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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category
Saturday, May 25th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Eileen McCall!
Last night, we experienced heavy thunderstorms. I thought for sure we’d lose power at some point, but we were lucky. Today, it’s still stormy outside, and the forecast is for more rain and storms over the next few days.
So, the pool is not in my forecast.
It’s sad, but today and tomorrow, I’m taking a papermaking workshop. I’ll be in the art center, staying dry. And learning something new. I’ll take pictures. Like I need a new artistic skill, but you’re never too old to learn something new.
With a heavy workload this week, I fell off the wagon of producing a new piece of art every day. I’ve been writing on my new story and have tons of editing gigs. I finished up two of those the past couple of days, so I have a little breathing room. Not much. And the workshop cuts into my schedule, but hey, I jumped at the opportunity. So what if I have to put my real work on the back burner for a weekend. I’m ready to have fun. And again, since the pool isn’t an option…
So, that’s what my weekend looks like. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what you have to look forward to this weekend!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle, storms Posted in Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Diane Sallans - Debra Guyette - flchen - kerry pruett - Delilah -
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…BN!
Hello Delilah! Thank you for letting me visit today. I’m here to share another charity anthology (big surprise), but this is not like my other ones. Deity Bound: A God and Goddesses Paranormal Anthology is about, well, gods and goddesses. Norse, Greek, Indian…gay, straight, lesbian…we’ve got it all! And proceeds for Breast Cancer Research, no less.
When I signed up, I had no idea what I was going to write. Often, I don’t. Another writer was contemplating doing a Native American god, so I knocked the Canadian version off my list. I have an Aussie friend and I asked about their Aboriginal gods. My friend, though, had a different idea. She asked me for a trait that could be either a negative or a positive. I was like…? Uh, stubbornness. I related it back to myself. I’m stubborn in that I never give up with my writing. Okay, sounds great—I never abandon a story—I finish everything. Except, sometimes, there are projects that should be abandoned. They’re not working. They’re taking up too much brain space for little or no reward. While I was contemplating this, she took to Googling.
Enter Pertinacia—the goddess of, essentially, stubbornness. Daughter of Nix, Granddaughter of Chaos, sister to Chronos and a bunch of other gods. Nix really got around (good for her!). Anyway, my Aussie friend and I (I call her the plot whisperer) came up with a story set in North Vancouver, Canada, and involved Pertinacia being knocked out of time by Chronos and sent to a park on Earth in 2024.
From there, I flew with writing my story. I had Dani, a woman who’d just had her heart broken by her long-term girlfriend. I had Pertinacia the demigoddess. And, for fun, Pertinacia’s family came to visit. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the closest to a rom-com that I’d ever written. My beta readers and editor love it. I’m hoping readers will as well. All that from stubbornness. Who knew!?!?
As a gift, I’d like to give one commenter a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Is there a God or Goddess whose story you’d like to see? Or a favorite movie? I saw Hercules as a child and Medusa still gives me nightmares. Comment and you might randomly win! Thanks again, Delilah!
Deity Bound

