014), a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award winner for best BDSM book of the year, and winner of the Holt Medallion for Excellence in Romance Literature. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times and numerous other national and international publications.

“Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.” (Romance Junkies)

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