Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Contests!' Category

Cara North: 10 Free Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors (Contest)
Thursday, June 9th, 2022

10 Free Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors:

  1. Write a review. Seriously, even a few words about being excited to get the book or looking forward to the next one matters to the algorithm. Note: Even bad reviews count as reviews and push those books to the top of search feeds. 
  2. Share what you are reading on social media. This is one of the most awesome things to see as an author. We love it when people share that they are reading our books! 
  3. Have a print book and limited space? Gift it to a friend, put it in a free library, and share it with someone rather than sending it to the recycling or landfill. 
  4. Join their Facebook reader groups. You get all the details, the opportunity to interact with the author(s), and other readers reading the same books you are. 
  5. Like their social media pages. 
  6. Comment on social media posts. Even emojis can make their day. 
  7. Send a message or comment about your favorite book. Sometimes authors feel like giving up, like no one wants their books, so little comments, if you like a book, may be the difference in a series you love getting completed or pushed to the back burner in favor of another book in the author’s mind that they think people will like. 
  8. Be kind. A lot of indie authors are not making 3 much less 6 figures on their books. It may take a bit of saving to get better covers, more detailed editors, etc. Everyone starts somewhere. 
  9. Don’t return books. Again, most indies are not rolling in the cash. Every return hurts. Use your local library to get digital or print copies of books. It costs the time it takes to get a library card and ask the librarian to add it to the digital or physical shelf. 
  10. Join an influencer, street, or advance review copy (ARC) team for your favorite authors and volunteer to read the books first in exchange for sharing on social media or leaving a review. 

💜Check out this wonderful #giftaway!💜

🎁You could win a KINDLE FIRE, sponsored by the Rituals & Runes Anthology authors.🎁 

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📘Be sure you have your copy of Rituals & Runes reserved so you can get lost in over 25+ ALL NEW stories by your favorite bestselling authors including Gina Kincade, C.D. Gorri, Bella Roccaforte, C.A. King, Piper Stone, J. C. McKenzie, J.E. Taylor, Serenity Rayne, Cara North, and so many more!📘

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Hump-Day Contest!
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Shelley Russell!

Today’s the Hump-Day Contest — because we need an excuse for one, right?

But what can we compete over? How about the best excuse to call it a week on Wednesday and create a really long weekend for yourself? It doesn’t matter if Wednesday is like every other day to you because you don’t have a job, but pretend you’ve got the most awful boss and you’re inventing the lie to end all lies and make yourself legendary to your co-workers!

Yes, that’s it! The winner with the best, most legendary lie will win a $5 Amazon gift card. And hey, if it happens to be true, you’ll have our admiration!

Diana Cosby: For the Love of Nature! (Contest)
Sunday, June 5th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!

©Diana Cosby 2022

As I walk through the woods, around the pond, or at the marsh, I enjoy the beauty of nature around me.  The neat thing is that I never know what bird or animal I’ll see.

I’m continually amazed at what I learn about birds.  For example, Blue Jays can mimic a hawk’s screech.

At the marsh, baby Terrapin Turtles are out and making their way to the ocean.  Turtle crossing signs are posted along some of the local marsh bordering roads.

Laughing Gulls have returned, which to me is a sign that summer is close.  If you’ve heard their cries, you understand why they’re called ‘Laughing Gulls.’

Cormorants are migrating north, with some remaining locally through the fall.  They’re quite a large bird and interesting to watch.

The kits are so cute and are growing fast.   I’ll miss watching their playful antics once they leave their den and begin life on their own.

Take care, and wishing you a wonderful summer!


***ONE winner will be drawn from everyone who posts on my guest blog post about, ‘For The Love of Nature!’ on Delilah’s blog between 5 June 2022 – 12 June 2022, and will win a signed copy of His Conquest.”

About Diana Cosby

A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense. Books in her award-winning MacGruder Brothers series have been translated into five languages. Diana has spoken at the Library of Congress, Lady Jane’s Salon in NYC, and appeared in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happy Ever After,”, Atlantic County Women Magazine, and Texoma Living Magazine.

After her career in the Navy, Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world. After the release of the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series and The Oath Trilogy, she released the bestselling The Forbidden Series.

Diana looks forward to the years of writing ahead and meeting the amazing people who will share this journey.

God bless,

Diana Cosby, International Best-Selling Author
The Oath Trilogy
MacGruder Brother Series
The Forbidden Series

Social Media

May into June (“Me in My Mind” Puzzle-Contest — and More Contests!)
Saturday, June 4th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen1!

