I’ve been doing my Christmas Advent Countdown on Facebook, and one of the questions I posed to folks was: What is your favorite Christmas song?
I had several in the back of mind to choose for my own, until I opened up my emails and saw a link to Ryan Gosling’s “I’m Just Ken (Merry Christmas, Barbie).” I’m in love with this!
I guess it’s because the whole “Barbenheimer” thing this past summer was soooo much fun. Yes, I saw Oppenheimer then Barbie, and I bought the T-shirt!
Anyway, I’m sharing the new video here! Enjoy! And even if you already told me on Facebook, you can enter to win a $5 Amazon gift card by naming your favorite Christmas song here in the comments.
Tagged: Christmas Posted in Contests!|21 People Said|Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Terra Oenning - flchen - Beth - Debra Guyette - Mary McCoy -
Tomorrow is International Dalek Remembrance Day! But since I’ll be hosting a guest tomorrow, I thought I might get you in the mood for the celebration. After all, it’s an important one! Yes, I’m waving my nerd flag again. I’m a Dr. Who fan, and the Daleks are iconic Dr. Who villains. If you’ve never watched Dr. Who, do yourself a favor and start with Eccleston’s Who and binge your way forward. You won’t regret it!
But anyway, even if you don’t know who Dr. Who is or know a Dalek from an Adiposian, we can still play a word search game!
I chose to honor the Companions, Dr. Who’s travel buddies, as the theme for the puzzle. Naturally, my favorite was Donna. Poor Donna. I could wax on about how funny and sad her story was, but let’s get to the puzzle.
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me whether you’ve watched Dr. Who, and if you have, which actor do you prefer in the role?For me, it’s David Tennant. The man has his heart in his puppy dog eyes.
This doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to do something foolish this week. Let’s study the card. The god displayed here is kind of easy to guess. He’s wearing a crown of grape leaves and grapes. He has tiny horns on his head. So, he’s Dionysus, the god of so many fun things: wine, parties, insanity, theater, and more. See the eagle sitting on the branch above him? It’s likely his dad, Zeus, making sure young Dionysus doesn’t do something really stupid. There’s a cave behind him and the sun is rising in the background, so I’m assuming he was partying all night and is just coming out. Is he drunk and ready to fall? He looks too merry. I think he intends to jump.
What on earth does this mean for me? There’s a hint of impulsiveness and high spirits here. So, that falls in line with the plans for the week. The kids only have half a week of school, so they’ll be underfoot creating chaos. We’ll be cooking meals together. The adults’ Christmas (the kids give us gifts before Christmas so we can concentrate on Santa and their gifts on Christmas Day) will be sometime this coming weekend because of my SIL’s shift with the PD. So, there will definitely be some celebrating going on. I envision movie nights, fun dinners, game nights, etc. We’re a fun-loving crowd. What does this mean for work for me? I likely have to plan to get it done in the early hours of the day, before all my little chaos agents rise.
Last night’s First Annual Ugly Sweater/White Elephant Gift Christmas Party was a huge success! The gifts were hilarious. Mine was epic. I won’t say what it was because it’s political in nature, and everyone watched my face to see how I’d react. Perfect gift, actually. Then we moved on to party games, like rolling a can on the table to stop in front of a little, cheap gift we wanted, picking up uncooked beans with chopsticks, charades… There were finger foods, of course! So much fun. And I say “First Annual” because everyone agreed this would be added to our list of Christmas family traditions. Any excuse for a family party in the Devlin house. 🙂 (My dd and I talked about what other holidays we could pump up with some party fun, too.)
Anyway, this is the last partial week of school, and then the kids will be underfoot for the holiday. Yay! And yikes, too. I still have to wrap gifts and get them under the tree. I’m always last doing it.
On to the Puzzle!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me how close you are to being finished with Christmas/Holiday preparations!
“Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.”
~ Home Alone 2
Okay, so my choice for favorite quote isn’t inspirational/aspirational—but that’s my sense of humor. Your assignment today, should you choose to accept it (I’m going all original series Mission Impossible here) is to find your favorite quote and post it in the comments. It’s easy, swear. Just Google favorite Christmas or Holiday quotes! Share it below for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Well, this is an interesting card to begin my planning for the week. I had to check the book, The Mythic Tarot, to see which hero is depicted here, because I didn’t recognize the story. This is Bellerophon. He was an exuberant, boastful, brave young man. His hijinks caused the death of his brother, and he fled his home to another kingdom, where the queen there became enamored with him. The king there didn’t like that, so he set before him an impossible task—kill the chimera. He gets an assist from a seer who says he’s going to need Pegasus to do this, and Athena gives him a golden bridle to help him capture and ride Pegasus. He kills the chimera, but then gets so pumped up on how great he is that he decides to fly Pegasus to Mount Olympus to boast to the gods. Zeus isn’t impressed, sends a gadfly to bite Pegasus, and Pegasus bucks Bellerophon off his back and to his death. So, pride certainly wenteth before his fall.
What does this mean for me? Hmmm. I’m seeing a big blue sky, a triumphant journey, a conquered foe… Could this mean that my release this week, Little Green Dreams, will release with glorious expectations, only to find me bucked off my high when it crashes and burns? We’ll see.
All but two gifts are bought. So, that stress is over. Now, the family and I are settling into the last days of school before the holiday begins. We haven’t started bingeing on Christmas movies. Hopefully, we’ll have time for one today.
In the meantime, the weather is dismal. Not nearly cold enough and rainy. So, the last leaves are still clinging to the trees, the grass is brown with patches of green. The horse and goats love that. The forecasts aren’t hopeful for a white Christmas.
So, the image I chose today is lovely, eerie, and wintery—just so I can get into the mood of the season. I think I need to stock up on hot chocolate and gingersnaps. Something to help fuel the holiday feel.
I love that so many of you seem to be enjoying my Christmas Advent giveaways on Facebook! We’ll keep it up until Christmas Eve!
In the meantime, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then offer your suggestions for holiday movies to watch.My daughter leans toward Hallmark Christmas movies. She vetoed the Krampus movie—and I don’t dare mention my favorite, Die Hard. So, any other suggestions will be appreciated!