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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Friday, December 28th, 2012
Do They Walk Among Us?
What if the people you see everyday—the woman you pass on the sidewalk, the man in the office next to you or the child playing on the swing set with your child in the park—weren’t all they appeared to be? What if, in fact, the woman who does your hair was a werewolf, or the man in the line at the grocery store was a demon and the child playing on the playground was a wizard? It would change the way you look at the world. You might become paranoid or you might decide to join the paranormal investigation team of your local police force like Katya Danske in DEMON’S EMBRACE. It’s fun and kind of creepy to think of creatures who look like us, walking among us, who aren’t quite human.
Ever have a creepy premonition or feeling? Comment about your paranormal experience, or tell me about one you’d like to have for a chance to win a download of Myla Jackson’s SEX, LIES & VAMPIRE HUNTERS.
About the Author:
Elle James aka Myla Jackson spent twenty years livin’ and lovin’ in South Texas, ranching horses, cattle, goats, ostriches and emus. A former IT professional, Elle is proud to be writing full-time, penning intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edge of their seats. She has 31 works with Harlequin, self published works under pen name Elle James, over 40 works with other publishers including Samhain, Elloras’ Cave, Kensington and Avon and 18 works self-published under pen name Myla Jackson. Now living in northwest Arkansas, she isn’t wrangling cattle, she’s wrangling her muses, a malti-poo and yorkie. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow-skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories.

Demon’s Embrace
Harlequin Nocturne Cravings
Dec 2012
Buy at Amazon | Buy at B&N
Posted in Contests!, General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Bonnie - pc - ELF - Melissa Porter - Angila -
Saturday, December 22nd, 2012
Ashley A won the free download! Ashley, email me! ~DD
* * * * *

Begin with the end in mind.
I’m pretty sure I learned that from some Steven Covey productivity/time management seminar back when I worked in the corporate world. And while that works for me when I set my schedule, it almost never does when I sit down to write a book. Yes, I know vaguely that at the end, boy saves girl/girl saves boy, kiss-kiss, I’ll love you forever will happen, but I don’t have the particulars concerning the ending. I like to let it happen. Endings are nearly as important as the opening of a story. A good opening ensures a reader will continue the story. A good ending ensures a reader will close the book with a sigh and a smile.
The one time I knew absolutely what would happen at the end of the story was the ending for Jacq’s Warlord. This was a story that my sister and I co-wrote. While she was working on some saggy middle dilemma, I was thinking about the ending, and it came to me as clear as day. So I wrote it before we’d even gotten to the first turning point of the story. It worked. And helped me figure out where the characters needed to go in their personal journeys to lead them to that moment.
Hope you enjoy it and that it makes you want to read the rest of the story!
If you enter a comment today, you’ll be entered to win
a free download of this book!

“…Set in the time and in the battles fought as Henry takes the English throne, the combination of battle action and sexy romance makes this story a standout.” ~ 5 Stars, Just Erotic Romance Reviews
With proportions that would make Xena weep, Jacqueline Frazier despairs of ever finding a lover she can’t intimidate. Until the day she ignores an itty-bitty warning regarding the use of a family heirloom, and finds herself swept off her feet by a knight in not so shining armor, back to the twelfth century. Forced to accept the protection and sexual attentions of the overbearing, beast of a man, Rufus of Rathburn, Jacq struggles to find her place in the past while searching for a way back to the future. In the meantime, she aids Rufus’s war cause with a little 21st century ingenuity. Nothing like shaking up the warlord with lessons in bomb-making, guerilla tactics, and the Joys of Sex.
At first unwilling, and downright ungrateful, Rufus begins to see merit in Jacq’s odd ways. Through Jacq’s eccentricities and wilfulness, Rufus learns she is a woman to be reckoned with, not to mention she is a lusty handful in bed. Will his admiration of her cunning, strength and uninhibited sexuality grow into a love that breaks the barriers of time? And will their love be strong enough for Jacq to plot a different future in the past?
The day couldn’t have been more perfect for a wedding. What better way to celebrate than with the sun rising in a clear blue sky? Jacq knew she would never take sunshine for granted in merry Old England.
Preparations for the wedding had been underway since well before dawn. Everyone had conspired to let Jacq sleep late. As if she could.
She had woken with the first rays of sunlight spilling through the windows. Dust motes, gilded by the rays, danced in the faint breeze. Jacq had promised herself she wouldn’t think about chores. Especially not today.
