Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

We’ve got a winner…and a new contest!
Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

The Winner!

The winner (by random number generator) of all this wondersome, kitscherful goodness
that is the Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest is…

Fedora! Fedora, hon, congratulations!
Be sure to email me to let me know where to send your prize!

* * * * *

The Texas Two-Step Grab Bag

What can you win?
The picture only shows the major prizes I nabbed at the Texas Two Step Conference I attended in Dallas last month: the conference tote bag, books by Nikki Duncan, Lorelei James and Cindy Dees.

In addition, I will fill it up with miscellaneous promo items I have stashed around my office. I’m not going to tell you what because we all like surprises, right? 🙂

How can you win it?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in just one week, May 1st!!

* * * * *

And here I go…

Today begins my push to finish 12 projects I’ve committed to writing between now and January 2, 2013.

It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? It is. It’s pure nonsense, but I’m going to give it my best try anyway. I’d love it if you could encourage me along the way. I’ll keep you posted as to my progress. So, nag me, hound me, beg me for details. I won’t mind.

You can start today by telling me one thing that will make me smile—however silly. Just post a little note to let me know you’re cheering me on while I bury myself in life on Mars as I dreamt it (Project #1).

And guess what? That silly thing is your first entry for the grab bag! ~DD

New Contest! And what’s in store…
Monday, April 9th, 2012

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I’m driving to New Orleans with my mother and aunt to meet up with my cousin who’s flying in from Seattle for a little sight-seeing. I’ll be doing some (ahem) setting research, while the ladies and Cousin Dave have fun (wink-wink IRS). Oh, stop it! NOLA is my favorite US city. Any trip there is going to inspire a story. I’m taking my camera and notebook!

While I’m away, I have guests to keep you entertained:
Tuesday — Kaily Hart
Wednesday — Cathryn Cade
Thursday — Denise Golinowski
Friday — Paige Tyler

To help you decide to come back here every day to meet my guests, I’m running a new contest!

Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest

What can you win?
Every time I go to another of my favorite cities, Memphis, I hit this little shop on Beale street called Tater Red’s. I always buy the mystery brown bag filled with kitschy goodies. Here is the contents of one such bag (the stuffed King Daddy Blues Rat doll, a KDBR magnet, a pretty LOVE makeup bag, a strange monkey sitting at a Wall Street desk, a pack of playing cards, and a Tater Red’s address book. I added a magnetic Elvis doll for you to stick on your fridge and dress in new outfits.

Come on, you know you want my junk!

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in two weeks, April 24th!!

* * * * *

Today, I’m going to do a little shopping, pack, but definitely no writing, or very little. I am going to use this week to clear my head. Lots on my plate. Maybe more coming.

In the meantime, how about answering a question for your first entry in my Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest?

On a scale of one to ten (with one being not at all and ten being very much so), how superstitious are you?

Guest Blogger: Lois Greiman (Contest!)
Friday, April 6th, 2012

My First Mystery…and a Gift Card

I wrote my first romance novel about a million years ago. Since then I’ve penned thirty others, and I’ve loved every one of them. But eventually, when my kids ran away from home (a.k.a. grew up) I decided to try writing some other things. A lot of other things. I wrote a story about a talking cat (weird). I did a twisted Cinderella story (sad). I believe there was even an odd little tale about a Martian (super weird). Not to mention a host of other “stellar” ideas.

Meanwhile, I was in the market for a new agent. One of those agents read through my string of masterpieces like a real trooper, gave me a call, and informed me that she could sell the mystery. The mystery! The mystery? I was pretty sure I hadn’t written a mystery. I went through the list in my mind, made sure my talking cat wasn’t a mystery pet and said, “That’s great. That’s fantastic. Ummm, in your opinion, which one do you think might be a mystery?” She replied, “Unzipped.”

Hmmm, Unzipped wasn’t a mystery. It was about Christina McMullen, a sassy psychologist who has an ongoing love/hate relationship with sexy police lieutenant Jack Rivera. I wasn’t exactly sure what it was…maybe a romantic suspense or a chicklit or a…mystery? Okay. Well, thought I cleverly, if she could sell it as a mystery…then a mystery it was.

That was seven years ago. Bantam published Unzipped in 2005. Since then there have been six other Chrissy McMullen novels. Uncorked was just released, and after all this time I’m still not sure it’s a mystery. I mean, we have a feisty female lead looking for love in all the wrong places. We have a cop with a lot of attitude and a great assss…spect on life. We have romance, sexy dialogue, and secondary characters that I adore. Then again we do have a pretty healthy body count by the end of each book. So you tell me, is it a romance or is it a mystery?