Eternity breaks the smallest souls, but a god will never be ruined…except perhaps by the one who holds their heart.
The one who can rip at their soul or soothe it because it was always theirs.
But after an eternity alone, can a god give back the love given them, or wreak havoc upon a mortal’s soul?
Read the best USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors in a spicy gods and goddesses collection for charity curated by The New Romance Cafe, with all proceeds going to the fight against Multiple Sclerosis.
Chele MacCabe
Francis Black
Lily Kindall
V.V. Strange
Katey Tattrie
Niki Brazen
TL Hamilton
Emmy Dee
Cecelia Conway
Jane Poller
Kataya Moon
Alexa Santi
Nicole Sondelle
Cameron J Quinn
Serafina Jax
Michaela Brent
Mikayla Rand
Tati B. Alvarez
Raven Hush
Kathleen Ryder
Niki Trento
Sonja Flowers
Ariel Dawn
Kathia Iblis
Christine Ashworth
Annee Jones
Gabbi Grey
Glori Medina
The anthology will only be available for a limited time.
Universal Link: https://books2read.com/TNRC2024DeityBound
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Deity-Bound-Goddesses-Paranormal-Collection-ebook/dp/B0C7NXZWCP
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/176294379-deity-bound
Deity Bound features my story, My Fair Goddess.
In the ominous light of the coming storm, the disheveled petite woman I rescued seemed helpless and in need of protection. Big miscalculation. Tina’s a demigoddess—a pint-sized powerhouse stranded in the twenty-first century—but far from a damsel in distress. Still, first impressions linger, and I can’t be in awe of someone I taught to use a toaster and to make microwave popcorn. I’m falling hard for her when her grandfather, the god of chaos, demands her return. Can our love and courage stand up to the old gods, or will we lose each other to an ancient land and powers I can barely understand?
About Gabbi Grey
USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, Greek mythology, Guest Blogger, paranormal, short story Posted in Contests!, General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary Preston - Diane Sallans - flchen - BN - Delilah -
Saturday, May 18th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Deborah Brown!
It’s Saturday! There’s one more week ahead of getting kids up early for school, then we can ease into lazy mornings! I can’t wait. But it’s not today. Too much to do. So many pages to edit!! Enjoy the puzzle!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me something about the couple you see here. Why are they there? Does their setting cause some issues? Can they breathe? Have fun with it.
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests! | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: kerry pruett - BN - flchen - Jennifer Beyer - Delilah -
Wednesday, May 15th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!
Hello, Delilah! Thank you for welcoming me back to share my new release. As you might know, I’m always game to try something new when it comes to writing. I was approached last year to write a gay romance retelling of a fairy tale and to say I was excited was an understatement. Several tales were still available, and I snagged The Beauty and the Beast. I didn’t know much about the story beyond the two Disney retellings, so I set about doing some research. Which, of course, included buying the Disney combo and watching the movies again. The one stipulation on my story was that I couldn’t include magic. No singing candelabras, dogs as footstools, or little boys as teacups.
Undaunted, I tackled the project and…came up blank. I knew I wanted to set the story in my Mission City, British Columbia world, but beyond that…I had nothing. One day, I was chatting with a friend from Australia. She said she wanted me to either write a story with a Canadian bloke in Australia or an Australian bloke in Canada. Something clicked. That morning (about 4 a.m. for me and about 9 p.m. for her), we plotted out a basic story. About an Aussie forester coming to Canada to study, well, forestry management techniques. So that was my Beauty – a lumberjack of sorts. Then I needed a beast. Since I was already flipping the trope, I decided to go with a slender, petite former model. In stereotype parlance – a twink. From there, we crafted out a story figuring out how Beauty (Dean) would wind up at Beast (Adam)’s castle (and yes, I have a real castle…of sorts…) Throw in a dog named Chip, a cat named Maurice, and a pile of characters from the world I’d already created…and I had the skeleton outline of my story.
Executing this book turned out to be more challenging than I’d anticipated, and at one point I despaired of ever getting it ready to publish. Toss in two amazing beta readers (one Aussie) and a fantastic editor and…we made it. I hope readers will love the book as much as I now do. A very different telling than the Brothers Grimm might’ve planned, but still something worth reading, I hope.
Thank you for letting me visit today. I would love to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one commenter. Either tell me which fairy tale you would like to see modernized or feel free to mention an adaptation you’ve recently enjoyed. Random Number Generator will select one lucky winner!
The Beauty of the Beast
A Contemporary Fairytale MM Romance

All my life, I dreamed about making the long trip from Australia to Canada to study forestry amid the old-growth stands of the Pacific Northwest. Now here I am, living the dream. Of course, nothing’s perfect. The only housing I can find is renting a room from a grumpy, reclusive guy who doesn’t seem to want me around. I should keep out of his way and focus on my studies, but there’s something about him that keeps drawing me in. I feel less homesick when I’m with him, and maybe I can make a difference for more than just the trees.
Life as I knew it ended with my horrific accident ten years ago. There’s no point to my existence now, but I can’t seem to stop living, so I hide my battered carcass in my mountain home. There, I can wander from room to room and no one stares, no one laughs, no one even remembers I exist. Until I make the mistake of offering a stranded Aussie a room to rent. It should’ve been a simple favor—two men with our own spaces, ignoring each other. Instead, he’s always close by, and he won’t let me wallow, and what’s worse, I think I’m starting to like that. But there’s no way someone like me can have a future with someone like him. Right?
The Beauty of the Beast is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, set in the wilds of British Columbia, where an Aussie forester a long way from home falls for the untouchable man he shouldn’t want. The novel has moderate angst, a feisty foreigner, and what happens when someone trusts again.
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Beast-Contemporary-Fairytale-Romance-ebook/dp/B0CN4VXZ2T
Universal Book Link: https://books2read.com/TheBeautyoftheBeast
Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-beauty-of-the-beast/id6499569892
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-beauty-of-the-beast-gabbi-grey/1145522583
KOBO: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-beauty-of-the-beast-5
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1558154
About the Author
USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Personal links:
Website: https://gabbigrey.com/
Newsletter sign-up: https://sendfox.com/gabbigrey
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorgabbigrey/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/gabbi-grey
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15456297.Gabbi_Grey
Amazon Author Central: https://www.amazon.com/Gabbi-Grey/e/B07SJVFX1M
Audible Profile: https://www.audible.com/author/Gabbi-Grey/B07SJVFX1M
Facebook (page): https://www.facebook.com/AuthorGabbiGrey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GabbiGrey
Tagged: contemporary romance, gay romance, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jennifer Beyer - BN - flchen - Beth - Eloreen Moon -
Monday, May 13th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Sharon Coomes!

