Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Snippet Saturday: Sweethearts
Saturday, February 16th, 2013

I swear I haven’t forgotten about my naughty cowboys in Two Mule, Texas. They all seem to have a thing for threesomes, but I thought I’d let them rest a bit because a couple of the wives are expecting. In the meantime, if you haven’t read the series, Lone Star Lovers, here’s a snippet.

If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this book!

Breaking Leather

“…Put into the mix three sexy brothers who happen to be cowboys and who are hot for one lucky female? You have a sexual, erotic masterpiece!” ~5 Stars and Top Pick!, The Romance Reviews

“…Delilah Devlin just makes this type of story such an adventure as well as a hot ride… You will never go wrong with a Delilah Devlin story and you will never be disappointed.” ~5 Cherries, Whipped Cream Reviews

“Cleverly written, Breaking Leather breaks the mold when it comes to ménage stories… Highly recommend.” ~Sizzling, 4 1/2 Stars, Sensual Reads

“…The characters themselves are fantastic. All three men are alike and yet very unique. Chrissi is a strong woman and her character is flawless. Add in some wonderful support characters and you’ve got one robust set of characters and one outstanding story that shouldn’t be missed.” ~5 Hearts, The Romance Studio

One for remembrance…one for healing…and one to seal her heart forever.

Chrissi Page has tried to find one man who heats her bed the way the Kinzie brothers did one shameful night years ago. She’s failed miserably, leaving her with no choice but to bank that inner fire—and keep a lid on her inner bad girl.

She’d been weak, unable to choose between three men who appealed to her in different ways. And when they’d confronted her as a tease, anger had boiled over into a passion so wild, she’s still trying to live it down.

Since that night, Ezra, Cade and Joshua have individually sown their wild oats with pretty much the entire available female population of Two Mule, Texas. Yet nothing erases the attraction they still feel for Chrissi. And when she ends up stranded on the road near their ranch, it’s their last chance to turn their mutual obsession into an unusual proposition.

One weekend, three on one. If she can’t stand the heat, they’ll let her go on with her life. And try to find a way to live with the hole she’ll leave behind in theirs.

Warning: A girl who thinks she can’t have it all, and three brothers who set out to prove otherwise. One on one, two on one, and three on one; bondage in the wild; a bit of riding crop action. And a pickup truck load of emotion.

Chrissi Page raised her cell phone in the air, staring at the screen. No bars. Not even a hint of one skinny, green nub. “Oh, come on,” she moaned as her radiator hissed behind her. “Damn, damn, damn.”

She’d been tempted to ignore the CHECK ENGINE light when it first appeared, wanting to take the chance she could limp back into Two Mule. However, the steam seeping from under the hood had pretty much killed that hope.

Today was not the day for her car to break down. Not so far from town. Not so close to their ranch. Any minute now one of the Kinzie brothers might happen by.

They’d stop because they’d never leave a woman stranded.

They might not let her go because of their shared past. Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Blogger: Sharon Hamilton (Contest!)
Friday, February 15th, 2013

If you commented on this Friday’s and last Friday’s blogs, you are eligible to receive a free set of dog tags from Sharon. Send an email to! ~DD

* * * * *

Who Would A Golden Vampire Hire For Protection?

Well, of course, Navy’s finest: SEALs. In my book, they are retired SEALs. In writing Mortal Bite, I found my little fingers writing some new quirky characters to further the saga along. Golden Vampires, like in Book 1, Honeymoon Bite, can live in the sunlight, and they live forever. But their children are born mortal.

My legendary family, the Monteleones of Tuscany, hire dark coven vampires as their security. But dark vamps have to go to ground in the daylight, so, to add protection, they train some ex-SEALs to handle some of the daytime things. Now, can you imagine what happens when these SEALs learn about tracing and transporting? These are guys who are used to doing HALO jumps at midnight over water. Do you think they’d love to trace with a dark vamp? Heck yes. They’d be wanting to trace to go to the liquor store or the favorite burger joint.

I have a secondary character in this book who will have his own book soon: Lionel Jett.  He has two brothers who live in California and help protect the Monteleone family. Lionel is about to go on a fact-finding mission. They have set up a group of ex-SEALs to join their team in the coming days. But tonight, they want to go incognito, pretending just to be a couple of randy guys.

Here’s a little excerpt of  Lionel Jett and his brother, Hugh. But the ladies all call him Huge.