Jacq hugged herself and spun around in her nightshift as giddy as a schoolgirl attending her first dance. She was about to marry the most gloriously imperfect man. Her protector, the conqueror of her heart. Her one regret was her father wouldn’t be there to share her happiness.
But today, she would shed no tears. She hoped he’d received her message and that he understood her choice. Her father had prepared her all her life for this adventure, now was the time for her to make him proud.
She stood before a polished silver mirror Enid had produced. She was still too tall and her features were still too strong to ever be considered beautiful. But now, instead of gawky angularity, she noted the softness to her features. Her love for her husband-to-be, for the child growing in her womb and for the new family of friends surrounding her, gave her a feeling of serenity and acceptance.
She smoothed the skirt of the russet silk dress—another of Enid’s miracles—with her hands, and pulled at the cream-colored lace at the points of her sleeves until it fell in graceful folds. The people of Rathburn would find no fault in her appearance today. She was well suited in stature and temperament to be the bride of the Lord of Rathburn.
Jacq left her black hair loose to fall in a cascade of curls down her back. Rufus preferred it that way. Then she lifted a crown of thornless white rosebuds with their shiny green leaves intertwined to place on top of her head.
Annie had delivered the fragrant crown to her room earlier. For once, the child was clean and someone had brushed her long hair, uncovering that surprising hint of gold in her tresses. Her excitement had shone in her eyes as she reverently passed the arrangement to Jacq. The gift was from Rufus, she’d said, and the men had teased him ruthlessly while he’d cursed at every prick of thorns he suffered as he prepared her gift.
Jacq’s eyes misted.
Rufus was learning some softness too.
A knock at the door told her it was time to go. Donald’s broad shoulders filled the doorway. He gave her a long look, and then grinned. “Rufus is luckier than he deserves, milady. You’re bloody beautiful.”
Jacq didn’t bother to correct him—she felt “bloody” beautiful. She followed Annie and Donald down the long staircase and out the doors of the keep, and was blinded for a moment by the brightness of the sunlight.
A loud cheer rose from around her, startling her. Once her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she saw all the people she had come to love spilling out into the bailey.
From the center of the crowd, Rufus strode forward with a ferocious frown on his face.
Her heart lightened in response.
She understood he was just as impatient for the wedding to be over as she was. The ruddy color in his cheeks told her he liked what he saw every bit as much as she was pleased with his appearance. The plush green surcoat, pulled taut across his massive shoulders, complemented the brown leggings he wore beneath.
Her hands itched to test the strength she knew rippled in the muscles there. She still couldn’t believe she would have the right to explore this mountain of a man for the rest of their lives.
As he drew near, he circled an arm around her and pulled her close for a kiss. His lips and tongue danced teasingly over hers to the delight of the boisterous crowd. He drew away, still frowning ferociously. “Damnation, Jacq, did you have to be so beautiful today? We’ve hours before I can admire you properly.”
With a saucy grin, she held out her hand to him. “Then why are you wasting daylight?”
Rufus grasped her fingers and proceeded to drag her to the church to end his misery. But Jacq dug her feet into the earth, bringing them both to a halt.
When he turned back to see what was the matter, his heart skittered to a stop.
Jacq’s face was pale and she stared at something over his shoulder. With his hand on his sword, he spun to defend the woman he loved above life itself.
Beyond the gates of the keep, a roiling cloud of mist swept up to the entrance, then halted. Sunlight glinted on the droplets of moisture and splintered into the many colors of a rainbow. From the center of the cloud a figure strode forward.
He heard Jacq’s ragged sob a moment before she tore her hand from his and ran for the gate. The man, older than Jacq, but unmistakably related by the looks of him, dropped the many bags he carried and swept Jacq into his arms. They twirled in a circle, both of them laughing giddily.
Rufus allowed Jacq her moment of joy in greeting her father, then walked over to join them.
They had a wedding to finish and the wedding night to begin.
* * * * *
Be sure to check out the snippets on these other authors’ blogs:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
TJ Michaels
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 22 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sharon Chalk - laura - Melissa Porter - Sandra Pennese - Rebecca Merz -
Thursday, December 13th, 2012
The winner of the free download is commenter #21 — Linda!
