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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Guest Blogger: Michelle Moore (Contest)
Friday, November 16th, 2012

The highs make you giddy, but the lows’ll bury you

I’m Michelle Moore, half of the writing team responsible for the Ylendrian Empire scifi series, and Delilah has been kind enough to let me invade her blog with a guest post today.

The past few weeks have been interesting, to say the least.  Right before Halloween, my other (and most would say better) half, Reesa Herberth, was hospitalized with pulmonary embolisms.  Actually, do you use the plural term embolisms if there are multiple blood clots in both lungs or is it always just a pulmonary embolism singular?  Funny, never thought to ask the doctor about correct terminology.  Anyway, can I say how terrifying it is to hear that someone you love was within a day of dying if she hadn’t gone to the ER?  Pretty damn scary.  You know, just in case you were wondering.

The day Reesa got out of the hospital we got the news that we’d sold our newest novel to Riptide Publishing.   We sweated blood and tears over Peripheral People, mainly because it was a real stretch for us, a mystery with a psychic serial killer (in SPACE!).  Never having written a mystery before, we had a trial-by-fire learning experience, and while we both had the utmost faith in the story, we were still worried about finding it the right home.  So talk about euphoria when Rachel Haimowitz at Riptide contacted us.

I don’t think I’m mentally equipped for extreme ups and downs.  I have a tic in my left eye, I’ve chewed my cuticles to the quick, and if I were given the opportunity to get in bed with Delilah, I’m afraid it would only be so I could pull the covers up over my head and hide!

Anyone else been on an out of control see-saw?  Comment with your gory details for a chance to win an e-book copy of The Balance of Silence or The Slipstream Con.


A Winner and a Brand New Contest!
Thursday, November 15th, 2012

A quick FYI for writers… I don’t have any guest blogging dates left November through January. Thanks to everyone who grabbed theirs quickly! 🙂

I’ve been back from my trip a couple of days. I’m caught up with email, sort of, snail mail, and the post-trip laundry. Now, I’m ready to hunker down and write my stubby little fingers off! Send me positive thoughts that I can actually power through the rest of this darn book!

Thought you might like to see the prize I brought back to the winner of The DC Kitschy Contest

And the winner of the DC cup, snow globe, playing cards and magnet is…Kelli Jo Calvert (Nov 10)! Kelli, email me to let me know your snail mail addy. Congrats! And now, I have to catch up on all my mailings! Assistant! Where’s my assistant?

* * * * *

The Random Act of Winning Contest!

What can you win? I don’t know! I love saying that. But really, for the next two weeks, I might pop in one day and choose a winner. The prize might be a free download or a small gift cert from Amazon. I don’t know. Drop by every day and comment, and you might get lucky and find out! 🙂

What do you have to do to win? Post comments on this blog from now until the contest ends! Each time you post counts as another entry!

This contest ends on November 29th!

* * * * *

I’ll start the conversation with a question. Answer for a chance to win. Can’t say for sure I’ll chose a winner today, but that’s the fun of this, right?

If you had to choose weather that’s typical for your area in any given month and make it last the whole year-long, which month’s weather would you choose? Are you a June girl like me? Early summer in Arkansas isn’t horribly muggy just yet, but it is warm enough to heat up my pool. What’s your favorite month’s weather and why? Could you really take it for the whole year? (Yes, I really, really could!)

Guest Blogger: Dani Wade (Contest)
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Snow Bound (In All the Right Ways)

Snow. The very sight and sound of it’s descent to the earth is magical. The hushed anticipation that comes with the first few snowflakes as they drift to the ground before melting.

I know those of you who live with it knee-deep several times a year might not feel the same, but for those of us living in the southern United States, the appearance of this enchanting weather phenomenon is few and far between. My debut novella opens with the little town of Cadence experiencing the worst snowstorm the Tennessee valley has seen in a decade. While it takes several feet to confine those of you in other places to your homes, down south whole towns can be incapacitated by a few inches because we don’t have the equipment to keep roads clear and make travel safe on icy highways.

I have wonderful memories of few and far between snow days. The still silence of standing in the woods while crystallized flakes blanket the ground in a crunchy white crust. Watching the first reactions of my babies, totally unused to this freezing ground cover. My father and neighbors clearing our little rural road with their own chainsaws after waiting days for the county to move downed trees. And refusing to get on the roads because, in case you don’t know it, us southerners are dangerous on ice! Not near enough practice, in my opinion. But one particular memory stands out in my mind.

