Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Word Search: Random Malcolm Things & an Excerpt! (Contest)
Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!

I’m getting close to “The End” of Malcolm! Good thing, too. It releases next Tuesday! Since the story is on my mind constantly—I kind of live it in an alternate reality in my head—today’s Word Search puzzle is filled with random elements of the story.

Enjoy the puzzle and the excerpt from the story below! And if you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Excerpt from Malcolm

MalcolmMalcolm Winslow knew he stood out in this crowd. How could he not? With his longish, uncombed hair, thick beard, and the tattoos displayed by the rolled-up sleeves of his plaid shirt, not to mention the fact he was armed and wore a Kevlar vest, he drew every eye the second he entered the fancy barn that was lit up like the Fourth of July.

Those closest to the open doors were the first to fall silent. Hands touched shoulders and then pointed toward him as he resolutely made his way toward the trellis constructed between horse stalls on either side of the wide space and strung with white lights and roses, where a couple in their wedding finery stood before a preacher.

A groomsman tapped the groom on the shoulder, and he tore his gaze away from his stunning bride to glance down the aisle Malcolm strode down.

The groom’s eyes widened, and he turned to his bride, dug something from his pocket, and then said, “Candy, here are my keys—run!”

The groom slapped keys on her palm, straightened his shoulders, and stepped in Malcolm’s path.

Malcolm gave a single shake of his head, smacked away the groom’s raised fists, then bent to ram his shoulder into the other man’s chest.

The groom flew backward as Malcolm picked up his pace and ran toward the smaller back door of the barn through which the bride had just escaped.

Outside in the dusky gloom, he caught a glimpse of bright white as the bride, Candy Bodine, almost Carmichael, climbed a corral fence. He was surprised at the number of people standing on either side of the door outside this end of the barn but didn’t have time to figure out why they were there because Candy had just jumped down from the fence to the other side, snagging her long train on a nail. She ran forward, but her train held fast, springing her backward and onto her butt on the dirt.

She rolled, tangling herself in petticoats and torn train, and got to her knees. She stared back at him as he jogged toward the fence, planted a hand on the cedar fencepost, and sailed sideways over the top. Yeah, his feet skidded a bit in horse poop when his boots hit the ground, but the bride wasn’t so pristine now either, kind of like her rap sheet.

This time, she’d failed to appear before the judge for a drunk driving/failure to yield at a stop sign/fleeing the scene set of charges. And if Malcolm had anything to say about it, she was not heading to the private airport where Daddy had a plane waiting to fly her to some resort vacation in the Caribbean. As soon as Malcolm snicked the cuffs on her wrists, she’d be spending what should’ve been the first night of her honeymoon inside the detention center in Bozeman.

No amount of crocodile tears was going to dissuade him from his purpose.

My Perfect Day (Contest)
Monday, February 5th, 2024

The winner is…Stacey Kinzebach!

Well, yesterday was the perfect day.

I had so much fun. I blew off writing—which was NOT a smart thing to do when I have to finish a book this week. However, my daughter, who has been ill for several weeks now, was feeling better and wanted to do something artful. I could have demurred and set her up in my studio with everything she needed, but once I began putting out supplies for some monoprinting using a Gelli plate, I had to stay to guide her, right?

We pulled out paint and stencils, and I showed her how to pull some simple prints. Then I showed her how you can use the prints. See that green leafy print in the top right of the photo? Well, I have a tag punch, and cut a bunch of gift tags using that pretty pattern. Plus, you can tear or cut the papers to use in collaging, and on, and on.

We had so much fun! Next time, I’ll pull out some stamps and catalyst tools and show her how to add texture to the prints. Yes, she wants a next time. We both had a blast and felt so relaxed and happy after we finished. Clean-up wasn’t so bad when it was two of us washing stencils and plates. Just wait until I show her how to make cute little booklets using the monoprints for covers…

Oh, I pulled a print using a stencil and loved all the white space it left. So, I spent a couple of hours coloring it in with some oil pastels, which meant a lot of messy blending of colors with my fingertips.

