Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Happy National Science Fiction Day! (Contest)
Monday, January 2nd, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Donna Antonio!

Yes, it’s a holiday! Obscure, for sure—but not to us Sci-Fi nerds!

My love of science fiction began with Lost in Space and Star Trek. Of course. My parents had just bought our first color TV when Star Trek began, and we watched the change from black and white to color with Lost in Space.

When COVID started I began bingeing the Star Trek series. I made it a mission to get through all the classic series after the original because I’ve seen every episode of that series multiple times.

So far, I’ve made it through Star Trek: Next Generation (Picard), Deep Space Nine (Sisko), and Voyager (Janeway). I’m currently watching Enterprise (Archer). I have to admit, Enterprise is daunting and hard to get into—mostly because I haven’t found that one character I love so much. Or that one enemy I find so compelling (Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians).

For Next Generation, that character was the handsome Worf. YES. I do find him wonderfully sexy and funny. And the good news was, he carried over into Deep Space Nine!

Deep Space Nine also had the wonderfully awful Quark. I found his pursuit of wealth and his Ferengi “Rules of Acquisition” a hoot. I wasn’t sure I’d love Deep Space because the show wasn’t about exploration. It was set on a space station at the mouth of a wormhole, but the cast had plenty of adventures.

Voyager‘s premise was the most fun, I think. A space ship stranded in a part of the galaxy far from home. They spent seven seasons trying to get home. Janeway, the captain, annoyed me for the first couple of seasons—until the episode when she went Rambo to save her crew. Awesome episode. But the characters I loved the most were The Doctor and Seven of Nine.

The doctor was a hologram who started out without much personality but who grew to be the most human of anyone on board. He was funny and sad. His love for Seven of Nine was shown through all the ways he tried to help her become more human. And oh, all the ways he explored his artistic soul… Just a wonderful character arc.

Then there was Seven of Nine, a former Borg drone. She was the sexiest character since Worf while still being a bit robot-stiff. Her arc was remarkable, too.

So, that’s my homage to my favorite Sci-Fi world. Let’s not talk about the movies. I ADORE Chris Pine as Kirk and wish like hell they’d hurry up and make more of them before he ages out! But the movies are only a couple of hours of entertainment, while I can wallow for weeks in a series.

So, there is a contest in here somewhere. I’ve rambled enough.  For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what Sci-Fi series or movies made you lifelong fans. Are you more of a Star Wars fan or a Trekkie? Do you have favorite Sci-Fi movies?

Saturday’s Puzzle Contest! It’s New Year’s Eve!
Saturday, December 31st, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Diane Sallens!

Enjoy the puzzle! Then tell me how you plan to spend your New Year’s Eve for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Let’s ring the new year in right!

New Year Promises and Your Input! (Contest)
Friday, December 30th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Shirley Long!

I’m still working on the big plan, but I’m pretty sure about the stories I’m aiming to release this next year.

A few you already know about:

From Montana Bounty Hunters, Mica, which is set to release on February 28 and Jackson on June 16.

Mica Jackson

Then there are also a couple I’ll write for a new connected series, We are Dead Horse, MT: Hard Knox, which I hope to release in March, and Cold Hard Cash, set to release April 25.

Hard Knox Cold, Hard Cash

Then there are some I don’t have covers or titles for yet, but I know you’ll be there when I do get them up, two new group-related projects in my sister’s Brotherhood Protectors world to join my previous efforts:

Defending Evangeline Victoria's Six Guarding Hannah

Beyond these? I’m not sure. I have a romantic comedy I started years ago that I’d like to finish called Little Green Dreams, and it’s about, you guessed it, aliens. Maybe another Cowboys on the Edge series story. We’ll see how ambitious I get. This year I slowed way down so far as the number of titles I released. I may not have published a ton of stories, but I’m very happy with the ones I did, so there’s that.

I need to light a fire under my butt. Or have someone give it swift kick every now and then to “motivate” me.

As for other promises? I’ll try to figure out some more fun things to do here on this blog. More guests, more contests, more puzzles? More free reads? A serialized story? More behind the scenes of a writer’s life? You tell me what you’d like to see here and be entered to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Open Contests

  1. Things on a Christmas Tree Word Search! (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Tell me a story… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Elizabeth Andrews: Starting the Countdown (Giveaway) — Win a FREE book!
  4. New Year’s Day Word Search! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
New Year’s Day Word Search! (Contest)
Thursday, December 29th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Brenda Rumsey!

