Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Word Search: Attributes of a book hero… (Contest)
Wednesday, September 20th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…ButtonsMom!
Hard Knox

I love creating heroes who are unique. They don’t always express themselves the same way or present themselves the same way. Knox Ramsey is a grumpy, gruff man who didn’t think he could be in a long-term relationship because of some issues that haunt him from his childhood. And he’s very physical. I should have added that to the word search!

Anyway, I riffed some attributes I enjoy seeing in my heroes. Have fun with the puzzle!

Then, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC, tell me what attributes you love to see in a hero! 

Flashback: Handy Man (Contest)
Tuesday, September 19th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Stacy Hartley!

Besides my series, I have written some very sexy standalone stories, too! I forget about them because I’m so busy trying to keep up with series, but I shouldn’t. In fact, I should go back and look at my workplan because I deserve to write something completely fun and one-off!

If you haven’t read the books below, now’s your time to peruse, and I’m including an excerpt from one of them so you can sample some of the fun. Several of them are menage stories, so if that’s your thing, be sure to check them out!


For a chance to win your choice of one of the books below,
tell me your weekend plans!

Hot SEAL, New Orleans Nights Handymen Jane's Wild Weekend
Raw Silk Begging For It Fun with Dick and Jane
Bad, Bad Girlfriend Saddled Ride a Texas Cowboy

Click on any cover to learn more about the story!

Excerpt from Handy Men…

The impulse came like a flash of lightning—hot and searing—all the way to the bone. An idea born of a need she hadn’t felt in a long, long time…and inspired by one red-hot handyman in butt-hugging jeans and a snug T-shirt.

The man fired the militant gleam in her eyes as she brushed bronzing powder across her cheeks and swiped carmine “eat me” red lip stain across her mouth.

She didn’t give herself time to rethink the decision, reaching for the phone before her usual, cautious self reasserted control. No more couch potato cry-ins for her. No more self-imposed exclusion while she figured out what to do with the rest of her life. Today, a new Pamela Dwyer was reaching for the goddamn gusto.

The anger felt good. Especially after the shock she’d received moments ago when she’d surfed the internet for the latest gossip about her ex.

One glance at Andrew’s Facebook page, and Pamela’s confusion over what the hell had happened to her life dried up. He’d blocked her from his page, but his profile picture had been changed from Andrew’s handsome, craggy face to the soft innocence of his newborn son’s.

The picture said it all. And no doubt every one of their friends here in Austin, who’d rallied around her when he’d left, would now pour out their congratulations to him, while privately agreeing he’d done the only thing he could do to be happy.

Tears had stung her eyes, but she’d refused to let them fall. Instead, she’d blinked them away, closed out the screen and glanced through the blinds at her immaculate lawn. The perfect lawn and landscaping to surround the perfectly appointed house she’d won in the divorce settlement.

But back to that lightning strike…

Across the street, a man had stood atop a ladder while he fished leaves from old Mr. Johnson’s gutters. It wasn’t the fact the old man had spent money to hire someone to do odd jobs around his place that caught her attention, although that was plenty unusual all by itself. It was the way the sunlight glinted on the younger man’s hair. Glints of gold she could see from over thirty feet away. And once her attention was snagged by that halo-like glow, her gaze couldn’t help but trail down the long, lean, buff lines of his healthy frame.

From the back, the man was perfection. Then he’d turned to the side, no doubt to say something to Mr. Johnson who hovered at the bottom of the ladder. The old skinflint would supervise the handyman to make sure he got every nickel’s worth of his money. However, not a hint of irritation showed in the handyman’s expression. His smile had been quick—a flash of white teeth against a tanned face.

Pamela had breathed deeply, enjoying the surge of heat flowing through her veins. So much better than the cold, hollow feeling in her womb. Arousal had bloomed, fresh and unexpected, washing over her, lapping away the disappointment. Leaving her…expectant. Feeling younger than her thirty-eight years.
There were times in a woman’s life when she had to grab the bull by the horns or she’d never taste passion again. Pamela decided then and there that her time was now.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell chimed.

Christ, do I really have the guts? She’d had twenty minutes to get icy cold feet.

