Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Archive for the 'Real Life' Category

Sunday’s Planning Day–so, of course, let’s pull a card!
Sunday, July 9th, 2023

It’s Sunday, which is my planning day. Before I begin rejiggering my calendar, I like to pull a single tarot card from my favorite deck while asking what I should expect from this coming week. Last week’s Temperence card was exactly right. I held steady, worked hard, and I finished the darn book. This week, I have the Ace of Pentacles.

First, I examine the card and let my intuition tell me its meaning. Here’s Poseidon, ruler of the seas. Remember, he and his two brothers divided the realms. Zeus took the heavens, Hades the underworld, and Poseidon the seas. What else is important about the picture? See the grapes? They always seem to represent food and wine—a bit of celebration. Which fits for me, since I’ll have a book coming out on Tuesday! Plus, he’s holding a big golden pentacle. I’ll take that to mean I’ll get a nice payday. Not huge because, hey, it’s a single pentacle, but the card is telling me that my work will be rewarded. I should enjoy the fruits of my labor!

Let me check the book (because when I get into the numbered cards, I’m not up on all their meanings!). Ha! It tells me that there’s the “possibility of material achievement”—woot. So, I used many more words to describe what it meant, but I was right.

Nice to know, but what does that auger for this week? I can’t just eat grapes and drink wine. Guess I’ll head to my calendar and figure out how much work I have to complete to get to where I need to be by month’s end.

Do you ever reflect on your upcoming week? What helps you keep everything “on track?” Do you keep lists? A calendar? Do you look for guidance from something “otherworldly” (pray, tarot, meditate)?

Happy 4th of July! (Contest)
Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Stephanie!

For all of those in the USA, Happy 4th!

Our family will be playing it low key. #1 — It’s hot as hell, so we’re not driving anywhere to sit and be consumed by mosquitoes while we roast. #2 — We probably won’t do more than sparklers and little poppers because our many animals would freak out, plus the 9-year-old doesn’t like the sound of explosions. #3 — We have a pool, so hopefully, we’ll decide a nighttime swim would be more enjoyable. We are planning finger foods and sandwiches. No grilling. Again — it’s too damn hot. But I hope the rest of you have fun! I’d love to hear what your plans are! I can draw vicarious joy from your celebrations!

So, share what you’ll be doing this 4th for a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Dream Vacation Spot
Saturday, July 1st, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Beckie!

Today, already, is hot as hell here in Arkansas (it’s 85 degrees Fahrenheit at 9 AM). The temperature will be over a hundred. We tend to stay indoors when it gets like this, then wander out to the pool when the sun dips below the horizon. The pool is so warm it offers little relief, except for the lovely feeling you get when you’re soaking wet and enter the AC-cooled house. My daughter doesn’t deal well with the heat. She loves winter—sweaters, leggings, and boots. Summer makes her ill. Just sitting outside this morning, talking to me over a cup of coffee, made her nauseous. AND IT’S ONLY THE FIRST DAY OF JULY. I’m down for it. Of course, most of my day is spent in my cool-ish window-less basement office. When I rouse to step outside, I enjoy the bright light and looking at the flowers blooming. My dd would love to mow the lawn, but she pretty much has to do that at dusk or dawn. Like a vampire. LOL. I think today, we’re going to take a break from the heat and head to the indoor flea market. Whee!

So, thinking about summer and lovely things I wish I could do, I searched for a photo of my dream vacation spot. It’s today’s puzzle challenge. Enjoy!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, let me know if this would be anywhere on your bucket list. If not, what would be?

June into July (Contest)
Friday, June 30th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!


Along Came a Spider

  1. I revised and re-published a story that was originally part of an Entangled anthology, Along Came a Spider on June 27th!
  2. I began writing the next Montana Bounty Hunters: We Are Dead Horse, MT Jackson!
  3. I settled on the theme for the next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology — Secret Identities!
  4. I completed 3 editing projects for other authors in June.


  1. I’ve been swimming almost every day. Sometimes, twice a day.
  2. Through medicines and some diet tweaking, I’ve managed to get my blood pressure down. Not enough, and not without an occasional spike, but it’s so much better.


  1. I have been working on and making great progress organizing my art room, getting ready for the next push for art shows and reopening my Etsy store.
  2. I finished #the100dayproject online art challenge! Here are some of my last pieces I completed in the beginning of June…




For work-related, I plan:

  1. To complete writing and publish Jackson, the next in my Montana Bounty Hunters: Dead Horse, MT series which releases on July 11th!
  2. To complete 4 editing projects in July!

For health related, I plan:

  1. To swim at least once a day!
  2. To resume counting those points for my Weight Watchers diet and hopefully shed at least 5 pounds, remembering, as always: Slow is good!
  3. To continue to reduce salt, processed food, and incorporate foods good for blood pressure (spinach, broccoli, bananas, red wine).
  4. To begin walking and counting my steps.
  5. To do more housework because my art room isn’t finished! Cleaning is exercise, too.