I’ve got a hoarding problem. This picture is of one section of my bookshelf. I have a s@#t-ton of my books, collected over my 20 years of publishing. So, I thought it’s time to do something about them. The burn barrel seemed too…tragic. So I thought maybe a bunch of giveaways might be fun. Then the giveaways needed a name. The only thing that came to mind was, the Clear My Bookshelf Giveaway. Afterall, I need more room for things like my Funko Pop bobbleheads or some Star Trek action figures. Important stuff.
So, for a chance to win a randomly chosen by me (I might say, do you want a western, an erotic novel, or a paranormal?) book, which I will of course sign and fill with a bookmark and a postcard, painted by me, tell me whether you’re as excited as I am for summer to come!
If you like this contest, we’ll do it again, and again, and again, until I have space on my bookshelves!
Posted in About books..., Contests! | 54 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Maki - Elaine - Shannon Hall - Natascha den Uijl - Beth -
Sunday, May 12th, 2024

First, to all the mothers out there! Happy Mother’s Day!
This was part of my gift from my daughter! She knows I’m a Star Trek girl and had an artist do this up of me with my cat, Tess, Lower Decks style. She had one image framed for my office wall and had a coffee cup made with the image wrapped around it. Such a lovely, thoughtful gift for a nerdy girl like me! The 19-year-old added a funny squeeze-toy/stress ball with an alien that pops out of a spaceship and a small tray with a spaceship hovering over a farm field, sucking up a cow. Yes, they do know me well.

Report Card

Last week…
- I finished one editing job for another author, plus, I worked on three others.
- I finished revising, formatting, and uploading Five Ways ‘Til Sunday, which releases Tuesday. I began revising the next in the Delta Heat series, Fournicopia.
- I worked on art for #The100DayProject.
- My knee is nearly healed, but I have to stop myself from moving full-steam-ahead, because every time I do, I reinjure it. It’s such a pain in the ass.
- So, yeah, I’m light on accomplishments this week. 🙁
This next week…
- I will work on four editing projects for other authors, finishing three!
- I will try to find art for the next anthology, Secret Identities. Plus, I’ll work on the webpage on the Collections site, adding loglines for each author’s story. (This is a repeat from last week, because I didn’t make much progress.)
- I will complete revising the second and third stories in the kink series I’m republishing and get them uploaded.
- I will begin writing my next Montana Bounty Hunter story, the first in the West Yellowstone office, Cyrus. (This is carried over, too. I made NO progress.)
- I will continue creating small art daily for #The100DayProject.
- I’ll work on a gazillion administrative and cleanup duties I need to catch up on. My office is a disaster at the moment.
I really need a vacation…
Open Contests

- April into May (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Word Search: Happy Batman Day! (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win a beadable pen!
- Remember when…? (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Why did the black bear cross the road? — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Who should Cyrus’s love interest be? (Poll & Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Word Search: Family Summertime Activities (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Books for PRE-ORDER! See what’s coming soon! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Melanie Jayne: Spending Time with Old Friends (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Have you ever seen the Northern Lights? — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tagged: holiday, mother's day, Motivation, planning Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: A. Catherine Noon - Colleen C. -
Friday, May 10th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!