She held her hand in front of her face and blew against her palm then sniffed. Mouthwash still works.

Before opening her door, Pamela bent over, shook her head then straightened, giving her straight blonde hair an extra fluff. She pasted on a smile—not too wide or eager—one she’d practiced in front of the bathroom mirror to make sure it reflected just the right amount of casual interest. She didn’t want to scare him away. At least not before she had a chance to practice being a femme fatale.

However, after opening the door, her smile faltered just a bit. Up close, the repairman was more of a rangy lion than a bull, and even more attractive than her secretive glances through the blinds had revealed. Thickly muscled arms and a broad chest stretching a green Handy Men tee filled her vision.

Maybe she should have targeted someone more in her league—and at least fifteen years older. However, when she’d seen him working on the rain gutters of her neighbor’s house and watched the way he moved gracefully up and down the ladder, a plan had begun to form. One she was too invested in to back out of now.

“Your neighbor said you were havin’ trouble with a garbage disposal?”

Good Lord, his voice was deep and sinful. Her greedy glance shot up to meet his, and she noted the crinkles of amusement at the sides of his eyes. Blue eyes with golden coronas around the pupils. Yum.

Realizing her mouth hung open, she snapped her jaw closed. “Uh, yes. Trouble with the disposal. That’s why you’re here.”

It was the truth, so she didn’t stutter over it. However, she didn’t mention she’d thrown a handful of screws into the sink to make sure the old disposal seized. Her plan to lure him into her house was working like a charm. She wished her ex could see her now. Plain Pam, reliable Pam, boring, defective Pam had a few tricks left.

“I’m Jeff McCaffrey,” he said, and held out his hand.

Blowing out a little breath to release her tension, she gave him her hand and shook. “Pamela,” she said quickly.

His palms were callused and large. She slid her hand slowly from his, enjoying the scrape. Even if things didn’t work out, she’d have plenty of sensory details to savor later to go along with the lovely picture he made.

“Um…” He lifted the toolbox with a flex of impressive biceps and raised his eyebrows.

It took a second to register that he needed her to move away from the door. Feeling flustered, she stood back and waved him inside. She closed the door behind him and followed eagerly on his heels into the hallway.

He halted abruptly.

Unable to stop her forward momentum, Pamela held out her hands to brace herself—and cupped his ass.

His head swiveled to glance back at her, a slight, dazed smile curving his mouth.

She paused a second too long before removing them, but it was his own damn fault. His ass was too much temptation for her to resist a little squeeze. “Sorry about that,” she muttered, palms and face burning. Lord, she was thirty-eight, and he had her blushing like a teenager. Her flirting skills were woefully rusty.

He cleared his throat and pointed toward the door on the left. “The kitchen?”

“Yeah,” she said, sounding a little winded, but her fingers tingled and her skin felt on fire. She hadn’t wanted to come on to the younger man like a cougar in heat, but he was fine-fine-fine.

He swung open the door and walked to the counter, where he set his toolbox beside the sink. “What sort of noises was it makin’?”


“Crunchy?” His lips twitched.

She shrugged. He was the “Mr. Fix-It”. He’d figure out soon enough what the problem was. Maybe he’d think the screws in the disposal had gotten there by accident.

He reached beneath the cabinet next to the sink and flipped the switch.

Metallic grating made her wince. The poor thing ground worse than her ex’s teeth.

Without looking back, he said, “Don’t touch the switch. I don’t have my tongs, so I’m gonna stick my hand down there to see what’s happenin’.”

In his hand went, and he turned slightly to the side, his gaze meeting hers while a frown drew his honey-brown brows together. When he pulled free, he held a screw. “Wonder how that happened?” he drawled.

She grinned brightly. “Serendipity?”


So maybe not a brain surgeon, or even much of a reader, but the calculated stare he returned told her he wasn’t stupid. He pulled out another and laid it on the countertop, and then another. “Somethin’ you wanna tell me, Pamela?”

Sunday Tarot & Open Contests!
Sunday, September 17th, 2023

It’s Sunday again, and time for me to lock down my schedule for the week. First, I’ll pull a card to see if I can get any inspiration from the tarot.