CONTEST NOTE: As a giveaway, one winner will get a poster-sized print of this book cover, SIGNED BY JIMMY THOMAS, or a free copy of Mortal Bite. Winner to be announced Sunday. And, if you comment on today’s blog, and then go back and comment on last Friday’s blog (CLICK ON “Friday’s blog), I will send you a set of special dog tags. So everyone has a chance to win something!

Mortal BiteExcerpt, Mortal Bite:

Lionel was relaxed but wary as he strode down the wet streets of the little winery town. The heels of his scuffed Doc Martens pounded along the sidewalk, causing storefront glass to wobble. He made a point to go lighter, so as not to draw attention to his preternatural powers. He wanted to spend the evening without drawing undue attention, if he could.

His standard uniform was black leather jacket with the myriad of zippered pockets, his tight black Levis with more pockets, and the lace-up boots with the steel toes he wore everywhere except for a tuxedo affair. Since those only came along a couple of times a century, he still had a pair of pumps he’d bought back in the 1800’s made from pressed alligator—an illegal substance in today’s world—which were perfect and drew little attention.

 PRESS was full of people tonight. The first thing that struck him was the giddy laughter coming from the bar and dark corners of the place, even though the lighting was darker than usual. It wasn’t the romantic quiet he usually found at a hook-up place. There were groups of people everywhere. Things were being said indiscreetly. Boundaries were being pushed. He was hit with glamour from all directions, indicating the dark forces were very present.

Perfect. Just what you wanted, right? Read the rest of this entry »

Winner of the Chocolate, Roses, and Handcuffs Contest!
Tuesday, February 12th, 2013


The winner of the Chocolate, Roses, and Handcuffs Giveaway Hop is…June M! She was chosen by a random number generator! Congratulations, June! June, I’m sending you an email now! 

Thanks to Kallypso Masters, Cari Silverwood and Full Moon Bites for hosting the contest! Thanks to everyone who played!

Guest Blogger: Serenity Woods (Contest)
Sunday, February 10th, 2013

Fireworks…in the Bedroom?

I have a confession to make—I have a thing about fireworks. Okay, so that might seem obvious considering I write erotic romance! But I don’t just mean of the bedroom kind—I also love professional pyrotechnical displays, so much so that I made the hero of my latest friends-to-lovers romance, Mr. Insatiable, a pyrotechnician.

Did you know that the Chinese invented fireworks back in the 7th century? Fireworks continue to play an important part in Chinese culture, which also features in the book as some of is it set in the magical city of Beijing. Do you know your Chinese zodiac sign? Click here if you don’t:

If you’re having a baby this year, the Chinese New Year beginning 23-24 February 2013 is the Year of the Snake and people born under this sign tend to be attractive, graceful, private and sometimes unemotional, exciting and dark at the same time.

In England, fireworks are mostly used on Guy Fawkes Night, which is a celebration of the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot—the attempt to kill King James Ion November 5, 1605, and here in New Zealand we tend to use them mainly on November 5 too. Currently, the largest annual pyrotechnic display in North America is Thunder Over Louisville which kicks off the Kentucky Derby Festival.

I love the names of fireworks—many are named after flowers or plants, such as peony, chrysanthemum, dahlia and willow. Others have equally evocative names such as spider, hearts, diadem, horsetail and time rains. I adore these names and so does Kit, my hero—so much so that he writes a poem for a best friend who’s getting married. This is one of the verses from it:

The diadem of stars frames her pale face
The spider spins fragile gold like lace
Time rains silver, dazzling their embrace.

Yeah, it’s a bit soppy, but then Kit’s a romantic soul. He’s also sex on legs, and here’s another snippet that’s a bit racier…

She rested her palms on his chest, surprised at the firmness of his muscles beneath her fingers. She’d seen him shirtless in the summer, hugged him and given him teasing pushes a gazillion times, but she’d never touched him. With his lips still slowly brushing hers, and her heart thudding, she moved her hands up and traced his collarbone beneath the white shirt, and then lifted her hands up over his shoulders and around his neck, expecting him to draw back, laughing.

Instead of pulling away, Kit’s arms came around her, strong and tight, his hands sliding down her back to her hips. He pulled her against him, and to her complete and utter shock, pressed the hard length of his erection against her, obvious proof he didn’t feel as if he were kissing a sibling either.

