Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Easter Stories (Contest)
Thursday, March 28th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Pamela!

Yes, I know. Easter is on Sunday. However, Sunday’s post will be respectful…

So, I wanted to tell a story about something that happened one Easter morning to the Devlin family. Several years ago, when the kids were smaller and my daughter’s family lived across the road, I rushed over in the early morning to help set out the baskets. All went well. The kids woke up and were thrilled with their gifts and candy. Then they headed outside to play while the adults enjoyed coffee. A few minutes later, the youngest child ran back inside, sobbing.

“The Easter Bunny died. He’s dead!”

We all rushed out to see what she was talking about. The long driveway leading to their house was gravel and dirt (we live in the country!). So, when it rained, whereever the gravel wasn’t thick, small mudholes would form. The boy-child was standing beside one of the small muddy potholes with a stick, dragging something from a mudhole. It was a dead rabbit—a large dead rabbit—so covered in mud it looked like a giant chocolate-covered bunny. Yes, of all the days for it to happen, a bunny had croaked and fallen into a pothole on Easter morning!

We had to assure them all it wasn’t the real Easter Bunny and that the “real” one would be back next year.

That’s my Easter story. It’s famous in our family. My daughter and son have another from their childhood, but that’s for another time…

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me an Easter story or tell me what your family’s practice is/was, if you celebrate Easter.

Word Search: Colors of Paint (Contest)
Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Kerry Jo!

Sometimes, I struggle for themes for puzzles. Today, I didn’t have to look far for an idea. I have three bottles of ink sitting on my desktop with the most interesting color names: Chicken Coop (which is a rusty color), Robin’s Egg (the teal blue), and Parrotfish Twinkle (the green). I experimented with those three inks last night to produce the bookmark above.

I had those ridiculously named colors then opened a palette I put together myself with some of my favorite Daniel Smith watercolors (all D.S., except for the ochre and the pale green) to come up with the rest of the colors for the puzzle. They’re ones I’ve been using the most often lately.

So, for the contest… For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what fancy-named colors you love. (Okay, so I don’t care if it’s a fancy name or not.)

Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Josephine Silone Yates – Another Undaunted Pioneer (Contest)
Monday, March 25th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary McCoy!

It never ceases to amaze me how the African American women of the 19th century did not allow societal limitations to keep them from pursuing and obtaining their dreams. Josephine Silone Yates is another of them. Born in 1859 in New York on Long Island in Suffolk County, by the time Josephine Silone Yates died in 1912 she had been a professor, a writer, a public speaker, an activist, and the first African American woman to head a college science department. Many of the works written on her life focus not only on her work as a pioneering African American female chemist but also as an advocate for early care and education for young African American children.

She attended several schools in her youth and didn’t allow the fact that she was often the only African American student keep her from excelling. At a young age, Josephine showed an aptitude for physiology and physics. By the time she attended the Rogers High School in Newport, Rhode Island, her science teacher was so impressed that he allowed her to do chemistry labs. She graduated from Rogers in 1877 as her class’s valedictorian. Her teachers urged her to go on to university, but she chose the path of teaching instead. In 1879, she graduated from the Rhode Island State Normal School and became the first African American certified to teach in that state’s public schools.

She moved to Jefferson Missouri to teach at Lincoln University either in 1879 or 1881, depending on your sources. There she taught chemistry, botany, drawing, elocution, and English literature. She was promoted to the head of Lincoln’s natural Sciences department in 1886, making her the first African American woman to head a college science department. This also made her the first African American woman to be a full professor at any college or university in the United States. All the while she was teaching, she wrote newspaper and magazine articles under the penname R.K. Potter. By 1900, she was publishing poetry, too.

When she married William Ward Yates in 1889, she resigned from her university position, moved to Kansas City with her husband, and had two children. While he served as a principal there, she blossomed as an activist. Like many African American women of her time, she became active in the African American Women’s Club movement. She helped found the Women’s League of Kansas City in 1893. When the League joined the National Association of Colored Women (NACW), Josephine served in various offices from 1897 to 1901. She promoted the establishment of kindergartens and day nurseries through the NACW to help prepare African American children for a post-emancipation society where they would not be taught to be subservient second-class citizens.

Lincoln University asked Josephine to return in 1902 to head their English and history department. She did this until 1908 when she offered to resign because of ill health. Her resignation was refused, so she remained as an advisor to women until 1910. She continued championing education and advancement for African American women, helping to found the first African American Young Women’s Christian Association in Kansas City a year before she died.

Looking back on women like Josephine I am inspired by how their drive stems from wanting as many people as possible to benefit from their accomplishments. I hope someday the same can be said of me.

For a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, share your thoughts in the comments.

Better To Marry Than To Burn by Michal Scott

Wife Wanted: Marital relations as necessary. Love not required nor sought…

A bridal lottery seems the height of foolishness to ex-slave Caesar King, but his refusal to participate in the town council’s scheme places him in a bind. He has to get married to avoid paying a high residence fine or leave the Texas territory. After losing his wife in childbirth, Caesar isn’t ready for romance. A woman looking for a fresh start without any emotional strings is what he needs.

Queen Esther Payne, a freeborn black from Philadelphia, has been threatened by her family for her forward-thinking, independent ways. Her family insists she marry. Her escape comes in the form of an ad. If she must marry, it will be on her terms. But her first meeting with the sinfully hot farmer proves an exciting tussle of wills that stirs her physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

In the battle of sexual one-upmanship that ensues, both Caesar and Queen discover surrender can be as fulfilling as triumph.


Queen Esther Payne arrived at noon on September fourteenth and proved to be a paragon indeed.

Caesar gawked at the copper-toned Amazon who emerged from the stagecoach like royalty descending from a throne.