During the first year of my marriage, we had a major snowstorm that covered the state with a layer of ice underneath the white stuff, along with a week of temps that kept the slick surface from melting. And since we weren’t keen on getting run over, my hubby and I holed up in the house with a heating unit not nearly adequate enough to keep the freezing air at bay. Best defensive action? 2 bodies. 1 blanket.

I guess I don’t need to explain where that type of scenario might lead? Especially for newlyweds. SNOW BOUND’s hero and heroine are certainly tempted to heat up their nights while snowed into the heroine’s isolated farmhouse – if they can keep safe from the past determined to terrorize their cozy little nest.

What’s your favorite way to pass the time if you’re SNOW BOUND?

Today I’m giving away a cute little “snow” pack to 1 lucky commenter, including hot chocolate, a snowman cookie, fuzzy lap blanket, and a $5 Amazon gift card. My heroine would most definitely approve!

* * * * *


Available now through Amazon and Smashwords.

The last thing Damon West wants is a trip to his bookish neighbor’s house in the midst of the worst snowstorm Cadence, TN, has seen in a decade. Still, his military instincts warn him that Miss Priss could use a little help. His arrival is met with an attack by an unknown assailant and the sight of Miss Priss in a sexy wisp of nothing-much, confidently wielding a double-barreled shotgun.

Tori Anderson carefully portrays herself as a responsible bookstore owner and capable young woman to anyone willing to look twice. But two men grappling in her backyard called for speed more than decorum. That’s how the guy she’d been secretly lusting after since he’d bought the house next door sees her in a silky robe and panties—with nothing in between. Damon’s sudden interest thrills her, but she can’t help worrying about the unknown threat scared off by her shotgun blast.

Trapped in her house under several feet of snow with no way to reach the outside world, Tori finally has the chance to indulge her wildest fantasies. But she isn’t sure which is more daunting—the abusive boyfriend back to punish her or her desire to have more than one night with the town’s most unavailable bachelor.

Two Days to A PERFECT TRIFECTA! (Contest)
Sunday, November 11th, 2012

NaNo Day 11:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)

By the time you’re reading this, I’ll be starting my looooong journey home. The trek from the DC area to my Arkansas home is about 17 hours! While I’m still away from my desk, I’m tempting you again with a snippet from the second book in the Delta Heat series, Fournicopia. Yeah, I love that title too, and I love, love, love Ash and Gus, the two central characters in this story. What’s not to love about a pint-sized Dom and the giant of a cop who wants to be her one and only…sub.

Come along as the two meet each other for the first time. And if you leave a comment here today, you’ll be in the running for a free download of the book. Yeah, yeah, if you already have it there’s got to be something from my backlisted, downloadable Samhain books you might want instead.

 Forget the sugar. Send her the spice.

Delta Heat, Book 2

Gus Taggert knows a setup when he sees one. The doughnut shop his police officer buddies have sent him to, Cornucopia, is too frilly. Too pink. Then the woman behind the counter serves up a mini-lesson in submission that leaves him ready and willing to obey her order to see her tonight at La Forge BDSM club.

The large, burly cop is exactly the kind of alpha guy that newly minted Domme Aislinn Darby has been dying to tie up and spank. Yet after she puts him through his paces, she finds herself eager to let him take control—something she’s never before enjoyed with a man.

Determined to find out once and for all if she has what it takes to control a scene, she orders him up for one more go. Only this time, she intends to ensure he remembers who’s in charge. She’s even willing to offer a little bribe: accept her dictates, and his reward is her—any way he wants her.

Except when it’s time for payback, it comes with several twists she never saw coming.

Product Warnings: When a male sub decides to turn the tables on his pretty Domme, he calls for backup from his best friends. Contains scenes with m/m/f, m/f/m, f/f, spanking, restraints, and an orgy of pleasure no woman can resist.

Gus Taggert knew it was a cliché. A cop in a doughnut shop. The officers waiting for him to arrive for the sergeant’s morning meeting didn’t like making the run because of the inevitable roll of the eyes or smartass grin they’d get standing in line.

However, he didn’t mind being the “doughnut guy”. The plus for being the brunt of any jokes was that he ate for free. That was okay with him. He took any pointed looks or lame jokes in stride. He was an affable guy. Hard to rile.

He’d learned long ago to stifle his anger and look for the good in people, even when they messed up. Being oversized and strong, he’d always had to be more careful throwing his weight around. People could get hurt, and that wasn’t why he’d been drawn to law enforcement. He wasn’t a bully in a uniform.