I missed posting at the end of the month because 1) I forgot, and 2) I had guests! It’s still the first week of the month, so here goes…


May was challenging for soooooo many reasons. There was all the prep and pageantry related to the 18-year-old’s graduation, and the entire family contracted COVID—something we evaded for over two years! Folks, get your shots and boosters! We’re all recovering, although some slower than others!

Here’s what I managed to accomplish…


  1. I completed only 2 editing projects for other authors in May!
  2. I wrote eight chapters of my next book! I had hoped to finish the thing, but considering the alternative… 🙂


  1. I fell off the Weight Watchers wagon. However, I am maintaining 25-27 pounds of my loss! I’ve been doing this since January, and am committed to going slow, so I do not view this as a failure!
  2. As to physical activity, the pool finally got warm enough toward the end of the month, but COVID kept me from doing much swimming and impacted my steps.


  1. I finished the #100DayProject art challenge! I didn’t hit 100 pieces completed, but I did get to 83! Here are the last two pieces I finished…


Here’s me putting this out in the world…

Victoria's Six Hot SEAL, Wild Thing

For work-related, I plan:

  1. To complete and publish Victoria’s Six on June 21st! And this one, I can guarantee will happen!
  2. To complete and publish Wild Thing in June—something that’s very questionable at the moment!
  3. To begin work on my next Montana Bounty Hunter story!
  4. To complete 4 editing projects in June!

For health-related, I plan:

  1. To get back on the Weight Watchers wagon and hope to lose at least 5 pounds, remembering: Slow is good!
  2. To swim at least five days out of the week!
  3. To begin some low-impact aerobics, which will include a video workout, plus, add some outdoor activities, like pool maintenance and blowing the patio. Maybe I’ll do more housework, too. (This is an old goal, but I’ll repeat it. Maybe I’ll actually do it!)

For happiness-related, I plan: 

  1. To continue working on getting my art room better organized.
  2. To produce something art-related at least once a week! More than that would be hard due to my work schedule!


Solve the puzzle then comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me about any special summer plans or tell me what you plan to read…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Open Contests

  1. Anna M. Taylor: M is For the Million Things She Gave Me (Contest)This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Saturday Puzzle-Contest, Plus More Open Contests!This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Breathing Fire! (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  4. Finding the Fun, Country-style! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Gabbi Grey: Ace’s Place and Marcus’s Cadence (Contest & FREE Reads!) — Win an audiobook!
  6. Lynda Rees: Heart of the Matter (FREE Read!) — Get a FREE story!
Gabbi Grey: Ace’s Place and Marcus’s Cadence (Contest & FREE Reads!)
Wednesday, June 1st, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…bn100!

Hello Delilah!

Thank you so much for letting me visit you so I can share my news with your loyal readers.

Free books!

Pretty cool, eh?

So the deets—I’m launching an indie series in the fall.  I’ve written a bunch of books for the serie,s and it’s time I put them out in the world.  I’ve titled the series Mission City.  Pretty simple, eh? (I’m Canadian…I just had to throw that in.)  Anyway, in writing those books, I developed a number of secondary characters whose stories I couldn’t wait to tell.  Ace’s Place and Marcus’s Cadence are two of them.  Characters from both stories have already appeared in several books published under the pen names Gabbi Grey and Gabbi Black.  Although each story I write is a standalone, I like to interweave characters into the stories.  I think it brings a richness and, to those who read across my genres, an opportunity to see old friends.

Today I’m letting your readers know about the two short stories—available on all platforms for free—and offering a contest. What is your favorite trope?  What type of stories do you return to again and again?  I’m a big fan of second chances.  I’ve written age-gap.  And many of my stories have a touch of angst (although not these two).  Share your thoughts for a chance to win an audiobook of either Ace’s Place or Marcus’s Cadence—coming soon and narrated by the amazing Michael Dean.  If you don’t listen to audiobooks, I’ll be happy to give you any book from my back catalog—Gabbi Grey or Gabbi Black.

Thanks for hosting me, Delilah.  I love sharing my good news with your lovely readers!

Ace’s Place

Derek Murphy has come to the godforsaken small town of Merritt, British Columbia in search of a new beginning. The man is tired, jaded, and resigned to never having sex again. Until Friday night at the local sports bar changes everything.

