Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

2 Days/2 Reasons to buy it now!
Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

[Psst! Remember to comment! Tonight, I’ll post the name of the second winner right here! The prize will be two autographed books!]

Thanks for coming along for the wild ride this week! It’s nice to have company while I bite my nails and wait for a book to hit the shelves.

Just as an aside, this morning I’ll be playing at Ellora’s Cave Chat Loop—posting sexy excerpts, talking about my upcoming books (Lockdown and Unleashing the Tiger), and giving away prizes.

So, I’m down to just two days on this countdown. So far, I’ve been seducing you with snippets from the book. Today, I’m going to remind you about the previous set of stories so many of you enjoyed. If you like the series and want them to continue, you have to let the publisher know. And the only way to do that is…you got it—BUY IT! Tell your friends about this hot and sexy little town in Texas, called Honkytonk.

Mac McDonough’s body ached with the need to sink into soft, wet woman.

An escape, no matter how brief, from the constant, throbbing in his shattered leg.

Like an answer to his prayer, a familiar SUV crawled up the rough gravel road. His body tightened. Tara Toomey had offered the last time she paid him a visit, for old time’s sake, but he’d turned her down because he’d still had just enough pride and just enough affection for his old friend not to want to use her like that.

Today, she wouldn’t make it past the door. The thought of her blond flyaway curls wrapped around his dick made him throb with anticipation.
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3 Days/3 Reasons to buy it now!
Saturday, February 21st, 2009

It’s been busy here in the Devlin house. Didn’t know if I mentioned it, but last week I completed a proposal (50 pages) for a new book and shipped it out. It was a contemporary Western. Then I got inspired and started another this week—a jungle theme story. It came so fast, I finished it yesterday and sent it to my agent (3 chapters, anyway). Cross your fingers someone loves them!

I’ll be in Little Rock all day today. Will check the loop and this blog when I get home. You all have a great day, and I hope this excerpt inspires you today!


Cody stroked upward again, trying to thrust deep into her mouth, but she backed away, not letting him sink inside her. Instead, she continued to lick the cap and began to softly chew with her teeth buffered by her lips.

“Jesus, Tara,” he moaned.

She liked the edge of desperation in his tone and the deep growl that followed. But she wasn’t nearly done.
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4 Days/4 Reasons to buy it now!
Friday, February 20th, 2009

Did I mention there’s some very nasty sex in this book? Well there is, but that’s not what this scene is about. It’s also funny and tender—in places. ~DD


Logan answered the phone on the fourth ring, having rushed straight from the shower. Water ran off his skin and hair in rivulets, dripping on the carpet. “Ross here,” he barked, irritated because he’d recognized the number on his Caller ID.

“I know you’re off duty,” the dispatcher, Nancy Sessions, said, “but we’re sending you on a call.”

Logan heard snickering in the background and nearly hung up the phone in her ear. He’d been teased mercilessly when he’d let slip about his date that day at work. Seemed his buddies thought the match a bit odd.

“Since you know I have plans for tonight,” he gritted out, “why the hell are you calling me?”

“Um…” She broke off, and more muffled snickers sounded on the line. “We’re short-handed…besides we knew you’d want to handle this one…p-personally.” The last word sounded as though it had been squeezed through an accordion she was laughing so hard.
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5 Days/5 Reasons to buy it now!
Thursday, February 19th, 2009

***I reached into the bowl and came out with two names. I could hardly drop one back inside, now could I? So the following two winners will receive a $20 gift certificate: Deidre and Rasha! Ladies, please send me the email address you would like the certificate mailed to. Congratulations! The rest of you, don’t feel sad. There are still two prizes coming!***

A theme running through this entire book is BDSM. I hadn’t written serious bondage or “tools” before, so I relied on friends (thanks, Laura!) and Google to find out what I needed to know.

You’ll be the judge of whether or not I’m a good little pupil. 😉

In “Bound and Determined” Tara Toomey uses her late Rottweiler’s chain and a set of handcuffs she just happened to have in a drawer to catch sexy Cody long enough for her to have her wicked way with him. Tame stuff for this book, and I think I’ve used handcuffs a time or two before.

Deputy Joe, however, from “Breezy Ridin'” needed a serious piece of equipment to get “Sweet Sarah” Michelson’s attention (and I’m not talking about THAT piece of attached equipment, either!). He didn’t have what he needed, so he borrowed his buddy Logan’s spanking bench, and invited Logan to join in since he needed to really put Sarah to the test and break her down a bit.