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I haven’t had space in my calendar for a while to do a “flashback” day, but a guest dropped at the last-minute. This story was originally part of the Fated Mates anthology that Ellora’s Cave published back in 2005. In 2010, the story was finally separated and offered as its own novella with this lovely cover. It’s a very traditional trope—an arranged marriage between kingdoms, a sister substituted at the last-minute. What made it fun for me, was imagining this all taking place on another magical world. The perfect blend of history, sci-fi, and fantasy.
Post a comment today, and you’ll be in the running to win a free copy of the book!

“…In Delilah Devlin’s WARLORD’S DESTINY, a strong man is brought to his knees by an equally strong woman. Interesting, attractive personalities make this read especially powerful.” ~ Nominee for Best Paranormal Erotic Novel of 2005, TOP PICK! 4 1/2 Stars, Page Traynor, RT BOOKreviews
“Watching these two grow is both amusing and touching… I found Warlord’s Destiny to be a very well-written novel, and ultimately a very entertaining story to read.” ~ Book Review Network
Promised in marriage for a decade, Mora has no illusions she is anything other than the sacrificial lamb to ensure peace between her peace-loving planet and the warlike world that demands her union with one of their own. No great beauty, she resigns herself to a loveless marriage with a man who will only do his duty by her. However, when she meets the rugged warlord who will be her husband, Mora feels an immediate stirring of lust. She decides in that moment to win his heart—she’ll settle for nothing less!
Lord Tetrik finds his bride more than the scrawny handful he had expected. She has hips to breed him strong, sturdy sons, and intelligence that is a gift worth more than a pretty face. When he suspects his wife harbors tender feelings for him, he wonders if he can be the husband she desires. After all, love for a woman is a frivolous thing—and not a Warlord’s Destiny.
So, that’s what Kronaki warriors look like!
Every story ever whispered about the fearsome warriors came rushing back to set Mora’s body trembling. How they fought like ravaging beasts, cutting bloody swaths through Graktilian mercenaries during the war. How they lived in rough stone fortresses made of blocks carved from their frozen mountains. How they fostered their children to rival clans so they would be raised without gentleness.
How they fucked with such fury their women’s screams echoed throughout their valleys.
Mora felt a tremor rumble beneath the polished, marble floor of the great hall, so explosive was the swell of conversation that arose at the warriors’ arrival.
They were seven, dressed in furs and leather, armed with bows slung across their shoulders and scabbards at their sides.
She couldn’t drag her gaze from the man at the head of their formation, striding toward her—her husband in name, if not yet by deed. Although she had never seen him before this day, she knew it must be him, for he looked the fiercest, the strongest—only one such as he would be chosen to rule from amongst their ranks.
He was from a race of barbarians, seemingly as proud of their reputation for brutal warfare as their orgiastic sexuality. The latter Mora could well believe for the man stalking her now looked every inch a sensual marauder. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books..., Contests! | 38 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ELF - Dee - PaulaL - Delilah - Z -
Wednesday, December 12th, 2012
Winners Announced!
Following are the names of the winners of the Review-Happy Contest! Congratulations, all!! Please email your snail mail addresses to: delilah@delilahdevlin.com!
Cowboy Lust
Betty Hamilton
Melissa Porter
Sharon Chalk
She Shifters
Christine Houser
Crystal Trent Dawson
Gayle Latreille
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The Merry Christmas to You Contest!
So many of us on Christmas day are happy with our gifts, but sooooo over wrapping paper and tinsel. How would you like one last little surprise when you find that moment of peace to check out what’s happening on the Internet?
What can you win? On Christmas Day, I’ll give away an Amazon.com gift certificate worth $25.00.
What do you have to do to win? Simple. Comment on my blog. On any posting, between now and Christmas Eve. I’ll choose one winner at random from among all the comments. Good luck!
* * * * *
To get the conversation rolling, tell me what plans you have for the holidays!
Are you traveling, having company?
Are you going to have a quiet, snug celebration at home?
Posted in Contests! | 30 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anne - Pam howell - Victoria - Christine Houser - TIFFANY M -
Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Now, you know I had fun with this title: A Four-Gone Conclusion. I’ll admit I like titles that are a little tongue-in-cheek. But this one’s to the point as well. There are four brothers involved with one woman. And you know exactly what the lady’s gonna decide, right? It’s fantasy, after all. One of my favorites as it turns out. A woman kidnapped by four sexy brothers. Their proximity “forced.” But I like my girls feisty. They tend to give as well as they get. Read the excerpt. You’ll see. 🙂
And if you enter a comment today, you’ll be entered to win a free download—reader’s choice from among all my Lone Star Lovers stories!