Hmmm. Seven of Wands. And this is Jason of “Jason and the Argonauts” fame, chasing after the Golden Fleece. What do I see in the card?

Two kings, so he must be fighting the King who possesses the Golden Fleece. Can’t remember his name… Ah, good old Wikipedia… It’s King Aeetes of Colchis, and yes, he has the fleece. So, two kings fighting. Four warriors helping them. Perhaps evenly matched. A battle. What does this mean for my week? I have no clue. Two kings… Perhaps it’s the classic devil and angel sitting on my shoulders, pulling at me to be good or be bad? I have a LOT of work on my plate this week, and sometimes, I see a huge page count and think, Who cares if I finish this? What does it matter in the big scheme of things? I can easily see myself shrugging off work for a movie marathon or a trip to a flea market.

What does the book, The Mythic Tarot, say about this card? It “augurs a struggle with other people’s creative ideas — stiff competition.” The person needs to learn the value of his or her ambition…” Okaaaay. Whatever. I like my interpretation better. 🙂

Open Contests

  1. Saturday Puzzle-Contest, Plus a Bounty Hunter Poll! — Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. 9-11, a Remembrance, and a Poll (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Gabbi Grey: Single Parent Books — Xavier (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. What’s leaving Kindle Unlimited soon?! (Contest) — Win a FREE download!
  5. Saturday Puzzle-Contest — Let’s celebrate National Collect Rocks Day! — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest — Let’s celebrate National Collect Rocks Day!
Saturday, September 16th, 2023

When I was a child, I so wanted to be a paleontologist, digging up dinosaur bones. I knew part of what I’d need to study was geology, which is the study of rock formations and…rocks. So, I began collecting and identifying them, checking out books from the library about seismology, vulcanology, and books that helped me identify the rocks I found.

I still have a shoe box filled with rocks I collected. There were perfectly round river rocks, Apache tears, petrified wood, fossils, quartz crystals, and pyrite, to name a few.

I display rocks all around my rooms in pretty dishes, ones I discovered as a child and some I purchased in the many rock shops located around Arkansas. When I hold them in my hands, I feel a connection to…something. It’s woo-woo shit, I know, but they do “ground” me.

Here are a couple of the bowls I have filled with my pretties.

My rocks aren’t just a nostalgic pursuit. I use them, too. During the recent Super Blue Moon, I placed a jar of water on my patio table, but I also placed some clear quartz crystals and amethysts on top of the jar to “charge” them.

See the worry stone? The flat one? I carry that with me when I’m not at home, because hermit that I am, I destress when I rub its surface. Sometimes, when I’m writing, I wear a large, polished carnelian stone strung on leather around my neck, because it’s supposed to help with creativity. Maybe it’s the stone or maybe it’s the ritual, but it works for me.

My favorite rings aren’t the ones with the expensive gemstones. I love wearing my labradorite, moonstone, and dendritic opals. Their imperfections make them more interesting to me.

These days, I’m not picking up stones from my path, but I do encourage the 10-year-old to look at the ground and find them for me. She brings me gifts all the time, usually some piece of agate for her “collection” or a smooth stone she’d like to paint on. Maybe, someday, she’ll catch the bug.

So, yes, in addition to hoarding vintage vanity powder jars, Avenger figurines, and fortune-telling teacups, I hoard rocks.


My question to you, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, is…

Have you ever collected rocks? Do you have a favorite stone?

What’s leaving Kindle Unlimited soon?! (Contest)
Friday, September 15th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Daun Ann Korty!

This is just a quick reminder. I have tons of work to get off my desk over the weekend. Too much, really. I have to learn to say NO (but that’s always been a problem of mine!). Anyway, thought I’d just remind those folks who use Kindle Unlimited to acquire books that I have several that will be leaving Kindle Unlimited. So, if you want to get them, get them now! Here are the ones scheduled to leave soon and the dates they will leave KU and go wide to other retailers…

Along Came a Spider Jackson
Ripples Hard Knox

Along Came a Spider — Leaves KU on September 24!
Jackson — Leaves KU on October 8!
Ripples  — Leaves KU on November 28!
Hard Knox — Leaves KU on December 10!