I love celebrating a new year in big and small ways. Of course, there has to be a party, even if I can’t manage to stay up to watch the ball drop. We have food and sparking grape juice/wine/champagne. I prepare my new year’s work plan in the days leading up to the big day. I’m always optimistic about my plans. I may not accomplish everything I list, but I do fare better if I have a vision for the year. I know some of you treat the passing of the year as just another day. I get that. It really is. But I like celebrating…well, everything. Any excuse for a happy event. New Years? I’m there. The beginning of another season of Walking Dead? I’m there. The summer solstice? I’m there! Yeah. It’s why I list so many obscure holidays on this blog. 🙂

So, what do you have to do to win a $5 Amazon gift card? Easy. Tell me whether you’re planning to do anything to celebrate the passing of another year? Are you making up a resolutions list? Retiring your 2022 calendar? Big or small. List it in the comments and you’re entered to win! Enjoy the puzzle!

Elizabeth Andrews: Starting the Countdown (Giveaway)
Wednesday, December 28th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!

Hello, everyone! I want to start by thanking Delilah for letting me come play here with you all again. I always have a good time when I visit.

So, about that title…my countdown to the new year isn’t in hours or minutes yet, but I am counting down the days. I love looking forward to a new year, don’t you? It’s always so full of possibility and opportunity, and all kinds of good things we can’t even imagine yet. It’s almost like getting ready to start reading a new book by a favorite author or seeing a movie you’ve anticipated for months.

I don’t make ‘resolutions’ for the year. I quit that a long time ago, but I do work out goals for myself every year, personal things I want to get done, and writing goals (still working on the new goals as I write this). ‘Resolutions’ seem so…inflexible, I guess, like passing a new law or something. Too daunting that way.

If I call them goals instead, they become something I want to do, not have to do, and I can break each one down, and figure out the steps and time needed to accomplish them. For example, most authors have a general idea of how long it will take them to write a book, so they can break that time frame down—if it usually takes someone three months to write a 90,000-word story, they can figure out how many words they need to write each week, each day to make their three-month goal on time, and if there is an off-day, they can adjust to make up for the words they didn’t get done that day. That sort of goal-setting feels to me more achievable than simply writing a list of resolutions for the year—ie, for the next year, I have to lose X pounds, organize my life, look for a new career, etc.

Besides getting my goals finalized this week, we have a family dinner to start the new year, so while the basics of the meal are always the same, I do need to figure out dessert. Something else I will do to wave the old year goodbye is write down a few wishes for the new year, and then near midnight on New Year’s Eve, I’ll burn that list and send the wishes to the universe. If our weather forecast for this weekend is right, I may have to improvise to avoid the rain, but I have time to figure that out.

I would love to hear how you bring in the new year…do you set goals or make resolutions? What other traditions do you enjoy? Everyone who comments between now and the start of the new year will be entered into a drawing for an eBook copy of one of my three books, winner’s choice.

Happy New Year to you all, and may all your New Year wishes come true!

About Elizabeth

Lifelong book addict Elizabeth Andrews fell in love with romance novels at an early age and now writes her own, full of sexy heroes and strong heroines. Her stories range from paranormal to contemporary, to who knows what her imagination might come up with along the way, but happy endings are a guarantee!

She is a married mother of two who’s got a room overflowing with her book collection and a garden full of herbs and veggies that needs occasional attention between writing and reading binges.

You can find out more at

Tell me a story… (Contest)
Tuesday, December 27th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Steph!

I ran across this strange photo and thought…there’s a story! Bet you can figure out one to tell, too! So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, study the photo then tell me a story! It doesn’t have to be long or even any good. Just have fun!

A Christmas Eve Puzzle & Open Contests!
Saturday, December 24th, 2022

I finally wrapped presents last night! Woot! The last-minute “dump & go” edit job is done! Now, I can coast through Christmas without any stress and just enjoy being with the family.

I hope you like the puzzle! It’s a silly, whimsical one that struck my fancy (and yes, I know that’s “old-people” speak!). Enjoy the holiday, enjoy the puzzle. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you all!

Open Contests

  1. Michal Scott: Continuing the Family Legacy: Sarah Jane Woodson Early (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest! Counting Down to Christmas! This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. A Christmas (sort of) Puzzle! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Things on a Christmas Tree Word Search! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Merry Christmas Gift for you!This giveaway ends soon! Everyone can get a FREE read!