Gus liked being a cop. Liked what it stood for. Loved the dark navy uniform and the camaraderie of his brother cops. He didn’t mind that his closest buds were all moving on to bigger and better things. He liked being a beat cop. Liked patrolling the neighborhood he lived in and getting to know the people he protected.

His father had been a small-town cop, and his father before him had been the sheriff of their little Arkansas berg. But then his mom had moved to Memphis—not because she’d wanted to, but because when his mom and dad divorced, she’d wanted to start fresh where everyone didn’t know her business and didn’t whisper to her ex about who she was seeing next.

Gus had missed his old school and friends, but had a natural gift for making new ones. That he was big and brawny, quick on his feet despite his size, had made him a natural for the football team.

And that’s where he’d met Jackson Teague and Craig Eason, who surprisingly enough wanted to be cops, too, when they graduated.

They’d all gone to college together, applied for the police academy and been accepted. That’s where they’d met the remaining members of their current posse, Beau McIntyre and Mondo Acevedo.

So, Gus was never lonely. He had his peeps, a job he loved, a city that kept him on his toes. And today, he was on his way to explore a new doughnut shop.

Mondo, although now in vice and no longer attending the station-house morning meetings, had given him a roll of bills the night before. “Treat the guys to doughnuts. On me.”

Gus had glanced at the roll. “This is too much.”

“Not for the place I want you to go.”

He should have known from the gleam in Mondo’s dark brown eyes that something was up, but Gus liked to think the best of people. Maybe Mondo really did just want to treat the guys to something special.

Well, it was special all right. Not like any doughnut shop Gus had ever seen before. He stood on the street in front of the small store front, eyeing the painted glass window with its pink awning, and felt the first rumbles of misgiving.

Cornucopia. He’d had to Google it the night before to get the address and see what the name meant. A horn of plenty. A familiar Thanksgiving ornament. But there weren’t ears of corn or squashes spilling from the dark pink horn painted on the glass. Doughnuts looking like Christmas presents, painted with ribbons and sparkling with stars, spilled from the mouth of the horn.

All the pink and frothy cuteness made him itch. However, he’d been given a wad of cash and a mission to buy a couple dozen doughnuts from this specific shop. For once, his face burned at the idea. Read the rest of this entry »

Three days to A PERFECT TRIFECTA! (Contest)
Saturday, November 10th, 2012

NaNo Day 10:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)

Yes, I’m still out-of-pocket. Happily visiting with family somewhere in Virginia, just outside the capitol. Since I didn’t have any guests lined up for the weekend, I’m going to take a little time to seduce you into loving my Delta Heat series. The third book comes out on Tuesday, A Perfect Trifecta. Today, I’m going to give you a glimpse into the first book, Five Ways ‘Til Sunday. And since you know I love giveaways, post a comment today, and you’ll win a copy of the book! If you already have this one, take a look at my Samhain backlist. There has to be something there to tempt you. 🙂

I know some of you love series because you love those glimpses of characters you meet along the way. Marti and Jackson are featured in every story. You meet them for the first time here…

“FIVE WAYS ‘TIL SUNDAY was an awesome read…” ~4.5 Stars, Night Owl Reviews 

“Delightfully quick read, you are so consumed in the story it is difficult to put it down…” ~Sensual Reads

Sometimes a man’s just gotta call for backup…

Marti Kowalski is all wrong for Officer Jackson Teague—he just won’t listen to reason. She didn’t finish high school, runs a bar. Has a tattoo and a blue streak in her hair. Yet he still wants to marry her? She can’t say she’s not tempted, but she’s got a bucket list to complete before she ties the knot.

Not just any bucket—more like a fifty-five-gallon drum of sexual wishes so explicit, there’s no way one man, even Jackson, can fulfill them all.

When Marti turns him down again, Jackson doesn’t give up, he insists on knowing why. That’s when she shows him her list. He takes it, thinks about it—and calls on the only men he can trust: four buddies from his academy graduating class.

Between the five of them, he’s sure they can come up with a plan to check off every item on her list in one wild, wicked weekend. That is, if she has the nerve to follow through—and if he can bear to share her.

Warning: Five men on a mission to break down the resistance of one determined woman. Author suggest readers keep their significant others on speed dial. Not responsible for accidental 911 calls.