Enya’s mouth opened and she gasped, inhaling sharply when his warm tongue brushed hers. For a second she froze, completely taken aback by his reaction, as confused as she had been in her dream by what he was doing and her reaction to him. He stilled, but before he pulled away, desire shot through her, and her instincts took over. Plunging her tongue into his mouth, she threaded her hands through his hair, pressing herself against him, molding her body to his.

Kit groaned, his hands tight on her butt. Unfamiliar yearning swept through her, and she tightened her hands in his hair, grazing her teeth against his bottom lip, pleasure mounting as he deepened the kiss.

She’d forgotten about the heels. She didn’t wear them very often, and when she lifted herself on tiptoe to press her breasts against his chest, she lost her balance. His weight pushed her back the six inches to the wall behind her, and she hit it with a jolt hard enough to make her gasp and break the kiss.

Kit stepped back. “Shit.” He ran both hands through his hair and then surveyed her, hands on hips, apparently lost for words.

Enya pressed shaking fingers to her lips, her head spinning.

I kissed Kit Fawkes!


mrinsatiable cover small


Buy now from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

 Click here to read more about me or my books:

 If you like fireworks, have a weakness for friends-to-lovers stories, and/or adore sexy love scenes, then maybe Mr. Insatiable is your kind of book! For a chance to win a copy, leave a comment below and tell me about fireworks where you live – do you have fireworks at home, or do you attend professional displays? What time of year do you celebrate with them?

Serenity x

Snippet Saturday: Action
Saturday, February 9th, 2013

I’ll be back later to post the winner of the Chocolate, Roses and Handcuffs Giveaway! ~DD

Today’s round of snippets is all about the action! Grab the “Oh-shit-handle” and get ready for a wild ride! 🙂

If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this book!

Laying Down the Law

“With amazing suspense, and hot, dominant lovin’ this cowboy and his high school sweetheart take the reader on an amazing emotional journey. Mixed with a bit of humor, sizzling bedroom scenes, and cowboys that steal your heart, Ms. Devlin has created a beyond 5 Book worthy start of an incredible new series… Once again, thank you, Ms. Devlin, for stealing my heart with complex and witty characters, hot sex and riveting suspense!” ~5/5 Books, Reviews by Molly

“Devlin has done it again! I pretty much gobble up anything she writes and “Laying Down the Law” is another hit… Fun and fast, “Laying down the Law” is great for fans of western romances or someone looking for that great next “hot” read!” ~The Brunette Librarian

Seeking sanctuary could be the hottest mistake she ever made.
The TripleHorn Brand, Book 1

A lifetime ago, Zuri Prescott kicked the dirt off her boots and ditched her small-time small town for the glam city life—and lived to regret it. When she’s framed for a bank job, she lights out for home, seeking refuge with her old high school sweetheart while she figures out her next steps. Only she discovers that the boy she left behind is the last man she should trust.

Sheriff Colt Triplehorn knows trouble when he sees it, especially when it comes in the form of a familiar trespasser, caught naked between an angry bull and her underwear. Sure she’s up to her usual no good, he grants her sanctuary at his ranch—the better to keep an eye on her, and purge her from his system once and for all.

Reconnection is sweet and hot, but the heat can’t hide the truth. When Colt inevitably finds out what Zuri’s running from, it’s too late to put the fire out, and he’s got a career-compromising choice on his hands. Follow the letter of the law, or follow his heart.

Product Warnings: When a sheriff captures the girl who got away, expect revenge so hot it leaves brands on two lonely hearts…

Zuri woke slowly. Something tickled her nose and a bad, bad feeling snaked down her spine.

A shout sounded from the yard in front of the house, Scout’s excited barks punctuated the air. Her eyes fluttered open. Even though it was the dead of night, light chased across the walls of Colt’s bedroom. Bright red light that flickered and waved. The smell of smoke filled her with dread.

“Fire!” came more shouts. Boots thudded on the porch.

Instantly alert, Zuri pushed up from the bed, heart racing. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and ran to Colt’s chest of drawers, found another tee and too-large pants and dressed. She put on socks to protect her feet, then ran out the bedroom and down the hallway toward the front door.

Just as she reached for the doorknob, she felt a presence behind her. A moment later, a large hand closed around her mouth. Something hard nudged her ribs and she knew. Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Blogger: Jenna Ives (Contest)
Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Programmed For Pleasure

Programmed for PleasureAuthors (both traditionally published, and new Indie or self-published authors) know that the cover of your book is one of your biggest marketing tools. It’s your calling card, your chance to catch the attention of a potential reader and entice them to take a moment read the story blurb and then hopefully to buy your book. So I worked very hard on the cover of Programmed For Pleasure. It’s my third title, but my first full-length book. Programmed For Pleasure is a slightly futuristic erotic romance. Does my cover convey that other-worldly feeling as well as the sexual element? 