“A FOUR-GONE CONCLUSION is a prime example on how a novella should be written; fast and fun, touching characters that pull you in and a story that is completely fulfilling.” ~4.5 Cherries, Long and Short Reviews
One devilish night…or a chance at heaven?
Sam Logan’s foster sons have a bad rep in Two Mule, Texas. Most of it earned. When it becomes clear they don’t plan on giving up scootin’ after ever pretty pair of boots in town anytime soon, he issues the one thing he knows they can’t resist: a challenge. Find a wife.
The oldest, Johnny, is actually grateful. He’s had his eye on Mean Ellie Harker for a long time, and Sam’s challenge is the kick in the pants he needed to ask her out. Except before he can make his move, his brothers kidnap her right out from under his nose. Now, instead of being one question away from victory, he has to compete for the woman of his dreams.
Ellie thought she’d be a dried up old spinster before Johnny finally untangled his tongue long enough to ask for a date. But instead of teaching him better uses for that tongue, his brothers have whisked her away to the ranch. At first she’s furious…then intrigued when she starts to wonder what it might be like…
Warning: Four handsome cowboys. Four choices. Would it be a single sordid night or a chance at heaven as she savors every luscious inch of the Logan brothers?
Ellie drowned in that kiss, pulled under by the ebb and flow of his firm lips.
Already breathless with excitement over her unusual predicament, the way he’d waded into the room, taking command of the situation, and of her, melted her resolve.
What woman could resist? Seriously?
Four handsome men hell-bent on having her? Ellie Harker? If this were a romance novel, like the naughty ones she preferred, the heroine’s resolve would wilt beneath their strong wills right about now.
Why did she think she had to fight? How could she now? His lips circled on hers, tugging at her mouth, pausing to bite her lower lip until she gasped and opened. Then he was inside her, stroking deep. Every bit as determined as the hard edge of his jaw had appeared as he’d strode toward her.
Why not surrender?
The thought seeped into her mind, eroding the walls she’d erected around herself when she’d thought they only toyed with her, flirted with her like they would any other woman, not meaning it.
When his tongue stroked hers, teasing her in a sensual play no one else could see, she was sorely tempted to give way.
But then where would she be? A single sordid night with the Logan boys? A soiled reputation with little hope of finding a decent man willing to overlook the stain? She clamped her teeth around his tongue and bit, then opened her eyes.
He grunted. His eyes slammed open.
“She just bite him?” one of the twins said then laughed.
Johnny’s hands clamped on her shoulders, giving her a firm but gentle squeeze of warning.
She opened her jaws and let him retreat.
A kiss pressed against the side of her cheek. Killian tipped her chin his way and gave her a wink. “She’s just reminding us she’s got choices even if she is tied to a chair, aren’t you, sweetheart?” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt, Lone Star Lovers Posted in About books..., Contests! | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Yadira A. - ronnie cornett - ELF - Suzanne - Woody -
Sunday, December 2nd, 2012
I’m on the downhill slide toward THE END with the sequel to Shattered Souls. So, I don’t have time this morning to write a long love note. I’ll keep this simple. 🙂
The last winner of The Random Act of Winning Contest is…shauntih! Shauntih, to get your prize of a $5 gift certificate from Amazon.com, you have to email me. Congrats, and I hope to hear from you soon!
The winner of yesterday’s contest gets a free download of either Fournicopia or Five Ways ‘Til Sunday. And that winner is…Janice Hougland! Congrats and email me, Janice! 🙂
And here’s today’s burning question. Have fun!
Often times, movie sequels fall short of our expectations. What sequel
do you feel was the best you’ve ever seen?
Posted in Contests! | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sharon Chalk - Suzanne - Mary Preston - Becky H - Anne -
Sunday, November 18th, 2012
The first winner of The Random Act of Winning Contest is…Michelle Boone (Nov 17)! Congrats, Michelle! You’ve won your choice of free download from among my downloadable Ellora’s Cave books. Send your choice to me privately via email!
And the rest of y’all, remember, you have to post to win! Go read the contest rules! 😆 ~DD
Posted in Contests! | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Stacy Wilson - Z -