Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Catching up with laundry…and contest news!
Monday, April 27th, 2009

I’m baaaack! And oh, my aching feet. I napped yesterday evening in front of the TV, slept solid for about nine hours when I finally managed to get off the couch. I can’t believe how tired I was. I thought I’d paced myself well this time around. Ha! :mrgreen:

I brought back a nice stash for my winner. And I have another box I’d like to put together as well of multicultural books. So, if anyone would like to be considered for the multicultural stash, send me an email! Email Me!

I’ll post winners tomorrow and start sharing my RT photos and stories. I had a great time—reconnected with friends, met new friends, drank way too much!! Oh, I did work too. I have an exciting new project that my buddy Sasha White and I pitched to our Samhain editor, but more about that later!

I’m glad to be back. Be patient for a day and then I’ll make an announcement. I have other prize winners that I will be mailing stuff to this week as well, so if you’ve been wondering…I got a little behind trying to get out the door to Orlando. This is catch-up week!

Thanks to everyone for posting. I can’t believe how busy this place has been while I was gone!

Catch me at Access Romance!
Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Today, I’ll be blogging at Access Romance and talking about the conference I’m flying to today. The contest is still ongoing. Don’t miss a chance for another entry. Remember, one lucky winner will get a box full of conference goodies!

Blogging at After Midnight Fantasies
Monday, April 20th, 2009

Just a reminder! The Unleashing the Tiger contest starts today! See details in yesterday’s post!

I’ll be blogging today at After Midnight Fantasies. Be sure to stop by to say hello and earn your first chance at that prize!

New release coming…and a contest!
Sunday, April 19th, 2009

If you wonder where I’ve been, well it’s been a little nuts around the Devlin house lately.

Dad’s out of the hospital at last. He’s home and recuperating, so thanks for all the good wishes!

I finished revisions of the fourth Dark Realm story and shipped it, and have been doodling with new ideas ever since. I can’t seem to land on just one, so I’m letting my brain jump around and just taking notes—maybe something useful will come out of all these unfocused thoughts.

Two big things happening this week. First, I have a new release coming on Friday. Click on the picture if you’d like to read more about it. I’ll post a couple of excerpts this week to whet your appetites!

Oh, and that second big thing? I’m heading to the Romantic Times Convention on Tuesday morning. Can’t wait!!

As for that contest…I always come back with tons of swag (books, promo items) from conference. I’ll send a box of stuff to one lucky winner. All you have to do to enter is post a comment on this blog anytime between April 20th and 26th!

Blogging with the Bradford Bunch
Saturday, March 14th, 2009

I’ll be blogging with the Bradford Bunch today and would love to see some familiar faces! I’m offering a prize, so be sure to scoot over there!

Winners Announcements
Friday, March 6th, 2009

I have two winners to announce!

First, the winner of Michelle Pillow’s download is…Lynda!

Also, I promised a signed ARC of Obsessed to one of the readers who joined me at the Scribes Unleashed chat Wednesday night. That winner is…Maggie!

Winners, congratulations! Be sure to send me an email to let me know where you’d like your prizes delivered! I promise to get on it as soon as I get back from Louisiana.

1 Day/1 Reason to buy it now!
Monday, February 23rd, 2009

***I fell asleep last night and didn’t post the winner! It’s Nichole—and she wins two autographed copies of any of my pre-2009 print books, so long as I have a copy on hand! So Nichole, email me and let me know your choices!***

Here we are at the last day before the book ships. What can I tell you that you don’t already know?

You know the stories will be uber-sexy. You know the heroes are incredibly handsome, strong, and stubborn—and they include a cowboy and two deputies. The heroines run the gamut from bar owner to spoiled hellion to staid schoolteacher. All three stories are about sexual discovery and staking claims.

All three stories are set in Honkytonk once again—my fictional town that’s a hybrid of Boerne, Luchenbach, and Devine, Texas (real places). And you know that I know the people I’m writing about—how they talk and act and fight. Texas is as close to a home as I’ve ever had. I absorbed the place through my skin and still miss it every day.

So, I think I’ve done my job. Tomorrow is release day and I hope I’ve tempted you to run to the store and buy it! If not, here’s one last tease…


Logan woke, feeling chilled. Amy had left his bed. For a moment, he froze, wondering if she’d left without saying a word, and if he’d blown it.

He’d wanted to romance her. Bring her along slowly. Build her need for his touch in gradual levels until she was ready for him to begin to introduce her to the lifestyle he felt instinctively she was made for.

Instead, he’d pounded her like a high school kid who’d gotten his first taste of pussy and couldn’t control the hormones raging through him.
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