Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

7 Days of Jane…contest starts now!
Friday, January 16th, 2009

Next Friday, Jane’s Wild Weekend will be released by Ellora’s Cave, and it’s my hope that you’ll be dying to buy it. To that end, every day until the 23rd, I’ll be doing my best to raise your anticipation to a fever pitch!

I’ll be running a contest and giving away two prizes between now and then. I’ll announce the prizes tomorrrow, but your chance to win begins today. The only way to enter is to post a comment on my blog. Simple, right? Let’s start!

So, what do you need to know about Jane and the boys? You can read an excerpt by clicking on the cover. The cover really does tell the story!

Ready, set, NaNoWri-Go!
Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Regarding yesterday’s contest–it’s still running. Post here or on yesterday’s blog–they both count!

Lockdown was completed 10/30 and shipped!

Progress so far for Dark Realm-4

Okay, so the title of this posting is really, really cheesy. I don’t care!

It’s going to be that kind of month—zany, cheesy, stressful, and tons of fun! If you’re a writer, aspiring or published, and you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is all about, click on the picture to find out.

What it means for me personally is that I will be spending the month of November with my head down, writing balls-to-the-walls. If you’re a writer-friend and want to join me in a “Word War” be sure to send me an email! We can egg each other on as we soar toward that 50,000-word goal!!

Last Day–30 days of giveaways!
Friday, October 31st, 2008

See details about how to win at the end of this message!

Remember this? To celebrate the November 4th release of Alluring Tales: Hot Holiday Nights the Allure Authors set out to give away a book a day for the whole month of October!

You’ve taken a trip through every author’s website and enjoyed being introduced to all the wonderful and talented Allure Authors. It’s been a blast for us as well, because we got to host a friend on each of our blogs and tell readers about their stories.

😥 Sadly, today’s the last day of our trip and your last chance to win! I’ll tell you how at the end of this message!! First, I’m going to remind you why we’re so excited!


Isn’t this cover one of the most elegant and beautiful erotica covers you’ve ever seen?


Read the rest of this entry »

Down in Texas releases today!!
Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Today, my book starts shipping from the online bookstores, and I’m hoping the brick & mortar stores already have them ready to stock on the shelves.

I can’t wait to hear from all of you once you’ve had a chance to read it. Let me know what you like, what I could have done better, and most importantly, what you’d like me to do with the series in the future!

In the meantime, I still have one last prize to give away, so be sure to post today! I’ll name the winner late tonight! Now that the day is here, I’m hoping my excitement will die down so I can write some serious pages. I still have Lockdown to wrap up and more of the next Dark Realm story to create. Y’all take care! *smooches* ~DD

1 day/1 last reason to buy it now!
Monday, October 27th, 2008

We’re almost there! Tomorrow, the book is out and you can order it online or hopefully find it on a bookstore shelf. And there’s still one more chance to win something special from me. So be sure to post today and tomorrow!

So, have I given you a compelling argument to seduce you into picking up my little book? I’ve introduced you to three tall, dark, and handsome cowboys who know there way around a woman’s body and her heart. I’ve tempted you with several lush excerpts so that you know the style, tone, and sensuality you will find when you sink into the pages.

So, what more do you need? I’ve shared the reviews, all glowing, for my well-told and must-read tale. Now all it takes is you, ordering the book, reading it, and letting me know what you think and whether you want more.

I rest my case. 😆

2 days/2 reasons to buy it now!
Sunday, October 26th, 2008

Remember, you have to post to be in the running for one of the prizes!! And today, I’m playing at Ellora’s Cave. If you can’t make it to the chatter’s loop, I’ll be in a live chat room at 11:00 AM CST. Stop by and ask me anything you like. Email me for details!

All my “Texas” books take place in and around a little town called “Honkytonk.” Yes, it’s a fictitious town, but it’s a place I’m really familiar with. I lived in a small Texas town, taught school in another small Texas town, so I know what it’s like.

Honkytonk’s the kind of place where everyone knows your business. It’s hard to hide secrets, and once a man breaks his bond with another person, he’ll have to work like hell to regain his reputation. It’s the kind of town some men might move to if they desire to sink deep roots.

The heroes in Down in Texas all live on ranches outside of Honkytonk. In the next volume, Texas Men, the heroes live in or play inside the city limits.

In southwest Texas, the sun carves lines in a man or woman’s face no amount of sunscreen can protect you from. The critters can be lethal—rattlesnakes, cougars (rare these days), black bears, feral pigs (I could tell you a story or two about rednecks hunt them–but it would turn your hair white). Everything’s bigger in Texas, in case you’ve never heard, but it definitely applies to bugs. I’ve chased tarantulas, wolf spiders, six-inch centipedes and walking sticks out of the house. But scorpions have to be the freakiest—nothing kills them but a heavy shoe.

So you might wonder why a woman would like to live in a place like that? Where do you think real men live? 😉

3 days/3 reasons to buy it now!
Saturday, October 25th, 2008

We’re almost there. Amazingly, I still have a few more things to talk about. 😆

Imagine a book where you have three cowboys with different issues, different takes on love…you truly have three choices for which cowboy you want to spend some time with. A real mind-f@#k of a threesome. Now, isn’t that one of the best reasons you can imagine?

One day, after you’ve already devoured the three stories in a single sitting, you’ll be pining to read about the gentle, stubborn one. You’ll page to Danny’s story and become lost in the wonder of a cowboy who won’t let the woman he loves think she’s anything but perfect for him.

Maybe, you’ll want the edgy strength of Brand, who always wants to do the right thing, but when he levels his gaze on one particular woman, he has to bend his own rules because she’s too damn tempting to walk away from.

Then there’s the scarred, haunted and achingly lonely Mac. He’s the one you’ll want to lie down with after you’ve fished out the vibrator from your panty drawer.

See? Three choices for three different moods, and you can have them all in one luscious book!

Psst! Congrats to yesterday’s winner, Sara Hurt! Tomorrow, bright and early, I’ll be playing at Ellora’s Cave. If you’d like to join me, be sure you’re signed up! Ellora’s Cave Chatters Loop