I’m giving away an Amazon gift card to one much appreciated commenter.

Here’s a little video to help you decide about the genre.

And a small clue: Francois is actually a battery-run device that has appeared in several books and sometimes gives us quotes. I can’t resist snarky battery-run devices.

Also just released digitally, one of my favorite early historical romance titles: The Lady and the Knight at


Guest Blogger: Myla Jackson (aka Little Sis)
Monday, March 5th, 2012

The Crazy Writer’s Life for Me!

With the fun of the new Snow White movie coming out, I can barely stand the wait. In the meantime I’m stuck…er…happily penning wildly erotic stories for the enjoyment of those waiting for the next great movie to come out. Oh, hell, you know you love the wildly erotic stories, f*** the movies. Our imaginations can be oh, so much more entertaining. With a storyline to follow, interesting characters come alive on the page to our wonder, delight and desire.

In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m in a crazily happy mood. Why, you might ask? Who knows? Perhaps it’s the fact that I recently contracted for 6 works under my other pen name (Elle James) for Harlequin. Or maybe it’s the unprecedented success (for me) of my latest Samhain cowboy book, BOOTS AND CHAPS or perhaps it’s the first draft of the incredibly hot cover for my next Samhain release BOOTS AND LEATHER coming out in August.

Truthfully, I think it’s an hysterical reaction to over commitment, with a vacation (to St. Thomas!!) coming up and too much to do in too short a time. *she laughs maniacally—bwahahaha*

Whatever the reason, I’ll ride this happy rollercoaster until it spins out of control and plummets to the earth for the few split-seconds this crazy writer slumps into the pits of hell—that dreaded place called self-doubt—only to rise again on the wave of a glorifying review from a loving fan.

Ah, the life of a writer…Who needs drugs?

Prize. Did someone say prize? I’m sure I heard someone say prize, therefore for anyone equally crazy enough to leave a comment in the spirit of insanity, I offer a chance to win a download of one of my fabulously erotic works. So please leave a comment of a purely ridiculous nature and maybe you too will catch the next round of lunacy. Come! Come! Comment!



Welcome to the Ugly Stick Saloon

She gave up stripping to go legit…until three Kiowa cowboys bring on the down-and-dirty.

Jackson Gray Wolf is turning thirty, and what does he have to show for it? A ranch. No wife, no kids, no dates. He’s had his eye on the pretty owner of the Ugly Stick Saloon, but their one accidental encounter was interrupted before he could get her out of her take-me-now red cowboy boots.

Audrey Anderson isn’t in the market for a man. Been there, done that, has the scars to prove it. She retired her pole-dancing boots after purchasing the Ugly Stick Saloon, and now manages a stable of strippers. When she winds up one stripper short for a private party, she’s forced to slip on a mask and into the role of the mysterious Kiki.

Jackson didn’t want the birthday bash his twin brothers are throwing him, but his vow to ignore the rented stripper goes awry when she shows him exactly how far she’s willing to go—for all three of them.

Audrey can’t forget the sizzling heat between her and one sexy Kiowa in particular. Jackson. Trouble is, she’s not sure if he wants the bold, brassy Kiki, or if he’s ready for the wounded woman underneath.

New contest and a question!
Thursday, March 1st, 2012

My daughter inventoried my stash of books yesterday, and I realize I have far too many copies of certain books to keep. Soooooo, I’m going to give away sets of two to four lucky winners!

The 4x2x4 Contest!

What can you win?
I will give away four sets of two signed books to four lucky winners—winners’ choices from among these titles:

Down in Texas
Enslaved by a Viking
Into the Darkness
Tempted by a Cowboy

Texas Men
Wild, Wild Women of the West
Wild, Wild Women of the West II

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!

This contest ends in two weeks, March 16th!

And if I currently owe any contest mailings, bookmark mailings, etc., I will get to them this week! I tend to let them stack up before I spend an afternoon working on packaging/addressing/stamping! I know, bad author me!

Don’t forget The Promo Ho Contest

If you’re a fan, and you’ve already read some of the My Immortal Knight books, this contest is a quick win! Up for grabs? TWO $25.00 Gift Certificates! Click on this link for details: Promo Ho Contest

Today’s Question

Say someone got you drunk enough to strip in front of a crowd… 
Yeah, most of us wouldn’t, but just say…

What song would you request for your sexy striptease?

Guest Blogger: Miranda Baker (Contest)
Friday, February 24th, 2012

Forget Love…Go For Lust

When I was a teenager, I had a bumper sticker that said, “Forget Love…Go For Lust.” I never put it on the car, of course. My mother would have had a cow…and she might have started paying attention to my love life. But that bumper sticker adorned my locker, my college dorm room and it’s still sticking in my head.

