Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

A Winner…and a New Contest!
Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

It’s morning, and I just caught myself in mid-yawn. Yesterday was cram-jam-packed with work. Today will be more of the same. I’m determined to get a couple of things off my humongous list this week! So no time for a lot of chit-chat. Here goes.

Out with the old, in with the new.

The winner (by random number generator) of The Glass Art Pendant Contest is…Rana Adams! Congratulations, Rana! Be sure to send me an email with your snail mail address so I can get this into the mail for you!

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The Two Book “Two-fer” Contest

What can you win?
The following two books. Click on the covers to read more about them.

How can you win them?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in one week, May 22nd!!

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To start the conversation, here’s a question…

Is public nudity beautiful or inappropriate?

A shiny new contest, a winner, and a question!
Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Yaaawwwwn! I slept to nearly 9 AM this morning! That’s a very late start for me. But I feel so refreshed—a good thing since I have to plow into my next Samhain book this week, the next Delta Heat story! While I’m writing that story, I’ll be firming up plans for the Montlake book so I can tear into it soon. So much work and only me to do it. I wouldn’t want it any way else.

So, before I tell you about my new contest, let’s wrap up the last one!

The winner of the Texas Two-Step Grab Bag is…Mary Preston! Mary, email me to arrange delivery of your prize—and congrats!

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The Glass Art Pendant Contest

What can you win?
This lovely fused glass art pendant. I’m not sure the photo does it justice, because it darkens it, but it’s a deep blood red with an iridescent peacock inset and a small flower-like inset above it. It measures approx. 1 1/2 ” long and 1″ wide. An artist friend of mine makes them, and I have been collecting. Start your collection now!

How can you win it?

Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in two weeks, May 15th!!

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Just to give you something to talk about today—here’s a question…

If you could get back one thing that was either lost or destroyed, what would it be?

Snippet Saturday: Author’s Choice
Saturday, April 28th, 2012

One quick announcement before we return to our regularly scheduled snippet!

I sold to Montlake!!! The contracts are being finalized, and I spoke with my new editor yesterday. I have a two book deal for “Caitlyn O’Connell” stories. Below is the logline for the first book. You are sooooo going to love this one!

A bloody hand print on the inside of a mirror forces a disgraced ex-cop
to seek help from two former lovers, her ex-partner and a powerful sorcerer,
to stop a murderous demon

* * * * *

On May 29th, the conclusion to the Logan brothers duet of stories will be released by Samhain. TWO WILD FOR TEACHER will see a happy ending for all the Logans. So if you haven’t read the first story, A FOUR-GONE CONCLUSION, you need to do it now! 🙂 ~DD

“A FOUR-GONE CONCLUSION is a prime example on how a novella should be written; fast and fun, touching characters that pull you in and a story that is completely fulfilling.” 4.5 Cherries, Long and Short Reviews

One devilish night…or a chance at heaven?

Sam Logan’s foster sons have a bad rep in Two Mule, Texas. Most of it earned. When it becomes clear they don’t plan on giving up scootin’ after ever pretty pair of boots in town anytime soon, he issues the one thing he knows they can’t resist: a challenge. Find a wife.

The oldest, Johnny, is actually grateful. He’s had his eye on Mean Ellie Harker for a long time, and Sam’s challenge is the kick in the pants he needed to ask her out. Except before he can make his move, his brothers kidnap her right out from under his nose. Now, instead of being one question away from victory, he has to compete for the woman of his dreams.

Ellie thought she’d be a dried up old spinster before Johnny finally untangled his tongue long enough to ask for a date. But instead of teaching him better uses for that tongue, his brothers have whisked her away to the ranch. At first she’s furious…then intrigued when she starts to wonder what it might be like…

Warning: Four handsome cowboys. Four choices. Would it be a single sordid night or a chance at heaven as she savors every luscious inch of the Logan brothers?

“I could help you, you know,” Killian said, his tone casual.

Too casual. Johnny grunted. “With what?”

“Gettin’ you a wife.”

His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Worry about findin’ your own.”

“It’s not how it works, bro. We’re brothers.”

“We’re not blood.”

“Blood’s not what counts.”

Which was a sorry damn truth they all knew too well. Blood had failed them all.

Johnny cussed under his breath. “How would you help? You gonna chat her up for me? You gonna tell her what a catch I am?”

“Well, you are. You stand to inherit a fourth of the Double Tree. And I’ve seen the way women look at you.”

Johnny snorted.

“You’re not a bad lookin’ guy.

Johnny aimed a blistering glare his way. “You gonna ask me out?” Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Blogger: Elle Kennedy (Contest)
Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Elle’s winner is named in the comments! Be sure to check there! ~DD

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Born to Be Wild

Hey everyone! I’m super excited to be blogging with Delilah today. When it comes to erotic romance, she is definitely a master. In fact, one of the very first erotic anthologies I ever read was a western that included a Delilah novella, and since then, I was hooked!

I write a variety of genres, romantic suspense being my main one, but if I’m being honest, sexy contemporaries are my absolute favorite to write because they’re always more fun. My latest release is definitely one of my hotter ones (Actually, my contemporaries only seem to get sexier and sexier with each book, but nobody seems to be complaining, so… :))

Born to be Wild, my latest ebook with Samhain Publishing, centers around Jake Bishop, a bona fide bad boy who comes home looking for a distraction. And he finds one in the form of Bree Lockhart, the wealthy good girl who spent a few months in high school being very, very bad with Jake. The moment they’re reunited, it’s obvious that the flame still burns hot, and Jake, of course, is determined to lure Bree right back to the wild side.

