Good morning! I got a later start than usual because I spilled a full tumbler of water on my desktop. My cursing scared the cats. My desktop is a little crowded, so I was quickly moving items to the floor before I ran for a towel. Then because the desktop was clean, I got out the Old English and gave the desk its annual “oiling.” I had to toss a couple of notepads, and I’m drying some photos with paperweights to flatten them back out. I don’t need that kind of excitement. Isn’t it sad that soaking my desk constitutes excitement in my life?
Anyways, work is coming along. I didn’t get to write any new pages yesterday, but I made great progress on an editing job. I also played with paint, which was my day’s shining highlight. I’m sharing one of the results below. Sorry, I know you’re readers and would rather hear about books, but this is my blog and my life. So there! 🙂
I promise not to share my art every day, but I’m at the start of the 100-day challenge, and I’m excited!
#100DayProject — Day 2
Broken hand…splint in the way…what could I do? I decided to get out the Gelli plates and used my daughter’s wilting flowers to smash into paint and see what I could get. I love this. The picture doesn’t do it justice. There’s so much detail in the chrysanthemums’ petals. Plus, there’s glare from the overhead light, so you can’t really see the depth of color (magenta, Indian yellow, cadmium orange). For most of my monoprints, I only plan to cut them up for collaging, but I’m tempted to cut a larger section of this to glue to a piece of thick art paper and frame it. But it will need a title. Any suggestions?Â
I went to the ortho guy yesterday. He was set to give me a hard cast for my right hand, but I told him I’m a writer and I really needed mobility in a few of my fingers. So, instead, he gave me a removable splint. I have my thumb and forefinger back! Mousing is still slow as a snail, but I’m much less frustrated having to mouse with my left hand. Yay! As the swelling goes down in the hand, I might get my middle finger back. I saw the ex-ray, too. The break is in the bone that connects the wrist to the finger and is closer to all those tiny wrist bones. He said my bones look surprisingly good. He didn’t add “for an old lady.” 🙂
Anyways, I can edit more easily, but tapping out lines of a book is still difficult. However, the good news is that Amazon took pity on me and allowed me to move my release date for Mica out a month. So, all my book release dates are being pushed a month so I can heal without stressing about the deadlines or losing pre-orders. Not good for readers, I know, but I hope you all understand. Have your pre-ordered Mica…?
I’m still wearing loose clothes, so I can pull my own pants up. TMI? And my hair is frightful because I can’t blow-dry and style it like I usually do. Everything is harder to do one-handed. Took me 15 minutes this morning to straighten my bed. I’ll have to remember all the inconveniences, big and small, the next time I write a disabled character…
In the meantime, I’m rejiggering my work plans and editing a story for someone very close to me. A story you’re going to love.
I have a question for you. Answer for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card.
Since I have been able to move some book releases around, I might have room to fit another title in during early summer. Would you prefer a Brotherhood Protector story, like Guarding Hannah? Or Dead Horse, Montana story? Or something else?
Hey there. I was sitting here, wondering what to talk about today, and I have this new little girl sitting on my desk. My sister, Elle James, was in Norway not long ago and purchased this for me. She knows I like weird things—and LOVE trolls—so, here she is. I wrote a troll book a while back…
Before I set her on a shelf, she needs a suitable name. How about you offer some suggestions? For a chance to win a download of your choice from my backlist, give this sweet troll a name! And if you have a “story” about how she came to be here, share it!
I’m posting late today. Honestly, I nearly forgot to post at all. My daughter and I headed out with the 9-year-old this morning to spend time at the flea market and then eat a meal out. I bought junk I didn’t need—according to her.
I bought a tin with lemons painted all over it that will make lovely cut tin earrings; a vintage yellow enamel soap dish; a white and charcoal-grey flowerpot that will be perfect for holding more paintbrushes; a stack of music books with yellowed paper that will be perfect cut up for collage fodder; and three small, framed prayers that will be disassembled so I can use the matching frames for my art.
Before we left for our flea market jaunt, my dd shot her monthly “senior pictures” of the 18-year-old. I can’t get over how gorgeous my baby looks or how well my older baby works her iPhone camera. Check this out!
The background’s red for the Valentine’s Day theme, but baby girl didn’t need to dress up to look fabulous.
I used another photo for the jigsaw. Wait until you see it!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you’re up to this weekend!
Never heard of this holiday? Me neither, but with the kids at home due to ice storms, what better time to pull out the old ukelele and strum a few songs? The 18-year-old has several ukeleles hanging on her wall. I wish I could share the video I have of her singing while strumming her chords, but couldn’t figure out how to do that, so I’m sharing a picture of her playing in March 2020—yes, near the beginning of the lockdown. She had plenty of time to practice back then.
Then because I thought we should enjoy some actual ukelele playing, I found this: “Somewhere over the Rainbow” performed by Israel “IZ” KamakawiwoÊ»ole. It’s my favorite ukelele piece, and he sang it like an angel.
My question to you today, do you (or did you ever) play the ukelele? Or any musical instrument? Share for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!I never played the ukelele, but I did play the piano, guitar, and clarinet. 🙂
Tagged: music Posted in Contests!, Real Life|16 People Said|Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jennifer Beyer - Elaine Howell - bn100 - flchen1 - Cindy Bartolotta -
It’s Sunday, and I slept in. Wish I hadn’t. My dd woke me a little while ago to ask me a question, interrupting a dream about me baking a lemon cake and wanting to add poppy seeds, but I had no poppy seeds, so I collected mouse turds to put into the cake. Is that a prescient dream? Will I be that mouse-shit crazy when I have dementia?
Anyways, it’s Sunday, which means it’s time to brush up my weekly work plan and balance my checkbook. After that, I might just kick back and do nada! Before I begin updating plans, I’ll pull a tarot card…
The Nine of Pentacles. Hmmm. What does the picture tell me? Well, Daedalus (you know, father of Icarus who flew too close to the sun?) is standing behind an impressive stack of gold. The grapes are ripe and abundant. He’s wearing a gold gown rather than his usual craftsman’s apron, so he’s celebrating, right? What does that mean for me? Will I have a “good money” week? I’ll check the book. It says, this card is about reward and achievement. That it “augurs a period where one might be justifiably pleased with oneself…” I’ll take that. Now, I actually have to do the work to earn that card!
So, I’ll be updating things, and maybe tackling the rabbit cage (I guess I’m still thinking about those mouse turds). What are your plans for the day?
Just as an FYI, I’ve got friends popping in with posts this coming week. You’ll want to check them out: Leah Braemel, Genevive Chamblee, and my cousin, Brent Archer!
I love movies. I’m sure a lot of you do, too. My tastes are “low brow.” I could care less about movies that win Oscars because of their “important” stories. I want to be entertained. Plus, I LOVE so-called “B-movies.” The more improbable and campier, the more I love them. I watched and waited in eager anticipation for every new Sharknado film. (My family did viewing parties!) I loved Eight Legged Freaks. Die Hard is my all-time favorite film. I’ve watched it over twenty times, I’m sure.
So, when I say I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for Renfield, you know it’s probably not the best movie ever made, but it hits me in all the feels—ridiculously over-the-top, funny, NICK CAGE, vampires… Do you remember Vampire’s Kiss with Cage when we weren’t entirely sure if he was becoming a vampire or was nuts? I loved, loved that movie. Now, he’s back as Dracula!
Watch the trailer!
And wow, the guy from Warm Bodies, Nicholas Hoult, (another favorite film of mine) is the main character! I can’t wait for its release on April 14th!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon GC, tell me whether Renfield is something you’re eager to see. Also, share your favorite B-movie picks!