Although I learned from a Judith Krantz in “I’ll Take Manhattan,” that T-shirts are “pure aggression,” I have one that says “Plays well with others.” I also bought the “Runs with scissors,” and gave it to a friend. I wear my “What I really need are minions,” shirt when I’m trying to meet a deadline. And that “Be careful or you’ll end up in my novel,” T-shirt always makes me smile, but I don’t own it. Why warn them, lol?!

Words stick with me. I love Nike ads, the J. Peterman catalog, the Zingerman’s catalog and Anne Taintor, Flavia and S.A.R.K. I joy in a greeting card so chock full of meaning, I actually spend $4.99 on it. I love it when someone paints a vivid picture in my head and I’m transported somewhere wild and new. I’m a sucker for provocative irony, too. When I was in high school, this manifested as a thing for buttons. All that angst, all that lust and clueless passion combined with egocentrism, inspired more than one flirty button purchase. I actually wore that “Come near me and I’ll kill you” button out on a date with a guy I knew was going to dump me…any…minute. *Sigh* He just wasn’t that into me, but I’m ever so grateful for our eye-opening interlude. He was wild and weird and a crazy-good kisser. I love that button because it reminds me of me, fifteen, dangerous and full of passion.

Do you have an inspiring phrase? Some compelling collection of words that reminds you of someone…or someone you used to be? Please share them in the comments. One lucky commenter will win a bar of Lush brand Lust soap and Romance Trading Cards for my erotic romance novellas SoloPlay and Bottoms Up. The Lust soap smells like jasmine, long believed to be an aromatic aphrodisiac. Unlike my teenage self, I don’t think you should forget love…but lust never goes out of style! Thanks for having me, Delilah!

* * * * *

About Miranda Baker

It makes me chuckle to think about all the romantic short stories I wrote in my rather too literary creative writing classes in college. If only one of my professors had steered me toward popular fiction! On the other hand, if I had discovered my calling back then, I wouldn’t have gone to culinary school, I wouldn’t have met my husband, we wouldn’t have had three children and I wouldn’t have turned to erotic romance to get my mojo back during all this hair-raising kid raising.

My website:

Click on cover to purchase Solo Play!


ONE-DAY-ONLY contest, plus another!
Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

Things are a brewin’ for the MIK (My Immortal Knight) books! But I can’t talk about it right now. Lips are zipped! In the meantime, there’s some work we have to do. And this is directed to those who have already read the MIKs, so the rest of you…well, you can certainly go read the first book and join in the fun to come!

In the meantime, I need reviews! It’s going to be particularly important for the first book soon. Trouble is, I went to Amazon to check the listing and I have one review—and it’s a 2 because the reader couldn’t get past the ugly cover. Like I have any control over that?! My wonderful editor at EC took care of that little problem, and very soon this pretty new cover will be the new All Hallows Heartbreaker cover!

For the next few weeks, I’ll be back every few days with more chores for y’all! I promise, I’ll bring prezzies. Yes, I’m a crass promo ho, but if it’s possible to attract the attention of readers and get them to come along for the ride (that is continuing soon!), I’ll do it! And it’s in your interest too—if you want more MIKs, that is!

The contest below is just the start. I’d also love it if you would “like” and “tag” as many of the MIKs on Amazon as you can. All of this is important, I just can’t tell you why NOW!

And because I’d love to get the ball rolling, I will add a ONE-DAY-ONLY contest today. Leave me a note, telling me you tagged and liked my books on Amazon, and you’re entered for a $10.00 gift certificate that I will email to the winner tomorrow!

The Promo Ho Contest

What can you win?
I’m giving away two $25.00 gift certificates.

What do you have to do to enter?
See the links below? These books are in sore need of online reviews by readers. So I’m offering a tempting bribe. And wouldn’t you like to have some cash to spend on new books? And who knows? Maybe you already have these stories sitting on your TBR pile. Time to move them to the top!

Give an honest review for one of these stories on one of the online bookstores. Send me the link at del… It can be the same review on three different sites, but send me three separate messages with the different links. Doesn’t matter if the review is on Ellora’s Cave’s website, Amazon or Nook—send me the link to the review. Easy as that!

This contest ends March 15th!

MIK-1: All Hallows Heartbreaker
Review at Amazon
Review at Ellora’s Cave

MIK-1: Love Bites
Review at Amazon
Review at Ellora’s Cave

MIK-3: All Knight Long
Review at Amazon
Review at Ellora’s Cave

MIK-4: Relentless
Review at Amazon
Review at Ellora’s Cave