The first book I completed was A Change for the Good. It was one of those times when the idea came to me complete. I knew the characters’ names, and scenes were fully plotted. I fully intended it to be a one-and-done. I was new to publishing, and I had so many ideas.
However, Forde and Layla popped into my head, and I couldn’t shut them up. Better was the first book that I couldn’t stop writing. I would open my laptop to write a quick one hundred words here and there whenever I got the chance.
With that book, The Change Series was born. I had no plan, only ideas. I used it as a way to try different things. I wrote about interracial couples, male/male, dealt with mental illness, women who did not want to settle down, and characters who didn’t want children. They were imperfect heroes and heroines who were making changes to get what they wanted.
I finished the last book in 2020 and moved on to other series. Three years ago, a member of my team suggested that I update the covers for the series. Every six months, she would remind me of all the reasons why it was necessary and enlisted others to encourage me to do so.
Last fall, I paid for new covers, and since the ladies who were working on the project had read the books, they had great ideas and insights. We tried to position the series for Contemporary Romance and Women’s Literature (Chick Lit.)
Because I could not leave well enough alone, I decided to go back and reread each book and make a few fixes. I thought it would take forever, but the books are easy reads, and I was done in a few weeks.
As I read each book, memories of the struggle to tell the couples’ stories came back to me. The excitement of knowing that I was on the right path when the words came easily and the pain deep in my chest when they thought they might not make it.
I rediscovered my old friends. In Best, I created the best friend that I wish I had. Billie has been through so much and is damaged. She has PTSD and a horrible mother. She moves to Indianapolis to start over. Soon after, she meets Zoe Alessi from Good and becomes a part of the Forde Limited family and finds the love of her life.
Next came A Change in Perception, where I explored the issue of child abuse and made the mother the aggressor. A book club in Michigan read the book and I was shocked to learn that one of the members was furious that I wrote “that garbage.” The reader believed that a mother would never hurt her child.
I’m still amazed at people who refuse to see.
Cress was a tough character to write. She works so hard but really only lives half of a life. When the book opens, she is trying to take some control over her disaster of a life. She doesn’t have a plan except to make changes. I needed to create a character that didn’t know herself, but she wanted to. She was smart and dumb at the same time. Her new friends and lover gave her a safe space to learn and the patience to make missteps.
My plan when writing A Change of Plan was to make Ramsay Kent, who was a ball-breaker and mistake-maker, likable. When the reader meets her in prior books, she is prickly and selfish. When things get tough, she takes off. Rereading her story years later, I saw a deeply wounded woman who was doing the best she could. It was ingrained in her that she was not worth people sticking with. I paired her with Osi Browne, who is a loner. He’s big and scary and intimidates all. He also has infinite patience and the drive to figure the elusive Ramsay out.
Immediately, I saw similar traits between Osi and The Novus Pack’s most popular male, Lore. They have a personal code. They care for only a few, but if you are one of “theirs,” then they will be loyal.
I clearly remember creating Campbell Talbot from A Change of Direction as a woman who made her own rules. She was single and enjoyed being so. Men were a want and not a need in her life. She was unapologetically independent.
In a different life, I could be her. In some ways, I am.
When she meets Sly, neither are looking for a relationship; however, their chemistry cannot be denied. He puts up with her dating rules because they amuse him. When he finally meets her two besties, he gains valuable insight into Campbell.
She needs to feel that she has control because, in her failed marriage, her husband controlled her with money. When she wanted her freedom, he fought and delayed the divorce to watch her suffer.
The final book in the series takes place during the holidays. I devote a chapter to each couple and give an update on their lives and a hint of their future. The story arc is about Billie and Tye moving into their dream house and their fertility journey. The final scene is during the group’s Christmas lunch. I wrote the damn scene, and I read it with tears falling down my cheeks. I was happy for all of my old friends, but especially for Billie.
After reading the series, I realized that I was writing about what I wanted from my friendships and what I wanted to give. I had gone through a period where I lost my closest writing world friends. There was no big blow-up, and to this day, I still don’t know what happened. One day, we were in a four-person Messenger group, and the next…it was disbanded.
In the Change Series, I created female characters that I wanted in my life. Women that were loyal and could have a problem with one another and not ditch a friendship.
As time passed, I made new friends. I probably moved more slowly with them because I was wary. I wanted to be sure they would be honest with me and understand that I’m far from perfect. I was looking for friendships where we celebrated the good times and pulled one another through the bad times.
Taking the time to reread the books gave me the opportunity to see how much I have grown as a writer and as a person and friend. Hopefully, I’ll be much better.
You can learn more about Melanie Jayne: https://www.readmelaniejayne.com
And the Change Series: https://www.readmelaniejayne.com/change-series.html
To enter the drawing for a $10 Amazon Gift Card— Who is your Book Best Friend?
(A fictional character that you wish was real and in your crew)
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Deb Brown - flchen - Beth - Delilah - kerry pruett -