So, here’s a little excerpt that shows exactly how persuasive Jake can be! Anyone who stops by and comments today will be entered in a draw to win a copy of BTBW, so don’t be shy! Let me know what you think of the excerpt, or your thoughts on erotic romances, or how hot is too hot (if that’s even possible), or anything else that strikes your fancy! The winner’s name will be posted in the comments section at midnight tonight (eastern time).

Also, be sure to stop by my website (, or connect with me on Facebook ( or Twitter (@ElleKennedy). I love chatting with fellow readers and writers!


Order links:
Buy at Samhain
Buy at Amazon


Jake wanted to lick every inch of Bree’s delectable body. Unfortunately, she was sitting all the way across the table, and there was all this damn food between them, acting like a barrier. He couldn’t believe how incredible she looked. And he’d forgotten how frickin’ smart she was. As she spoke in length about her latest case—a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company that had knowingly sold defective drugs—it surprised him to discover that he was actually interested in everything she had to say.

“What are you thinking about?” Read the rest of this entry »

We’ve got a winner…and a new contest!
Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

The Winner!

The winner (by random number generator) of all this wondersome, kitscherful goodness
that is the Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest is…

Fedora! Fedora, hon, congratulations!
Be sure to email me to let me know where to send your prize!

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The Texas Two-Step Grab Bag

What can you win?
The picture only shows the major prizes I nabbed at the Texas Two Step Conference I attended in Dallas last month: the conference tote bag, books by Nikki Duncan, Lorelei James and Cindy Dees.

In addition, I will fill it up with miscellaneous promo items I have stashed around my office. I’m not going to tell you what because we all like surprises, right? 🙂

How can you win it?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in just one week, May 1st!!

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And here I go…

Today begins my push to finish 12 projects I’ve committed to writing between now and January 2, 2013.

It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? It is. It’s pure nonsense, but I’m going to give it my best try anyway. I’d love it if you could encourage me along the way. I’ll keep you posted as to my progress. So, nag me, hound me, beg me for details. I won’t mind.

You can start today by telling me one thing that will make me smile—however silly. Just post a little note to let me know you’re cheering me on while I bury myself in life on Mars as I dreamt it (Project #1).

And guess what? That silly thing is your first entry for the grab bag! ~DD

New Contest! And what’s in store…
Monday, April 9th, 2012

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I’m driving to New Orleans with my mother and aunt to meet up with my cousin who’s flying in from Seattle for a little sight-seeing. I’ll be doing some (ahem) setting research, while the ladies and Cousin Dave have fun (wink-wink IRS). Oh, stop it! NOLA is my favorite US city. Any trip there is going to inspire a story. I’m taking my camera and notebook!

While I’m away, I have guests to keep you entertained:
Tuesday — Kaily Hart
Wednesday — Cathryn Cade
Thursday — Denise Golinowski
Friday — Paige Tyler

To help you decide to come back here every day to meet my guests, I’m running a new contest!

Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest

What can you win?
Every time I go to another of my favorite cities, Memphis, I hit this little shop on Beale street called Tater Red’s. I always buy the mystery brown bag filled with kitschy goodies. Here is the contents of one such bag (the stuffed King Daddy Blues Rat doll, a KDBR magnet, a pretty LOVE makeup bag, a strange monkey sitting at a Wall Street desk, a pack of playing cards, and a Tater Red’s address book. I added a magnetic Elvis doll for you to stick on your fridge and dress in new outfits.

Come on, you know you want my junk!

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in two weeks, April 24th!!

* * * * *

Today, I’m going to do a little shopping, pack, but definitely no writing, or very little. I am going to use this week to clear my head. Lots on my plate. Maybe more coming.

In the meantime, how about answering a question for your first entry in my Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest?

On a scale of one to ten (with one being not at all and ten being very much so), how superstitious are you?

Guest Blogger: Lois Greiman (Contest!)
Friday, April 6th, 2012

My First Mystery…and a Gift Card

I wrote my first romance novel about a million years ago. Since then I’ve penned thirty others, and I’ve loved every one of them. But eventually, when my kids ran away from home (a.k.a. grew up) I decided to try writing some other things. A lot of other things. I wrote a story about a talking cat (weird). I did a twisted Cinderella story (sad). I believe there was even an odd little tale about a Martian (super weird). Not to mention a host of other “stellar” ideas.

Meanwhile, I was in the market for a new agent. One of those agents read through my string of masterpieces like a real trooper, gave me a call, and informed me that she could sell the mystery. The mystery! The mystery? I was pretty sure I hadn’t written a mystery. I went through the list in my mind, made sure my talking cat wasn’t a mystery pet and said, “That’s great. That’s fantastic. Ummm, in your opinion, which one do you think might be a mystery?” She replied, “Unzipped.”

Hmmm, Unzipped wasn’t a mystery. It was about Christina McMullen, a sassy psychologist who has an ongoing love/hate relationship with sexy police lieutenant Jack Rivera. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was…maybe a romantic suspense or a chicklit or a…mystery? Okay. Well, thought I cleverly, if she could sell it as a mystery…then a mystery it was.

That was seven years ago. Bantam published Unzipped in 2005. Since then there have been six other Chrissy McMullen novels. Uncorked was just released, and after all this time I’m still not sure it’s a mystery. I mean, we have a feisty female lead looking for love in all the wrong places. We have a cop with a lot of attitude and a great assss…spect on life. We have romance, sexy dialogue, and secondary characters that I adore. Then again we do have a pretty healthy body count by the end of each book. So you tell me, is it a romance or is it a mystery?

I’m giving away an Amazon gift card to one much appreciated commenter.

Here’s a little video to help you decide about the genre.

And a small clue: Francois is actually a battery-run device that has appeared in several books and sometimes gives us quotes. I can’t resist snarky battery-run devices.

Also just released digitally, one of my favorite early historical romance titles: The Lady and the Knight at