For a chance to win a free download of any book on my backlist, tell me whether you are a KU subscriber! Easy, right? Have a great weekend, and be sure to check back in tomorrow for the Puzzle-Contest!


Gabbi Grey: Single Parent Books — Xavier (Contest)
Thursday, September 14th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer!

Hello Delilah!  Thank you for inviting me to visit today!  I’m publishing my third book in the multi-author, shared-world series Single Dads of Gaynor Beach today and I wanted to give you a quick sneak peek.

I’ll be honest – I’m not a parent.  I’m an aunt to a pile of awesome nieces and nephews, but I’ve never had the honor of being a parent.  That being said, I’m an author.  I make stuff up.  I draw on my experience with kids, but I’m also incredibly lucky to have other author friends who will read my work ahead of publication and point out all the misses.  I’m also Canadian and have little experience with the American school system.  The differences shocked me.  Like, we don’t have a police or resource officer at every school.  School shootings just aren’t a thing up here.  I look south and feel pain.

For parenting, I can imagine what I’d do in a particular scenario, but a parent can say what their hard limit would be.  On the flip side, they can also point out when I got it right or when something works.

I loved writing this book.  Three brave, feisty girls who lost their mother, but have kept going.  Rochelle, Nicki, and Jazz are all very different, but they are protective and loyal of each other (when they’re not fighting. Hey, I remember what it was like to be a kid with siblings…).  Anyway, I hope readers enjoy my third venture back into this world I’ve come to love so much and fans of the series will find cameos from quite a few of their friends…

As a thank you, I’m happy to give out a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one commentator.  Let me know – what’s your favorite romance novel that has kids?  I have so many faves, I can’t list them all.  Tell me which I should pick up?  Winner chosen at random.

Thanks Delilah, for having me visit.



When my wife died five years ago, leaving me alone to raise our three young daughters, only my duty to them and my work as a psychiatrist kept me from losing myself in grief. I did my best to be a good father through the darkest days, but now I can see I’ve been distant and cold. Things need to change. I’ve pledged to my daughters that I’ll start doing better. Be more involved. Show them what a great dad looks like. If that means soccer practice, violin lessons, and sitting through a dozen dance recitals, then I’m all-in.


Pliés, pas-de-deux, cheerleading practice, and enough tutus to last a lifetime— how is this my life? I’m a fisherman up in the Bering Sea. In the offseason, I travel through Alaska and, on rare occasions, drop in to see my sister and her four sons in Gaynor Beach, California. This year? She’s laid up with an injury. Suddenly I’m running her dance studio, and I’m a fish waaaay out of water. Then I meet another guy who’s equally uncomfortable. He’s working so hard to be a good dad, and I keep hoping he’ll notice me. Except, when my sister’s healed and fishing season starts, I’m out of here. Right?

This gay romance is a slow burn, mid-angst, age-gap, opposites-attract, instalove story with a fisherman who needs the ocean, a counselor who needs therapy, three young girls in need of love, and a found family that’ll change their lives forever.

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About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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9-11, a Remembrance, and a Poll (Contest)
Monday, September 11th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallans!

Many of us remember exactly where we were when the Twin Towers were hit, followed by the strike against the Pentagon, and then the plane falling out of the sky in Pennsylvania. I was at work, passing by a break room and noting a crowd surrounding the TV high on the wall. The first plane had struck, and then as I watched, the second plane hit. As one, we realized it wasn’t an accident, and we found seats to watch the newscast because we couldn’t not watch.

The aftermath—the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq… The horrible loss lives on that day and the years that followed… Our world changed. So, on this day, the anniversary of 9-11, let’s think about the lives lost on those planes and in those buildings, and the sacrifices of the many first responders.

A Poll

One more poll, and I’ll leave you alone for today.

While I have books in the bounty hunters and Dead Horse series coming (I’ll be putting up the pre-orders soon), I have some space in my calendar for some more stories. Vote on things you’d like to read. I might pay attention to what you have to say. (My muses have the ultimate say. 🙂 )

Choose two options, please. Then tell me which you really, really want, or if there’s something you’d like me to write that I don’t mention here for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC.

If I have time, what would you like for me to write?

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