I love how vivid the colors are—it’s almost like looking at an illuminated stained-glass window. And it gives me so many ideas for future art projects!

This week’s going to be balls-to-the-wall. (I’ve never quite understood that phrase.) I have to write. No excuses. If I want to spend another day like I did yesterday, I have to get the work done first.

For a chance to win a free download of a book from my backlist, tell how you would spend your perfect day.

Happy Groundhog Day! (Contest)
Friday, February 2nd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…BN!

There you have it! Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow! So, that means we can look forward to an early spring! Let’s not worry about the pesky statistics that NOAA published saying our famous rodent is only accurate 40% of the time. I’m sure, this time, he’s got it right!

So, I feel the need to carve some time out of my day to watch one of my favorite movies, Groundhog Day! I’m sure you’ve seen, right? A grumpy, self-absorbed, rude man gets a chance to relive Groundhog Day over and over until he manages to remake himself into a decent human being and win the girl.

Since you understand the concept, let’s have some fun here.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me about a day you would love to live over and over again to get everything right. Let’s not dwell on sad things. Think of a happy or funny event that you think could have been better with just a few tweaks, a do-over day. Share your “Groundhog Day” in the comments below for a chance to win!

Word Search: Favorite Cold Weather Dinners (Contest)
Thursday, February 1st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Becky!

I don’t know about you, but when the weather turns cold, the Devlin house prefers heavier, heat-you-up-from-the-inside kinds of meals. I listed some of our favorites in the word search below.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me which of these dishes you love, too, plus give some suggestions for dishes you love on a cold winter’s evening that you think we ought to try!

New (Old) Release! Unbound by the Amazon, PLUS Open Contests!
Tuesday, January 30th, 2024

I had this little story sitting in a file for the longest time. It was part of a series of novelettes written for Harlequin’s Nocturne Bites. I got the rights back, so I sat it in a folder for when I had time to revise it to make it a standalone story. I finally found the time! It’s just 16,000 words, so equal to three of my short stories. Currently, it’s FREE in Kindle Unlimited, and sometime today, the price will be reduced to only $0.99 for a few days because I’d love for you to read it. It’s a sexy time-travel. For those of you who loved Xena and Wonder Woman, here’s a tale for you!

Unbound by the Amazon

A pair of Army soldiers travels back in time to retrieve a powerful ancient artifact of alien origin from the queen of the Amazons…

Army Lieutenant Farideh Kalani expected her time-traveling assignment to ancient Scythia to retrieve an ancient artifact would be difficult, but gaining the trust of Amazon warriors and their legendary ruler, Queen Hippolyta, is easy compared to being partnered with Sergeant First Class Caleb MacAvoy. The soldier is too smug and sexy for her peace of mind. Posing as a warrior seeking a place among the royal guard and her devoted personal servant, the pair succumb to their attraction just as they discover another seeks the treasure they’ve sworn to find.

Get your copy here!

Open Contests

  1. Gabbi Grey: When One Story is Not Enough (Contest) — This is the last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Word Search: Favorite Pets (Contest) — This is the last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Cover Reveal — Anyone like ancient Scythia? Plus, books you can pre-order now! (Contest) — This is the last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
  4. Saturday Puzzle Contest — Random Bohemian Pirate Couple — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Gabbi Grey: Sometimes Letting Go is Really Hard (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Let’s have some fun! Tell me a story… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Memory Game — Match the Covers! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin – Pioneering Publisher, Suffragist and Women’s Club Founder (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  9. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: What world is inside your fantasy book? — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: What world is inside your fantasy book?
Saturday, January 27th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!

It’s Saturday! I’m so ready for the week to be done! On Monday, we had one last “snow day” for the kids before the weather changed and the rains came. It rained long and hard for two days—long enough for us to discover our roof leaks. Long enough, we had roofers come out to give us estimates to fix the leak. Yay. Grrr…

Well, we do seem to move from one crisis to the next, but we are resilient! This too shall pass…until the next crisis.