The title of any book is also important. A reader should be able to tell just from the title what the book will be about. My title may convey erotica, but it’s actually an erotic romance. And the story, pardon the pun, is more than skin deep…

Here’s the premise:

Tau Cetus police agent Jai Turner is being sent undercover as a Beautiful Dolls sex robot in order to bring down the planet’s most notorious arms dealer, Marque Callex. The police have never been able to get close to Callex, and Jai’s assignment is to use her sexual skills to satisfy Marque, and to coax information out of him on his illicit weapons dealings—information that will lead to his conviction.

Notoriously reclusive arms dealer Marque Callex only accepted an invitation from Beautiful Dolls because he needs a little stress relief. With his deadly line of work—and the dangerous secrets he’s keeping—he rarely lets anyone into his life. That’s why a week of free, no-commitment, no-holds-barred sex—in return for giving Beautiful Dolls owner Anson Carron feedback on how his newest model of sexbot performs—is perfect for him.

But neither Jai nor Marque are what they seem, and their week together has consequences neither expect.

What do you think? Have I created an attention-grabbing cover with my heroine’s starburst blue eyes and too-perfect robotic face? Does the title convey what the book is about? Is my premise interesting enough to entice a reader to want to buy the story? And do you agree that these elements are important in marketing a book?

Let me know what you think! I’ll be giving away a free copy of Programmed For Pleasure to one commenter chosen at random. 🙂


Snippet Saturday: Emotion
Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

The winner, chosen by random number generator, is commenter #12—Linda!
Congratulations, Linda! Be sure to email me to arrange for delivery of your prize! ~DD

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This week’s theme is emotion. I love dread and fear—writing it, anyway. Enjoy the scene below. If you’d like to read more, be sure to click on the cover of the story. Have a great day. I’m taking a break from my writing today to go see Les Misérables with my dd. Since there’s not a theater in our small nearby town, we have to make a day of it. So, we’re going to eat Indian and take in a flick. Pure pleasure.

If you post a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this book!

Sin's Gift

“…loved everything about SIN’S Gift…the way Delilah Devlin sets up her world makes it feel like nothing I’ve read before…” ~ 5 Angels and RECOMMENDED READ!, Fallen Angels

“…A turbulent relationship and sexy, spooky thrills await readers in SIN’S GIFT…This is a well written and engrossing tale with complex characters who have hidden depths.  Enter into other realms with the highly recommended SIN’S GIFT.” ~ Jennell, RRT Erotic

“…Wow, I loved this novella. It’s fabulously exciting and a fast, exhilarating read…I recommend this book to everyone that loves hot, sexy paranormal story. I love Delilah Devlin’s books and this is one of her best yet…” 5 Hearts, Abi, The Romance Studio
Police Officer Sinead O’Rourke returns to duty months after being shot in an incident that also claimed her partner, Danny. Despite being cleared of any negligence, Sin knows her fellow officers wonder whether she’s partially responsible for his death. One more problem is that everyone knows she claims she’s seen Danny. After months of rehabilitation and counseling, and lying like hell about the fact she’s not seeing spooks anymore, Sin’s determined to get back into the saddle. But her first day back in the patrol car, Sin sees something more horrifying than the ghost of her dead partner and enters a deadly new world. Jake doesn’t want to partner with Sin. Been there, done that—couldn’t keep his hands off her the first time around. She’s too much of a distraction and her penchant for rushing into trouble scares the hell out of him. Despite wishing she’d quit her job, he’s still deeply attracted. When an armed robbery goes down and something happens that rattles Sin to the core, he’s right there—ready to cover her back and her sweet body.

There’s no place like home.

The police substation didn’t sit at the end of the rainbow or anywhere near Kansas, but for some reason that stupid phrase ran like a mantra through Sinead O’Rourke’s head as she drew a deep breath and pushed through the double doors leading into the station house. Once inside, she kept her gaze focused straight ahead, ignoring the way conversations died away as one by one the officers on duty noticed who’d entered their midst.

So she’d been gone awhile. No doubt San Antonio’s finest whispered she looked a little different than they remembered. A few even knew she’d gone nuts for a while. But their redheaded stepchild was back.

Fuck them, anyway. Read the rest of this entry »