Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

While the cat's away contest…
Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

Daily Question (see contest information below): If you had the time and money and could go on any month-long summer adventure of your choice, what would you choose to do?

I’ll be on the road again on Thursday, heading toward Kentucky for Lora Leigh’s Readers Appreciation Weekend.

For those of you attending or in the area, I’d love for you to stop by and see me. There will be two booksignings—one for attendees to the mini-conference and one for the general public. Here’s the info:

Pullman Plaza Hotel
1001 Third Ave.
Huntington, WV 25701

Saturday, September 20th
Private booksigning for RAW paid attendees from 12 to 4 pm

Sunday, September 21st
Open-to-the-public booksigning from 12 pm to 4 pm

About that contest!
Now, I did promise a contest. This one will run Thursday through Monday. You may post as often as you like but only one entry will count each day. And the rules are easy. I’ll post a question; you post an answer here on my blog.

The prize will include a tote filled with books I scarf up at RAW and gifts from the writers attending the event. Take a look at the amazing list of authors who will be attending and get your appetites whetted for a great prize!

Shayla Black ◊ Diane Whiteside
Veronica Chadwick ◊ Kay Stockham
Lorie O’Clare ◊ Lora Leigh
Lucy Monroe ◊ Shiloh Walker
J.R. Ward ◊ Sylvia Day/S.J. Day
Jacqueline Frank ◊ Kate Douglas
Nalini Singh ◊ Diane Castell
Jules Bennett ◊ Mary Wine/Dawn Ryder
Angela Knight ◊ Bianca D’Arc
Jasmine Haynes/Jennifer Skully/JB Skully
Delilah Devlin

Happy Holiday! (…and a contest)
Sunday, August 31st, 2008

Texas Men is complete!

All day today, I’ll be hosting the Ellora’s Cave chat loop. And I’m not too proud to resort to bribes to make sure I’m not there alone! The day promises to be a lot of fun, so it’s a win/win-even-bigger situation! There will be scavenger hunts, sexy excerpts, and of course the scintillating company of Myla Jackson, Shayla Kersten and myself!

And if you just can’t make it—family’s coming for a barbeque, dog’s in the hospital, my husband left me and I’m huntin’ him down—well, there’s always this little scavenger hunt to tide you over! Be sure to send the answers directly to me. Email Me!

1) What book of mine is coming out October 28?
2) From that October release, what’s the hero’s horse’s name?
3) What’s the name of my short story in THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF VAMPIRE ROMANCE?
4) From my blog, which book sold to the Doubleday, Rhapsody and Book of the Month clubs?

Thanks…a winner…more DIT news
Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

First, thanks to everyone who kept me plugging away yesterday. I finished 16 pages, and today I can take it a little easier (I’m aiming for 10).

I announced the winner of the drawing at Romance Junkies yesterday, but thought I’d better repeat it in case the reader didn’t see the posting. Valerie, send me an email so I can mail you a copy of your prize!!

After hearing the news about Down in Texas selling to the bookclubs, my publicist and I decided to pour some more money into promotion to make sure word gets out. She’s having bookmarks and postcards made up. The design work is done, and as soon as my wonderful webmistress puts the pictures up on the website, I’ll tell you where to go look. If you’d like a few to have for your own, I’d be happy to mail them!

Lastly, I posted the whole first chapter of Down in Texas on the website. Hope it whets your appetite for more!

Blogging at Romance Junkies today!
Thursday, August 21st, 2008

I’m blogging at Romance Junkies today about ways to get my writing groove back. And in celebration of my latest release, A Hot Man is the Best Revenge, I’m giving away a signed copy to one lucky person who posts there today!