Harold Graham, hometown boy made good, has lived in Merritt his entire life. When he meets the new guy in town, he’s compelled to reach out the hand of friendship. And maybe more.

But secrets and omissions cloud what could be the beginning of something special. Can they take a chance on being vulnerable enough to fall in love?

Where to get your copy!
Amazon –
B&N –
iBooks –

Marcus’s Cadence

What happens when your biggest crush turns up on your doorstep after twelve years?

Cadence Crawford has a good thing going. He’s making waves as a realtor in Mission City, British Columbia. Yes, he’s recently suffered a personal loss, but he’s moving on, and his path forward includes selling the only true home he’s ever known.

Marcus Brannigan is doing fine. He has his physiotherapy practice, he watches over his younger twin sisters, and he’s happy. When he unexpectedly runs into Cadence, who is selling the home he’s always coveted, he’s prepared to do some negotiating.

Neither knew they were seriously crushing on each other. Now they’ve admitted the truth, is happily ever after in the cards?

Marcus’s Cadence is a 7k second-chance gay romance, instalove short story with a very happy ending and a malti-poo named Kiki.

Where to get your copy!
Amazon –
B&N –
iBooks –

 About the Author

Gabbi lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

Personal links:
Newsletter sign-up:
Amazon Author Central:
Audible Profile:
Facebook (page):

Finding the Fun, Country-style! (Contest)
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

Psst! Just a reminder!
There are four open contests on this blog. Be sure to enter while you still can!

While I was down for the count with COVID, I watched a bunch of movies. Some romcoms, a short British series called Slow Horses (loved it BTW!), and some Hallmark Mysteries. Those Hallmarks have long been my guilty pleasure. I love the Crossword Mysteries and the Aurora Teagarden series, in particular. Not high art, but they aren’t meant to be. Some light sexual tension between the leads, and a mystery to solve. I hate it when I figure it out too quickly!

On Sunday night, with everyone feeling better and a little housebound, we decided to have some fun outside! Nothing too strenuous, because we’re still feeling the effects of the disease.

We set up a projector attached to a laptop and shined the image at the side of a shed in our yard. It was the perfect outside theater! Of course, we scouted the location ahead of time for fire ants! We burned a large citronella candle and lit tiki torches around our perimeter to discourage mosquitoes. We brought out drinks and snacks and laid on blankets with pillows (or they did—I lazed in an Adirondack chair). We tried streaming My Girl, at first, but the buffering got annoying, so we decided to pull out a DVD and ended up watching episodes of Jimmy Neutron! It was so much fun and reminded me of my childhood when my parents would load up the station wagon with all four kids and head to the drive-in theater, sleeping bags laid out for the kids in back, and a pillowcase of popcorn.

Everyone loved it, even the 8-year-old who is scared to death of bugs. We’ll be doing it again this summer.


For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, share some fun childhood memory of your family or an idea for some unique activity families can enjoy!

Breathing Fire! (Contest)
Sunday, May 29th, 2022

UPDATE: The winner is…Bernadette!

If you’ve read my blog for long, you know I collect things. My daughter calls it hoarding, but she can’t be too harsh with me because all I have to do is mention the word “Pyrex” and she shuts right up. (She is obsessed! She even bought an entire display cabinet to hold her overflowing collection of vintage bowls!)

Anyways, I have a collection of tarot/divination/meditation cards, plus bags of Norse rune stones, etc. Sometimes, at night, when I’m winding down and need to get my mind to quiet, I pull out a deck and read my cards.

Well, I have this very pretty, modern box of “Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards.” Each goddess has a sentiment written on it. This morning when I looked at the long To Do list I wrote for myself last night, I thought, I need “goddess” help, so I pulled a random card…

Nice! Sekmet is very cool! She was a lion-headed goddess, daughter of Ra, and she was the goddess Pharoah wanted with him when he went to war. She breathed fire, and the hot desert winds were her breath… I could use some of Sekmet’s fire and lion’s strength today. I’ll be ferocious like her! My To Do list doesn’t stand a chance against my fiery purpose!!!

Okay. So, anyway…

Lots to do. I’m behind on so many things, and June snuck up on me! May was COVID month, but June will be DIG MYSELF OUT OF THE CRATER month!

So, a question! Answer for a chance to win a download of your choice of a book from my vast backlist. Do you own any tarot or meditation cards? Does some other object serve the same purpose for you (Bible, bones, rosary beads, etc.)?