Queen. Her name definitely suited. Only Cleopatra could have fit better. Maybe Sheba.

The afternoon sunlight crowned her with rays of gold. Kinky black ringlets covered her head, declaring she had a Nubian pride befitting the woman he’d want to wed. She used her bonnet to fan away dirt dusted up by the stagecoach’s departure. Her twisting and turning revealed an hourglass waist above curvaceous hips.

At his approach, her eyebrow curved over a gaze brimming with criticism. “Caesar King?”

He removed his hat and extended his hand in greeting. “At your service, Queen.”

She donned her hat and examined him with that regal air. “Miss Payne, if you please. You may call me Queen after the nuptials.” She finished tying her hat’s long ribbons beneath her chin. “Although, even then, I’d prefer Mrs. King.”

“You don’t say?” He chuckled, taking her measure from head to foot. “Well, Miss Payne it is…for now.”

She filled her face with a frown. “I don’t appreciate being examined like some newly purchased cow, Mr. King.”

He pulled back. Amusement wrestled with annoyance. “I’m making sure you measure up, Miss Payne.”

“Pray, to what criteria?” She shoved her valise against his chest. Caesar grunted, surprised but pleased by her strength.

She crossed her arms, causing her lovely bosom to swell. “I doubt there’s a standard for marriages of convenience.”

He inhaled against the pull of desire throbbing in his privates. “The same criteria as you, I suspect—my own self-worth and what I deserve.” He dropped the bag at her feet. “So, by that token, I don’t appreciate being treated like some fetch-and- carry boy.”

She lowered her gaze. But for the set of her jaw, he’d have taken the gesture for an apology.

He leaned forward and whispered, “If you ask me nicely, I’d gladly carry your bag.”

“A gentleman wouldn’t need to be asked.” Her tone dripped with disdain. “A gentleman would simply take it.”

“I do many things, Miss Payne.” He pushed up the brim of his hat and grinned, fired up by the hazel flame sparking in her eyes. “Pretending to be a gentleman doesn’t number among them.”


Report Card & Open Contests
Sunday, March 24th, 2024

Last couple weeks…

  • I finished two projects for two other authors.
  • I completed and published What Happens in Bozeman! Woot!
  • I began work on Tyson’s Mission.
  • I read more stories submitted for the Secret Identities anthology.
  • I’ve created art every day for #The100DayProject.

This next week…

  • I must continue work on Tyson’s Mission.  
  • I need to complete two editing jobs!
  • I must finish reading the rest of the stories for my next anthology, Secret Identities.
  • I will continue creating some small art for #The100DayProject.

Again, it’ll be a cram-jammed, busy week!

Open Contests

  1. The Joy of Bingeing (Contest)This contest ends tomorrow! Win a FREE book.
  2. Gabbi Grey: A Sexy Story (Contest)  — This contest ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Saturday Puzzle-Contest & a Reminder! — This contest ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Happy World Storytelling Day! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. What makes you happy? (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  6. A Reminder for Your Weekend Enjoyment! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Animals in a Boat — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Animals in a Boat
Saturday, March 23rd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Ruth Limeburner!

Happy Saturday! And you know what Saturday means, right? It’s puzzle-time!

I really do search hard for pretty or weird pictures to share to make this fun. Today’s is weird. Hope you enjoy it!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me what you think is happening in this picture. Or, simply tell me how it makes you feel. Super easy. Have fun!

A Reminder for Your Weekend Enjoyment! (Contest)
Friday, March 22nd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Thank you to EVERYONE who already picked up their copy of What Happens in Bozeman! I appreciate your support and hope you had a great time reading it! Here are some snippets of reviews from a couple of readers who loved this visit to Dead Horse, Montana. (Thank you, Elinda and Pam!)

What follows is a series of events that will have you laughing out loud. ~ Elinda M
Loved the town of Dead Horse. Its residents and Sara and her classmates were adorable! ~ Pam B

Yeah, I know…kids in a romance? Shouldn’t that be self-exclusionary? Hey, it did not get in the way of sexiness in the story. Promise.

What you may not know is that a lot of what inspired the character of Sara and her classmates’ antics comes from the three girls who share my home. The oldest cringes when I tell the story of her trying to have a conversation with a caterpillar with her ear held as close to its head as possible. She’d seen The Bee Movie and couldn’t understand why the caterpillar was ignoring her. Of course, her grandma told her it was because their mouths are so small that the sounds they make can’t be heard by ordinary humans. So, the kittens and the princess bed thing had its true origins… You’ll have to read the story to understand what I’m talking about.

So, if you haven’t read the story yet and are looking for something fun to read this weekend, I think my book will fit the bill nicely!

What Happens in Bozeman

What Happens in Bozeman

Get your copy here!


For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me a fun story about something a child you know said or did.

What makes you happy? (Contest)
Thursday, March 21st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

I’m one of those people who doesn’t understand depression. I’m sure I’ve felt it. Perhaps after the one time I was fired from a job. Maybe when I was diagnosed for Graves disease and had my thyroid fried with a radioactive pill, then spent a month in bed so I wouldn’t have a heart attack. Talk about fatigue. Lordy.

However, both times, I gave myself a day to feel some self-pity then I sat in front of my PC or pulled my Alphasmart out of my bag, lay it across my lap in bed, and typed for just a minute at a time. When I was in bed for that month, I literally could only write in very short spurts then I’d crash. But I wasn’t depressed. I pushed forward.

Maybe it’s a physiological thing? Maybe it’s brain chemistry? I don’t know, but I am a naturally happy person. If I feel a little “flat”—I sit outside and watch the deer at the pond. Or, I pull out pictures of things that make me happy.

Or, I pull out the paint like I did last night…

For a chance to win your choice of a download from among my backlist of books, tell me what makes you happy.