In the meantime, I chose a fantasy image to make me happy. Solve the puzzle, then tell me what world you’d find inside your fantasy book for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Have fun!

Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin – Pioneering Publisher, Suffragist and Women’s Club Founder (Contest)
Thursday, January 25th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!

The phrase “fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree” describes Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin perfectly.

Born Josephine St. Pierre in 1842 in Boston, her middle-class parents sent her to integrated schools in Charlestown, Salem, and New York rather than accept the segregation imposed by Boston’s school system. No wonder she lived a life predisposed to fighting injustice on her own as well as on the behalf of others.

She married George Lewis Ruffin in 1858. A pioneer in his own right, the first African American to graduate from Harvard Law School and the one of the first African American judges in a Northern state. They lived in England for six months then returned and helped recruit volunteers for African American Civil War regiments like the Massachusetts 54th.  He died in 1886.

A member of the New England Women’s Press Association, Ruffin wrote for the Courant, a weekly paper for African Americans. She founded the Women’s Era, the first newspaper published by and for African American women. She and her daughter, Florida, published this illustrated monthly for seven years.

Her fight for women’s suffrage showed she understood the concept of intersectionality. She is quoted as saying, “We are justified in believing that the success of this movement for equality of the sexes means progress toward equality of the races.” Ruffin served as president of the West End League of the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association.

She was the first African American member of the New England Women’s Club. In 1893, she founded The Woman’s Era club for African American women. Living up to its motto, “Make the World Better,” their activities promoted and fundraised for self-help activities to “uplift the race.” Ruffin believed a national organization for African American women’s clubs was needed and organized a conference in Boston to that end. Women from ten to fourteen states attended. They formed the National Federation of Afro-Am Women. This in turn merged with the Colored Women’s League, forming the National Association of Colored Women.

In 1900 at the meeting of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Southern women on the credentials committee opposed her representing both white and African American clubs.  They would only accept her credentials for the white clubs. She refused and was excluded from the meeting. The incident was nationally covered by the press.

Ruffin continued her fight for racial equality, and in 1910, became a founding member of the Boston NAACP. She died in 1924. In 1995, she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame. A bronze bust of Ruffin is one of six famous Massachusetts women which stand in the Massachusetts State House.

Once again, the accomplishments of women like Josephine awe and inspire me to do all I can with the opportunities I have. For a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, leave a comment on Josephine and other women who have inspired you.

Better To Marry Than To Burn

Freed Man seeking woman to partner in marriage for at least two years in the black township of Douglass, Texas. Must be willing and able to help establish a legacy. Marital relations as necessary. Love neither required nor sought.


She sidled up to him, cupped his erection and fondled his balls.

“Ready for bed or ready to bed me?”

He moaned, placed his hand atop hers and increased the pressure. Already hard, he hadn’t imagined he could get any harder.

“Is that beautiful brass bed new?”

He gulped. “Ye—yes. Bought it—bought it for the honeymoon.”

“I’m ready to be bedded now,” she whispered. “Or is that something we must negotiate?”

All thoughts of dinner vanished.

“No,” he rasped, leaning forward, as hungry for her lips as he was to be inside her.

“Good.” She stepped back, out of reach. “But, let’s be clear…” She bent over, so her butt protruded toward him.

She massaged each buttock so her crack parted invitingly.

“Tonight, it’s the Greek way or no way.”

He blinked, stunned by this demand to be taken anally. His master had had books filled with drawings, depicting naked Greeks wrestling. Those pen and ink depictions flashed before him now. Arms constrained by arms, legs entwined with legs, butts and groins enmeshed in snug contortions.

He’d love to take Queen that way, experience first- hand the erotic intimacy etched in the men’s struggle-laden features.

He took one step toward her then stopped. No. One day, he would…but not tonight. Not their first time. Their first time would be the nose-to-nose, chest-to-breast, cock-to-vagina coupling he’d hungered five years for.

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