Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'On Blogging' Category

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A Favorite Blog Cheat…and a Question!
Friday, March 25th, 2016

IMG_8426I’ll share a little secret. When I sit down to write a blog, I don’t have a list of topics I’ve brainstormed ahead of time like most efficient/professional/great bloggers do. I wing it. But sometimes, I sit staring at that blank screen and can’t come up with a single light bulb idea to write about that day. So, I have tools at hand to help me when I run up against that hated blank screen/blank mind moment. I cheat.

I shared a “blog cheat” earlier this week. The Story Cubes post. Readers had fun devising themes and plots based on a game I keep on my desk. That I had this game for years and never opened the plastic—well, that’s the fun. I was surprised by how well it worked, and now, I’m wondering what would happen if I turned to the cubes when I run up against that blank page moment in a middle of book. I found a new, exciting tool.

Chat pack 2I’ll share another “cheat”. One I have used before.

I’ve found a couple of different versions of this conversation starter—one in a book store, another on Amazon. This is how it works. The container is filled with little cards with questions you can ask. Usually, I read the question and “riff” off the idea to come up with something more appropriate for my audience. I tend to run with my own questions, because I love keeping my blogs personalized.

At random, just now (I swear it’s kismet!), I pulled a card from the case.

The question reads:

In your opinion, what is the best book title ever conceived?

So, now you know another of my secrets. And you have a brand new question to answer. Have fun with it!

Tell me a story… (Contest)
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

UPDATE: The winner is…Dina!

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My mornings always start with me opening this blog. Sometimes, I have some author’s interesting content to post. Love those days. I don’t have to do the thinking. If I have a new book out—again, a no–brainer—I talk about the new book. Then there are mornings like this one…

I was supposed to be writing today. My daughter was going to take all the kids to Little Rock (one of them has an appointment), then treat them with a trip to the comic book store. But last night, one of the girls threw up in her hands and the other had a 101-degree fever. So Nina is babysitting. And I’m due across the street in about twenty minutes, so this blog has to be quick! No time to leisurely drink my coffee waiting for inspiration to hit.

So, I glance around my desk—my very cluttered desk—hoping something will jump out at me. And something just did.


I bought this little brainstorming tool years ago at some writers’ conference. I’ve never opened the package! It sits in a corner, kind of buried next to notebooks, and I only notice it when I dust (which isn’t often enough!).

This is perfect really. “Story Cubes” is (that looks wrong, but I promise it’s not) a brainstorming game. You roll the dice, and whatever pictures appear face up are the ones you have to use to riff off a story.

Here’s the roll…


Do any of these symbols tell you anything? You can pick some or use all of them. Tell me a story, or just a glimmer of an idea, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!  

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