For happiness-related, I plan: 

  1. To spend quality time with the family—movie nights, swim-time, making fun meals together!
  2. To participate in and complete a free art workshop, the Fodder Challenge 2023!


Comment on anything you’ve read in this post. Tell me what you’re doing to make yourself happier and healthier. Tell me what you plan to read in July…
Like I said, comment on anything for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

It’s time to party! It’s my birthday!
Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

[Play the music while you read!] It’s my birthday today! I’m the big 6-5! I’m officially “elderly” now! My daughter is in denial. I’m excited. I’m old enough for Medicare now. Not that I need it because I have my military retirement with Tricare. Important stuff when you get old though.

What else can I celebrate? I’m 65! When I was a teen, I didn’t expect to live past 21—I was a bit of a wild child. So, I always thought any day over 21 was just “gravy.” And while some bemoan the milestones, I’ve never worried. I hit 30 and thought, “awesome!” 50—the same. 60—I had a lovely birthday party with both my parents still there to celebrate. Now, at 65, I’d love to have them here, but life’s a journey, and I’m not going to bemoan the fact I’m 65 and still fabulous!

I decided to take a picture to prove it. I sent my selfie to my dd and said, “What do you think?” She immediately sent the 14-year-old to snap a picture with her iPhone. So, I’m assuming she wasn’t impressed. This is what she sent back to me.


Huh. She thought I needed a filter—and wondered why I didn’t bother with makeup other than a swipe of lipstick. I guess she was right. My sunburned nose and forehead made both look shiny and really big. Still, I don’t look like a wrinkled old woman just yet. Well, there are some wrinkles. Here’s the original, what do you think?

I still have less forehead wrinkles than someone I won’t name because she’s pissed looking at me every day. My eyebrows and eyelashes aren’t blond anymore. Or gray. They’re translucent—which is why you can’t see them! Still, I don’t feel a day over 40. Actually, I don’t feel old. Period. Although, sometimes, when my hands hurt after a day at the keyboard… I just call that a workout. They’re supposed to be sore.

They threw me a party last night. It was nice to have the fam around, plus a couple of their friends. We ate finger foods and pie. No candles, because we didn’t want to burn the house down. Today, I’m back at the keyboard because that’s what I do. Who I am.

So, tell me: Have any of your milestones been downers for you?

Happy Father’s Day! Plus, ta-da! See what I made?
Sunday, June 18th, 2023

Happy Father’s Day!

First, Be sure to say Happy Father’s Day to all those great dads out there!

I lost mine but think of him often. This is my favorite picture of the two of us together taken nearly five years ago. He didn’t like the silliness of those birthday photo props, but he stood there smiling for me. I miss him so much.

Cherish them while you have them!

See what I made?

Thought since I mentioned what I’d be doing yesterday at a workshop that I’d share the end result…

My first basket—and it’s far from perfect. I need to trim some things sticking out here and there, but I think it looks pretty good! Wish I’d had more colorful options, but I’m not complaining. I have a new skill.

Today, I’m re-jiggering my plans again. Have a deadline for a book looming, have several sets of edits to complete. Life never stands still. I want more crafting/art time. I really do need to make that a priority because it makes me so happy. Finding what makes you happy should be a goal—well above making money or doing what’s expected of you (within sanity, of course!). Life’s too short not to find your happy place.

We had storms last night and into the morning. Another power outage. A few downed tree branches to clear up. All the animals are well. Crazy-crazy June weather. Looking at the forecast, it’s going to finally warm up enough for frequent swimming this next week. A double-edged sword that. It’ll be as hot and muggy as an armpit, but the pool will feel like heaven.

I’d love to hear about the dads your celebrating or thinking about today. Plus, tell me about your happy places!

Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Trying something new…
Saturday, June 17th, 2023

UPDATE: The winner is…Ellen Blakley!

This morning, I’ll be sitting in a workshop with my daughter and one of my granddaughters, learning a new craft. Something I’ve never tried before. WE’VE never tried before. And I can’t tell you how excited I am. Yes, I have an art room filled with supplies for a ridiculous number of arts and crafts already, but I’m on the side of there’s never too much STUFF to learn. I’m nearing 65, and I have to fit it ALL in before I go.

So, when I post this and walk away from my desk to get ready for the fun, I have a question for you to ponder, perhaps a challenge you might accept.

Today, or this weekend, or this month, is there something NEW you want to try? A new craft? A new recipe? Shopping at a new store? Eating at restaurant you’ve never tried? A trail you’ve never hiked? Some new adventure you want to undertake—big or small? Say it here then accept the challenge of actually doing it! Life is about collecting memories and experiences, about sharing journeys. Name something you will make happen!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, share the challenge you will undertake! Enjoy the puzzle!