Marti Kowalski waved a hand blindly behind her at her desk, swiping the inventory sheets she’d slaved over for two days, and her telephone, to the floor. She didn’t care about the mess—or by the crunch—the loss of her phone. Right this moment, she had Jackson where she wanted him—too far gone with want to worry what damage he might cause.His body was hard; his expression carved to a lustful edge, which promised the kind of sexy interlude she preferred—something spontaneous and surprising.Even after all the months they’d been seeing each other, he managed to surprise her. Like now. He’d pulled her from the door of the ladies’ restroom and goose-stepped her with her arm bent behind her back to the manager’s office, growling menacingly into her ear about the wicked things he’d do to her.

Ma’am, keep quiet and I won’t hurt you.

She’d shivered at the menace in his voice, but he’d rubbed her hip gently to remind her this was just a game.

She had to hand it to him. He knew what made her hot.

Jackson bent her over her desk and shoved up her blouse. His head ducked to pluck a nipple with his lips, and then he bit it.

“I wasn’t expecting you,” she gasped, her fingers digging into the rigid Kevlar armor he wore beneath his dark shirt. “You’re on duty. Thought you didn’t cross that line when you’re wearing the uniform.”

His head reared back. His dark eyes flashed. “Shut up, ma’am. You draw any attention, and I might have to get rough.” Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Blogger: Cris Anson (Contest)
Friday, November 9th, 2012

NaNo Day 9:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)

When It Rains, It Pours

You’ve heard the old adage, “When it rains, it pours”, right?

Well, Superstorm Sandy poured rain and wind all over me and the rest of the east coast over the weekend leading up to Halloween.

What does this have to do with writing?

To set the scene, I submitted my twelfth book with Ellora’s Cave to my editor on April 30. Got an acceptance June 15 for Mercy and Redemption with the notation to send a blurb and fill in a cover request form. I got my cover within a month and it was awesome! But edits? I was waiting and waiting and waiting…

Until, you guessed it, Sunday night, October 28, when I opened an email from my editor with “Revisions” in the subject line. This was the night before Sandy ravaged the power grid in eastern Pennsylvania. Not only that, I couldn’t upload, format and post a scary blog about sexual predators by Dr. Matthew Scrivens on my blogsite until the lights came back on late Wednesday, October 31. That’s also the day my electronic calendar reminded me I had committed to writing a guest blog for Delilah that would be due, yes, the next day.

So, it rained writing obligations that Halloween day, and it was a trick to get them all done. S’okay, I’m a procrastinator and I work well under pressure. Um, I used to, anyway.

Based on all of that, Frankenstorm Sandy gave me the subject matter for this blog, which was sent in a timely fashion to Delilah. My own blog got uploaded. The edits for Mercy and Redemption have been submitted and soon, I hope, I’ll have a release date. Meanwhile, here’s the blurb:

Searching in an old cemetery for likely gravestones to illustrate her colonial cookbook, Mercy Howe meets two hunks who are tracing their ancestry and sparks fly. Literally.

When Mercy casually touches Seth and Adam, her vividly erotic vision involving all three of them feels like a memory, not a dream, and awakens long-dormant sexual urges. Their kisses are achingly familiar, and she welcomes each in turn into her body. Then she spends a no-holds-barred weekend with both men in her bed and discovers an intimacy—and a past—that blows her mind.

As memories resurface from three hundred years ago, Mercy will have to choose whether to relive their experiences from the past or forge a new bond with either Seth or Adam. Or both.

Mercy and Redemption is a present-day sequel to Punishment and Mercy, which was set in 1694 Massachusetts. To one commenter chosen by Delilah at random, I’ll award a prize of a download to Punishment and Mercy to whet your appetite for the upcoming release.

About Cris Anson:

I write erotic romance because I firmly believe that life doesn’t stop at the bedroom door. I had a deeply romantic relationship with my husband of 22 years, and I want to celebrate his memory in my writing. After he died, it took me a long time to come out of my grief, but parts of him — his honor, courage, optimism, tenacity, and lust for life — live on in all my heroes. They’re all alpha men, as well.

And I write erotic romance because I feel you’re never too old to give or receive love. Many of my stories have older heroines who dazzle younger men (one of them was Adding Heat, a novella for the Cougar Challenge series), and I wouldn’t mind being such a heroine in real life. But that’s another story…

You can find more information about me here:

Author page at Ellora’s Cave
Author page at Amazon

Guest Blogger: Miranda Baker (Contest)
Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

NaNo Day 7:
SS-2—0 words (vacation)

Psychic Sex

I believe in magic, ESP and unseen forces. I love paranormal romance, super hero movies, Harry Potter books and Tolkien. I always wanted to impress one of Anne MacCaffrey’s queen dragons, and I’m still hoping that one day I’ll wake up and have super powers.