The one I described in the story was built differently from the one shown here (I wish I’d saved that picture), but it’s the same concept. The person is draped over the platform, bottom and genitals exposed with their hands and maybe their ankles restrained. Logan introduced Sarah and Joe to the joy of “ripe plums” when she was strapped in—and you’ll have to read the book to get my meaning!

As you know from yesterday’s juicy excerpt, Joe enjoys the sound of leather slapping on skin. Poor, innocent little Amy gets to feel the bite of supple leather sooner than she thinks!

Logan is a Dom in search of one special partner to share his interest in all things leather and chains.

Schoolteacher’s curiosity is inflamed by one heavy-duty piece of equipment inside Logan’s playroom. Maybe I’ll share a little snippet of that scene with you tomorrow—if you’re very, very good…

6 Days/6 Reasons to buy it now!
Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

My heroes are the first and most important reasons you should buy this book now! And I hope I’ve provided enough of a tease to convince you. If not, let me try again.

You’ve already met Cody and Joe—and you’ve had a glimpse of Logan—but wouldn’t you like a much closer look?

Beware, this excerpt might be too hot for work!


Night Watch

Schoolteacher Amy Keating never planned to be a voyeur, but one innocent glance into deputy Logan Ross’s bedroom window has her hooked. Now she’s into a world of sexual play she never knew existed…


She raised the lens cap dangling on a string to cover the end of the telescope, then glanced back inside the room.

Logan had returned.

Her hand paused mid-air, the lens cap falling from numb fingertips. He was still completely nude, and pacing the room like a caged tiger.

Everything about him oozed frustration. From the jerky, heavy movements of his naturally graceful body to the erection that hadn’t waned.

He disappeared for a moment, and then stepped into her view again, straps dangling from his fingers.
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7 Days/7 Reasons to buy it now!
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Psst! Be sure to post to qualify for one of three great prizes.
See the bottom of this post for details!

Yesterday at After Midnight Fantasies, I introduced you to the first yummy hero in this anthology, Cody Westhofen. Today, let’s visit with Deputy Sheriff Joe Chavez.


Welcome to Honkytonk, the hottest town in Texas—thanks to its adventurous women, irresistible men, and sizzling sex…

Bound and Determined
Bar owner Tara Toomey is in the mood to serve bad boy Cody Westhofen more than a drink. What better way to capture his attention—and more—than to kidnap him for a wanton weekend? Tied to Tara’s bed, Cody is more than willing to cooperate…

Breezy Ridin’
When Joe Chavez and a sheriff’s deputy pull over a speeding motorcycle, it’s no surprise the county judge’s naughty daughter Sarah Michelson is behind the wheel—naked. And when she bribes them with a threesome, all laws are suspended as the men prepare for the ride of their lives…

Night Watch
Schoolteacher Amy Keating never planned to be a voyeur, but one innocent glance into deputy Logan Ross’s bedroom window has her hooked. Now she’s into a world of sexual play she never knew existed…


A hot breeze toyed with a strand of hair lying across her breast, but Sarah Michelson wasn’t about to flick it away now. She was already in deep shit and wondering whether she should pour on the syrup and sweet talk the two officers striding her way.
Read the rest of this entry »

Winner Announcement!
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

First, thanks to everyone who came by to see me at the Aphrodisia and Access Romance blogs yesterday! I had a blast reading your comments. And I’m glad you enjoyed my little story.

But you stopped by to hear who won, right? We’ll get there.

While you were busy reading and having a laugh over my antics with the judge, I was hard at work, toiling over a new story. I’m happy to say I finished the first chapter, cleaned up the prologue, and maybe someone at Blaze might actually like what I did. Let’s just say it’s more cowboys.

Okay, that was my gratuitous attempt at annoying you by talking about my boring writer’s life, but hey, who’s gonna appreciate how hard I work if I don’t mention that I actually do work sometime?!

All right, all right…the winner of the autographed copy of Texas Men is…Sheila F! Congratulations!! Sheila, be sure to send me an email to tell me where to ship your book.

For the rest of y’all who didn’t win this time, I’ll be starting a countdown contest next week, working up to the release of Texas Men on February 24th!