Even with my love of lore, I’m not sure how Crystal, the heroine of Hook Up, ended up being psychic. I think she started out as a smartass know-it-all, and I decided to validate her ability to put her friends on the spot. Crystal went through hell after a one-night stand left her with empathic abilities, but her friends think it’s a nifty power to have. She always knows how people feel about her. Her gift enabled her to start a successful sensual psychic business. When things begin to go south in a relationship, she can bail before it gets messy. Sounds pretty cool, huh?

I have to admit there have been several moments in my life that would have been easier with some emotional intel. For example, I broke up with an actor when I was in my twenties. He was devastated. Riiiiight…In hindsight, I think he was enjoying playing the break up scene. I was sobbing. He was shouting. What a power trip for him! If I could have sensed his true emotions, I bet I would have played that scene differently. I would have gotten up off my knees and gone out for a celebratory drink!

And then there were all those first-times in bed when I wondered am I doing this right? Oh, to be Crystal then! I wouldn’t have had to wonder if my partner was having a good time. I’d have known! High school romance would have been easier, too. I remember the first time I got the it’s not you, it’s me spiel. If I were an empath, I would have known he was lying. I would have known it was me. The truth hurts, but it’s more humane than complicated emotional half-lies. If I remember correctly, I spent at least another year hoping I could change him. Alas, it never happened, and yes, I occasionally stalk him on Facebook! *snort*

However, you know what I really love about paranormal romances? The hot sex. When characters connect on a physical and a psychic level, the sex is off the charts. In Hook Up, the sex blew Crystal’s mind—literally. When they reconnect, it’s even hotter. I’ve been lucky enough to have moments with my husband that felt supernatural, and I fully expect our connection to get even hotter when my psychic powers come in. What about you? Have you always wanted to be a witch? A shifter? Vampire? Do you want to fly? Do you wish you could read minds? What’s your favorite super power? Or are you just in it for the psychic sex? Do you have a paranormal author who blew your mind? I’d love to have a rec for my TBR pile! Leave a comment and I’ll put your name in the sorting hat to win a Hook Up Survival Kit.

The Hook Up Kit includes:

Orchid temporary tattoo (just likeCrystal’s!)
Mini Magic 8-Ball (to check the auspices for a hook up)
E-copy of Bottoms Up, the first book in the Come Again series (because I can’t actually hook you up, but I can offer you a few hours of reading pleasure. If you already have it, you can re-gift it!)
Two STUDDED condoms (Safety first! In Hook Up, Ryan buys condoms at Come Again and discovers there is more to life than ribbed.)
Romance Trading Cards for Bottoms Up and Solo Play (because I love e-books, but I do miss actual book covers!)

A blast from the past can be hell on the heart.

“Spend the night with me, Crystal.”

One college hook-up with Ryan Anderson ripped Crystal LaRusso’s emotions wide open and hot-wired her to the world around her. After gaining control of her new abilities, she rebuilt her life and started a business as a sensual psychic. She’s bold, fearless and, admittedly, a little freaky. Black leather, exotic makeup and a reputation for only dating women keeps the world at a necessary distance—distance she can’t maintain when Ryan reappears in her life.

Ryan has spent the last ten years wondering what went wrong between them, and now that she’s back in his life,Crystalhas a lot of explaining to do. The chemistry is just as potent as it was ten years ago, so why does she keep running away? One night won’t be enough to satisfy Ryan’s need for her, but it might take the edge off. At the very least, he can ask her why she broke his heart—and this time he’s not leaving without an answer.

Product Warnings: This book contains an unforgettable one-night stand, a heroine with a taste for beautiful women, a quest that begins in a sex shop and ends in a sex club, and enough mind-blowing psychic sex to change one lucky man’s life forever.A Hook Up excerpt can be found here and Hook Up can be purchased wherever naughty books are sold!

About Miranda Baker

It makes me chuckle to think about all the romantic short stories I wrote in my rather too literary creative writing classes in college. If only one of my professors had steered me toward popular fiction! On the other hand, if I had discovered my calling back then, I wouldn’t have gone to culinary school, I wouldn’t have met my husband, we wouldn’t have had three children and I wouldn’t have turned to erotic romance to get my mojo back during all this hair-raising kid raising. To learn more about me, please visit:

My den of iniquity:
My home away from home:
Or my favorite hangout:

Delilah, I know you understand the appeal of writing hot paranormals. Thanks so much for having me on your blog today! And thank YOU for stopping by—please comment to enter the Hook Up Survival Kit giveaway, and let’s talk sexy super powers!